WOW player here. Decided to play FFXIV until Classic as I can no longer bother to play WOW anymore until they fix it next expansion. FFXIV is fun but it’s not as MMO as I thought. It’s treates more like a single player story with MMO around it which oddly enough really works out.
Anyway, I want to point out storytelling. After playing FFXIV for 3 weeks I can finally tell my fellow WOW players that the writing is 10000x times better. For WOW to be good again they really need to ditch Golden and the others. I honestly don’t think Blizzard cares anymore about Lore.
I'm not doubting anything you said but I'm nor really sure what your webm is supposed to show
Xavier Rivera
Cool post! Thanks for sharing, have a like. ;)
Ethan Richardson
>Decided to play FFXIV until Classic why are so many people doing this? they are two entirely different games. plus classic has no real future, it's going to hit a dead end wall or suffer the same problems as every other progression based private server in terms of content release.
Caleb Martin
I have a MMO itch I need to scratch since Classic was announced. No way in Hell am I playing BFA again. It’s a RNG grind.
>just play on the low pop server in a mmo that needs lots of players to function bro
Camden Carter
That retard Christie looks like a fucking old lady that takes care of 100 cats in her home. I knew it. She was an insane fucking retard. That's why the lore is so shit with her around.
Andrew Perez
>pick a good server >have to deal with layering >have to deal with phasing
Cooper Cruz
This is exactly why it has no future you retard. No one is interested beyond NOTICE ME STREAMER MAN PLEASE NOTICE ME! The amount of players on the server who actually care will be smaller than private servers since you have to pay monthly.
Brayden Reyes
Layering and phasing they said is only for the starting area and the first month or so of the game.
Connor Price
don't believe blizzard's bullshit. they are forced to use layering/phasing because it's a logistics problem. even BFA with however less players than classic's beta still uses phasing and sharding.
Oliver Ortiz
>For WOW to be good again they really need to ditch Golden and the others This so much. I never cared about WoW story but i can't stomach it anymore.
Jayden Lewis
Sure seems like you're talking about wow more than xiv.
Evan Sullivan
Good thing they beat tested that. Oh wait both were on the whole time... I'm sure blizzard would never lie. They never do that
only one server is going to have asmongold though.
People have already been able to have gigantic city raids on the beta with no problem.
Dominic Lee
Why are Japanese women so much better at literally everything than white women?
Adam Thomas
sodapoppin and swifty are playing on pvp. asmongold and dafran are playing on pve. there's no escaping them unless you play on the lowest pop no name server which defeats the purpose of vanilla wow in general.
Justin Scott
No jewish subversion.
Liam Jackson
because they tend to be virgins and not drugged to hell with contraceptions
David Lopez
Sodapoppin already said he's not streaming classic and swifty isn't big enough to ruin a server.
Zachary Lewis
Anime is not a documentary.
Thomas Cruz
>Sodapoppin already said he's not streaming so? you are fucking naive if you think his rabid fanbase isn't going to stalk him in-game and do all sorts of shit. and swifty still has fans to carry him through rank pvp
John Bennett
Is this real? People follow streamers around? For what purpose?
Charles Russell
Not gonna lie, former wow player here. This is fucking hilarious watching wow crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let classic get the subscriptions.
Elijah Thomas
Seethe harder
Jordan Garcia
How would they stalk him without by information about his character?
Zachary Ramirez
In Legion, the discovery and liberation of Suramar was probably the best writing and characters WoW had seen in the last decade. It's too bad the Illidan stuff was utter shit and BFA sucks. Suramar though, that was a solid single-player experience.
Thomas Perry
You think that japanese women are virgins because you watch cartoons where they are. This is not healthy.
Ian Sanders
Even if you choose the low pop server, it's all going to be for nothing once Blizzard eventually merges it with the bigger server like they have done in the past with low pop WoW servers.
Wyatt Baker
autism will find a way to dox his character
Luke Ward
user it's not just the women. Look up the rate of children born out of wedlock there are many factors which lead to Japanese women being respectable people instead of being used goods.
At least at a significantly higher rate than the west
Nathan Morgan
No, that's not even remotely possible.
Gabriel Kelly
Blizzard has never done server merges though.
Eli Collins
Why is every BfA cinematic full of people being sad? It's getting ridiculous.
Charles Richardson
The only thing I hate about FFXIV is the sheer amount of autistic muscle memorization required for rotation optimizing if you want to tackle any of the harder content. Dropping even just a few GCDs or missing out on a positional is a (relatively) massive loss of dps.
Landon Evans
I love WOW I loved it all through CATA and quit towards the end of CATA when they showed MOP.
As much as I hate what Blizzard has become I’m coming back for Classic.
"The west" is not a country. You're telling me to look up one extremely specific statistic and then look up that same extremely specific statistic for dozens of countries.
Carter Scott
"If you kill your enemy, they win" mentality. Ie War in WARcraft, BAAAAAAAD.
Carter Long
how do i get one for blizzard? oh but it seems like they cant really afford shills right.... things are not looking to bright....
Easton Fisher
>I loved it all through CATA jesus christ is this is the modern Yea Forums audience now
Jayden Miller
so play a easier class like rdm or dancer, if you fuck up those you may as well kill yourself for being a retard.
Ryan Diaz
Some proof that the writing is some of the worst we’ve ever seen. If the rumors are true and they get rid of the factions and have both factions be friendly towards each other.
They will be burying their own franchise.
Michael Ramirez
>better combat Objectively wrong. Super long GCD. PvP absolute trash. >better rpg elements Objectively wrong. Literally not job customization. >better story Objectively correct >better community Objectively wrong. 70% of the population has a suicide rate of 40%+.
On the contrary, the writing has been shit BECAUSE of the Alliance vs Horde dichotomy. Because they need to justify continued hostilities between the factions, they cannot experiment with story elements without it all falling apart.
Landon Williams
What is this image about I don’t get it.
Aiden Cruz
That's not server merging, that's cross-realm shit.
Parker Baker
>be blizzard >wow subs dropping >how do we milk this cow? >nostalgia is huge rn >classic servers >dumb consumers throw their money at blizzard thinking they'll somehow recapture their first MMO/early wow experience >a week into realize they'll never recapture that feeling >a couple months later >classic servers consolidated to 1 pvp and 1 pve server >lol stupid goyim
Gavin Myers
Same fucking shit under a different name. Like how blizzard calls world instances "layers".
You play with the same people, you join the same guilds, you access the same auction house, chat channels are merged, it's all fucking server merging bullshit.
Ryan Martinez
Quitting after hitting the end of the main story is the galaxy brain way to play WoW and FFXiV
Raid shitters make games into a second job and you don't have to stick around for that.
Ethan Gray
The game still has over 6 million subs.
Kayden Rodriguez
Already confirmed for never happening in classic. Even layering is being removed after a few weeks. The only arguments left are "NO STOP THEY'RE LYING PLEASE DON'T PLAY CLASSIC I DON'T WANT MY GAME TO DIE"
Dominic Morris
But that's too late : They just made an expac about the Horde genociding the Nelves. Also merging will be them admitting that factions were always trash. WoW players love faction. This shit was invented to please braindead people but making them feel that they were part of a virtual war.
Dominic Hughes
>the absolute state of classic fags
Jaxon Miller
Why are there only about 280k characters at level cap though if BFA sold millions and they have millions of subs? Keep in mind that the number is inflated too since people often make multiple characters to play different classes.
The big reveal is going to be that Sylvanas did it all to make everyone band together against her and then she will try to contain N'zoth within herself and take him to superhell with her as she is killed. It's a retarded """"twist"""", but I don't see any other way they can write themselves out of the mess they created by entertaining this faction shit for as long as they did.
Ryan Walker
not the first time blizzard said they will not do something but they end up doing it anyways.
>diablo 3 will not be pay to win, ends up being paying to win with real money auction house >heroes of the storm will not be a cash grab, game ends up in small team maintenance mode after 4 years >world of warcraft is too big to fail to do server merges, ends up doing that exactly with cross realm merging >overwatch lootboxes are not gambling, gets their lootboxes banned in belgium for gambling
Michael Thomas
I never denied that they wouldn't merge faction. Just saying that the damage is done since 15 years, and just pretending that nothing happened after a giant genocide committed by the Horde coming out of nowhere won't make the story better.
Josiah Smith
You have to be a genuine fucking retard to think classic servers will fail. Will they somehow magically overtake modern WoW numbers? No.
You bet your fucking ass it'll blow XIV's sub numbers out of the water. Classic will be well and thoroughly alive through to Naxx and into new content a la OSRS.
Nicholas Taylor
You think once the Horde runs out of.racial leaders they'll just join the Alliance and be done with it?
Hudson Roberts
Good thing you wrote objectively everywhere.
I'm not even disagreeing with you but this is just attention seeking that you should get rid of at once.
Isaac Rivera
classic will peak at launch window and then drop off hard after the months once people realize they don't want to pay a sub fee and the nostalgia wears off.
plus do you really trust the current blizzard dev team to deliver good new content for classic and not fuck it up like BFA or WoD?
Cameron Baker
They're not going to pretend that nothing happened. They're just going to absolve Sylvanas by having it all been a part of her plan to unify the factions.
Still retarded, but not outright ignoring past events.
Jack Jenkins
There will be no Horde/Alliance in 9.0 Azeroth will be run by Baina/Jaina/Thrall/Anduin. Also Jaina will bear Thrall's baby. He will rule Durotar AND Kul Tiras.
