Creatures dislike certain party members and aggro on them

>Creatures dislike certain party members and aggro on them

Attached: Thot_status_patrolled.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the creatures are right and try to warn you about the traitor in this way

Based belephat

Attached: belephant.gif (1372x1024, 800K)


>going near an elephant with musth

God I hate the Finnish

It sure knows the ugly ones



t. mutt

Attached: 1437392201671.png (741x649, 23K)


Attached: elephant vs car.webm (656x448, 451K)

are you telling me elephant were THAT big?

what are the other tells besides being an aggressive dick?


Attached: Elephant Stabs and Kills Buffalo.webm (854x480, 2.69M)

Fellow /int/ browser I see.

Attached: 1539809933880.jpg (635x441, 65K)

This is sick, vehicle destruction makes me hard for some reason, are there any more like this?

Sweating adrenaline like that wet mark the side of it's face

Attached: D3100 (4-17) April 2014 034 (1024x683) (1020x565).jpg (994x550, 304K)

That liquid crap pouring out from his temples

Fuck off Finns are based
t. Amerimutt

I have this.

Attached: Hippo Bites Land Rover.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

oh shit didn't notice that. thanks.

Attached: 1531941692014.jpg (814x960, 77K)

Wow I literally thought that was just a big ass smile

>Lowering your guard around an animal that outweighs you by several hundred pounds and are known to be aggressors on occasion just because it's behind a fence, despite the fact it can still very well reach you
When are people going to learn that you shouldn't stand next to these types of animals
It's like those retards that watched an episode of Crocodile Hunter and think they can wrestle gators


Attached: 1561467493673s.webm (720x720, 2.7M)

Attached: Elephant family.webm (720x422, 2.74M)

that hippo gives zero fucks

poor bastard..

man hippo don't give a fuck about the pack of lions behind him


Attached: istockphoto-606218576-612x612.jpg (408x612, 50K)

They make good games though. I blame the long dark winters.

Attached: Grimrock.jpg (1920x1080, 373K)

elephant knows whats up

>players trying to steal your aggro train

>known to be aggressors on occasion

This is not known at all, barely anybody knows this, and I guarantee you the teenage girls did not know either

She looks very nervous

That elephant just wants some milk. Destroy all women.


How's that muslim cock, swecuck?

Where did you get this image of Donald Trump?

It didn't like the camera lol

i srsly hate elephants. I dont understand how anyone can find them cute or anything. Fucking devileyed creatures. They are brutal and soulles.

t. poachers

>"Get out of the way let me get eaten alive in peace!"

All animals are, especially dogs and cats.

Attached: elephant can.webm (640x640, 1.56M)

i think their size is what people admire the most

>mommy milkies

You never saw one at the zoo or the circus?

>They are brutal and soulles.
So just like every animal that's trying to survive?

If it came between saving your life and an Elephant I'd pick the elephant

Attached: Elephant slide.webm (644x640, 2.81M)

Attached: 1546034422282.webm (432x432, 2.93M)

Its more like they watched an episode of Babar and the Lion King film and expect elephants to be cute and cuddly creatures that just want to give hugs.


Attached: elephant slides down to the river.webm (720x720, 1.06M)

>Mourns their dead
Yeah they live in Africa and India.

Attached: 1560223237078.jpg (480x480, 35K)

hello chang

high quality bait

Me on the left




Holy shit, what a based elephant. Teaching the dumb bitch she's there for the experience, not for likes on facebook.


Attached: Elephant charge.webm (480x360, 689K)

I'm not a filthy colonist you disgusting mongol

Their knees freak me out. Almost human like how they kneel.

Attached: Elephant goose.webm (400x400, 1.79M)

he cute

cats and dogs are not just much much more beautiful, they are able to feel empathy. elephants on the other hand are murdermachines.


Attached: elephant trunk.webm (480x480, 206K)


this shithead is going to be a murdermachine very soon.

Can't w just kill you and save them both? That seems like the best outcome.

Looks like Sif hair.

>bethesda's elephant simulator

hes a fucking nunchaku elephant

someone give this wee lad some nunchucks

me when i'm naked with a mirror

What's with all the elephant posting all of a sudden? It's kind of weird. I mean elephants are really smart and pretty cool, but this is all oddly specific and it's all over several boards. Almost makes me wonder if we don't have an elephant in our midsts....

