Warcraft 2 had a ton of blood, exploding bodies and rotting corpses.
What the fuck happened to Blizzard where they can’t so blood on cards anymore?
Warcraft 2 had a ton of blood, exploding bodies and rotting corpses.
What the fuck happened to Blizzard where they can’t so blood on cards anymore?
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Chink money
Because they're following where the Chinese money is
Blizzard said it nothing to do with the Chinese market.
Nu Blizzard is doomed to fail. WoW classic will bomb after a few months and Overwatch 2 will never have the time to be completed. Activision will then drop Blizzard as soon as it's not profitable enough. The end.
Blizzard lies a lot, let’s rip that bandaid off now.
They're obviously lying and trying to save face
And you'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to believe them.
>A big company said a thing so we must believe.
They already have a separate client for the chinks, they probably just want that "mom that let her shitling with her phone and her credit card alone" money, which is why they've been turning the game more "le goofy xd" which each expansion, and now they are updating tholse to get it on par with the other cards because they are desperate for that money, since the game is dying
Chink love blood and violence though.
>Blizzard said
Blizzard said many things in the past that were proven to be complete and absolute lies
chinks arent gay they just dont like spooky stuff
Only if it's done by them and not by the dumb gweilo
Layering will be thing to kill Classic its already fucking up the beta
Most companies do tuis because have 2 seperate versions is too much work for them
So they pander to the fucking chinks
Japan shouldve genocided them
>What the fuck happened to Blizzard where they can’t so blood on cards anymore?
Kids and Chinks. So basically, midgets happened.
didn't they fire all the hearthstone staff anyways?
poor blizz doesnt have the money or resources to make two versions
Chinkz + devs are big SJW
oh man 6 blind retards, of course it has nothing to do with the chinese market
HotS is the best thing Blizzard has left and they're trying their hardest to kill it.
>This is the biggest updates HotS will ever see!
>We got a lot of stuff planned to look forward too just you wait
>uh sorry guys but the folks up top want us gone and now we have shoestring budgets.
>big planned multi-universe backstory non-existent since Orphea's release
Just release me a cute/sexy Orphea skin before you totally kill the game.
No, that was the HoTS staff and they didn't get fired but relocated to other developement teams
>devs are big SJW
by that logic they now have to censor nigs and faggots because chinks dont like it
This isn't even good bait. They would get much much MUCH more money by pandering to china chinks than anything to do with some american political idiots.
Nihao, nihao my fellow baizou. I'm Law Ping Lawtentsui and I confirm we had nothing to do with this censorship, just like blood elves, early game item inflation, AH flipping, raid camp, spawn camp, gold sell, MoP as a whole, Diablo3, Diablo mobile, Starcraft etc, none of these has to do anything with us.
Its about chinese and "child-friendly" market. Why do you think Blizzards streaming OW Pride-event was nowhere to be seen in South Korea?
Chinese corporate marketeers allied with SJWs in HR
For the people who haven't seen the changes yet.
>Pandaria happened 70 years ago
>People still ask what's Blizzard's endgame
>Secret Keeper ends up being even sexier
Aside from that, all those changes are just nonsensical and awful. Especially Succy and Eviscerate.
>That change on Eviscerate
Now thats pathetic.
typo aside, have they never focused skellies again? like, undead focused content? because that's a ding dong bannu in tianamen square land
Holy shit does blizzard make games for babbies?
Blizzard is circling the drain, they're a shadow of their former selves and don't have much longer as an AAA company. They are so talent drained and lacking in original creativity, that this censorship is the best their shit team can do now.
Somehow the secretkeep is even lewder.
They make games for money.
sjws are not affecting dozens of games. they came for your games while you pretending to be an epic centrist.
what now cucks?
well as we've learned of blizzard in the past year or so, their stance of being more and more child friendly has been bleeding money for them
and they haven't noticed that yet
They have noticed and they are panicking hard. They've been bleeding money and losing profits for a while now, they don't know what to do to fix it.
>"Fuck, our ship is sinking! What should we do!"
>"Keep poking more holes on the hull so the water might pour away!"
Somehow "stop being retarded" never seems to cross their minds as a viable option
That would require them to acknowledge there was a problem and it was caused by them in the first place. Major companies which do badly tend to form bubbles of denialism especially at the leading wing. For instance this happened with Nokia back when Apple was eating them alive. Their CEOs kept saying there are no problems whatsoever to the very final day when the massive layoffs happened.
holy shit. saved
All they need to do is pay some chinese influences to create ingame memes/videos.
>pose/dance like your character
>funny sexy girl too busy raiding to go on a date
>man lands gf by helping her in game
I just made those up. All of the changes they've made to improve Chinese sell-ability will impact their sales less than paying some chinks to do what I just said.
This is all they can do with the retards they have left. The people who actually came up with good ideas and the people who could do the work to pull them off are either held down and fucked by management or gone. Activision is smothering the company, all of their recent projects are either dying or dead, the usual sjw bullshit, they keep sacrificing fun for esports niggatry, everything is stale.
>wow is under 1 million after 84 expansions
>starcraft is literally dead
>a fucking (dead) card game is being censored
>overwatch is shrinking
>diablo was almost a chink mobile reskin, diablo 4 will be utter shit
The people at old Blizz have long gone. Hearthstone is also more popular in China and yknow how much companies love to pander to China.
Yes, sjw lgbt is the "worlds market" nowdays inlcuding china, but thats what blizzard meant when they said it had nothing to do with specifically chinese market
Japan is next bros.
>Yes, sjw lgbt is the "worlds market" nowdays inlcuding china,
This is the dumbest thing I've read today.
>Queen of Pain
I miss him.
imagine being american that gets cucked by chinese
>blizzard now believes admitting to western-based censorship is a better PR move than admitting to chink-based censorship
If i remember right the reason also why Skeleton King weas changed was because some tried to copyclaim ''Skeleton King'' for something and Valve just decided to overhaul him. Thats the very reason why i remember he was changed.
I wonder if they'll take the succubus out of wow classic as well.
How the fuck do you copyright Skeleton King? That's way too common.
Blizzard asked if you don't have a phone when they showed you a shitty mobile game.
it's to shut up angry moms that are stopping little timmy from using mommy's credit card to buy more card packs.
oh censorship again...
fucking blind fuckers
I'm getting really goddamn sick of Blizzard trying to act as if the entirety of Azeroth has adopted all these fucking modern terms and opinions. The fact that they're trying to act like sex and violence don't exist in a world where Orcish raiders canonically raped Draenei in the same breath they were killing them in is utterly ridiculous. Trying to act like every huge, brutish warrior is perfectly fine being led by women and utter wimps like Anduin is such forced fanfiction.
but appareantly it was corporate shit anyway and Blizzard had hands dirty on it and were salty as fuck for Valve snatching Dota IP.
RIP Succubus
Warcraft 3 had catapults throwing human corpses on buildings. Warcraft 2 had cinematics of orcs lighting hanged human corpses on fire. Just for comparison.
Bad mouthing China will get your BNet account deleted.
every game in the warcraft series has tried to appeal to children with each additional installment. WoW had a more cartoony art-style than Warcraft and hearthstone is just the logical conclusion.
This WC3 had some gruesome and dark moments its even hard to count. Even Vanilla-TBC had so many grim things. Like Hellfire Peninsulas Path of Glory which was literally made from the bones of dead draenei or Auchindoun which is entirely made out of bones.