Find a redeeming factor

Find a redeeming factor.

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dmc threads were fun from june - march

offtopic waifu threads

you don't have to play games to shit on them

It's not reddit.

Cute and _____ threads

animal fucker threads

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the retards on here are still somehow more interesting people than 99% of the asinine fucking normalfagsI have to interact with daily

Flavor of the month threads.

Tile fucker

I can talk about video games here


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off topic threads (food, animals, music) tend to be better than on their respective boards.

Can usually find an interesting thread or two on the catalog and sincere game recommendations are as solid as a fortress.

Gay furry threads

this, Yea Forums unironically better music taste than Yea Forums

the twilight zone when loli threads are blue and gentlemanly

Everyone here hates niggers and trannies

Late-night Yea Forums tends to have good discussions and viewpoints. The board turns to shit around 8am eastern time.

Other than that, not much. You mostly now get fags like who just spout canned one-liners, never contribute to conversations or have any insightful things to say, and irrationally hate reddit -- probably because their posts are so bland and unoriginal that they wouldn't get a single upvote on reddit

the choose your item threads
>grows discussion of the pros and cons of X, Y, Z equipment/builds
>only thread that doesn't devolve into retarded shit 10 posts in

It's good for shitposting.

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it's not /vg/

This. Yea Forums is the best board to discuss anything that isn't politics or video games.

no meme lootboxes (yet)


Flavor of the week/month games are fun to play with Yea Forums.

Lurk around and we'll show you.

I can't.

That was Yea Forums before mods put three bullets into the back of their skull.



moments that remind me of 2005 - 2010

This. They don't happen often but they're great when they do.

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can't worst board on Yea Forums

Where did the dilate meme come from? Does it have anything to do with trannies?

occasionally a drawfag does something cool

Anonymity, free speech, no burying wrong think with brigades. It's probably the most honest place to discuss videogames.

Porn and power metal threads

This board acts as a catalyst for off-topic subjects, every single discussion that isn't videogames will be better in Yea Forums that in their respective boards, more civilized and even better informed.

Is both a blessing and a curse.

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GDQ. They installed dilation stations a year or so ago. And people asked. And then they found out.

... oh ... oh man.... lmao
you just go right ahead and look that up........ lol
you're in for a treat

No one cares; take your blogging back to plebbit, faggot.

God I love Rhapsody of Fire.

There is no redeeming factor. What good this board does is dwarfed by the shitposting

when a tranny gets their dick mutilated into a faux vagina it's basically an open wound
it has to be re-opened with a plastic dildo to prevent it from healing, the process is called dilation

Reddit is unironically better. I say this as someone that browsed Yea Forums for the longest time until I finally had enough and decided to see what "le reddit boogeyman" was about. The circle-jerking sucks, the left wing bias is annoying, and most of the shitty forced meemees originate there, but for conversation it is actually very good. I only come here on weekends and days off. I think the only reason I haven't left entirely is because of what said.

Its honest and you can always find a good discussion. But most importantly its not a brainless circle jerk.

/pol/ hasn't been able to drive it into the ground like Yea Forums, because there's still enough of us here who remember the last decade and know they're worse for video games than the group of loonies they pretend to fight.

Sometimes makes me chuckle with its autism. Good place to vent and argue with other people.

It's not ResetEra.

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Also, too add: there is nothing wrong browsing botch Yea Forums and Reddit. However, everything is wrong trying to fuse both sites together. The amount of shit the gets reposted from the front page here is the final nail in the coffin that Yea Forums is nothing more than a place for edgy, dumb-fuck Redditors to go to spout their edgy, dumb-fuck opinions. Hell, how many Reddit screencap threads have you seen this week alone?

The love for cunny

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Indie game threads are sometimes quite good

Bait and shitpost threads sometimes draw the attention of retards away and people can sneak in one or two good threads in the meantime.
Also dragonpussy posting, bless them.

BallisticNG threads but that's about it.

You're just not used to seeing anyone disagree with your hugbox narrative your used to seeing over at reddit.

Or Twitter.

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Ace of Spades with the boys
Opened the door to several genres I didn’t realize I’d love including traditional roguelikes, several indie games and 4x games
Spawned /vg/ which for a time was a great place to discuss certain games and game series/genres with likeminded non-reddit people
Shazbowl, Robot Unicorn Attack, old league of legends thread back when there were individual tournaments, pre-wojak OC threads
Now if you’re asking for anything within the past three years, I can’t help you there