I assume that sounded funnier in your head, reddit.

Tusk 'im

You must be a kikelover, Finns are based and so is their metal.

Attached: 6346346343.gif (382x554, 2.57M)

Yea Forums has been invaded by elephants. There could be an elephant posting in this thread.

Attached: elephants watering hole.webm (404x718, 2.79M)

hippos are fuckin scary, they're like living tanks, those lions wouldn't have even gotten through the thick fucking skin

Attached: 54685698.jpg (780x585, 87K)


Reminder: off topic threads are the best threads

Attached: elephant chased by baby cape buffalo.webm (640x640, 1.12M)

Attached: 19dca417.jpg (609x515, 33K)

Attached: elephant friend.webm (648x720, 2.93M)

iToddlers BTFO!

Attached: hippo yawn.webm (404x720, 1021K)

t: Sven Olofsson

Attached: PRÖÖÖÖH.png (1600x1600, 14K)

haha, the car in the background backing up :D

holy fuck

Attached: TADAIMA.png (480x270, 313K)

imagine the smell

The buffalos were lucky that elephant was chilling


I don't think that's a yawn, it's a "keep the fuck away or I'll bite you in half" look

*sniff* *sniff*

Attached: Hippo and Rhino.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Attached: 9ac0c8f5.png (1357x892, 151K)

I've read zoo keepers say rhinos are super chill

So... is he ignoring the lions because he knows he is gonna get eaten anyway or is he really this fucking invulnerable to their bites

... Did he just poo in his maw ?

Blaying in mud :DDD

he looks ready to FUCK

>its another off topic animal webm thread
Unironically based, these are the best threads on Yea Forums - video games

rip deep sea threads

lmao you can see how nervous the mom is

>u mad white boi?

off topic but you know hdoom when do you think that guy is gonna add more stuff to it?

I wouldn't say invulnerable, it probably hurts but hippo hide is so thick that the biggest threat there is exhaustion because if it stopped fighting the lions could work at the hide a lot more effectively

you wish. It's your secret fantasy

Attached: giant squid.webm (720x720, 473K)

explain this to someone that doesn't keep up with memes

Attached: 1543294702418.webm (854x480, 2.55M)

More like this? Asking for a friend

Attached: PRÖÖÖÖH.webm (1000x1000, 1.7M)

lets keep this thread Yea Forums

Attached: wizard_summons_magic_rod.webm (720x404, 1.79M)

Their best strat is to just keep walking away until either the lions get tired and give up, one of them slips up and gets within biting distance or until it can get into water.

What the fuck

The elephant in the OP is suffering from a malady that afflicts many of us so dont judge elephants for sometimes getting angry. Elephants are cute and cuddly and you should trust them

why does his dick look like a bop it

based beetlebro

Attached: cuttlefish walk.webm (888x500, 2.4M)

don't bite off more than you can chew

Woah that dog just summoned a staff. What the fuck.

whats the flytraps endgame here? what happens eventually?

the power of pröööhh

Attached: 1552182926398.png (540x270, 57K)

looks like the deviljho's mouth

Attached: Deep sea octopus swimming.webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

Attached: max stealth.webm (800x450, 2.53M)

This is now a videodeep seagames thread

Attached: Deep_desert_PLoS.png (790x531, 698K)

Finnish onomatopoeia for an elephant's trumpet. It became a meme because fuck finland.

The insects are supposed to perish and digestive juices very slowly secrete causing the insect to decompose quicker and the plant absorbs the nutrients. It's a very slow process.

Cephalopods are extremely interesting as a species, especially when it comes to imitating other creatures and their scope of intelligence.

Me after getting my nintendo switch

Attached: white whale.webm (720x720, 1.75M)

Damn, hippos really are niggers

spurdo + elephant
nothing else to explain
Originally from

When it closes it starts to produce digestive acids
Its prey is dissolved into a soup and it absorbs the nutrients

t. literal nigger african poacher

I don't have a nope big enough for this.

based /an/ threads

Attached: wolflick.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

Attached: Squid vs squid.webm (1268x720, 588K)

cool. i like these threads. learn something new everytime.

