Steam Sale thread

Steam Sale thread.
>What's the damage so far?
>What did you buy
>What are you thinking about getting?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dark Souls remastered for $4
>DS 2 it's shit
>Deep Rock Galactic

Should I buy Cave Story + on Steam or get the game from the freeware site? I've never played it before.

Any sales pitch for Lobotomy Corp?

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Bloodstained for 25% off
i don't think i'll be getting any more games this sale, i already have so many games i haven't played

Any fun grindan games? I love mh but am open to non-hunting too. Already have disgaea.

Bloodstained was sick as fuck. I can't belive how much they turned that game around. The backer demo or whatever that made rounds here some time ago made that game look so shitty.

>jets'n'guns bundle, shmup
>hylics, weird but cool game
>cryptark, 2D roguelike
>gigantic army, 2D arcade mech game
>darkwood, spooky top down shooter
>la mulana 2, very good metroidvania

I have not bought a single fucking thing. Not gonna lie, feeling smug right now.

which one amigos?
I only have enough bananamoni for one

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monster hunter is much better
they're both pretty weak entries in their respective series though, you'd do better emulating MHFU/MH4U or playing GU on switch

>MHW or shit

Monster Hunter: World between those two.

Fallout 4 fucking sucks and you're better off spending your money on New Vegas and modding that game instead. It's gonna be a much more entertaining experience.

MHW. Despite what fans of the series will tell you, it's perfectly fine for people who have never played a Monster Hunter game before.

>pretty weak entries
MHW is multiplat and isn't on Switch which makes it objectively the best game in the series.

my man.
I saw the trailer for the second game and the music was really interesting. How shit is the first game?

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as someone who's played MH regularly for over 10 years, this. it's like dark souls 2 kinda. most changes were either pointless or bad, but it's still much better than attempts by other companies (toukiden, god eater etc). it's a step down from the others, but you don't have anything to compare it to so you'll still love it. You have the benefit of using it as a gateway to the rest of the series via emulation too if you enjoy it, so it's a win win.

Want to buy MH:W for PC but now that they said they're dropping the updates for it i don't know anymore since i don't want to hop in when everybody is leaving

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Which changes are pointless or bad?

>dropping the updates for it
Everyone's going to be gearing up for the expansion, no need to worry. The game will still be plenty active, and you have as much time as you'll ever need to prepare for iceborne. If you end up getting it on PC, post here and we can try some co-op.

Bought absolutely nothing. Trash sale and I stopped playing games because everything is shit these days. God what the fuck happened to types of games I like?

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I only bought it, but didn't play it.

Loads of people still playing, moreso with the sale. The expansion comes out this winter so lots of people will be gearing up for it.

How is Killer instinct? Looks fun but also dead.

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yeah you guys must be right

I'm not one to tell people not to get into games because they're "dead" since I play anime fighters, but this shit is actually dead, user.

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I also just bought it having played it a lot on PC. It's still very active and if you wanna play with user there's a /vg/ thread people will post lobbies in

Have you had a look at the weapons yet? I'd recommend finding at least one weapon type that interests you before pulling the trigger, as the game requires you to get invested and put the time in to learn the intricacies. There are some solid overviews on youtube, definitely take a look if you haven't already. The community is generally positive and helpful as long as you stay away from the meta endgame speedkill types.

seen just too little of it
is spear any good? cus i just they use it like a dragoon from FF and look kinda sick

It has crossplay; I get frequent matches against xbox players.
If you buy it we can play together (actual play, not Striking Vipers faggotry).

>What's the damage so far?
Damage was already done back in 2014 when Steam ruined the whole purpose of the Summer Sale

>What did you buy

>What are you thinking about getting?
Nothing. There are no good sales

>Warhammer 40,000 Sanctus Reach Complete
>Syrian Warfare Deluxe
>Arthur I & II Collection
>Tropico Reloaded
>2 dlc for AOE 2
>1 dlc for Sins of Solar Empire
>1 dlc for Oriental empires

Not sure if it counts
>almost free game with coupon Underrail
>was gifted Foxhole by friend

In consideration were Dying Light Ultimate Collection,Shadow Warrior 2 Deluxe or War for the Overworld Ultimate Edition

thinking about Binding of Isaac or Enter the Gungeon

Lance is hype, yeah. You have a lot of flexibility in how you choose to fight with it too. The three main approaches are guarding (defensively using your shield and turtling- you can shrug off almost any attack and be an immovable object), evading (lance has the unique ability to do sidehops/backhops up to three times as a follow up to an attack, so you can equip skills to increase your evade iframes and play super aggressive while backhopping through any puny attacks), or countering (you also have a parry that you can use as a follow up to any attack, so you can use this instead of guarding or evading to keep yourself safe after getting attacks in. it does big damage). Generally you'll be peppering the monster with tons of stabs and pokes and whittling it down with all of these options available at any moment. Perfect for beginners with a high skill ceiling to look forward to.

I recommend looking at the insect glaive if you like dragoons too- it has a pole vault aerial attack and you can even airdash and pogo off the monster. It's a little more complicated since there's a buff system you need to maintain, but it's still good for beginners. All weapons are completely viable in MH, it's just about finding one you enjoy using the most. You can swap them out at any time, so you're not tied to one from start to finish like in an MMO.

Thinking of getting Obra Dinn, MonHun World, Wolfenstein 2, Divinity OS 2. Any recommendations/objections?

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Only thing I've bought this sale and it's the best game I've bought in years.

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Bought UnderRail and Baba is You.
Decided to pirate Lobotomy Corp because they basically abandoned the game to make the sequel (which is completely different from the first game so I don't even care about supporting it), it's expensive for what it is, and there are no steam achievements anyway.

Thinking of getting Plague Inc but I'm not sure I want to buy a mobile game. Just Shapes & Beats or Celeste but I'm not sure if they're worth the price. And One Finger Death Punch 2 because the first one was fun and it's cheap.
I'll probably wait for another sale though, UnderRail seems very long and after playing it a few hours I plan to buy the expansion as soon as it comes out on the 22, on top of my regular backlog I won't be needing new games for a while.
Haven't started Baba is You yet.

Check this out, this is the glaive which I assume you're talking about. When in the air you have two airdashes. If you dash into a monster, you can vault off them again and reset your jump (so you can stay in the air for a long time as long as your stamina bar can handle).

I bought Baba Is You yesterday, it's very challenging and fun. Seems to be pretty well designed.

they are shitty so whatever
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Redout is much worse. The tracks are poorly designed, so colliding with walls is actually faster than slowing down and following the ideal racing line. If you look up competitive time trials for tracks, nearly all of them drift and slam into walls at 90 degree angles and shrug it off as if nothing happened.

looks like shit

yeah but looks like it's what you said if i airdash like crazy i can't really do much damage, right?
sucks to really can't play it that way

what about

Thanks for the games user

>What's the damage so far?
>What did you buy
Fanta for my char
>What are you thinking about getting?
some mogstation shit

Is it more like F-Zero or Wipeout?

Literally Wipeout

You can if you want, don't worry about it. Like I said above, the community's great as long as you avoid the speedkill types. Certain people act as if an extra minute on an already 10 minute hunt is unusable, but it's a purely co-op game. You have 50 minutes to complete each hunt, it's plenty time, so do whatever you enjoy. It will take slightly longer yes, but not a significant amount of time, and you can always start by having fun with air dashes and learn the intricacies as you go. That's the great thing about monster hunter, there's so much flexibility for the player. If you're spamming aerial attacks you'll likely have multiple opportunities to mount the monster too, which means it'll be stunned and wide open for the rest of the team to attack for around 10 seconds. Everyone else will be grateful for it. You can double that up with a paralysis glaive too, so you'll have double the lockdown by stunning the monster a couple of times a fight for a similar amount of time, or make up the damage with a poison glaive.