I don't disagree with any of that. I still think it will be plenty healthy after the dropoff, though.
Sebastian Cook
Sylvanas will fuck off and they won't kill her to please her fans like they did with Illidan. All the blame will be put on her, and Horde/Alliance player will make parties together like nothing happened.
Easton Walker
we'll see. depends on how they handle future rollouts. if they truly are keeping things "classic" then all the broken specs+non viable specs will be clear as day and I wonder if people will tolerate it long.
Ethan Smith
that's the point, idiot. it won't fail because the goal is to fleece dumb consumers like yourself out of $15 for 1 or 2 months by playing to your nostalgia. it will be a huge success for blizzard
Owen Campbell
meant for
Henry Reed
Who cares about how successful it will be for Blizzard's bank account? Are you an employee or shareholder? What matters is what the players go through.
Connor Edwards
god damn you really are retarded.
Landon Price
WoW deserves to get its ass kicked by FFXIV because monopolies are bad for consumers.
Brandon Thomas
>mmo loyality Can mmoplayer get any lower than this?
WoW might be shit now but as someone who lived and breathed vanilla back in the day and has never really been into Final Fantasy nothing can convince me not to play classic except for the inevitable disappointment when it turns out that doing the same content all over again won't make me feel like a 14 year old again.
Anthony Allen
>Also Jaina will bear Thrall's baby Isn’t Jaina too old to have children?
Sebastian Ross
Because society doesn't artificially elevate their status and give them a bunch of leg ups in life; so they actually do have to work harder than men do to prove themselves as competent. And in turn the ones that you do see in high ranking creative positions are ones who had to bust genuine ass to get there and didn't make it to the show through a fluke or by society constantly giving them free handouts just because of their gender.
Jayden Gonzalez
I would love to know how many classic tards actually played it on release. It really wasn't anything special. Maybe if it was your first MMO, but mine was DAOC.
Tyler Williams
Late 30's. A little magic can help. >mfw all kul tirians women will follow her exemple.
Nicholas Sanchez
>maybe if it was your first MMO that's really it. blizzard expanded the MMO market by name recognition alone. as someone who had played UO, EQ, DAOC, WoW was pretty lackluster for me. i didn't even hit max level before i quit.
You are correct. FFXIV is more mmoRPG, while WoW is more MMOrpg. Nevertheless, XIV is in a much better place than current WoW is, people going through the latest expansion are enjoying it a bunch. Maybe Classic will make thing better but who knows.
Jaxson Myers
the game was only fun for the exploration and community. The community is fucking ass now and everyone knows everything. Seriously you think we are going to have traditional barrens chat shitposting like back in the old days?
It's all fucked
Ayden Johnson
>Seriously you think we are going to have traditional barrens chat shitposting like back in the old days?
honestly I feel like xiv does the MMO thing better than wow does. The multiplayer is way more involved whether it's people calling out for hunts, world fates, etc.
Gabriel Price
Hey, retard! If you dont understand the differences between objectively and subjectively or how they should be used, stop fucking using them. In this case, the person you are replying to is speaking objectively and subjectively, and since you cant distinguish between the two, you dont need to clarify if they are objectively or subjectively correct or incorrect.
Jace Reyes
So how do I AoE as BLM now? Freeze>Fire 3>Flare>Flare>Freeze>Foul>Thunder2?
Kayden Campbell
There's also the fact that you see familiar people since they aren't spirited away to a different shard constantly to deal with the dead zones.
Andrew Taylor
Be a Summoner it’s fun
Gavin Nelson
Freeze Flare Flare if you have no triple Freeze F3 Flare Flare if you have triple Use foul in ice unless mobs are about to die or you'll overcap Use T4s when you get them Sharpcast on CD
Jacob Rogers
I like how I can recognize people in cities. When I zone into Ul'dah or Gridania and see a familiar face I usually just /wave.
Jason Jenkins
I really do like that XIV's way of sharding can only be done by aetherytes instead of it happening randomly in WoW just by running in a area.
that webm IS the reason classic has no future lmao
Jacob Gray
>After playing FFXIV for 3 weeks I can finally tell my fellow WOW players that the writing is 10000x times better
Only if were excluding vanilla, which was putrid dogshit. Heavensward personally was kino af.
Gabriel Scott
exactly it's completely player controlled
Dominic Brown
Fuck no it's not, it was a no fun ruin mage that plays itself in SB and now it's even worse
Hudson Hill
Thats cause you're new af and dont know how to recognize a bait topic to get the thread bumped and going.
Zachary Hughes
Dude there will likely be dozens of servers, you will have to go out of your way to play on one with streamers. Chill out faggot.
Michael Gutierrez
If I want PvP, I’ll play a game designed for controlled, closed system gameplay. MMOs are designed for PvE
Jace Bailey
If these were Yea Forums autists? Sure, but these are twitch autists, they can barely wipe their asses. They arent capable of pulling any shia flag stealing weaponized autism shit.
Nicholas Evans
why do people mod their game to look like a korean mmo
Nolan Thomas
ARR isn't that bad and it's leagues beyond WoW. I have a long time WoW player friend going through it right now and he isn't even skipping cutscenes.
Jaxon Richardson
twitch autists dox'd etica's location and sent the police to his house.
Nicholas Kelly
>dumb consumers throw their money at blizzard thinking they'll somehow recapture their first MMO/early wow experience
>retards still believe these meme
Project harder faggot, some of us have been playing private servers for years, it has fuck all to do about recapturing an experience.
Sebastian Turner
>Seriously you think we are going to have traditional barrens chat shitposting like back in the old days?
Do you even know what barrens chat was? It was literally just the meme chat. Barrens chat will and has existed in private servers for years, the chat has just evolved. Instead of chuck norris and Bush jokes, its Trump and keanu reeves.
Noah Murphy
>I have a long time WoW player friend going through it right now and he isn't even skipping cutscenes
Good for him, I thought it was fucking trash, he can like it if he wants. Its objectively inferior to every expansion released so far story wise, by a MASSIVE powergap, and vanilla's story being slightly better than WoW's, is more of a failure than a success imo.
Like i said though, everything past Heavensward is either kino is pretty good.
Leo Stewart
Etika had alot of Yea Forums fans though, i find it easier to believe it was one of you guys than a twitch drone.
Ethan Flores
that's the ninja opener that most people used in SB (I haven't played mine since SHB came out but I imagine it's similar). Ninja is notorious for being the class that "elitists" play because it has a "hard" rotation and opener (you can learn it in like, an hour even if you're braindead).
Basically he's some degenerate Nin poster that thinks hard=good.
Owen Diaz
sounds like someone didn't make it out of 2.x
Henry Perez
Shadowbringers is legit so kino it actually hurts when I read the shitposts about Y'shotla cucking or WoL jobbing. Legit if you didn't enjoy it I actually feel sorry for you.
Landon Kelly
the leaks from blizz office say they aren't allowed to mention anything about FF14 because of how hilariously one sided the FF14 vs WoW debate is. Also there's a supposed Blizzard community manager/developer at a FF14 event trying to figure out how to make their game good again (in a social aspect).
Wyatt Wright
>Nu Blizzard >Able to fix anything That's a good joke.
Logan Harris
I think the point of the webm is to get rid of the myth that high GCD means combat is slow, when the reality is that WoW is just a dumb button masher, whereas skill chaining in FFXIV requires some amount of thought put into it.
Jaxson Allen
Is it shitposting or has BFA only had 1 dungeon for a year and 1 raid that just came out? I thought it was bullshit but I’ve seen wowfugees in XIV threads that genuinely didn’t realize that we actually get content patches and thought the current Shadowbringers content was all we would have until 6.0
Asher Wright
>Also there's a supposed Blizzard community manager/developer at a FF14 event trying to figure out how to make their game good again (in a social aspect).
I can sum up the difference pretty easily
>fan asks for something at bliss on q&a >”you think you want it but you don’t”
>fan asks for something at FanFest >it’s in the game 2 patches later
Colton Parker
It seems like that's the case. A quick search says one new raid added in 8.1, and another just added in 8.2. Literally one new raid every 6 months, and nothing else to go with it. It'd be like Stormblood only getting the Ivalice content post-launch. Embarrassing.
Carson Howard
oh yeah I agree with that. Anyone using the high gcd as being an argument for the game being slow isn't worth an argument though. They aren't even worth a sentence desu. If they aren't using that line for bait then they're actually subhuman and I would prefer them to not come over to FF14 and ruin it.
Tyler Cook
I've never played WoW, FFXIV, or Runescape, but from an outside perspective I'm wondering, if Runescape was able to be successful by making the classic version available, why wouldn't WoW be able to do the same?
Nicholas Powell
WoW classic is planned to be an isolated ecosystem and they aren't going their own path in the same way Oldschool Runescape did. In fact, OSRS is an example for how classic will boom in popularity and then die "suddenly" because the same thing happened to OSRS.
OSRS only exists now because Jagex decided to actually make content in an "old school style" which literally saved the game. I think the game was down to like 6k-7k daily players when they made this change. It started off with hundreds of thousands.
Luke Sanders
>is Diablo Immortal coming to platforms? >"do you guys not have phones?!"
>is FFXIV coming to other platforms? >"we are in discussion with microsoft and google but haven't reached a conclusion, please give us time to work things out and we'll update you."
Oliver Harris
all you gotta do is compare fflogs and warcraftlogs casts per minute tab on parses and you can see that FFXIV has more APM on average than most of WoWs specs although there are some exceptions for some WoW specs.