Whoa. First time I've ever seen an albino humpback whale. That's crazy.

Attached: 1 point in stealth.webm (398x720, 1.98M)

t. rich faggot hunter or faggot african/chinese poacher

Why are stealth /an/ threads always so chill?

Attached: 1558229701536.webm (640x640, 1.2M)


>Japan legalized whale hunting again because "muh culture"


Attached: big woof.webm (480x600, 134K)

>Fox Engine hair

>Creatures dislike certain party members

Attached: Annotation 2019-07-04 201658.jpg (1266x674, 250K)

Reminder that birds are the greatest animal of all

Attached: 1529896366318.webm (620x412, 1.72M)

why does white people foreplay look like this?

Let me post an actual stealth bear.

Attached: stealth.gif (250x130, 2M)

tags: fat ugly bastard



Attached: 8456740192.jpg (480x360, 28K)

you just KNOW

there's food in the thing above the slide

bird reaction images > mammal reaction images

Attached: Crow Bothering Eagle (73 Pics That Prove Corvids Are The Biggest Baddasses In The Animal Kingdom).jp (605x415, 71K)

Imagine the falseflagging shitposting if they posted here


based incel

Attached: twin headed snake.webm (720x404, 1.19M)

Based elephant not putting up with the instagram generation's bullshit.

Attached: bird balance.webm (264x480, 821K)

Attached: 1375958353061.png (800x600, 595K)

What is it, whiteboy?

Attached: 1547481602401.jpg (2047x1356, 941K)

>the mom trying to stop his retarded child

Attached: 1537914332396.png (582x587, 611K)

Do you think there are insurance polices in Africa that cover elephant related damages?

Attached: Phoenix-pondering.gif (100x100, 5K)

Attached: Waking_up_at_Ahnassis_House.webm (700x392, 1.17M)

Some Siberian natives held beliefs that a bear was man's ancestor.
After looking at this I can understand why they may thought that way

Attached: bird comb.webm (374x560, 384K)



>not double dragon.webm

Any videos for this feel?

This was funny until I realized he was missing an arm


Attached: hummingbirds.webm (480x480, 344K)

>wow it took 7 of u + 1 4x4 to kill me

why are elephants so autistic?

>game allows inter-species relationships

Attached: 1562009852569.webm (640x800, 1.81M)

>Sharks loving being petted
>Birds love being petted
>Every animal loves being petted
Humanity could turn every animal species into a pet just through this alone.

Phoneposters blown the fuck out.

Remove all incel elephants from the zoos, they're a hazard.

Attached: Bear icecream.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

they'd have to come around to his front and bite his neck to do any damage
and if they do that they're gonna get fucked up


what's wrong with that, bears walk like that all the time anyway, he's making it work

if you want to get sad about something it should be that someone after seeing that video went out and shot and killed that bear


Attached: 1523467685227.png (413x451, 163K)

damn dirty bitch does this in public imagine what they do behind closed doors

>Shadows increase stealth

Insurance is not widespread in Africa. As a person you need to be able to conceptualize the future and judge the value of spending money versus something bad happening and getting reimbursed for it. Most countries in Africa are not populated by people who prioritize thinking this way.

What is it with wh*te women and bestiality?

I heard some scientists say that elephants actually don't have four legs but that their front limbs are somehow to be classified as arms. Some technical semantics I'm sure but kinda funny.

reddit-tier cringe.

>fuck this thread I'm out

this is awfully disturbing

Attached: horse punch.webm (720x720, 1.17M)

[muffled eurobeat in the distance]

>the virgin DEX vs the chad END

dogpill is true

I wouldn't know but apparently you do, squirt.

From watching one of the webms further up in the thread it looks like the elephant's front legs bend backwards like our arms do. So that's probably why they say that.

That wolf gets more human pussy than me.

fucking old people, don't notice a damn bear right in their field of vision but probably get in their car right afterwards and get mad when someone suggests having driving tests for people over 65

I know because you reddit election tourists brought your culture with ya.