Ah dang

>Katana Zero
looks cool as shit, but I still gotta beat the Messenger and shit so I'll wait on this one.
My nigga
>Obra Dinn
Looks awesome, but I'm personally waiting for a decent sale.
>Mon Hun
Really fun if you're looking for a game to play around with. All of the weapons are really varied and change the way that you fight monsters due to the ways that each weapon excels at. There is a big expansion dropping around Winter so lots of people are gonna be playing and gearing up. It's a more casual version of the game than before, but the QOL improvements make it more palatable and easy to get into than the other games.
>Divinity OS 2
Fucking fantastic game. You can really make your characters play and excel at how you want them to play. The combat is really free form since you can have your attacks and spells interact with the environment in lots of different ways. The actual missions and how you complete them are really fun and you can easily replay the game and complete them in lots of different ways just based on how you choose to build your party,

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>Lobotomy Corp guys abandoned the game to make another one
What game are they making? Thats kind of disconcerting since I just got interested in playing that game from the Yea Forums threads

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The meta way to play redout is to slam into every wall you see. It's the opposite of pretty much any other antigrav racer, and results in a very low skill ceiling. Look at this video and how they handle turns.

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The only benefit of the payable Cave Story is the fact that you can have 3 saves going. The new art style and music are awful in comparison to ge original game.

Cave Story is amazing, but you can just get the free version no problem.


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downloading it now.

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Thinking about buying Titan Quest, but the new DLC is overpriced as fuck

I have around $10 left to spend on this sale.

Which game/s should I blow it on? Could be something other than the cart.

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>a super fast racing game
>hurr why would I care about what good times look like

Help, I'm about to buy the humble monthly. Please prevent me for another 20 minutes so I don't waste $12 on one good game + several shovelware items.

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I bought nothing and im proud, really want to play Yakuza Kiwami, UNIST and that game Phoenix Wright but backlog is huge

Just do it

>What's the damage so far?
>What did you buy
>What are you thinking about getting?
Nothing, Master Chief Collection still doesn't have a release date.

can happily recommend MGR
MGS: 5 Definitive Experience is also just a dollar or two more and worth

forgot to cancel that shit and ended up getting that game too. Feels fucking bad since I won't play it for a while and would have gotten it cheaper then :(

it's worth it as long as you're happy paying the price of the bundle for just hellblade
if you can't justify that, don't buy it. don't factor in any of the rest of the bundle if you're not sure you'll care about it.

maybe ill get bloodstained too

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RS2 is pretty dead. You can find servers, but...

>MGS: 5 Definitive Experience is also just a dollar or two more and worth

Open world seems boring and not for me. I don't want to walk 10 minutes then wait another 10 minutes for the patrol to get into position.

>Deep Rock Galatic
20 hours in and still enjoying it.

I loved fighting games back in the 16/32 bit days , after that I didn't play them very much. The "new" KI though is my favorite fighting game since the 16/32 bit days though, and I find myself going back every once in a while still

$45 for Dishonored 2, The Forest and Project Cars 2
Any good VR games on sale right now? I already have the staples (GORN, Beat Saber, Superhot)

>forgot to cancel that shit
This is how they get you.

Good advice and the correct perspective.

really I don't

These aren't even on sale

Library of Ruina.
Lobotomy Corp is still worth playing, I just can't justify paying for it. I hate devs who just stop supporting their games despite being perfectly able to.

>The Messenger
>Baba is You
Which one should I get?

Anyone play Transport Fever? How does it compare to Railroad Tycoon 3

That is still my #1 train autism simulator because of the business component

Then why are you playing a racing game, or trying to argue which one is better?

so what, you poor or something?

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I bought trails in the sky 1 and 2 and trails of cold steel 1 and 2

No, but you're posting in a steam sale thread

Tell me how many tracks out of 5 DLC+main game have this issue

Messenger is very easy.
Baba is You is very hard.

>Didn't buy the 3rd
Refund Cold Steel 2 and get that instead.


Add the 3rd as well if you can

You should cancel the Code Vein order if you got it from Steam. You can save like 20 bucks on GMG right now:

I can't find Wondersong on the store, but I liked both The Messenger and Baba. They are vastly different though. What do you prefer to have, a good puzzle game with plenty of levels or a platformer with great music and stage design?

I've seen some anons recommend Evenicle in these threads. Is it any good? Or can I just watch it on Pornhub and get the same experience?

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If you want anime MH you can look at God Eater

Bloodstained is hella worth the money especially since they'll be adding shit and the game is already super good.

bought this shit to play with friends and we stayed up to 5 in the morning playing this shit. Surprisingly good


It's the fucking worst. Got PS+ to play Bloodborne with a friend and forgot to cancel that shit so I wasted an extra ten dollars for that garbage too.

I really liked it, it's very comfy and the combat is ok

thanks for the info mate

To be fair it's crossplay and most PC players bought it as soon as it came to the Windows store.

Blew 15k points and 50 hours on VC1, now I'm thinking of VC4. Opinions?

I feel that I'll be too much of a brainlet for Baba
>a platformer with great music and stage design
Might just go with this then

Killer 7, Bloodstained Curse of the Moon, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Hitman Blood Money, Aztez, KO Mech, Spark the Electric Jester, Way of the Passive Fist, Fight'N Rage, Jedi Academy, and Transistor.
I doubt any will disappoint, and I'll boot up Killer7 tonight.

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They said there gonna be some updates this summer, something about orderal rebalance.

Neat! I mean, is there anything that they still need to do with Lobotomy Corp? Like is there something to fix or something?

I don't care if a game I get isn't endlessly filled with content every few months. I just want the game I get to actually be good.

So it says 2020 for Steam? Does that include the English translation or it'll come out sometime later in English? How did they do it for Lob Corp?

Ultimately buy what you feel you'd like best, but even though Baba is difficult I find it does a good job of easing you into new concepts, and at any given point you have a bunch of levels available so if you're stuck, you can try others and still make progress.

Redpill me on Borderlands
Disclaimer: I don't like shooters, the only shooter I like is Mass Effect 2

They use many tricks to keep you subscribed. New DRM-free games are added to the "trove" in a week, so if you subscribe now, you'll think "ah, I'll cancel later, after downloading the new games from the trove" but then you'll forget. And they give a store discount so you think you'll cancel just before the next pay date. And when you cancel, they offer to lower the price, just to put enough doubt in your mind so you'll postpone again. They probably have the stats to prove how well their tricks work. It's like gambling.

I don't know how the port is, but straight up Killer7 is one of the best games ever made

Maybe check a video of one of the stages or give the soundtrack a listen to get an idea of what you're getting. Also, even if you think Baba would be too much, I've had fun with it and I just left the levels that walled me for later, the game is pretty forgiving on giving you branching paths and opening the new worlds as you progress.

It's funny.

Killer 7 was awesome. I don't know what they added to the steam release but I emulated that game and it was super worth the playthrough. It is really weird tho, so give it some time to ramp up and get used to it.

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Well it's a shooter, I dunno what you expect to hear

>The new art style is awful
What are you talking about, it's literally the same, but sharper.

loot shooter with a unique art syle and cringe writing

It's as shooter as they come

Hylics is alright. It’s a pretty standard short turn based RPG, it’s worth a play just for the novelty of it.

Darkwood is legit fantastic, one of the best horror games I’ve ever played.