Nicholas Morgan
I understand why the start of 14 is slow and kinda boring but I feel like a lot of people drop it because of this and I wish the only skip potion was ARR because it's a fucking crime to skip heavensward
Joseph Robinson
>buy a full price game and then pay a monthly subscription to play a single player JRPG with tranny erpers lol.....yikes!
Xavier Martinez
What is the stat priority for SCH now, is it still critit>DH? Or since it's the start of the expansion and critical chance is ass right now should I just stack DH even though critlo and recitation exist
Anthony Russell
>I understand why the start of 14 is slow and kinda boring but I feel like a lot of people drop it because of this If they had a class trial system on the character select screen like WoW, it would solve this and probably even encourage more sales of level boosts.
Jonathan Green
zoomer post
Nicholas Carter
>try out xiv >get into my first dungeon >in the middle of the run, 2 of my group members say "brb" but never come back >this happens every single time I get into a group with 5 people What the fuck is going on? Am I doing something wrong?
Owen Thomas
what server
Benjamin Garcia
They hope they can become BFF with the streamer or if they are lucky they can brag about how they were streamed online for 5 mins.
Dominic Adams
>is FFXIV coming to other platforms? >"we are in discussion with microsoft and google but haven't reached a conclusion, please give us time to work things out and we'll update you." Even that has been answered, Microsoft doesn't want it there because they don't like when something is playable without paying for their internet plan, has been like that since the 360 too I think
Parker Turner
They convinced them to have FFXI on the 360 without a gold sub
Joshua Rodriguez
Too bad FFX graphics looks like absolute garbage
Thomas Watson
You could play FFXI with a Silver membership iirc. SE have probably been banking on the Xbone struggling enough for M$ to waive the Gold requirements again.
Ryan Price
God I hope they find a way to cram it on the switch. Trying to play portably through remote play is a chore
Isaiah Johnson
if the game is instance-based it is not a mmo
Blake Scott
please no they already dropped ps3 support
Carson Anderson
>better combat what >better rpg elements what? what rpg elements does either game have other than leveling.
Hunter Wilson
ultima online had instances to deal with certain areas from not crashing so that's not a mmo then?
Carter Reed
It's easily the best looking MMO out there, the only real contender being BDO. But if you don't like it user, FFXIV is literally the most friendly ReShade game out there.
The writing of vanilla isny even that good compared to the expansions.
Brandon Nguyen
compared to?
Austin Mitchell
Seething jealousy is what we call it.
Evan Bell
when's the last time wow even got a new capital city? Wrath?
Christian Reyes
which is retarded because kugane is amazing, I can't wait for the rest of the nation in a future expansion
Alexander Carter
sour grapes
Mason Davis
there was no restriction on others going into those areas so yes
Jonathan Ross
that's stupid logic
Christian Sanders
compared to non-MMOs shit's like gold compared to other MMOs
Ian Rogers
>People pay $15 a month for a story and single player content
Jeremiah Rivera
Even compared to non-mmo's. Heavensward is still the best story in a jrpg since the PS1.
Noah Fisher
which is funny because blizzdrones will complain about having to play it. Imagine buying a game and then paying more money so you can't not play the game
It's low poly and now shy about it. Just go on their website the pictures look really strange. Like the paint is smeared on or something?
Kayden Clark
XIV tells its story like a singleplayer game, which is not OK, but with the added bonus of taking all the gravity out of the situation by making it a complete non effort
I like the story itself, it’s an ok/10 at least, but it’s not told in a compelling way >start quest >cutscene telling you how only you can save the world >cutscene fades out to show you the 20 other people also getting that speech at the time >teleport somewhere close to your goal, wouldn’t want the world feeling big or anything >big up rock covered in purple smoke >wipe the floor with an enemy that couldn’t kill you if you were afk for 10 minutes >bring stone back to quest guy >cutscene of intense nodding (and pounding fist to palm) >teleport to next goal >solo instance, hope you weren’t playing this mmo with other people or anything >dramatic fight with someone established to be a threat >about as hard as that mob from before, balanced to make sure any retard can kill it spamming the first part of their combo alone (now with auto heal) >cutscene of you standing there nodding while bad guy casually walks away >teleport back >cutscene of etc etc
Dominic Johnson
Very important question: Are chocobuns better with blonde or grey hair?
Nicholas Richardson
name a single game that tells a story in a non single player game
Joseph Sullivan
there are actual nEEts who play wow and farm gold for their subscription at the same hourly rate as some indonesia rice farmer
Daniel Powell
>Low poly These words don't have the meaning you think they do. WoW is low poly. FFXIV is stupidly high poly, the only real shortcuts they took to get it to run was in texture resolution for the more complex gear pieces. Which is totally acceptable imo, since it's a fucking MMO.
Cooper Rivera
>“Two months ago, I discussed with Phil Spencer,” Yoshida said. ” I have explained this before but we are prepared to do crossplay at any time. To play an MMORPG, there are 2 regulations for Microsoft which stand in the way of making crossplay feasible. Unless these regulations are rejected, there is no meaning.”
>“Simply speaking, the matching base FPS style game has no issues with those 2 regulations. If we had made an FPS game [had FF14 been one of those games], then we would already have crossplay. One of the regulations is that players with different platforms cannot chat with each other in-game. Then how do you play an MMO? The other regulation is you cannot make a community with plays on a different platform. You can’t form a guild, you can’t enter into a link shell, [and] no free company. So I would like to have Microsoft change their regulations. “
Ryan Ward
white/grey hair
Matthew Brooks
also some stretching on old skirts. No way low poly though, guys a fucking retard
Microsoft is retarded to have those restrictions in place, but then again this is the same company that decided to bring PSO2 to Xbox.
Luke Torres
Their realistic but not realistic art"style" makes it look like a ps2 game though
Dominic Robinson
that lady looks deranged
Carter Cook
>better combat
lmao these delusional ffxiv fags. the combat is one of the worse parts of the game. ffxiv tards gettin pretty arrogant with all these circle jerk threads praising and shilling it
All I want is good combat and kill shit. Not being forced to a do a total CRAP storyline in an MMO. Meaning walk from place to place and click or kill something and walk all the way back and repeat for 1000 times. THey don't even try to make the walking fun. The whole game felt like a sludge.
Isaiah Wright
Luke Parker
omg look at my cool rotation minigame!!!
Anthony Parker
There are people out there right now not playing Viera. Haha.
Im playing FF14 while waiting on WoW classic and got up to Stormblood. I wish the story wasn't so much running about in circles because the dungeons are alot of fun compared to BFA mythic dungeons
>all I want is gameplay Then why the fuck are you playing an mmo? The only genre in the gaming industry with worse or less focus on gameplay is fucking cookie clickers.
No shit you're going to have halfassed story and world building shoved down your throat and you walk back and forth. You're playing a fucking mmo
Ethan Walker
>About 350 gil has be deposited into your account
Logan Brooks
They pay for male prostitutes instead
Liam Johnson
>combat >minigame Post your rotation
Jayden Collins
Yes, XIV combat is one of the weakest elements in the game, but it's still better than WoW combat.
Carson Murphy
No but with Classic, i already know what im getting myself into
>it might be literal shit but its literal shit I'm comfortable and familiar with The absolute state
Nathan Clark
>No shit you're going to have halfassed story and world building shoved down your throat and you walk back and forth. You're playing a fucking mmo
Fuck off zoomer, MMO's werent always like that, you never used to be forced to sit through some half assed story to progress, go eat your tide pods in the retard corner.
>XIV combat is pretty bad >add DNC which is essentially a WoW class with its two button rotation and all the procs >it still plays better than any of the current WoW classes based
Nathaniel Ward
Well that and they gave every humanoid in the game a hank hill ass. literally there is zero butt mass in FFXIV everyone is flat as pancakes
Killing shit for hours upon hours, to get stronger, get better gear, and kill more shit?
How fucking old are you? Have you even heard of Everquest? Do you know theres an older version of the Runescape you grew up with? Even vanilla WoW had this shit down better. You NEVER had to be forced to sit through cutscene after cutscene after cutscene to progress in a fucking mmo. Keep revealing how underaged you are.
Nolan White
so people paid $15 a month to do something that a bot could do?
Jose Flores
That is actually bad class design. No one actually wants to play difficult shit and memorize that crap
>static looking for caster >join as red mage >"trial" with them, flawless on every mechanic for about 3 hours >10.5k-11k dps on every pull for those 3 hours while rezzing them, only one higher is a monk with dancer buff by a couple hundred dps >we are going to keep looking Can't even get into a mediocre static as a top 1% red mage, and I am pretty sure I am the only red mage who has put out above 11k dps on both current extremes. FIX RED MAGE YOSHI YOU FUCKING HACK
Camden Diaz
Is the gunbreaker storyline any good
Jaxon Hernandez
>off gcd >positionals >combos >interclass timing Also no addons to hold your hand user
Owen Evans
>t. brainlet supreme
Austin Phillips
>so people paid $15 a month to do something that a bot could do?
user you might legitimately have a mental disorder if you found that fun. That actually explains why you are playing world of warcraft still
Xavier Evans
They're both terrible.
Tyler Allen
Smart decision. PSO2 is going to kill FFXIV
Elijah Phillips
Blizzdrones can't even do end game content without addons playing the game for them
Bentley Cox
ff14 has DBM literally as a main feature
Gavin Morris
Why is there no xiv thread? Why must I come to this WoW one?
