What do you think of Autochest?

Can you imagine that some dude created a new genre of videogames?

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there hasnt been anything "new" in decades, there was autochess in fucking starcraft and warcraft custom maps years ago

Here's how you win in TFT
Find ADC, stack them up with all your items. Rageblades, infinity edges, etc
Once you find draven, sell previous adc and put all items on him.
The end. Such a deep and skillful game oh my god.

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based zoomer

Based retard

Hoping its not the next fad genre, they get worse and worse each time.

>zephyrs your draven
>jumps your draven with 3 assassins
>buys phantom dancer
won my first game today, and won 2 more after that. void is strong, shapeshifters are strong

auto chess > battle royale

I don't care. Why do you think anyone would care? Are you just shilling here?

Yeah, I can also imagine that it is shit

Tried Underlords, just didn't see the appeal of it.

>Can you imagine that some dude created a new genre of videogames?

Way to out yourself as a zoomer.

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tft is so much cleaner and nicer looking than underlords, what the fuck is valve doing?

>He thinks that Draven Carry is the meta

You know literally nothing about this genre. The actual best comp right now is Assassins with Double Shojin Pyke

Valve is designing theirs directly for mobile so it hinders the PC gameplay and depth

It's shit.
Back in the day auto-battle were supposed to save your time.
Like in TW series.
Now you just construct your army for (semi-)random encounters within random pool of troops and just watch AI battles like a good cuckold.

It's the final nail in the RTS coffin.
I hope everyone who enjoys playing this shit chokes on a bone someday.

game is going to power creep like crazy once they add a few more champs, cause it'll be easier to fill out synergies. unless they also add new types of synergies

Can you imagine that some dude created a new genre of videogame to have it instantly copied from big corporate video game companies?

>New genre.

Back when RTS games had map editors, you could place AI controlled units down and watch them fight.

It's a rip-off of Digimon World

>created mobas
Who's zoomer again?

Imagine not knowing what Aeon of Strife is.

>icefrog created mobas
What's wrong with that statement?

It's shit

did you seriously take a picture of your screen? is this a new meme or some shit?

Wtf that sounds like LoL not The Frozen Throne


saying icefrog created mobas is like saying quake created fps

Because he didn't create mobas. Warcraft 3 wasn't even the first game to have moba in it.

redpill me on the first ever moba to come into existence

Icefrog didn't even create dota

Autochess is honestly the shittiest and more boring shit I've ever played. It's like staring at a slot machine

Necessary evil if it can stop anymore BRs from being made


the league one sucks, they have work to do to make it not boring as fuck compared to the original and valve's one

Just Chatting the game. No thanks.

did quake create 30 fps or 60 fps?

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the reason we make the ASSFAGGOTS joke is because it's based off of a starcraft UMS map called "Aeon of Strife"

TFT and actually, ALL Auto Chess games atm are in early access. Maybe exclude the original Drodo Auto Chess that game is somewhat complete. Some stuff will update and change drastically.

does TFT have team combos or passives yet

You faggots never even heard of Gerzog Zwei. It's one of the first kind of MOBA to ever exist.

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man, i'm missing this moba :( i hope i could play it again

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