>The code was originally stacking on current discounts, looks like it's been fixed to take 22% off the MSRP instead

VC4 is good. It sucks it sold so poorly. It's better than 2 and 3 and worse than 1.

I guess this is what happens when you mismanage a series and put shit on a dead handheld until everyone forgets about it.

>What's the damage so far?
Not too much, at least for me. Was just about my game budget for July. (Board, card, vidya, ect.)
>What did you buy
Pic related, did a gift thread a while ago.
>What are you thinking about getting?
I think I am just about done, might do another thread on the last day of the sale. I have too many games as is and I need to not just be a collector.

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yeah, but I still got the deluxe for 17 bucks off anyways so it was worth it. I was going to buy it either way

Thanks, but I've played it already. AFAIK I've played all of the big hunting game series, including stuff like Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice and Lord of Arcana. Trying to find something else to scratch that itch. I tried MMOs but couldn't stick through the combat, I want something with a satisfying gameplay loop.

>first steam sale where I'm so poor I can't actually afford anything
>wouldn't even have time to play games for more than a few hours a week anyway
They told me things would get better.

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>The Witcher 3
I got the game on GoG back when it came out and loved it. I've been looking at getting the expansions but I always miss the fucking sales from them.
Could I buy the shit on steam and port my saves?

I don't know what to get, I feel like I have everything

I don't know to be honest. Depends on how they do their saves I guess.

old good new bad

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>Arma 3
>Sims 3 for the gf
May pick up Hearts of Iron IV before the sale ends, not sure yet.

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The Messenger is on sale on GOG as well right now, same price.

I'm just buying games i wont play to raise the tortoise to get an expensive game i already got...

Feels like buying stuff, getting stupid achievements, raise tortoise and delete game is more fun than actually playing games.

I wanna play temtem but i refuse to pay $35 though

I got Jagged Alliance 2. How the hell are you meant to get to Drassen? Every path I've tried from the starting city ends with me running into 10+ guys who wipe my party. Also, what does loyalty do and how do you build it up?

The game is finished.

was that image made by shreckanon?

Pretty sure you can get this with that Xbox Game Pas if you want to try it out. Last time I checked the first month was still $1

Fuck Todd, but Fallout 4 is bretty good.
I bought Monster Hunter but i´m playing Skyrim special edition instead

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I'm interested in both Everspace and Brigador. Redpill me on them.

>what's the damage
bought new cooling for my PC instead, gonna pirate everything i want for the rest of the year unless humble bundle has something good

Buy it so we can get Rance in steam, and maybe bait illusion in.

Does Evenicle have any cute and funny characters?

Everspace is shittiest shit, Get X3:terran conflict instead.
You will need brains thought.

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Yeah, and you can even fuck them.

the one where it's not my favorite entry in the series

Anyone want to play some monster hunter? I'm seeing a lot of new buyers ITT. I'll drop into some low rank gear, just let me know.

Not him but what about X4? Is it worse?

I already own X3 tho.

Skyrim is awful though

What kind of cooling did you get? I’ve been looking to upgrade

X4 is a dumpster fire. It would be a hard sell at $10, let alone what it's priced at right now.


Thinking about
>Hollow Knight
>Wizard of Legend

How fun is Wizard of Legend when played solo?

>Get $5 discount and spend it on a $15 game
>Don't get $5 discount, and don't buy anything

Guess Valve doesn't want my $10.

oof underage taste if i have ever seen it. skyrim is THE best rpg this gen and last

Nope, its good. STILL BUGGY AFTER ALL THIS YEARS, but good.
Shit made history.
The problem is that Todd don´t want to be remembered as the guy who "makes fallout games and elder scrolls". He´s a complete moron, and instead of making ES6 he shat fallout online and probably is trying to convince the board of retards at Zenimax that Bethesda should sell their own games in their own platform, all online and in the same MMO format as Failout 67. Someone fire Todd, please.

you need to spend double/three times as much on liquid as air when we're talking AIOs.

If you're doing a custom it's 100% worth it, but if you're buying out of a box, just get one of these. Cools an OC'd 9700k with ease in a fairly hot room.

I don't run the AC unless I have to.

>bought a few games to get enough tokens for discount
>don't know what to use discount on because I already bought the games I wanted

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Whatever Todd I'm not buying it again and I'm pirating TES6.

If you're on the hunt for Mecha games, there's something /m/ for everyone! Here's 12 lesser known gems on sale you may enjoy; most of which have gotten recent updates:

>Hardcore Mecha ($16.99)
It's a 2D platformer shoot-em-up that has finally received a long awaited translation and release. Sadly a lot of the sizable cast is behind backer codes you have to use to unlock the mechs. That are only usable in vs multiplayer. The promised modes that are missing are coming according to devs at least, but despite the hiccups it's still pretty great. pic related

>Zone of the Enders the 2nd Runner: MARS ($14.99)
Yes, ZoE is actually on Steam. It's a 4k port that offers a good blend of melee and ranged combat in a tight story driven chuuni package. Also has barebones VR support for a cockpit view. The game has general audio problems such as it totally dropping out at times and a bad english VO with no Japanese option. The controls can be a pain, but if you want a nostalgia trip it's decent.

>Project Nimbus ($14.99)
A stylish high speed anime influenced mecha game with some minor elements of bullet hell. Very fast and frantic, but the lack of customization options is something of a downer. The game originally launched 5 years ago, but the devs still provide updates from time to time.

>Brigador ($12.99)
A hotline miami type affair of explosive violence and solid world building with mechs and other vehicles you use to blow up enemies and the environment to your advantage. The gameplay is good, but the lore is what makes it. Aiming can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

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is mankind devided worth it atm?

No one who liked 1 liked 4.

no it isn't

>Shit made history
so did Hitler

forgot the pic

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>Garrison: Archangel ($11.99)
Basically the unintentional unofficial spiritual successor to Custom Robo. It boasts quite a wide selection of customization options and tech to learn. It's an early access game however and the online multiplayer is regrettably somewhat buggy and empty as a result. The offline gameplay takes some getting used to, but it shines in duels once it clicks. The team is very active and apparently working on a story mode for more single player content. Also its got a free demo (a little outdated for what's in the game now though).

>War Tech Fighters ($9.99)
It's a slightly more simplistic version of Project Nimbus with a bit more focus on melee elements more or less. Customization is sort of lacking here too, but for a grand scale mech warfare game with some great graphics you could do a lot worse. Devs are still decently active with QOL updates. pic related

>The Astro Saga ($9.49)
A collection of 5, yes FIVE shoot-em-ups and shoot-em-up platformer hybrids if you're looking for an arcade styled game fix this season. They're simple and quick if you want to pick something up and blitz through a game every now and then for fun. Overall a pretty nice deal, just be warned not all of them have controller support.

>Break Arts II ($8.99)
If you wanted to mix robots and racing, then this is the game for you. Featuring some outstanding eurobeat like music and ultra high customization means you're in for a pretty unique and challenging experience. Just be forewarned that customization can be a bit overwhelming and you'll need to meticulously fine tune for the best results. Online is sort of dead sadly...

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the chad double fanned tower

nice try. we are making it so you HAVE to have the bethesda launcher to run it.

please respond

>Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo & Osaka ($7.49/$13.19)
A diablo-like mecha game with some decent customization to it and a passable story. Combat can be kind of repetitive and at it's core it's a pretty simple game despite its customization options. Has a sequel now with some notable improvements if you want to spend a bit more.