Attached: Hyena bath.webm (406x446, 2.79M)

kek its like the Rhino was designed specifically to fuck up a hippo's chomper.

reminder if a wolf tries to do this to you DO IT if you refuse it will actually get offended and pull your face in with its teeth

that's a big horse

flytraps grow in nutrient poor soil and make up for that deficiency by eating bugs

>game doesn't allow inter-species relationships

Attached: 1561253564927.webm (480x360, 1.57M)

manlets not even once

>don't notice a damn bear right in their field of vision
to be fair, it's not always easy to see the difference between the average amerimutt roaming the streets and wildlife.

The culture of explaining obvious shit? You sure as hell like to whine for no reason.

>niggers bad
>this is a 'new' 'reddit tourist' opinion
you're embarrassing yourself

are squid immune to other squids' venom?

>white people

that's fucked

This. Forest elephant would murder anyone in this thread quite literally for fun

>BBDC destroys whit*ids

I can honestly say I've never seen a bird raped to death by a dog before. Thank you.

Attached: Whale Shark and dolphins.webm (1024x678, 1.06M)

what is it with white women and fucking dogs

couple of triggered election tourists already

Attached: polreddit.png (944x4013, 662K)

iirc this is actually done to establish hierarchy. Wolf puppies do this to their moms when they want them to regurgitate; the habit is carried into adulthood to show submission to a leader.
I think by simply opening your mouth you're basically showing that you're in charge, so a submissive dog/wolf will instantly go to lick it. By doing this the women are asserting their dominance.

>game lets you adopt abandoned children

Attached: 1560896810627.webm (400x300, 1.29M)

finns are eternally based, get fucked

Holy shit I never noticed that, but you 're right.
When he kneels down you can kind of see how they kind of look like arms.

Attached: giant crayfish.webm (720x722, 2.81M)

And there it is. Of course you're the type of person to save shit like this and post it in random threads. Fucking hypocrite.

This is adorable

That elephent is in musth which is a hormone surge that essentially turns off their brains and just makes them extremely fucking pissed off at everything for no reason.

Feminine penis

What the fuck is wrong with whites?


Attached: 1426785637518.jpg (638x635, 71K)

Haista vittu paskiainen


what did you said?

Attached: 1550603588189.jpg (480x640, 157K)

diggin' the goatee

You just know


id ride that horse, and id ride the girl too

that ain't no crayfish that's a fuckin YABBY

Attached: Shark mating.webm (1066x480, 2.14M)

>feeling empathy
You serious?
>That does not mean they feel empathy. It's more likely that the cats had learned to associate their owners' smiles with rewards: people are more likely to spoil a cat when they are in a good mood.
Elephants are also notoriously bad at human warfare.

I appreciate your joke.

i fucking shellfish. creepy fuckers

>is well versed in the occurrences of reddit



That must be a good dream.

>enemies have large sized variations

Attached: airport.webm (638x360, 1.08M)


But Finnish ARE mutts, they look half asian

Attached: Beluga whale.webm (462x720, 1.54M)

That would be one hell of a crawfish etouffee

why is it wh*te women fuck dogs?

An elephant enters the room and slaps your gfs ass, what do you do

Torilla tavataan!!!

Attached: 27c.jpg (1400x827, 321K)

Turpa kiinni saatana

>creature gets turned on if you have females in your party and becomes faster and more Agressive

Attached: my swamp.png (328x445, 185K)

Release a mouse.


Fools me every time

Anyone have the prööööh vocaroo from last thread?


>fucks up the surprise attack
>dumbass bird still goes back for a second try

Birds are retarded

>implying they're not behind the splatoon threads

Attached: 1556549621631.webm (640x640, 2.93M)

Bird-brain is an expression for a reason.

Attached: Seesaw.webm (480x480, 1.35M)

>groups of enemies can attack you as a unit

Attached: mauled.webm (640x640, 2.47M)

Africa has nearly continent wide insurance. I don't know a country that doesn't have car and health insurance

My sides.


Attached: 1548873290779beware.webm (358x640, 995K)

lions are the most pathetic pussies I have ever seen.
They hunt in large groups and still can't even take down one hippo.

That's hot

Attached: 1538302092315.jpg (1280x720, 241K)

Attached: 1539334298430.webm (720x900, 1.65M)

chinas fucked up

>enemies use teamwork against you

Attached: good teamwork.webm (768x432, 2.89M)

they are extremely big on infidelity, you have a right to hate them

Attached: Lion hunt failed.webm (888x500, 2.52M)

Cute cheeseburger.