Tyler Murphy
he looks cool and strong I like his armor what class is he?
Blake Martinez
WoW plays nothing like it used to.
MMOs back then werent fun because you the game itself, they were fun because the games forced you to socialize, build bonds, and make friendships. Something an antisocial zoomer neat would never understand, no wonder you like playing theme park "mmos" where you literally dont have to talk to anyone.
Kek reacting to visuals in game is how every video game works. Only wowfags need bright text to flash on the screen telling them what's happening and how to react.
>they were fun because the games forced you to socialize, build bonds, and make friendships. Something an antisocial zoomer neat would never understand, no wonder you like playing theme park "mmos" where you literally dont have to talk to anyone. You uh, never actually played ffxiv did you? Its community is the best part
Elijah Kelly
>glowing shit all over center of screen cant even see his character >DDR minigame at the bottom wtf is even going on?
>You uh, never actually played ffxiv did you? Its community is the best part
Are you a tranny by chance? No i actually played it, have yet to pick up the new expansion though, and 90% of the community is composed of degenerate ERP's with serious psychological issues with tendencies towards starting drama. Fuck the community, I only play this shit with my friends and FC.
*when* is Diablo Immortal coming anyway? I thought it would have been released a while back.
Brody Jones
Good class design means there are jobs catering to every type of player. You're free to pick Red Mage if you're a lazy shithead.
Dylan Butler
It's not even funny anymore how low WoW has sinked. I've quit BFA somewhere in November and switched to FFXIV. I'm having so much more fun in this game holy fuck. I fucking hate the "soul vs soulless" shit, but this is a perfect example of game made with love and attention to detail. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who's sick of BFA and Ion "the team thinks/feels/learned" Hazzikostas. Ignore the "weeb trash" and "trannie central" posters and give it a go. The trial is free up to 35 lvl and even though the best part of the game is past ARR msq it could still give you a sense what the game is about.
I did, it was fucking awful outside of the combat. Layers upon layers of RNG. Shitty cash shop items that are shady af gameplay wise. Also the only mmo to have a worse community of mental degenerates than FF. YOU go play BDO.
Jack Cooper
>Y'shtola will never give you her blessing to marry Runar why live
Justin Torres
nothing chad about xiv pld either
Isaac Smith
Damn I'm gonna have to tell you to cope pretty hard buddy. Never even seen someone erp in the game besides one miss tell. Probably just something wrong with you friendo
Elijah Ross
You know the best part of this? I guarantee you 100% that those people who bitch about this, did bitch about LFG and the like not being in the game. Multitasking wins every time. Its literally impossible to stop the convenience train in exchange for a backlash which was again caused by the community. Its the same ass argument as flying. people want to be convenient as much as possible, and that you bitch about your epic wpvp being destroyed in reality it was a max lvl player ganking lowbies, because his ass got destroyed in BGs. If you ever see a ganker "doing it for fun :^)" you can bet your ass that guy got manhandled in a fair situation against a same lvl player and he gets on with this.
WoWfags are probably the most two faced piece of shits out there. Who the fuck are you trying to fool you shitheads already having nostalgia over MoP, but back then you shit on it hard as fuck. Give it a few years and you'll remember WoD as a good exp. Its the same ass blizzdrone riding hypocrisy at the max.
this. it's supposed to be an rpg not a reaction game. your character's power should be dictated by hard statistics instead of player reflexes. ffxiv is neither a mmo nor an rpg. its just an action game with multiplayer elements.
Xavier Phillips
They are already missing wod. I can't imagine being that far in the hole, its amazing I know want a virgin Chad meme of the wow vs xiv classes
Josiah Wood
better than just eating the shit straight up and calling it good like xiv fags do.
Elijah Perez
Peak class design is unironically spamming frostbolt or fireball or shadowbolt or lightning bolt or sunder armor. Classic is going to blow these trannies out of the water
Zachary Stewart
Runar is a qt and belongs to me
Cooper Williams
>Damn I'm gonna have to tell you to BUZZWORD
Got em
James Myers
Hey asshole. Just go to a bar
Jeremiah Harris
Brainlet level take, everything past Wrath is shit and ruined WoW, even Wrath has a lot of argument going AGAINST it being any good either.
Brayden Nguyen
it unironically is peak class design. the damage rotation means fuck all in pve environment. the real challenge is to get 40 people together, get them attuned and geared, get them show up for the raid, get them inside the instance and then maybe get them to spam 1 ability. the social aspect is 90% of the challenge in vanilla wow raiding.
Cooper Howard
Glad you like it! It being a story based hame with an MMO attached might turn people off, but i'm glad when people enjoy it.
Luis Clark
cringe rebuttal
Elijah Reed
Noah Cox
>believing classes are more fun in classic
BfA class design may be complete garbage but it's more fun than in classic
Angel Richardson
Is it Gil or Gils? Anyways, what’s the best way to make more of them? I want to buy a beach outfit for when I’m lounging with my courtesans.
I do. Does that mean i cant also want some games i play to include a level of socialization? If I ask people to go on a quest with me at the bar, they will think im tripping on drugs.
Parker Clark
vanilla classes are more fun in pvp and have infinitely more class flavor
Ayden Sullivan
>Attention to detail Speaking of which, I hope you've been remembering to talk to every npc before each cutscene.
Jayden Martin
Go back to /pol/ faggot, peak class design is classic. It's the hunter x hunter of mmos
David Murphy
>the social aspect is 90% of the challenge in vanilla wow raiding.
This. Its also what made it fun, atleast for me.
Dominic Thompson
Blizzard never gave a shit about the lore you dumb faggot. The story has been retarded since TBC. The only reason vanilla didn't have a shit story is because it didn't have any overarching story at all.
Gavin Phillips
Could you recommend XIV to someone who's extent of FF knowledge ends at being aware of what a chocobo is?
Long term is becoming an omni crafter. Medium is just leveling up and selling your quests rewards on the market and leveling botany and mining and maybe culinary and alchemist
William Martin
I dunno, in an RPG i like my classes to actually be unique from eachother, thats infinitely more "fun" than whatever BFA was doing.
I unironically have more fun leveling a ret pally that literally mainly auto attacks than i did leveling my DK to cap.
Mason Morales
Content eventually became designed around the assumption that players were using addons anyways, as compared to XIV having it as a main UI feature
Christopher Miller
I haven't played any other ff before and I'm enjoying xiv a lot
Mason Jackson
>Shadowbringers is legit so kino it actually hurts His name was Ardbert, and he was my friend.
Lincoln Martin
Picture an mmo designed to give you an actually well designed world with characters and stories that are written well, the best RPG elements in the industry, and a dev team that designs it so that you can drop the game whenever you want and not feel like you need to obsessively log on
Brody Carter
There's more to classes than raid boss rotations. Vanilla class design was the peak, however WoW raid design has always been shit and that's why it just comes down to doing a dps rotation on a giant target dummy. Class identity/flavor > muh press shiny button
XIV is absolutely chock-full of references and member berries but they're not integral to understanding the game and its plot at all; things like the Crystal Tower alliance-raid being a retelling of Final Fantasy 3 with XIV elements, or the Ivalice alliance-raid in Stormblood in its entirety.
Chase James
>the best RPG elements in the industry
Like what?
Connor Price
Sure. There's a decent amount of crossover items from other games, but it's no different than the sort of shit you see in PSO2.
Benjamin Mitchell
Each final fantasy is its own game, but with some recurring stuff like chocobos, moogles, etc. You won't need to play other FF to understand things in XIV.
Grayson Fisher
Just play it and find out. I was in the same boat as you. I fell in love with it after experiencing all of this faggy medieval shit then a huge spaceship appears. It’s a weird mixture of genres but in a good way.
I can't imagine any beginner wanting to play WoW over FFXIV.
Hudson Perry
Aiden Foster
MoP had the best classes.
Matthew Murphy
Are you using a mod to make their bulges bigger? I need it.
Anthony Moore
Asmongold layer... Home...
Cooper Robinson
I cant imagine ANYONE wanting to play WoW over FFXIV. It does everything WoW does and better. Saying this as an old WoW fag. FFXIV is a better WoW in every way.
>the brainlet RDMs are doing SMN numbers fucking just
James Thomas
Not your fault they're slack-jawed retards.
Owen Peterson
Well yeah it's designed to download and watch porn so I can imagine you having fun as ret pally.
Try raiding and you'll find out that it's not just dps rotation on a dummy. Tried archimonde? I'm guessing you haven't.
Yes I agree. They were getting a bit similar to eachother but at least the classes were fun to play.
Parker Carter
I started xiv two months ago, the end of the ARR patches storyline blew me out. It was like all the shit blizzard wrote in comics, manga, books were in the game. And then the gameplay improving, having to use a shitload of skills and fights being fun. Only people playing wow now have Stockholm syndrome
Hunter Flores
As an ex wow player I would immensely recommend to give the patch trailers a watch, you miss out on so much stuff that you would normally don't even look at. Also it's a nice contrast to what wow does for their patches
The developers care about the game and it shows ingame and outside of it. The fan festivals they do are a fucking blast and many of the features and changes in the game were given by the players directly.
>Well yeah it's designed to download and watch porn so I can imagine you having fun as ret pally.
Pretty bad when a class designed over a decade ago to watch porn is more fun than any class now.