>Into the Breach ($7.49)
A good turn based strategy game with a mech theme from the team that brought you FTL. If you enjoyed that you'll probably like this. Has some upgrade and customization options that can lead to interesting strategies. Protip: Don't mess up.

>Mecha Ace ($3.89)
A text based adventure; game dev simulator Yea Forums's favorite. A somewhat liniar story with a few branches and a skill system, but your choices have more impact than mass effect at least. If you're a fan of old school text adventures it may be worth a look. It's got a free demo as well and what looks to be a VR focused tie-in in development.

>KO Mech ($0.49)
A simple platformer type game with the gimmick of flinging enemies into one another. Somewhat short, but pretty addictive. Also it's made by someone who shitposts on Yea Forums and for half a buck it's worth selling a few cards and picking up for the absurdly good cost to entertainment ratio. No reason not to get it at this price. Character can be hard to see at times however and some may find the controls odd. pic related

[also Metal Wolf Chaos releases on Aug 6, 2019]

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Nothing so far. I'm considering buying Baldur's Gate, is it god tier?

>comes with gloves to not cut your hands on the TECHNOLOGY

I've got Vanquish, Valkrya Chronicles 4 and Snake Pass in my cart right now. Are they all good games?

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I think you've posted this enough

BG1? No
BG2? Yes

Replaying 1, I'm reminded how much more I enjoyed 2. 1 has background story for 2, sure, but low level D&D sucks balls and the story is kind of meh.

its great tier if you ignore the extra sjw content jewdog put in. its not forced down your throat though

It's bioware tier

Yeah I need to decide if I want to do it custom or just get something like this for now and wait til I upgrade my CPU sometime next year

low end survival, is there anything i missed

>oxygen not included

Amid evil and outward. Amid evil looks like just a whole lotta fun and I want to support devs who make games like it. Outward I wanted to try when it came out cause it seems like my kind of game but I didnt want to drop 40$ when everything I heard about the game was so incredibly polarizing. Got a steam giftcard for my birthday recently though so I figured I didnt have much else to lose at 23$. Not sure what to use the last 10 dollars or so on. Was thinking of maybe putting it to the newest endless legend expansion. I kinda have all the games I would want on steam, for the most part.

If you want to play betatester for years to come by playing a, on some anons words, "budget starcitizen", go right ahead.
It´s X:rebirth X-tended. Not good, but not bad.
Has a microscopic storyline, money comes easy, they´re trying to smash in online interactions (?), and all the missions are repeatable filler content, but it´s the FOUNDATION of a future great game (if they fix everything and insert good content like in X3:Terran conflict).

Attached: X4_prettyshot_space.jpg (1920x1080, 348K)

liquid is fine, but most people go with AIOs for some reason. You need to buy a 280/360 radiator to match that particular cooler I linked or the Ninja/Noctura stuff.

recommend a jrpg to someone who has never played one before

>Snake Pass
Good but:
- little variation
- poor checkpoint system
- no real goal besides collecting shit

No idea about Snake Pass.
Vanquish and VC4 are terrible games, especially VC4; that's why both bombed horribly, especially VC4

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Rain World is one of the best indie games I've played, just make sure you try and figure everything out by yourself

where was remastered 4$?

for owners of the original

Good? Anything to add/delete?

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Is Dusk+Amid evil bundle worth it now, or should I wait for bigger discount? They seem short.
Also any recommendation for some fighting game on sale?

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Didn't post?
I just got Atom RPG and kenshi from the sale. Finished S.T.A.L.K.E.R. last winter. Any good RPG/post-apocalyptic RPG recommendation? Been thinking of getting Planescape, since I never got around to try it. Any other recommendation welcome.

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Is Dead Rising any fun without friends? It looks like one of those games that rely on coop for a good time. Tempted to buy Darkwood and Katana Zero as well, but I think they would both benefit from being able to play on the go with a Switch. Assuming they both run at 60fps on there, anyway.

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Good games don't bomb.
Ask any VC4 fan about 4; no one will say anything positive about it.

Sonic Adventure 2 if you plan on playing the first one.

I asked in another thread, but want more opinions. Which 2 should I pick?

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is railway empire fun?

zero and cross code

>get my salary today
>ohshit.jpg I can't wait to buy a metric fuckton of games.
>open steam
>look for 45minutes for something noteworthy.
>end up buying nothing.

Fuck me, guess it's my turn to grow out of games.

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I think it's great. An upgrade to VC1

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Yakuza 0 is good shit

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Yakuza is a glorified collection of minigames.
If you're okay with that, pick it.

Currently on the cart:

Hypnospace Outlaw
Everspace Encounters DLC (haven't played the base yet)
Red Faction Collection
Mas Effect
E.Y.E Devine Cybermancy
Crossing Souls
XCOM2: War Of The Chosen DLC
One Finger Death Punch 2
Bendy and The Ink Machine
Trials of the Blood Dragon
Vermintide 2
GTA Vice City

Good? Bad?

>GTA Vice City
Some audio tracks are removed from the Steam version of Vice City. The same is true for San Andreas and IV.

EYE doesn't make sense storywise and its character stats and skills is replaced with words you don't understand
I got a good 90+ hours on it though

Red Faction Guerilla is fun. The most fun in the series
Vermintide 2 is good
Vice City is very dated on a technical level but it's still a good GTA game. Pirate it instead

Wasn't there a patch to restore them?

>GTA Vice City
Don't forget to install SilentPatch

Heard about that, glad there's a patch that fixes it. Thanks!

SilentPatch is a bugfix mostly and doesn't restore soundtrack from what I know.
Try this guide, it says how to restore music, but see if there's a newer version of the patch available:

If I spend 20€ more I'll have enough points to get a 10€ discount, this is good deal right??

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you mean 5€ discount

Was exactly the same one I was looking at. I'll have to research more into it

do you want 30 pounds worth of games?

Well I might play them later, sometime, maybe, but when I do it's better to have them in my inventory ready to go right, it's basically 50% more games for free.

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That's a lot of games!

Katana Zero is not finished, I'd say wait for full release

EYE has some of the best gunplay in vidya. Everything else about it is janky as fuck, but it's worth it for the shooting.

What are some hidden indie gems on sale?

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Dead Rising 1 is a single player game.

what are you looking for


Can I use my credit card which has a different currency than euros for my steam purchases?

With a VPN maybe

Oh no steam doesn't use my country's currency.

Steam will just convert your card currency into whatever currency you have in Steam.


No they won't. Your bank will, if they allow/support it, otherwise the payment will simply be rejected.

Something either:

>with a lot of playtime to offer
>with a slightly bigger budget than the average indie
>made by veteran developers

Any, really.

user you replied to here, I ordered Hyper 212 EVO black edition (as it's the new ryzen compatible one) and some value pack of 5 Arctic fans
I have everything stock currently and it's quite noisy, also warm


Wizard of Legend still good when played solo?

Never had to deal with his issue myself, used a CC in different currency as well as virtual cards and Steam always accepted it.

Last time I played it was lacking in content from the enemy and stage sides, but the spells are fucking excellent fun to play with and there's a lot of them. There was a whole new area added since last time so I can't comment on that, tell you what, I'll go play it a bit and tell you how it is.

Buy this.

One Way Heroics

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How dead is the DS Remastered online?

anything good for 5€ or less?

Not that hidden and not that much playtime (right now, updates to come) but I know Void Bastards was made by System Shock 2 guys.

>Fallout 4 is bretty good
Is it actually good? I haven't played the 3D Fallouts other than New Vegas, but everyone seemed to hate Fallout 4.

What the fuck is this
I really like it

What are some good action hack n slash games and casual games my dad can play?
Any good mech shit too?

