So do you think Granblue Versus will make it for release late this year? or will they hold it back for after Relink like they originally wanted too?
So do you think Granblue Versus will make it for release late this year...
Didn't Relink get delayed a lot because they didn't like the direction the game was going?
How to get a gf with these proportions?
Platinum just saying the contract ended with Cygames wanting to do the rest and that was the end of it as far as plat cared was the last i heard.
Who cares? Basedny can't use draphs in their sjw friendly games.
doubt it's releasing this year honestly
also, put Eustace or Heles in it
Aren't they announcing more news as AX?
if the leak is true then yeah, 2 character announcements, would kinda line up with how we recently learned there will be "big news" soon
Hopefully since the E3 announcement was just a redone trailer for Xseed distributing the game with nothing new in it.
Naru is in and you’re retarded if you think otherwise, she’ll be the last reveal. She’s a stance based katana user like Yuzu.
How many days does AX last?
She better be, honestly her cowtits are what got me to try GBF in the first place.
I want a shortstack wife.
Literally who
Kolulu is the best daughter a darkfag could ask for, SUPTIX WHEN
>Not even a top 10 character anymore
>No draphs on the top ten characters any more
Cows are done. For reference the list starting with the most popular is:
>B-b-but that's because they just came out!
>Naru can't even beat literal who Yurius or a male
Silva will be confirmed, guaranteed
>one of the most consistently popular girls after Vira
>arguably the poster child of her race
>literally who
You’re taking the piss aren’t you? That’s like saying box is a literal who.
Glad i got her with the last scrambled together crystals on the last night of her rate up, she goes great with my Zooey,
They should hurry up with Grand Naru.
precisely why I want her, Im a enmityfag and want to have a happy family team with Zoi and Kolulu, not like I want/need anything else from tickets at the moment(saving for Ferry spark)
Imagine comparing the esports contest to the actual popularity polls
2019 polls don’t matter, Versus is entirely in the context of 2014-2016 GBF.
I noticed japs can't draw good butts, is this a reflection of japan? Because japanese girls don't have gigantic boobs
anyone play samsho? how is it compared to gbvs?
Naru is so cute and sexy, I want to pat her head and fuck her tits at once
I hope it is true, I'd really like Shirou
I hope you’re not taking the most recent poll as fact, those things change every fucking time and it’s heavily influenced by esports and jap memes.
It's not. If they're revealing two characters, and one of them is Zeta, the other would 100% be Vaseraga who is also confirmed by the logo weapons.
Well that is what Draph are built for.
pls stop masturbation is bad for your soul
I prefer standing blowjobs to standing paizuri so give me Yaia instead.
they're 4'5''
he is, he literally has no other argument for his "NARU ISNT POPULAR ANYMORE LOL" shtick
It will likely be Zooey or Lucifer/Sandalphon but i look forward to the primal rep getting announced for versus.
Perfect, can I creampie her tits and make her walk around with it sloshing in between all day as well?
Well Naru is a dotting little Onee-san so she probably would do if asked.
Unf, those breasts are unreal, and the heart cutout is just asking for it
What if someone asks about the smell of squid when she's nearby?
I tried the demo and the game was very boring
what are the names of those cows you posted? where can i see more?
They probably would have backtracked on the 2019 already if they were going to, but they've been keeping it all year with the trailers, website info and pretty much every interview talking about Versus.
Yurius and Athena are arguably the only 2 in your list that see some proper use in HL content. No character in that list is considered "core" for the true e sport content that is GW. Not the guy you're quoting and I have nothing against Naru btw.
Danua, Narmaya, Aliza and Anila in that order.