What is your favorite expensive gaming merch
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Just end humanity
Are you fucking kidding me.
Wasn't it only $30?
Can't blame them it's a high quality product
There are only 3 biders, but it's still fucking stupid.
Weak men.
I hope this shit rises in price. The subhumans who are going to buy it will give up any amount, and they deserve to lose as much as possible.
how many times are you going to remake this thread you fucking autist
Isn't bid trolling extremely easy on ebay?
buy Yea Forums ad to promote your shit here belle whatever ching chong your name is.
Yea Forums.org/advertise
kek, amazing
she's playiing you all for laughs and free cash and it's working
$5 max
>16 bids already
Just end op the subhuman for shilling her here 24/7
We need another Hitler.
I want to smash her skull
Lol $10,000 tap water
are these actual bids or just some guy(s) trolling
Sold out
Chump change for saudi princes
kill yourself
>16 bids
That this is true
I resufr to believe this
I refuse it
Based findomCHADs living the dream
>50% goes to MSF
Any chubby anons (masc, male) want to sell me their gamer cum?
Might be that she knows someone who's pushing the price up. Then again there are enough retards out there who most likely would pay 10k for this shit.
>Capitalism rewards the smartest and most hardworking individuals in socie-
trolling, there is no obligation to pay
unironically based
Fuck off