It's a bad Fallout game and extremely mediocre RPG but okay-ish looter shooter.

Bendy is trash. The idea of an animation studio taken over by demonic shit is nice but each episode is short and has only the most basic puzzles and combat, with most of the twists being poor and the final boss/ending sucking. Some character designs are solid but that's all there is.


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I bought furi and a hat in time, might buy stardew valley

DMC4SE is $10, Assault Spy is $15, Furi is $9, Revengeance is $7.50, Nelo is $7, Bayonetta is $5, Killer Is Dead is $4, Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae is like $3.50. Those are good-quality 3D hack-and-slash.

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I bought ;
Battlebrothers, played for an hour , its really good but I'm bothered by the design of characters in combat and in the menus, I cant identify them quickly, I cant really tell if one has a bow or a melee weapon, etc, its very annoying so I'm just not playing it.
Heat Signature, again, it seems amazing but I'm really turned off by the UI.
PoE2 Deadfire, playing turn based mode, its alright I guess.

Recommend me some Online Co-op games plox

Alright, I died on the first area but it seems there's some new enemies. The spell variety is great and there's items and costumes that modify stats and give effects too. It may still be pretty light on the enemy side of things but there's a lot of stuff player-side and it's fun to play.

Reminder to get blood bowl 2 for $5 and join the Yea Forumsirgin league

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>I cant identify them quickly, I cant really tell if one has a bow or a melee weapon
In combat? Are you insane?
Have you tried looking at the weapons that are prominently featured on their model?
And how the fuck can you have a problem with the Heat Signature UI? Just pick a weapon and throw it at people if it's on cooldown, the game even pauses in the menu for you

Attached: battle-brothers-1.jpg (1920x1080, 377K)

Cool thanks user, will get it

Aztez, Aces Wild, and Fight'N Rage are $5 apiece and are fantastic 2D action games. Way of the Passive Fist is a cool take on beat-em-ups and is $1.50 (90% off).

KNIGHTS, a puzzle game based on the chess piece, is 50 cents. It's a good game if you're the kind of person that found that description interesting.

this game is hard
i don't know how to play

Wizard of Legend is one of my favorite Roguelites, it also got a shitton of content with patches
>fun spells
>fun enemies that feel hard as fuck at first but you can stomp them when you actually git gud
>fun builds with capes and relics
>fun bosses
Never played it in co-op so yes the single player is very good

Ittle Dew 2+ (zelda parody with a lot of silly humor)

Attached: ittle-dew-17_1024x1024.jpg (1024x576, 90K)

When will you kill yourself?

hey guys, I've got my £5 discount and I've chosen a game worth £3. Any got any recommendations for some £2 games?

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You want to roll the least amount of dice possible and force your opponent to roll more dice. ez
Also the campaign introduces most mechanics at a very slow pace

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Combat is alright, but it's a really enjoyable game overall. Didn't regret picking it up this sale.

Never, I have a wonderful life. I hope you're doing well, user.

update: I decided to not be a cheapskate faggot and to just add Vanquish for another pound

You shoot shit and you loot. Not that much to it, but at the current price you cant go wrong

do i want the new vegas dlc?

Space Hulk: Deathwing worth?

Around $12
Tron 2.0, Starcrawlers, Tropico 4 complete ed.
Distrust, Everspace Ultimate

Can I get a redpill on Kenshi? it looks gubbins but it gets an insane amount of love

Snake Pass is fun
Pick up the Everspace DLC as well


Yes. It's a lot of standing around in heavy armor mowing down lots of dudes and having fun psy powers though, so most people hate it because "muh mobility"


>i dont like shooters
>will i like this 100% certified shooter that doesnt offer much else

great post

Its a fun game you can easily spend tens to hundreds of hours in, in comfy isolation.
Its a very slow game but its in the vein of dwarf fortress where the majority of the fun is you getting attached to characters and creating stories through crazy adventures.

Is this a sentence you could conceivably utter?
"Man this old game seemed neat but the graphics turned me off"
If yes, fuck off
If not, buy it


I bought this. It's fucking amazing. I wish I found this gem sooner. If you want to lead a band of mercenaries then look no further.

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Tell me about Warhammer: Mechanicus. I got it from Humble Monthly, but couldn't get any info in that thread.

Anyone tried Everspace? How is it? Reviews say it's repetitive but as long as the gameplay is fun I don't mind.

DLCs are good and a lot of mods require you to have all DLCs.

it's less the graphics and more the learning curve that's got me worried. It looks like it'll take a lot of time investment to into it and I'm not sure I've got that sort of commitment in me at the moment

user looking for hidden horror gems here. So far the only rec I've gotten that I didn't know of beforehand was Tamashii. I'm sorry to keep asking but anyone got any others? I've got Darkwood, Duskers, Lost in
Vivo and Charnel House. No interest in Marrow. Also already have older stuff like Lone Survivor and Layers of Fear. I prefer non-jumpscare games.

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Gameplay is nice, DLC reduces repetitiveness quite a bit
Also has a well functioning Linux version
It's good

>have just under enough tokens to buy the discount
>due to point limits the only way to buy the discount is to buy a game

This sale is fucking stupid.

Among all of the options on steam for games with survival/building/RPG/etc, Kenshi boasts some of the highest levels of open-ended gameplay. The game is highly moddable and can be (and is) extended in so many ways across the available mods for the game.

You can play the game as anything from a base builder to a squad RPG to a slavery simulator to a genocide simulator to a drug trafficking simulator to a "fuck it, I'm gonna play as a bone dog and eat people's arms".

>just got darkwood
>legitimately thinking about refunding it because i'm a huge pussy and the first hour already is giving me anxiety
god dammit

Tell me...
Way of the Samurai 3 or 4?

I bought bastard bonds because the spritework looked great. This shit is gay af tho.

Hey guys, I'm going to play Planescape Torment for the first time after buying enhanced edition in the sale

I don't want to spoil it for myself, but what class would you recommend I choose in order to have the easiest time with combat? I'm mostly interested in the story.

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How is the Borderlands sale possible? From 100€ to 5€

Pretty happy with all my pickups. Don't think I'm getting anything else.
>free 5 dollars for doing a thing you were already doing
Naw its pretty good

Attached: Untitled.png (815x369, 18K)

don't worry, after the really cool opening prologue the game turns into a "walk about and look for crafting items" simulator

uncanny valley

Is this one the greatest dev stories ever?
Look how much work they did and dropping their ego to fix the game and how it turned out.

Can't get it yet, I got backlog games since 2011.. I must wait.

Anyone have any opinions on Strike Vector EX? It's dirt cheap but I'm trying to save money where I can.

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Hmmm. May hold out and see if I can get the discount token by the 9th or not. Thanks user.


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Just put all your points in WIS CHAR and INT
Also, you got ripped off, the original works fine with a widescreen mod

I bought Baba is You, but I feel that my brain is too small for it.

Should I refund it for a smaller brained puzzle game? Do you guys know of any?

Got it already but thank you. I do like that one.

>hating uno
I like to have fun, also I'm slightly autistic and have been playing uno video games since xbox. I even bought it twice on 2 different phones. Recent one I hated cause it has shitty rulesets and bad online though.

Well do you have the popular ones? Amnesia, Penumbra, SOMA, Observer, Outlast, The Evil Within, Prey etc.

Is Disgaea 2 a good game where I can mindlessly grind? Been meaning to pick up a game where I can get levels and do something else on the other monitor, but the first game seemed to move a bit too slow for my tastes. Also wasn't a fan of the colored gem thing system.

they are building hype for 3

>not on steam though haha

>Do you guys know of any?
Bioshock Infinite

Break Arts II looks fun as fuck. Nice recommendation!