Jacob Allen
>the best RPG elements in the industry
>Literally no customization at all in how your job plays, every single person who plays a job gets the exact same kit and if you don't like the way Square wants your job to play tough shit. >Not a single job has any sort of flavor abilities the way old RPGs did >Travel is basically non-existent outside of visiting a zone for the first time. Every single city/town can be teleported to instantly with no cooldown >No way to modify/customize gear outside of materia sockets which don't exist on all pieces >Quests hold your hand with built in objective indicators
The industry is in a pretty dire fucking state if this is considered "the best".
Carson Hall
OP was talking about the story
Gavin Rivera
>WO- >iphone poster hello shill
David Allen
it's my first FF game
Before ShB hit, I had almost every job in the game at cap. You don't need to know anything.
Brayden Barnes
This. Its barely an RPG. Its as much an RPG as Fallout 4.
Andrew Cox
If you play video games long enough you can understand and feel the difference between the developer mentality. The only word coming to my mind when I see the devs and especially how they talk its clear as fuck: its just snake oil salesmen supreme. Blizzard is full of these people who talk a lot but say nothing. Their words are empty as fuck and the derail the conversation to dodge topics every time. Its legit NPC tier conversations. >Hey Ion people are no happy, can you fix XY thing >Well XY thing might not be your thing, but a lot of people find it fun, like my niece who is going to Z school, this school is located in my old hometown which is famous for... Every fucking time is like this. And streamers are the same. Snake oil salesmen. FFXIV goes like >Hey Yoshi people are not happy, can you fix XY >Yoshi: k, I also like video games.
Isaiah Hernandez
I always recommend new players do do the level 50, 60 and 70 endgame content once reaching those intervals rather than just sticking to the main story.
Not just because the content is still good and actively being run, but because the raids are strongly tied to the main story, and not doing them gives you the "bad versions" of many main story cutscenes.
At the very least, every player should do the Crystal Tower and Coil of Bahamut level 50 raids ASAP, even if it means having to be carried through Coil unsynced by a couple of level 80 players. Which people WILL do for you if you put up a party finder, thanks to the newcomer bonus.
Jace Rivera
hey thats me
Carter Rodriguez
Ok then, the story uses the Chekhovs gun principle, meaning that the story remains cohesive throughout the entire game, they refer to thing in the latest expansion to things that were laid out at the start or middle of the game, making it seem like it was planned (which it probably was). As it progresses it becomes more complex and intertwined, with a lot of twists and turns to keep the shock value always present. Also you experience all of this inside the game itself.
Sebastian Diaz
>storytelling is better Go fuck yourself. Especially if you are a new player and have to go through all the fucking garbage of ARR. Nobody in their right mind would find any of that shit enjoyable.
Christopher King
Being able to rescue people to their doom on the last boss in Amaurot makes it the single best dungeon bossfight they've ever made. Prove me wrong.
Nathan Morgan
>Having a coherent story means it's good That's a rather low bar to be setting. Even WoW has plot lines set up that are being called back to with N'Zoth, the Emerald Dream corruption, and the Twlight Dragons
Julian Murphy
ARR is a slog because it's setting you up as the Warrior of Light from your start as a shit-smeared adventurer, it could stand to be pruned (and really should be, even the developers acknowledge there are parts of the early-game questline that are intolerable) but part of the tedium is on purpose.
Noah Roberts
Stormblood was way worse than ARR
Leo Nelson
I hate BfA but you still can't convince me with this. I get it you're stuck in the past and unironically think that going afk when you crit so you don't pull aggro is engaging or only using flash heal for a whole fight is deep mechanics.
The gameplay of every classic boss combined would barely fit a single current dungeon.
Oliver Nelson
>It’s treates more like a single player story with MMO around it which oddly enough really works out.
Then explain the forced group instances in main storyline quests. Actually the main reason why I dropped this shit.
Andrew Perry
there are skip potions. don't underestimate people and how they use their money
Colton King
Yea they totally set up Illidan coming back and all that, it's not as if the game is completely lousy with retcons that are not only laughably stupid, but utterly absurd.
And lets not forget about such wonders as; >There must always be a Lich king
Nathan Russell
I don't like the filler quests in ARR, but i think it was overall better than ShB.
Nicholas Lee
Not anymore, they introduced an NPC party system in Shadowbringers, now you don't even need randoms for dungeons. For trials yes.
Jackson Clark
Aren't they from the reindeer outfit from the Christmas sets?
Henry Butler
>The gameplay of every classic boss combined would barely fit a single current dungeon. because pve doesnt fucking matter. it is just a way to get gear so you can dab on people in wpvp or battlegrounds. wow used to be pvp centric game.
WoWbabby detected. ARR is enjoyable the majority of the time, with the exception of a few stretches (Titan quests, patch 5.1 and 5.2).
Easton Barnes
New player here, I'm playing a ninja, I'm level 40 atm. Should I skip side quest (not the blue ones)
Hudson Carter
Fuck off back to /vg/ you ERP scum.
William Jenkins
>I get it you're stuck in the past
Except I think FF15's combat is leagues better and more interactive than WoW's. What now dumb faggot?
>The gameplay of every classic boss combined would barely fit a single current dungeon
And its still fucking better, gameplay in an MMO used to be more than just "how many buttons you hit per encounter". You're the kind of faggot that made MMOs what they are today, thanks.
Jayden Howard
Yes, skip all sidequests except the + ones and ones that seem important. Get any extra exp you need from duty roulettes.
An exception for your current level is the Monster of Bronze Lake sidequest in Upper La Noscea after beating Titan. Do it and the follow-up quest and you won't regret it.
John White
Someone told me not to buy IXV on Steam in the last thread I was in. Where would I buy it instead?
Jaxon Ramirez
Square Store, GMG, etc. sell the standalone version. Get that.
Asher Perry
what are the advantages of the standalone version
Asher Reyes
What's so bad about the steam version?
Caleb King
never goes on sale so price is higher. locked into buying expansions from steam only so can't buy it anywhere else. steam authentication check is coming soon so if steam servers are down or inaccessible for any reason then you can't log into FFXIV
>what's so bad about being locked to steam and cucked out of sales and promotions and creating extra steps to log in and needlessly adding a middle man for customer support all because steam is shit
Kevin Williams
>steam authentication check is coming soon never heard of this got a link?
>steam fags being fucked over even harder Steams monopoly on pc gaming really needs to be toppled
James Jenkins
Still a marginal gain, you're more likely to use it now that aggro-generation on the SAM's side isn't any concern.
Wyatt Bell
Birth control in Japan is illegal. Except condoms. Which Im sure theyre designed to split anyways as theyre stupid shit like 0.01 MM thick. Etc.
The only other ones are the morning afterpill which in Japan could cost 25,000 yen. Or an abortion but to get an abortion you need to have both parents there to sign it off.
Logan Cox
>For Steam version service accounts, the FINAL FANTASY XIV client application will need to be started up from the Steam application's Play button. Any other method of direct startup will no longer be available. Sounds like you just need to open the game through Steam. It should work in offline mode.
Sebastian Wright
Next you will tell me skyrim's combat is better than dark soul's and feel confident that you're right.
Luis Foster
There is no skip potion for just ARR though, you have to skip Heavensward too. Which is dumb as the entire point of skipping ARR is to get to Heavensward.
Daniel Brown
>2.5s GCD FFXIV will never ever EVER have good combat over WoW.
Nathan Moore
the weebs will fight to the death for anything that panders to them just let it go
Noah Martinez
>better combat >better rpg elements >better story >better community
>Never played WoW, but is it really THAT bad? It's honestly hard to imagine.
In vanilla - BC - WOTLK era no. Anything past that? hell yes it was that bad. WOTLK this casualization made its first appearance but their world was so strong it was difficult to kill off so easily while some of OG Blizzard was still around.
FF just doesn't suffer greedy corporate execs stuffing SJWs and people with no real ties to gaming in every role. They still venerate devs like rock stars over there, and actually pulled the fail launch of 14 from the former types after admitting failure and shame and gave it to someone that actually was in touch with gamers and the setting, and gamers loved them again for it.
Contrast that to how Blizzard circled the wagons around the D3 team (gambling sim, rainbow shirts and level) and continues to pretend they're above reproach and failure. (The D: Immortal fiasco)
The pattern is very clear and continues to repeat itself across western devs: Bioware, Blizzard, EA
EA is just the tumor they all wind up inside of as they die.
Cooper Kelly
hey man nice spacing
Carter Flores
Theres plenty of shit to press inbetween you fucking zoomer fag.
Nolan King
It's closer to 2.0-2.2s after skill-speed and gear, nevermind all jobs being designed around heavy use of oGCDs. Monk and Ninja in particular are designed around attacking faster than their GCD alone would allow.
Cooper Torres
Grayson Carter
Grayson Campbell
Steamfags aren't even getting fucked. Most people launch FFXIV through Steam and you can launch the game even if Valve's servers are down.
Ethan Bailey
>hey man, why are you typing in an easily readable way? Where is my mangled mess of an essay?
Alexander Parker
>Muh GCD You're too late into the thread for that sort of bait faggot.
Henry Williams
>this meme still WoW fags really have nothing else do they and will continue to pretend the self hastes and ogcds don't exist huh
Levi James
Free trial until level 35 btw
But a lot of jobs don't really pick up until level 50, so choose wisely
>Current: FINAL FANTASY XIV Steam version clients can currently be opened directly without going through the Steam application and is possible to use the regular Windows version client application for Steam version service accounts.