The buffalo broke the NAP

the seething feeds me

Attached: 1543549983245.png (408x399, 16K)

>A woman will never love you like an animal does
We don't deserve them

to be fair, hippos are evolved specifically to counter lions.

>haha I just licked ur butt that means ur gay!!
>why are you like this steve

Attached: Polar Bear vs seal.webm (480x480, 1.57M)

She looks delicious.


>don't mind me, just passin' through

2nd cutest cow I have ever seen.

Attached: 1518027392036.png (211x246, 11K)

>Borh will be homeless soon

You call that stealth?

Attached: EnemyStealth.webm (426x426, 422K)

proof that women ruin everything

white whale holy grail


Fuck my heart melted

Why are they the absolute worst of the big cats while being called kings of the jungle?


Attached: lizard brush.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

For Insurance to exists you need a population whom can grasp the concept of the future. Allow me to elaborate, the African man is unable to conceptualize beyond the present. Every thought, every decision is inherently spontaneous. There is no chain of thought which evaluates potential outcome of events or consequences, they simply "act" much in the same way an insect does.

Allow me to recount an incident I once observed;
A African man parallel parked beside a parked car, shortly after the African man steps out of his vehicle the owner of said parked car ran out of the diner he was in and shouted at the African man that he cannot park his car there for he would not be able to leave the spot since he's blocking him in with his vehicle. The African simply turns to him and says without hesitation "Are you leaving now?".

That's the reason my friend why the African man appear savage and careless, they simply lack the ability to perceive the future.

Attached: 1560828311223.jpg (1920x1080, 142K)

Why would an elephant bother posting on Yea Forums? The trunk makes it really hard to type. Not to mention we've got a lot of eating to do in a day.

Attached: based watercooling.webm (960x544, 2.7M)

>Guys let me in I'm a dolphin
>Don't you believe in dolphins?

His passive ability makes all enemy attacks deal one damage, with his health points he could tank them all day long

Attached: Polar Bear walk.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

because of their fancy fur, just like real kings who where little bitches decorated in fancy shit

What games do this?

based as fuck
look at all the seething mongoloids kek

Forbidden love.

Attached: 1523222300588deer.webm (640x480, 2.89M)

Attached: Leopard catch.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)

you just KNOW!

They're #1 so why try harder.

>Circ'd dick
Why ruin a good thing?

Attached: 1493726793327.png (600x557, 525K)

>dog's still trying to go at it after it's dead
fucking lmao

Damn black women look like THAT!?

Attached: 1544396939951.png (666x658, 459K)

>Use a potion to heal a party member
>Party member dies before it gets there

Attached: 1420047671898dogfish.webm (224x398, 2.93M)

These things are fucking crazy, man

Attached: The leopard demands blood.webm (1280x720, 1.53M)


I can see the inspiration for the Predator's vagina mouth there.

Post the green text of the guy who fucks deers

Are lions the dead robbie rottens of the animal kingdom?

Attached: snake fishing.webm (714x400, 1.53M)

dragons dogma

>The Fool vs Horus

Lions are godly, but they're nocturnal. All the video footage you see of Lions in the daylight is when they're supposed to be sleeping.

Filming Lions at night is illegal. They're that fucking dangerous.


It's sad that this ass looks better than my gf


Everyone in this looks like they're bored/half assing things.

Those child elephants are pretty fast


Oh, thanks babe

Attached: Deer hunting.png (1280x1024, 248K)

my man said "Go ahead and try'n chomp then"


how did it know to do this

Attached: 1299100869817.gif (133x150, 11K)

>sudden surge in activity around 2016 and /pol/ grows to be the new newfag haven
I wonder why...

Intelligent snek!

Attached: 1364756879.jpg (559x496, 52K)

Reminder that this bear's name was Pedals, and after he became a minor internet sensation, due to how he survived despite his disability, a hunter sought him out and shot him just for the sake of it during hunting season.

Attached: Pedals-the-bear-728746.jpg (590x350, 41K)

Shit taste

Attached: instant_loss_2koma.webm (1276x658, 2.71M)

Post the 1st one


Fuck yeah! Every other person in that video is like "Oh fuck, cool! An elephant! We get to touch a fucking elephant!" But then that ungrateful tard whore is like "Hurr durr I bettah put dis on mah instagrayum!"
Elephant ain't having none of your inattentive unappreciative bullshit today motherfucker!

