ITT: Games with absolutely no respect for your time

ITT: Games with absolutely no respect for your time

Attached: Ni no Kuni II_ Revenant Kingdom.jpg (600x800, 619K)

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Any game where you have to re-watch a cutscene after dying, or go through a level you've already beaten.

NNK2 literally plays itself, what the fuck are you talking about?

>Have to backtrack through every area several times due to unnecessary exploration gating
>Have to do a fetch quest for every single citizen even when there's no justification
>Mobile game kingdom building
>Die in a Dream Maze or the DLC (entirely likely due to retarded enemy scaling that only alternates between cakewalk and 1HKO) and you lose ip to 30 minutes lf progress
>Running speed is painfully slow

>Have to backtrack through every area several times due to unnecessary exploration gating
Nit pick
>Have to do a fetch quest for every single citizen even when there's no justification
Not mandatory
>Mobile game kingdom building
Not mandatory
>Running speed is painfully slow
Nit pick

Being constantly bored by a game is not a nitpick. And the Kingdom/Citizen shit is mandatory at several points.

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Persona 3-5. You spend most of those games reading text boxes

Any Failbetter game- Sunless Sea, Sunless Skies especially.
Cultist Simulator
Max Payne 3
GTA Online
Every MMORPG on the market.

A lot of people criticized Blizzard's real money for gold/max level boost, but then I went to Final Fantasy XIV and they want me to pay real money in order to access modern content. MMOs are just dead in concept.

>11K dislikes
It's not like he's wrong, I've put 100 hrs into that game and I don't think I enjoyed a single one

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i need a cheat that gives me all the citizens
i can't finish it because the quests are so boring

If you're playing this game, you've already accepted that your time deserves no respect whatsoever.

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This. Fuck all the ffxiv fags that claim the game gets better once you hit the expansions. It never does.

>Here, drive this little submarine at 10mph!
>Here, drive this tow truck! Careful now!
>Here, operate this crane!

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Run speed too slow. Maps too big for no reason and somehow consume lots of processing power for its graphical output. If you die in a dungeon which could eat 4 hours for 20 floors; being generous here, you are kicked out and lose it all.

Best mode of traversal is with Tani or the Mage guy and switching to the ding dong DLC stance and mashing dodge.

Git gud.

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>unlock ding dong discipline and get witch time
>replaces your dodge roll with a dash
>dash everywhere as Tani

>git gud
Because everyone you encounter online is worse than you amirite? I didn't read this guy's post but turns out he says the same thing.
Maybe the game is actually bad and we just tolerate it because we're already too deep into this shit.

I'm one of the first to 100% the game and final DLC packs. When the completion rate was still 0.00%. Yes I bought it hours after it was available and beat all the Solosseum too.
Let me list the terrible shit about the DLC too.
>base game has materials up to end game tier
>DLC has end game +1 tier materials
These materials are random but you can get them just by walking around and holding yourself from falling asleep
>Solosseum has solosseum-only materials, and they can only be obtained as chance drops after fighting three battles. Base game materials have a chance of replacing the drop you want. Like those bronze, silver and gold ingots. The DLC weapons need up to 5 for some of these. Totally disrespectful for people's time.
Some of these battles are time eaters because they just keep throwing endless mobs and killing the bosses after doesn't even guarantee a karat gold bar.

Ff10, especially before the final boss.

This guy knows. Pro gamer confirmed.

By the way do you notice that in the cave maps in the DLCs there's a chance for all your Higgledys to just die?
I assume it has to do with the maps that have drops and Higgledys actually take fall damage or just fall out of bounds.

But before the Auntie Martha DLC it was a massive chore to get them back to full 6s and 8s. Her skillset isn't the best for offense but I found it great for tanking and for spawning more higgledys mid fight, which almost never happens at the base game.

Anyway the cave is the map with the purple crystals on the walls and roofs. Among the selection we get in NNK2 I would rate the maps as
Cave > Forsest > the Dungeon > the Dungeon with Intersections introduced in the Wraith DLC
This is on the amount of mashing rolls needed to find the door.

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>had to grind for five hours to upgrade my kingdom to go to the last chapter because I did not bother going through the boring sidequests before
Flipping Heck Mun!

Games I don't like. That should cover pretty much the entire thread.


I want to play Bravely Default but the gacha style kingdom building is a chore and there's zero chance I would come cross someone with street pass and the game where I live.
The grinding and 99 hours to build a path just put me off.

I think I'd love FFXIV if it wasn't an MMO. FFXIV is pretty much everything I've wanted out of a Final Fantasy and haven't been getting from mainline entries sine, fuck I dunno FFX or earlier but the fact it is an MMO is at the core of everything I hate about it. I hate leveling, I hate being dependent on other people to make progress, I hate the whole game's focus on wasting as much as my time as possible but then again that's MMOs for you, they're nothing but huge time sinks by design. So it is a bit like complaining about a hamsterwheel for never having an end, it's kinda the point.

Also the censorship and english dub really put me me off. God damn, such a nice game ruined like that.


>Running speed is painfully slow
This is why I hook cheat engine to basically every game and have speedhacks set up as hotkeys, alt+1 = normal speed, alt+2 is 2x, alt+3 is 5x.

You wouldn't believe how many games instantly become more enjoyable when you can just put them into fast forward when you have to backtrack and run from place to place. Especially any RPG like this.

I'll give you the monotonous caves you had to crawl through several times, still enjoyed the game though.

Anything longer than 6h and without easy "just enjoy the story" mode.

I was super disappointed with this game, I really liked the first one even if it was not-pokemon the Ghibli RPG. But for whatever reason NNK2 didn't click with me at all. The combat was just so mind-numbing. The Kingdom management is flash game tier. The diablo style loot always makes games feel really generic to me for whatever reason. But really the characters just felt so flat. It probably didn't help that I played it right after Dragon Quest VIII and Dragon Quest XI where you had these really prominent casts of lovable characters but NNK2 felt so utterly lifeless.

breath of the wild