>After the change: For Steam version service accounts, the FINAL FANTASY XIV client application will need to be started up from the Steam application's Play button. Any other method of direct startup will no longer be available.
so you have to redownload the game if you downloaded the game anywhere but steam and if steamworks authentication is down then it won't launch just like how if denuvo is down then you can't launch MHW
Wyatt Hill
they only played the game to level 10, so that's the only thing they know
Easton Garcia
You liked one of the worst expansions besides WoD and skipped out on the peak of post-Wrath.
Youre not very bright are you?
Levi Nelson
I'm stuck with the Steam version, not knowing about the issues. It seriously sucks not being able to get any of the physical copies of FFXIV besides by old PS3 one.
Ethan Gutierrez
>Ninja in particular >literally can't fit all my button presses into TA window anymore since I have so many ogcds and my gcd is so low
Caleb Rivera
Landon Anderson
>Most people launch FFXIV through Steam BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no they don't you retard, shit there are more ps4 players than pc players are steam, most people avoid steam for this game because steam is such a fucking albatross
Kayden Mitchell
nope just a tranny obsessed with bad MMOs
Nathaniel Evans
i wish i was an amaro
Camden Jackson
>no they don't you retard You legitimately believe that the people who bought the steam version don't open the game through steam?
Benjamin Martinez
>ywn be petted by passing adventurers
Eli Brown
>MMOs are designed for PvE kys zoomer. You are the reason modern MMOs are trash
Christopher Jenkins
Do you see how many different attacks that players uses per second you braindead moron
WoWbabbies literally get aneurysms when they realize how much more complex FF14 is in terms of combat. There are examples in this very thread of how their minds break when they realize they have 30+ different buttons on their hotbar and have to use all of them correctly every battle.
Hunter Martinez
>more ogcds required in rotations Which means even with a longer gcd you are usually hitting 3 keys per gcd so it usually feels pretty fast. Some classes are even considering triple weaving. Just looking at the number doesn't tell you much about game speed. >Several classes have gameplay that involves a sped up gcd Even if the number was all you cared about nin. mnk, and technically mch all have gcd haste that brings things more in line with something like wowgcd. >pressing my 3 wow abilities very fast is fun gameplay I don't know why I even respond to these baits.
Benjamin Scott
>No one actually wants to play difficult shit Hello zoomer, also it's far from difficult.
Luis Perry
Fucking fuck playing at almost 200 ping is painful Are the nips friendly?
Brody Roberts
I really don't understand. Who gives a fuck about streamers? They play fucking videogames, it's not something that makes them special at all. I can see watching someone if you're trying to learn to play some ASSFAGGOTS game and you want to see how someone better than you plays a character but that's pretty much it. I know there's people who are too lazy to play games that'll just watch someone else instead but that doesn't explain people getting in game to follow some faggot around. I'd assume people might do that if an actual celebrity played publicly but they usually stay anonymous because they don't want to deal with the shit that in your webm.
Can anyone explain this shit to me? I really don't get it at all. It's not even like it's someone who's super attractive either right? Like these people aren't trying to fuck.
Ian Peterson
>oh yeah I agree with that. Anyone using the high gcd as being an argument for the game being slow isn't worth an argument though. They aren't even worth a sentence desu. If they aren't using that line for bait then they're actually subhuman and I would prefer them to not come over to FF14 and ruin it.
This is absolutely true. The only criticism I had about FF is the fight is almost so well tuned I felt like a robot in a script often. It's not a game that has any flexibility or creativity in your approach to fights and jobs, but that's more of a JRPG problem in general than an actual failure.
Eli Murphy
>most people launch the game through steam >w-w-wait what I meant was the people that have it through steam already launch it through steam Nice goal post moving retard >I'm not moving goal posts Then your just a retard that can't even make a clear point
Jaxon Butler
try mudfish if you don't want to play with the nips
if you pick the right node you might end up cutting your ping in half
worst case I'm pretty sure there's an unofficial oceania server among the jp worlds
Kayden Ward
Wait what? Did they remove the ARR-only skip?
Thomas Turner
For real man, it's like they redesigned the job for korean starcraft players, I love it
Jeremiah Cox
My FC friend doesnt launch his steam copy through steam.
We also had another member recently switch from steam to PC launcher as it was cheaper to get the complete edition.
Majority of PC player use the dedicated PC launcher over steam.
Leo Bennett
It's not moving goal post is this conversation was about Steam and Steam users. Follow the conversation and learn to read, nigga.
Jacob Cook
Let's compare the first 30 levels of my vanilla pserver warlock and 30 levels of ARC
in those 30 levels in WoW >I grouped up to stand a chance in the Murloc quests, both due to limited drops and sudden spawns >found friends (one of the signs someone is a bro: "Ah, I already did that quest. But I'ma help anyway!") >found guild, helped lower level members do difficult class quests >experienced world pvp, and the massacre in Ashenvale, Stonetalon etc. >grouped up to help me deal with said PVP. >interacted with the economy to help me level engineering >did surprisingly difficult low level dungeons, BRD/WC final bosses are quite something
30 levels of ARC? No soul spoke to me for longer than a sentence. After few attempts of trying to group I gave up. Because why should you, you are never in danger of dying, instances are a joke, everything MSQ is instanced so people don't even want to group up! This is why FFXIV is a poor MMO, no one gives a fuck about the fellow player until you're at the current content hundreds of hours later.
>unofficial oceania server That's Tonberry and last I heard it was full
Aaron Moore
i thought mmo players weren't brainlets that could memorize a few commands? the absolute state of WoWfags
Luis Scott
aren't all servers full rn
Kayden Jones
Classic is a completely different kind of MMO.
The only argument most people are making right now is that FFXIV is blatantly better than retail WoW, which has been true for awhile now.
Grayson Russell
Ninja being a hard class elitists play? Are you in fucking crystal or some shit? I've never heard this in my life and I've been subbed since 1.0.
Jaxson Bell
bruh that doesn't change the fact that most people generally launch their game through steam
it's better to get ffxiv somewhere else other than steam but we're talking about what steam users generally do
Bentley Gonzalez
It's fucking great to see people on Yea Forums waking up from Blizzdrone paralysis, holy shit.
Ayden King
>Majority of PC player use the dedicated PC launcher over steam.
Based on your anecdote? I have 4 friends who play this with me, all of them on the Steam version. My 4 friends beats your 1 friend, means im right faggot.
>needing other people to carry your ass through years old content user, can you just play the fucking game, no one wants to come fuck around with you in thanalan. Grouping is for group content.
Oliver Wilson
Nigga I have an FC full of 100 people and only 2 launch through steam.
Charles Hughes
>and if steamworks authentication is down then it won't launch Does it need to authenticate with steam every single time you launch it? Tried searching for information and can't get too much info of people having trouble with games that have steam authentication. Are you sure you won't be able to launch the game on steam while offline?
Colton Wilson
>Grouping is for group content.
Thats the problem. Theres no grouping for questing. Theres no good quests, nothing challenging.
There have been so many goddamn clever strategies, workarounds, and cheese in raids to this point that I feel that simply isn't true. Just gotta think outside the box a little.
Like just in second coil you had: T6: Brambles vs. Line of Sight. Kite/keep adds and burn boss, or feed the slimes and get rid of poison. T7: Normal renauds vs four renaud wall stopping more from spawning T9: There were like 5 completely different stardust strategies. One involved rolling in sync in a circle, while the default pug strat was spreading to different cardinals/intercardinals and adjusting as needed. Some had some really specific rules in terms of where red and yellow went. There was also static divebomb markers vs markers placed after the dragons spawned, different regions did that part differently.
More examples: A2S had tons of variation on gobwalker usage and add positioning, A4S had nisi vs sac. A5S had some interesting ways to limit amount of moving the boss based on which unmoveable bomb you got and some really specific positioning. A7S potentially had healers going into the caster jail. T2 had enrage vs rot. Even something like O9S had like 3 different pug strats for that crystal phase that varied based on the group you joined.
If you only follow guides or pug strats you're only getting half the story when it comes to these mechanics. There have been a lot of things found in each encounter that not every group does.
Lucas Bennett
I erp with hundreds of people and 99% of them launch through Steam.
Grayson Barnes
Classic wow will always be the undisputed king just like how biggie smalls will always be the undisputed king of hip hop
only skinny nerds will reply to this post
Justin Cox
>Theres no good quests Factually wrong, even in the narrow view you purposely kept there's the arcanist story of helping a girl that was kept by pirates as a rape slave work through her ptsd, and just around the corner in Limsa is the rogues and their story line >muh challenge How would you even know, you didn't even make it to titan and by your complaining about never having a group you clearly didn't even run a dungeon, you probably just stayed in the overworld or else you're flat out lying about your experiences Sorry that BfA is a bust and that you can never go home again wow fag
Dominic Long
>1 million subs >people trying to say everyone on PC runs FFXIV on steam >35,000 players on steam >he thinks theres 965,000 PS4 users
Luis Perry
jokes on you im fat
Grayson Sullivan
One brings shadow, one brings light Two-toned echoes tumbling through time Threescore wasted, ten cast aside Four-fold knowing, no end in sight One brings shadow, one brings light One dark future no one survives On their shadows, away we fly
The road that we walk Is lost in the flood Here proud angels bathe in Their wages of blood At this, the world’s end, do we cast off tomorrow
One brings shadow, one brings light To this riddle all souls are tied Brief our moments, brazen and bright Forged in fury, tempered in ice Hindmost devils, early to rise Sing come twilight, sleep when they die Heaven’s banquet leavened with lies Sating honor, envy, and pride One brings shadow, one brings light Run from the light
Authors of our fates Orchestrate our fall from grace Poorest players on the stage Our defiance drives us straight to the edge A reflection in the glass Recollections of our past Swift as darkness, cold as ash Far beyond this dream of paradise lost
>How would you even know, you didn't even make it to titan and by your complaining about never having a group you clearly didn't even run a dungeon
>TFW cleared Alexander Savage with my static ive had since vanilla.