Attached: Begone Thot Uppercut.gif (360x196, 1.33M)

This is exactly the same as a black man having sex with a white woman.

>Sharks loving being petted

No they don't you retard. Those videos of people rubbing sharks' faces are them disrupting the sharks' electrosensory organ in their face so the fuckers don't bite them.

Rubbing their face is like blowing out their eardrums with a screamer.

Creature has a buff, hard gay brother who gets violently aroused by men
>its an end game enemy

inb4 900 replies on how hunting is the manliest sport

Attached: ps5D2SW.jpg (3072x2304, 718K)

Turn animals into pets by petting them. Hmm...

Attached: wj9qhg.jpg (600x627, 96K)

It is the pic of your mom

Attached: XkLP.gif (480x360, 1.09M)

Fucking Americans.

Someone WILL reply to this post with ''based''.

so what do these horsefuckers do if the horse just decides to take a massive shit all over them

Take your pick.

fucking wozza

he looks like he might eat it and not waste the corpse at least.

Papa didn't raise no quitter.

Amerifats eat a lot too, but they still have time to shitpost here

Honestly wouldn't you do it as well? How many times have you felt furious because a foreigner or some soiboy cunt attempts to prohibit something that your people have done for milennia?

The Japanese have a right and obligation to keep their traditions alive, I'd only wish that they realized by themselves that there's too many people and not enough wales to keep doing it

>lel im so randum xD


>Never should have come here

That's a Squatch.

Most logical conclusion is it's trying to burying the food for conservation so it can dig it up and eat it later.

wh*toid """people""" should be massacred


Didn't know they still made Austin Powers films.

And horny.

Who would've known that Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m was a cow all along.

is there a worse combination?

Holy shit Lions are huge.


Attached: 1500470464087.png (498x568, 345K)

those fucking reflexes

That's one way to get a divorce I suppose.

it's likely trying to bury it for later consumption instead of trying to save it
dogs habitually bury food so they can hide it and dig it up for a snack later

Any other combination.

Reminds me of the far side.

Attached: FarSide-Bear2.gif (413x500, 86K)

no, the thing on the ground is the lion. the thing behind it is a human, believe it or not

it isn't because a huge cock takes a lot of blood to get erect so the whole BBC thing is a meme and detrimental to sexual pleasure as the man will most likely pass out just to get his dong hard enough to do that kind of damage

Nice kafkatrap, tourist.

I don't get how people can eat these things and then be grossed out by insects when they're pretty much the same thing.

And yet you're speaking our language. Stay irrelevant, subhuman.

damn she's horny as fuck

Let me just take a piss all over you for a second.

Attached: 1174455737563.jpg (640x480, 49K)

I'm just gonna get this out of the way

Attached: nool.png (419x900, 503K)

you make a good point
we should have europeans keep their tradition of claiming land as their own and raping the previous inhabitants both figuratively and literally

Attached: gay woof.webm (720x404, 2.19M)

nah that dog's just fuckin her.

Yaa...gomen, gomen.

Attached: 1445785897228.jpg (436x467, 49K)


Attached: cow.webm (422x634, 2.92M)

I mean that they will rape the girl and then kill her.

ain't yo language anymo wh*te boi

Attached: Clipboard02.png (773x931, 69K)



Attached: TUSKETE.jpg (640x360, 35K)

Not that user but I am pretty sure it depends on where you pet them and the species. Many animals like it for the same reason-- they associate the touch with being groomed (aka parasite removal)

>Enemies can seduce you

Attached: 1551795041033.webm (853x480, 1.92M)

Yeah well you're a retard, a nigger, a faggot, and a bitch. And you can't even call anyone here that because it's against your religion. So fuck off you retarded bitch-nigger faggot.

Attached: Millhouse Eyebrow Raising.gif (500x384, 183K)

Y'know I just realized that all cows are female. What happens to the male cows at birth?

Attached: obsessed.png (833x608, 553K)

Attached: 1357272504480.png (142x138, 2K)

Attached: 1425056902989.png (370x349, 125K)

there are no male cows.