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would you recommend buying 1 and 2 ? never played them before

and which console is 3 for?

well ok then, i don't really like crafting in games but it is a horror game and i've been meaning to play one. how long is it on average?


Action platformer:




Strategy: (Tropico 4)


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Spacechem is more methodical than thinking outside the box

Pictopix and Hexcells/Squarecells/Crosscells are dirt cheap and really fun puzzle games, but they're just straight up logic puzzles.

anything good for Online Co-op, user?

I believe in you user!

BL always has deep sales. This might be the last one until release though.

you dont really need to play 1 cause 2 just improves the gameplay so much, and the story doesnt matter

Consider these splendid and cute puzzle games

Attached: snakebird.png (1920x1080, 248K)

>and which console is 3 for?
It's EPIC™ Store™ exclusive™

The Last Door

It's coming to PS4/Bone too. Epic doesn't buy games off of consoles, just Steam.

Nation Red
Super Cyborg

year walk?

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Then there's literally nothing to complain about.

I've wanted a grand strategy game for quite while, and don't want to pay for 3K even though I love RoTK. Are the Warhammer games worth it? Also plan on finally getting Hat in Time.

>would you recommend buying 1 and 2 ? never played them before
If you like mindless looter shooters then why not?
Might be very dull without friends coop.

>Prey 2
>Yakuza 0
That's probably it for me
I've been thinking about Baba but I'll wait and see if it goes on sale for Switch

fallout 4 is trash so is skyrim.
Oblivion is arguably decent and Morrowind is good.

Try Ultimate General if you want a tiny bit more strategy than just hammer & anvil

As I saw it, he probably thought it wasn't going to be released on PC at all.

well I've definitely got mega fucking ripped off now. listen to this horrific story
>buy Enhanced Edition just now
>boot it up and on the character creator
>gf asks me if that's Planescape Torment
>wtf why does she know this old niche game
>it's the favourite game of her ex who i don't like
>he put a lot of money towards the enhanced edition and he's immortalised in the game as one of the tombstones
the game is soured, fuck my life

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Bought Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen, the fights are pretty fun so far.
My only gripe is from that quest with the Duke's wife. She invites you to her chambers, the Duke fucking interrupts and chokes the shit out of her, you get busted for entering her chambers, thrown into a dungeon, then they literally let you walk away as if nothing happened. Fun times.
How's Dishonored 2 and Kingdom Come?
They were both unoptimized garbage on launch, how did they go from mixed to positive reviews on steam?

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fuck off normalfag

the PC port of VP HD collection is fucked and locked at 22 FPS, don't even bother.

>fallout 4
kill yourself

the story is all kinds of fucked, I mean you literally have one conversation with her which is all about how to heal the Duke's craziness and then in the next cutscene you're apparently having a hot affair

so is kenshi basically a YOU CAN DO ANYTHING game, only you literally can do anything? how steep is the learning curve?

have sex

>Murder Miners
>Rune: Classic
>Intrusion 2

Haven't bought anything yet, but thinking of grabbing Slay the Spire now that its out of EA. Shill me some of your favorites.

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For anyone considering Kingdom Come or Surviving Mars, keep in mind that they are early unlock of next Humble Monthly

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Debating Vermintide 2. I heard theres an update hitting in a month that will supposedly "kill the game." Any idea why that is?

here to see the answer to this, it looks like it'd be my jam but it also looks like I need to study for 2 years before I get to enjoy it properly


How's Heartbeat? Anyone played it?

>doesn't recognize the old as fuck bait image
you first newfag

Don't have Prey but can't run it.
Got it.
This looks good. Thank you.

I think I've finally reached the promised land, I already have every game I want to play. Looked through the sale multiple times but didn't buy anything. Probably helps that I'm now a wageslave so I have enough money to buy new games I want instead of waiting for them to drop to over 50% off

do you have return of the obra dinn? because if you don't, you want that. Seriously people fucking play it.

Don't really have any recs but StS is absolutely worth it. One of the few EA games where they did it right (frequent interaction and consistent scheduled updates) and the core gameplay is enjoyable.

I think I've finally reached the promised land, I already have every game I want to play. Looked through the sale multiple times but didn't buy anything. Probably helps that I'm now a pirate so I have enough time to download new games I want instead of buying them like a retard.

>most changes were either pointless or bad
>streamlines gathering so you don't waste your time watching your character collecting fucking herbs
>gives you a system to track the monster rather than wasting your time roaming around cluelessly
>GREATLY refined the controls, making them more responsive and allowing you to readjust your attacks mid combo
Posts like this are like a portrait of madness, holy shit. Nostalgiafags are fucking deluded.

Surviving Mars is a genuinely hit or miss title. I tried it for a little while, it became boring very quickly. It lacks the depth you'd think such a simulation would and should have given the premise and hostility of the environment therein.

the main problem is that it's not on switch and capcom betrayed nintendo fans

I'm a retard who bought kenshi since day 1 of greenlight games on steam and seeing it there so many years ago.
With that being said I was able to pick it up, start mining, build a town, build even more mining, start training my troops, get raided by bandits, get revenge by killing their leader cutting off his arms and keeping him in a prison cell infront of my fort keeping him just barely alive until the end of time.

Its pretty easy though you'll fail a lot in the beginning but thats part of the charm.

>>Rune: Classic
fucking thank you, I totally forgot about this

I just said fuck it and bought it, I figure I'll know if it's for me within 2 hours of playtime

Is Tokyo Xanadu eX a good game? Or is it just for the waifus? I generally like Falcom games, but this one looks more generic for some reason, and it went down in price really fight in comparison.

>Surviving Mars is a genuinely hit or miss title
You mean it's genuinely just boring and shit by any metric you want to rate it on.

so it's like Mountain Blade in that I slowly grow my band of adventurers and make them tougher by beating larger and larger bandit armies and eventually take over towns and stuff?
I read that to really succeed, you need to split your dudes and send them as emissaries to different cities, which sounds like too much micromanaging

Kingdom come is early unlock in humble monthly i.e cheaper + more games


>rune 2 is in development and coming out in 2020

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The game is entirely a play how you want. Don't read any guides or shit like that. But yeah its a you start off as a no one shitty guy who has to train to get stronger and recruit people till you get armies, get towns, or whatever else.

You don't have to build an army, you can just be a trader the whole time. You can choose to just train your 1 guy to be a super badass mercenary. You can just be a farmer who sells goods and opens up a shop.

My personal favorite is just being a miner/blacksmith town thats just extremely fortified with turrets.

I'm actually really interested in the political side of things too. Posturing and earning support. Also odd tactics which are both pretty uncommon for strategy games in general. My biggest issue with Ultimate General after looking it over, is really that I have little to no interest in the setting. I couldn't care less about the Civil War.

>What's the damage so far?
About 12.5EUR
>What did you buy
Only the Forgotten Gods DLC for Grim Dawn so far
>What are you thinking about getting?
Pic related is everything what I'm still considering. Any opinions welcome.

>Divinity OS 2
It's excellent

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what should i drop

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That's fair enough, Ultimate General has absolutely no strategic layer either

>Snakebird Primer
I want to add that Primer is the easier sequel, for those people who are intimidated by the steep learning curve.

Yeah what the fuck. The storylines in this game went fucking nowhere lmao.

Man. I've tried starting Fallout 4 about 3 times now and the awful writing is just impossible to stomach, and installing that mod sure didn't help. It just makes it painfully apparent how they completely botched the dialogues.