Laughing at you m8, the questing in this game is dogshite, you're an actual brainlet if you enjoy it and dont see a problem with it.
>Sorry that BfA is a bust and that you can never go home again wow fag
Who the fuck are you even arguing against? Are you are just really bad at assuming? BFA is shit, Shadowbringers has been kino af, why would you be sorry that a game i dont play sucks ass? Get a life faggot.
Ian Martin
>35,000 players on steam >he thinks theres 965,000 PS4 users You do know that not every single Steam owner is playing FFXIV at the same time, right?
Jayden Phillips
Well, I'm speaking mainly from ex titan era and when T5 was new and we were in there as a guild trying to figure it out so I will take your word for it.
Real life called and I stopped forever. This thread is kinda making me want to resub but I don't know if I want to go through the learning curve to current.
There just weren't many guides for that stuff at the time and pugs were 95% fail ofc.
It's just spending so much time in the EX fights and T5 and missing 1 GCD and you're off script kind of feeling.
Zachary Adams
only degenerates use the steam version, we get it
In my entire FC none of them use the steam version. I encounter more people on PS4 than those who use the steam version.
Isaac Jenkins
if you say so lol
Jason Thompson
Just finished the MSQ. Best expansion by leaps and bounds. Yoshi would be an absolute fool not to keep Ishikawa in the head writing position going forward.
Jace Moore
>no argument >reeeeeeee this is shit that's shit I'm going to praise wow then call it shit when called on my obvious faggotry >I can't refute what you say is I'll throw insults to try and obfuscate that Sasuga wowfag, rest now, maybe things will be better for you tomorrow
You faggots, all of your arguments can be summed up with "hurr my FC/Friends" Literally arguing over something you cant prove.
Lucas Hernandez
Why do steam fags get so upset when people say they don't use the steam edition?
Is this some gaben cock sucking cuck shit?
Lucas Reyes
>he replied after getting BTFO that bad
Oof, just take the L retard
Jonathan Butler
Well now that we can move past this, the original argument was the Steam authentication. It means shit to Steam users since most of them use Steam to launch the game and the authentication should still work on offline mode.
Ryan Myers
Even from that era, Garuda EX was done completely different in the west and the east.
In the east, DPS tanked the 3rd add (Chirada), and Downburst was actually a stack marker. So double wicked wheel was never actually intended. The west took suparna and garuda onto the main tank, and tried to abuse overgearing and less melee to get around the problem of double wicked wheel.
T5 itself, the main accepted strat for divebombs was a cheese strat. You were supposed to have everyone stacked in the middle, then rotate your camera and find twintania on the edge, then dodge her. Instead, people found a ditch to bait all divebombs into.
>there will never be a modern day Everquest/Ultima Online with top tier graphics >no sandbox openworld MMO with player interactive sex emotes >can't get a tall fat warrioress pregnant and live out in the forest in a small cabin Why live?
Elijah Torres
Why do people get so upset over the Steam version? I just want to talk about the Steam authentication and how it works but some of you guys are taking it really personally.
Benjamin Moore
Maybe. I mean, I agree for the most part but I hope she doesn’t get burnt out. Azime Steepe was the best part of Stormblood, no doubt, and all of Shadowbringers is fantastic, but I’m hoping that she’s not going to get wrung dry.
Hunter Moore
>ditch Golden >The only Blizzard Alliance representation we've seen for...ever What they need to do is fire the entire nu-WoW team. Warfronts are still in favor of Horde, even with buffs.
Isaiah Sanchez
>playing on steam lmao
You deserve it.
Caleb Hill
Hey steam fags. Do this: Right click game in your library. Click properties and then click validate game files.
Caleb Hughes
>Ignoring the original point of the argument to get more upset lmao did you take pointers from the pajeet autist from yesterday?
Jason Jackson
Parsefag here that is without a doubt better than you at the game here, I tried out FFXIV after the dogshit that is BFA and I will say MCH alone is more fun and better designed than anything in WoW right now. WoW still has better itemization, though. It's not that WoW's is good, it's just that FFXIV's is really boring.
There isn't a single MMO that doesn't have issues with a client distributed through third party clients. It's like this with every MMO on steam. If you're buying MMOs on steam instead of the stand alone version you have no one but yourself to blame.
David Perez
>"Ah, I already did that quest. But I'ma help anyway!"
Literally no one ever said anything like this unless they have literal autism and are desperate for your approval while hoping you might be a girl.
Christopher Baker
To be fair, WoW got rid of every single customization and crafting as well. >crafting is still there I guess but serves no game purpose since Cata. About the same situation with glyphs and gemming, anything requiring an understanding of actual RPGs from devs became neutered into cosmetics.
So the best MMO elements in the industry belong to FF14. RPG elements belong to single player games only at this point it seems to me.
Logan Fisher
>"t-they'll fix it n-next expansion" God, I feel sorry for you faggots. If you didn't quit playing WoW by the end of Wrath or beginning of Cata, minimum, you are fucking retarded.
Julian Smith
>retarded zoomer missing the point that theres no meaningful group content in one of the parts of the game you will spend a lot of time in.
Anthony Ortiz
The west's obsession with trying to cheese strats instead of just doing them properly drives me insane
Carson Bailey
why do sunbros put down their sign when they don't need souls or sunlight medals anymore? You stupid antisocial autist, this is why MMOs died.
If you didn't drop WoW before Burning Crusade, you are profoundly retarded.
Connor Cooper
It's still pretty frustrating that even if you go full starcraft player on it, you'll still be the 4th ranked DPS in the party if the others know a little bit what they are doing.
Adam Hernandez
>wowfriend wont come over because story sucks >story gets good, ask him to join me >he admits the classes look intimidating to learn and he doesn't want to commit to learning them Can wowfags really not handle RDM? What the fuck is combat like in their game I don't understand
Aaron White
I couldn't give two shits about RPG elements in a genre where being slightly suboptimal means getting the boot.
Luke Sanchez
>Missing out on the last quarter of Mists of Pandaria, when The Island of Time was released >Missing out on Legion, when Argus was released That said, World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor and Battle for Azeroth are 100% trash. Removing flying and locking it behind the horrendous story is pants on head retarded.
Austin Cook
>missing out "ching chong, the expac". >missing out BFA in space.
Henry Young
this is because raid meta fags that thought the game only revolved around raiding made it that way
When WoW vanilla was out, i remember doing Molten Core and shit with literally anybody we picked up. No one gave a shit about having the most min maxed possible character/class.
Wyatt Howard
>giving a shit about flying
You ruined WoW.
Robert Roberts
>Spend a lot of time in quests >This is a cool quest, it has immersion, no one is haranguing me to hurry up
Seems like a good place for single player content.
>Spend a lot of time in raids >This is a cool raid, I wonder how my character does outside of single player content to kill a hard boss with other different characters in a challenge that would take more than one person.
Seems like a good place for group content.
Let's try it the other way to see:
>Spend a lot of time grouping in quests >Hurry the fuck up and hit esc out of the cinemas >Why can't I find anyone to group for this 5 man boss 15.7 percent of the way through quest # 245? This sucks and I can't progress. De-subbed.
>Spend a lot of time soloing "hard" bosses: >Well this is fucking empty and boring. I guess everyone is stuck in quests. De-subbed.
Like I get what you want out of these games, but it just will never work that way when you consider dev time and who is going to spend time in certain types of content. I think you're always going to need friends and a peer-to-peer kind of game like Divinity for what you want. It sucks but that is the reality of gaming.
Alexander Johnson
It's unfortunately the fate of any game that's been around long enough, Tigole aspirers will find the most mathematically successful way of playing the game and claim anybody not following it is dead weight. I remember encountering the same thing with HP washing on private Maplestory servers which was only viable in the first place because of free NX, being a private server and all.
Lucas Williams
Imagine level 4 thm but faster that's every dps in bfa
Aaron Cox
>Seems like a good place for single player content.
>single player content
>in an mmo
Why? Just go play Skyrim. People who want singleplay content in MMO's ruined MMO's Its not a massively multiplayer online game like it used to be, its more akin to a singleplayer RPG with co-op. I still have fun with the game, I always have WoW private servers and possible WoW classic for when i want that to play an old school MMO. I was merely replying that the retarded zoomer completely missed the point of the post. Also not the original writer of the post.
Ayden Lee
>Tigole aspirers will find the most mathematically successful way of playing the game and claim anybody not following it is dead weight.
To be fair that is what separates RPGs from high school/camgirl popularity sims. Owning the bosses as hard as possible with your cool builds and gear. Just another reason why MMOs and RPGs become like oil and water after a while and why they're on the decline.
Brayden Brooks
Each mainline Final Fantasy title takes place in their own universe with their own mythology. As separate as Narnia and Middle-Earth. The game is saturated with little references to other games in the series but requires nothing from you in terms of understanding.
Zachary Harris
In WoW most fags have like less than 4 buttons to press. Imagine thinking thats better combat.
Christian Adams
There's always things like crystals though, no?
