not using game grill bathwater in your cooling system yet? yikes
Not using game grill bathwater in your cooling system yet? yikes
0.1 milliliters have been deposited into your account
Kill it with fire
she spits in the jar, anyone not buying this is a fucking sucker. this will be worth millions
i heard a pedo bought some and will vape it
faggots who are mad its not a webm
That just makes me want to drink it more
Based. I hope she continues to exploit beta males out of their money until they eventually kill themselves.
Video games
Belle Delphine is too powerful. She must be stopped.
No. She infuriates pretty much every female on twitter, she's a necessary evil.
No pictures of her feet?
im kind of convinced shes a dude. she playing guys to well
Is this yet another trany?
Why won’t it play
Imagine being so fucking thirsty for pussy that you buy a bottle of water that probably never touched her body at all.
Don't let chinese cartoons and discord trannies brainwash you. You don't get a woman's body by cutting your dick off.
This fucking whore won't even pee in the goddamn water
Literally a scam
No she's just a girl who hit the genetic lottery and got to stay looking illegal past 18.
based retard
her inta shows her spitting it into the bottle. your a fucking joke if you haven't purchased any
>le every girl on the Internet is a tranny meme
hows her footgame?
I've seen lot of people spouting this meme. No way she's a guy.
Probably her BF telling her what to do. I like to imagine that she blows him while he laughs at all the paypig cucks worshipping her on social media.
Where do we go from here?
What is her next step?
Her boyfriend helps plan for her. >watercooling
Yikes. A good aircooler with a large radiator literally gets the exact same temps as the best watercolors, often even slightly better. There isn't a single metric by which watercooling wins.
>pissing in your own bathwater while taking said bath
well, in this case is a tranny
i think its time to rise up
I wonder if she blows fart bubbles in the bath haha stinky
>her inta shows her spitting it into the bottle
and? can you see her actually putting all this water in every single bottle?
>this shit sells for 30$ per mini bottle
where is my Gamer Girl Vomit ™? I need proper lubricant for my jack off sessions
that first sip
which one of you fag did this
>mfw i unironically fell for the AIO watercooling
would buy
i can hope dude, how many bottles did you order?
whereas this shit sells for $20 and you get WAY more value
>girls trying to act cute