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what does that even mean.

FFXV is garbage

Kingdom Come is $12 right now in Humble Monthly.
I found Ruiner boring YMMV.

Yeah. It's super casual. If that's your thing, you'll like it. But it is NOT cities skylines levels of simulation depth for a fucking Mars city simulator. It's more casual than Anno on the moon.

>Don't read any guides or shit like that
I'll try, but the urge to google optimal builds and stuff is pretty big
one last question, if you level up enough can your guy become incredible at shit to the power of being almost superhuman? I like that in Mountain Blade you can take on loads of people alone when you're high level enough

Cities Skylines is super casual.
Surviving Mars is braindead tier.

There is FFXV demo you can try beforehand.

>until I have you


Planning to use my gay discount
Arx Fatalis or Dark Messiah?

>Play a game for 30 minutes to start earning points for your achievements
>earned all 1000 achievements within 20 minutes.
did I fuck up?

Yes, it's a lot harder in here than in mount&blade just cause it can take a long while to get the xp needed at higher lvls to lvl up, but you can get there with enough time.

Yeah, it's one of my favs

alright thanks
can't wait to be the most OP miner in all the lands

3 is best of you havent played any of the others.

4 is good, but it's more focused on humor.

Yes user, I'm afraid you'll have to turn in your Steam license.

The cat lady?

Buy Heat Signature.

Attached: 1561586927870-gif.gif (1280x720, 2.7M)

>>What's the damage so far?
Bout $50
>>What did you buy
Project Warlock
Synthetic: Legion Rising
Immortal Redneck
Particle Fleet Emergence
>>What are you thinking about getting?
Thinking about Angels Fall First, Shadow Warrior 2, or hunting down another rts or an RPG to use the $5 discount.

>baba is you
>the hex
>Rage 2
>Black Mesa
>Pre-ordered Cyperbunk with £10 discount from vouchers


I dunno man it's kind of fun for a couple of hours but it loses all tactical complexity when you realize you can just hold two long blades, slash two people with them, and then throw the blades at two more people

Got em. Betrayer is great though.

which version of fable should i get? the original or anniversary?

>Particle Fleet Emergence
Does anyone have opinions on this? Never heard of it but I liked Creeper World

>top negative review has a developer comment where he's apologizing that game is shit

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I'm calling Gabe right now


If you don't like waifus then Xanadu Next has significantly fewer waifus.

That sounds pretty based.

Do you have Sleeping Dogs yet?

my parents will disown me for this.
We put the farm as down payment betting om my ability to work with my steam license.

Attached: Ivan and Burg.png (549x541, 701K)

It has an issue or two due to the engine it was made in (Adventure Game Studios), but it's a solid action title regardless and the soundtrack has some really good stuff

Is Endless Legend any good? Please respond!

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That doesn't really say anything to me.

Haha, really?

It has peak writing, OST and visuals. Gameplay is decent.

Anyone played this?

To whoever told me to go ahead and buy Labyrinth of Refrain thank you so much it's been 4 days of so much fun

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Its alright. The main campaign was about 8 hours long for me though you could speed run the missions. I haven't played through the side ones yet since i got sidetracked playing around in the ship builder.
Its alright if you just want a moderately difficult semi-tower defense. The main thing about creeper world, the z-levels for the goo, is technically there but barely plays a part so its mostly about the airborne particulate which is individual and its various forms as it mimics you and you mimic it.

Haha, strange mix of chad and cuck.

Dare I name him, a man?

I hate overly apologetic artists - he made something great IMO, no need to explain to faggots that don't get it.

Got Tales of Vesperia earlier

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Its fine but much worse than Ys games; combat is very similar but each character has fewer skills. So it still has same switch to particular party member to match enemies weakness and such but only having 2-3 skills and not getting more per character makes it way simpler than say Ys 8. Still fun and fast but just feels like a worse version of their other games.

Has a lot of persona/coldsteel style bonding events but personally I didn't like the cast as much as any of the other falcom games I've played. If you want a mix of Ys gameplay with a story structure close to coldsteel its fine. It isn't so much worse to be a bad game but I think its the weakest Falcom game I've played.

Also translation has some western colloquialisms that feel out of place.

Just out of curiosity do the token discounts stack? or can I only use one per purchase

Same price on GoG as on Steam, but got other 2 games in series on Steam, but GoG is DRM free.
what do?

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What if I said that I recommend Xanadu Next for all your JRPG dungeon crawling needs?

But $5 for those few hours is worth it. Plus you can choose not to use blades.

If its all the same to you, then I would go Gog.
They need it more.

>fewer skills that bumping into enemies with the silver sword
oh dear


No problem - It's excellent. Best LAN party game.

Don't listen to this massive faggot:
Rune 2 has nothing to do with Rune and looks like complete garbage.

Grim Dawn is pretty good if you like that sort of game. I'm currently playing through its last DLC and the game does a pretty solid job to scratch my pet necromancer itch. My only real complaint so far is that gear upgrades are incredibly rare on the first difficulty at least, I'm like level 70 and I don't think I've changed my weapon since level 30 or some shit (changed other gear, obviously).

I want to buy his game now.

Is galactic civilizations III worth £5 lads? I enjoyed sins of a solar empire

It's ok
Made by a /vg/ user

Reviews aren't good for that Zestiria DLC, might as well skip it.

I have never played a 4X game before, but I'm thinking of getting the Stellaris: Starter Pack for $26.97. Any thoughts on it? I mostly play FPS with a handful of RTS and RPGs in the mix.

How did I do?

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Are trades ok here?
I have a Killer Is Dead Nightmare Edition sitting in my inventory and i'd like to see if i can get something out of it

>0 currency
>went my wishlist up and down, most games are cheaper at keysellers
>thinking about getting nier:automata
It's not even on sale on steam, will probably get the ps4 version off of Amazon for 25€

Play Berseria before Zestiria if you hadn't already since it's a prequel.

They're adding PvP.

just boosted my steam level from 10 to 29 with points.
what does this add?

Its civ in space

is dark souls remastered better than ptde?

probably good

How's that gonna kill it? Works great for L4D.

19 levels
You can have more friends, not that you have friends
You can have a second featured thing on your profile
Drop rate of card boosters for games that you have all the card drops for goes up by 20% of the base drop rate or some shit like that but it's still almost nothing.

I'm not sure what could kill the game. The 2 major updates they're adding is a new DLC which I believe will have some new progression mechanics and an update which will add L4D-like Versus. I've got like 300h in the game and think it's great but I don't keep up with whatever the community is currently bitching about.

How the fuck do you level up account?
I used my points to level up some badge, that's it?

>This is a very naive view of the world. War is a convention, not an inevitability. >There are many ways for conflict to play out; they don't need to be organised by modern nation-states.
>Thanks to the conventional nature of wars, they take place within a framework familiar to all nations. There is an internationally recognised "acceptable" way to Do War, and there are ways to contravene this.

>War is certainly not nations trying to kill each other. War is only very rarely an existential matter. It is almost overwhelmingly an attempt to bend the other nation to their will, usually founded in economic and geopolitical matters ("we want you to trade with us at better rates" "we don't want you to join NATO"). Read Clausewitz.
>Bombs which too flagrantly are not designed purely to destroy strategic targets (industry, communication, transport, soldiers) are seen as poor form, yes.