Mason Williams
There are similar themes. It's wrong to say they're "as separate as narnia and middle-earth", but each world is distinct enough that if you didn't know it was a series, you might assume each game to be a spiritual successor to a previous one.
John Harris
FXIV still has shit combat, 10 seconds after an opener and every job apm suddenly drops to Mario kart levels, and all the raid and trial bosses are just boring circular or square arenas. Even nublizzard puts some creativity into the boss encounters. When blizzard has better creativity in something than you. You know you've failed.
Julian Sanchez
>cant put the blame on golden or people say its shortsighted >when literally every cinematic has jaina/basedfang in it somehow At this point Afrasiabi is probably in the dojo jerking off while he has Golden willingly do all the work for him because she can play with her virtual dollhouse of characters she never even conceived herself.
Jonathan Wood
>Its not a massively multiplayer online game like it used to be
I always found this marketeer term to be dumb anyway. If you're not RvR pvping a siege war against the hordes in DAOC, WAR, or ESO "massively" has literally no meaning other than stroking your e-peen in a chat channel. 10 man raid is not really "massively" IMO.
> its more akin to a singleplayer RPG with co-op.
Which people regularly try to simulate within the MMO by getting a static to get decent people to run regularly with and weed out products of incest from the general pop.
> Just go play Skyrim. People who want singleplay content in MMO's ruined MMO's
Because people might want to hang in the tavern or guild or what not and talk to real people about their single player quests instead of a waifu from loverslab? Strange I know.
Brandon Anderson
Crystals, primals, chocobos, moogles. Theres some re-occurring concepts.
Michael Edwards
Usually there are, FF typically revolves around similar plot-devices, most often that the world's laws of nature are upheld by crystals of importance, and their removal, destruction or misuse is causing catastrophe. Often games that incorporate similar themes or plot-devices will make wildly different use of them, though, XIV in particular completely lifts the Lifestream and mako (ceruleum) from Final Fantasy 7 but doesn't at all use it in a like manner. The plot's also driven by the series' recurring summoned creatures, here called primals, as antagonists because of their potential to bleed the planet dry.
Matthew Walker
Tell me Yea Forums, are you the adventurers of no import or the artist Alphinaud and his assistants?
Sebastian Clark
Adventurers of no import, but in my head he said it in an assholish manner
Tyler Wright
>I always found this marketeer term to be dumb anyway.
Marketing term? Its what the genre was.
>If you're not RvR pvping a siege war against the hordes in DAOC, WAR, or ESO "massively" has literally no meaning other than stroking your e-peen in a chat channel. 10 man raid is not really "massively" IMO.
Thats because you have a different definition of massively i guess. Massively for me meant big open seamless and hostile world that pushed players to cooperate during almost every interval in the game. Sure, you could solo many quests, but almost every single one outside of a few collection quests would benefit from having a group. This, being able to happen almost anywhere, seamlessly, is what made it massive. This isnt to mention random, pvp wars.
>Which people regularly try to simulate within the MMO by getting a static to get decent people to run regularly with and weed out products of incest from the general pop.
I dont think they are trying to simulatey a singleplayer co-op game so much as they are doing exactly what every MMO group that has wanted to seriously progress has ever done, dating back to Everquest.
>Because people might want to hang in the tavern or guild or what not and talk to real people about their single player quests instead of a waifu from loverslab? Strange I know.
What do you get out of talking to people about how you did the same exact quests they did, which had the same exact outcomes?
Its not strange, its stupid.
Elijah King
Please can this term die off out of games forever already? Please?
>Warriors >Mercenaries >Vagrants >Strangers
Literally anything sounds more like something that isn't a flaming faggot would actually say in a conversation.
Noah Reyes
>10 man raid is not really "massively" IMO.
Agreed, and that didnt become a thing until a few years ago when the direction mmos were headed in drastically shifted.
When i started playing MMOs, It was with 40 man raids.
Xavier Green
Settle down, spergmo, even XIV touches on that it's a polite or self-fellating way of saying you're hired muscle. The story justifies it that with the re-emergence of Grand Companies and standing armies it left a butt-ton of mercenaries with no work, so to keep their noses clean, help the common-man, and give them legitimate work all in one stroke, they set up adventuring guilds.
Eli Morgan
>Thats because you have a different definition of massively i guess. Massively for me meant big open seamless and hostile world that pushed players to cooperate during almost every interval in the game. Sure, you could solo many quests, but almost every single one outside of a few collection quests would benefit from having a group. This, being able to happen almost anywhere, seamlessly, is what made it massive. This isnt to mention random, pvp wars.
Ok I thought we were talking about WoW and FF, not EQ1 though.
>Marketing term? Its what the genre was.
Not really, the genre was "online RPG" but a Sony marketeer coined this massively bullshit. In fact the genre already had a name: Multi User Dungeon (MUD).
Ryan Collins
>adventuring guilds
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
The point is that an "adventurer" in correct usage is far closer to an expeditioner or pioneer. "Adventurer" is only used because mercenary has negative connotations, even though that's what's meant.
Daniel Phillips
No, user, you don't get to contradict the game's usage of the term when it acknowledges your complaint in the same stroke.
>Ok I thought we were talking about WoW and FF, not EQ1 though.
The point you are referring to was specifically about WoW, the only point involving EQ was the one about MMO players weeding out bad players to get more efficient groups.
>Not really, the genre was "online RPG" but a Sony marketeer coined this massively bullshit. In fact the genre already had a name: Multi User Dungeon (MUD).
Ill concede that then, I still believe "MMO" is far from simply a marketing term. Its what the genre was after it was a MUD, but i guess this genre evolves and this is what it is now.
Jayden Baker
>this kills the WoWfag
Anthony Cooper
It won't evolve back to 40 man raids. They stopped being a thing for a reason. Blizzard devs just aren't actual gamers anymore, clearly no longer understand how the the edifice that gave them fortune came to be, and have no vision so they literally just went back to what they think gamers want. Have fun before the suits and boards stoploss I guess.
Sebastian Bailey
I'll give you a pass because I have a soft spot for the remnants of Square and their weebery but I'm still correct and the term is overused to the point of clownishness.
Bentley Mitchell
Wowfag who's butthurt over oversimplification of classes in later expacs here. Tried FFXIV out and I'd say that long GCD doesn't matter at all after a while. The game became much more faster and fun once you get core skills. Played BLM and felt right at home because it's similar to Wrath's Arcane Mage in a way. The only bad thing about FFXIV is desu the fucking slog that is early game. Honestly hope they would make Trust for early contents.
Nicholas Hall
>trust for early content Squadron missions are comfy and actually give solid xp with the aetheryte earring
Christian Morales
How many hours of content this game has? I want get back into MMOs but I don't as much time as years ago.
Bentley Martin
Not him but the term MMORPG was coined by Richard Garriott and the genre was always multiplayer focused even back when they were called MUDs. The concept of MMOs with a focus on single player content and leveling wasn't really a things until WoW came out and game companies realized they needed to appeal to the lowest common denominator and make themepark style MMOs that didn't require grouping for progression in order to maximize profits. Similar reason for why Bethesda abandoned the concept of RPGs with thought out quest design for the Fallout series in favor of making easily digestible shooter themeparks.
Owen Evans
Haven't played XIV, what is the Trust system I keep hearing about? It's some end-game thing?
Bentley King
A couple, three hundred in story alone
Zachary Nguyen
You can do Shadowbringers (latest expansion) dungeons with NPC party members.
Hudson Perez
The trust system is for level 71 to 79 dungeons. There is a thing similar to it with the Adventurer Squad that you can unlock and take through some ARR and HW dungeons.
Jeremiah Brown
Single-player variants of dungeons, basically. Instead of going through them with players you can assemble AI NPCs to go through them with you, covering whatever role you aren't already yourself. The trade-off is gear drops are reduced and the primary value of trusts is their flavor, since they have written scenarios for each dungeon (ie Alisaie will clear a mechanic easily, Thancred and Urianger will skip them outright, Minfilia and Alphinaud will take their time with it), so dungeon runs will be a fair bit slower than if you'd gone with players on average and it's more lucrative to do it with other players.
Ian Davis
Holy shit how did I miss this. Where do I unlock them?
Levi Jenkins
When you're in a grand company, just keep increasing your rank and you'll eventually get put in charge of an adventurer squad.
Jack Baker
>1.5seconds is VERY fast whoa...
Benjamin Rivera
>buns are finally in the game >no expectations for the new jobs >dancer looks so fucking fun god damnit I don't want to dip again
Ayden Garcia
better at sex too, japanese women understand what men want, a housewife everywhere but the bedroom, where they want a nasty depraved fuck animal.
white women simply stopped being anything but a nasty animal everywhere, all that crazy sex acts are only hot when done by a reserved 'respectable lady'.
Ryan Young
What if I told you the campaign is better than Heavensward?
Ryan Thomas
everyone is praising it, and I got the gist of it: we're literally isekai'd to a place where we're the chosen one again and I love this shitty trope in ff games
Austin Wood
300 hour main story At least 50 hours of significant side stories At least 100 hours of sidequests ranging from "meh" to fairly good
Josiah Murphy
its just like my Himi-Kishi Jaina hentai animes. >you'll never be a warrior women sexually pleasured and trained by big dicked Orcs >you'll never be given a temporary Futa dick to impregnate your own mother, then submit your womb to the Orc Sperm whilst signing away your entire nation of women to Orc breeding sessions.