Not him but I think the naive one is you.
You appear to only be aware of the form of war in which the warring parties are in no danger of having their land invaded or culture eradicated, which describes the most basic and common style of war. Proxy wars or the severely lopsided 'wars' waged by America for pretty much all of the 21st century do not count.
If the US was really in danger of being invaded ala Red Dawn and the stakes were between life and death, we'll see how quickly you guys throw all pretense of convention out the window as you fight tooth and nail to stamp out the aggressor.

how the fuck do I fix bioshock remaster so it won't crash when I save. I bought it because it was on sale but now I can't even play it.

You got it

-PvE will be butchered in the name of balance
-PvP communities are disgusting

I plan to drop the game for good once PvP hits. The problem is, I don't know where to go.

if you dont care about your profile then its absolutely pointless.

>wonderful everyday down the rabbit-hole
huh, this looks interesting. I'll add this to my wishlist

>A very minor thing goes wrong
>Half of the lobby ragequits or the game turns into one team utterly dominating
Versus is a very unforgiving place
What's really gonna kill it is the fact that a paid expansion is probably gonna cause a lot of trouble in terms of who can play with whom

There are easier 4x.
Endless or civ

Go kill yourself

It's pretty good, but make sure you've read other VNs before, since it's not very accessible. The author loves fucking with you, so it's full of shit to make you feel uncomfortable, and at the same time it has references to some obscure shit that tie into the plot.

I got:
>Ghost of a Tale
>Yakuza 0
>Mount & Blade: Warband
Never played a Yakuza game or M&B before, and the mouse game seemed cool

Attached: literallyjustgoogledyakuzaquotes.png (1920x1080, 1.71M)

Yakuza is great. Don't feel discouraged if you don't like the combat, since at first it feels simplistic. Don't just rush through the main story, and do the side stories and minigames too, they are big part of the appeal.

Is Terraria any good? or are there better sandbox with online co-op ?
>inb4 Minecraft

What's the recommended playing order? Only one I've done is Symphonia.

>if you dont care about your profile then its absolutely pointless.
alright cool guess it really is just bejazzling your page with fake stickers.

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It's great

Terraria is amazing, and there's nothing quite like it. Minecraft is similar, but a lot less expansive, and more focused on building.

Got DS remastered and MGS V, both 10 bucks.

Have fun, both are great games. Ignore the people that hate MGSV, it's mostly people that still can't get over it not living to the hype in terms of story.

fellas, is age of empires 2 worth it? is there an open multiplayer and if so is it alive?

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Terraria can be a pretty big hit or miss for some people, but more often than not it's a really good game. Online co-op can be super fun with the right people, there's some good mods too.

How's Brigador?

Dammit Jack leave my leg alone

Symphonia -> Vesperia -> Zestiria -> Berseria

Berseria is a prequel to Zestiria, but Berseria is a newer and a much better game than Zest, so going back from it may not be fun

Yeah AoE2 is super popular on Voobly, a private matchmaking service, theres a big community for it still, T90 still makes a bunch of videos and averages like 1K viewers per stream just doing exclusive aoe2 stuff.

thanks anons, will pick it up now

I need to stop

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I bought:
Baba is You
The Messenger
RE Revelations 2
Evil Within 1 and 2
Dishonored 1 and 2
And Risk of Rain 1.
I think I'm good for quite some time.

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Is no mans sky worth £20 now? I only want the opinions of people who still play it.

When I go to the pitstop it says I have 1877 tokens, but when I go to "View Details" it says "Current (Including Non-Booster) 9833. How do I get the 8000 tokens that it says I have?

What I wanted to buy was Grim Dawn and MonHun World
Pirated both first to see if there are any issues with the games and indeed both games have massive fucking issues for me so I'm not buying anything I guess

Can anyone here recommend hardcore mecha? Looks up my alley but I'd like to know how solid the gameplay is.

Why do you buy the entire franchises at once?
What if you don't like the 1st game? Then you are stuck with a sequel you don't want to play.

nice. just making sure, never played AoE before, 2 is more popular/better than AoE 3 correct?

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Games aren't really connected, there's some common stuff among them and some callbacks but stories are self-contained aside from a few titles. On PC it's only Besersia and Zestiria that are connected, Berseria is a prequel but Zestiria is an older game and worse so it may feel as other user said What I can say is you should definitely play through Symphnonia and Vesperia first. Zestiria and especially Berseria have a lot of quality of life improvements so going back to older games may feel like a pain. Not to mention combat is better in Berseria than other games, though some people prefer combat system of the older games.

>indeed both games have massive fucking issues for me
What issues? I'm thinking about getting grim dawn

Looking at getting
> Tower of Time
>Surviving Mars
>Total Annihilation
>Prey - mooncrash
>Spell Force 3

anything I should add, or remove?

I had already played a good chunk of the series before but I wanted to own all of them on steam. It was a good opportunity to replay the games too. Like I had only played the REmake a few years prior as Jill.

bro, where are the giftanons bro

>Monster Hunter or a pile of boring garbage
I dunno user it's a tough call.


I wanna know this also

Why? You play a great deal of games you bought, that's not so bad then. For me it's worse
>152 out of 336 games played 45%
>Hours on record 1,187h
>Average playtime 7.8h

In grim dawn I can't change anything about the graphics settings without getting a completely black screen

By far

Dude, maybe I played like... 10% of those game. It shows that I played most of them because I used an Idle Master to get cards back (Got like 1500-2000 steamcards)

The only thing I bought was Kingdom Come Deliverance, because I didn't think it'd be in a HIB. Imagine my surprise.

You can still refund it unless you are over the playtime limit


>boosting gives you points, it doesn't take them away
guys I could have had like 30k points or more by now, i'm fucking retarded

Welp. Have fun selling all of them, I sold about 250 and it took me a whole evening, got like 15 bucks out of it with one fail card being roughly 30% of that. Kind of not worth the time.

2 is generally regarded as the best in the series and is what a lot of AOE's fans started with.

>played games entire life
>now bored of games
>decide to try out some puzzle game that's been in my back log for ages
>actually enjoy it
>try out other puzzle games like it
>enjoy them just as much
>go back to playing DMCV
>bored out of my mind
any good puzzle games to check out? have played; cradle, the room 1-3, myst series and journeyman project

Thanks guys. Guess I better get started.

Pretty fun but a bit samey. More tactical than it initially might seem and difficulty in a level is almost 1 to 1 with how big of a machine you're taking into fight.
Minor annoyance but i constantly have to be switching controls because having normal tank controls works fine for some of the tanks and mech but others it just doesn't feel right.

>Samsho V S
I only got short games because I have to much backlog right now. Though I do have that discount from the race to still use.

Yeah. I sold like 100 for sale (.07 cents and up) and got like 7-10 dollar

I gave myself a $30 budget but have spent less than $3, not counting games I bought, tried and then refunded. I just don't really see anything I want that's also more than like 20% off.

Should I get Okami HD or Shenmue 1 and 2?

How are characters in Zestiria?
I heard people hate Rosa a lot but what about the rest?

Anything worth getting?

It's pretty damn fun especially if you go full autist for optimization. Garrison archangel is pretty great too even for early access.

Enjoy and glad to help!

Baba is you?

I got Shadow Warrior OG Redo, Gang beasts, Mechanicus, and San Andreas.

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Lads, any games with slow but meaningful progression?

If not any games that get your blood pumping? Like non stop action.

I don't hate Uno but I hate the people who make Uno. No-fun-allowed bastards.

I'd say they are a bit average. Outside of Rose none of the characters are disliked (they are boring at most) but they don't stand out positively either. Lailah and Edna are nice but not game changing personalities.

To be fair, resident Evil has a lot of variety, its not all good variety but theres some diamons buried under the manure.