There are no male cows because they are bulls. Same thing as how all cats are female and all dogs are male.

You're a dumb subhuman faggot who needs to go back to polddit like a good incel polppet

>no whale shark pokemon with a remora beard

did you know Brown does produce chocolate milk?

ask your mom

LOL who comes up with this shit

Attached: Oniichan don't look.webm (853x480, 867K)

Is that why the shark literally goes back for more?

He has a big guy

is there a stealth game featuring old people?

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I know female dogs are called bitches but what's the male version for cat?

>don't shoot dangerous animals that stalk cities full of humans because someone made a funny internet video


I mean there's a brown cow on the box so I figured that was the case.

Things only went badly for them after we left, makes you think huh.


cute ears(?)

>being scared of scrawny bear amputees

Attached: Turtle eats jellyfish.webm (576x720, 1.02M)


Attached: Kamina_wallpaper.jpg (630x345, 52K)

English is weird as fuck

Attached: Turtles eat jellyfish.webm (640x746, 2.77M)

I want an octobro. Too bad they only live for like 4 years.

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t.raj mujapal

they lick their throats to provoke the gag reflex, not the inside of their mouths.

Fuck's sake, user.

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>cats are evil guyyyyyyyyyys, they don't care about you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Attached: Vampire Squid.webm (1280x720, 2.13M)

Shouldn't it defend itself with electricity or whatever

That shit's fucking spooky.

>Is that why the shark literally goes back to try and bite them again?


Almost as huge as an american.

Attached: vampire squid2.webm (720x720, 1.11M)

Holy shit you are upset

Prooh rave. Needs more glowsticks

>Enemies can level up

Attached: 1549723606297.webm (640x360, 566K)

Not all jellies have poisonous barbs on them

Why isnit always wh*te women?

Whale Shark and dolphins.webm

More like The King and His Royal Guard

jellyfish don't have brains, user
it literally doesn't have the capacity to understand it's being attacked

Fucking Jews posing as elephants on Yea Forums again.

>Never actually tries to bite them

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Attached: 1549226648197snek.webm (854x480, 1.49M)

You literally posted MGS and asked a question if MGS4 exists

Nigger what

That's the most retarded fucking shit I've ever heard. Should companies keep their innate traditional practices of dumping fucking pollutants into water just because they used to do that? Should the chinese keep filling their cities with fucking smog? Should Indians just keep bathing in the literally aids infested river that they worship?

Some things need to be stopped. There is no innate sanctity to a practice simply due to it having been done a lot.

What the fuck is wrong with you. Are you one of those people that has a bizarre persecution complex and is obsessed with muh crusaders or something

Yeah right, because conquering killing and raping is totally a European only thing, how much of a sore loser do you need to be to bitch about losing war 500 years after the fact

I'm only saying it should be the japanese themselves who decide to stop or change themselves and it's perfectly understandable why it's a hard thing to do

Attached: Caddisfly.webm (800x450, 2.88M)

duck looked like it was in pain. she or was it a he? kept quacking "PUT DOWN THE DAMN PHONE AND HELP ME GOD DAMN IT!"

kinda glad they killed it off.

Do girl really fuck dogs?

Aslan will come back from the dead to fuck him up

Yeah it's great innit? Like fenestration the term used in architecture for windows in buildings and defenestration is, specifically, the act of throwing someone out of a window

play less videogames, user

stop posting so fast

Imagine making yourself so fucking fat that the lion looks like a regular cat. Who needs a gun? You could probably just lie on top of it and crush it.

White girls, yeah.

But that makes perfect sense

damn, ebony girls are sexy af

>Enemies aren't believed to exist but are found years later

Attached: fullcolorpattersonfilmwalkacrosscroppedwalk.gif (1593x1124, 3.29M)

Attached: Lion sunset.webm (480x848, 1.23M)


>electricity or whatever
SpongeBob isn't educational zoomer

Sea Turtles are adapted to resist the poisons of jellies they hunt

Elephant: "Oh excuse me. Oh excuse me. Oh excuse me. Oh excuse me haha."

I wouldn't eat an insect, nor would I want a fish bug or a land bug crawling on me.

And yet without them dominating the ecosystem for 0.5-3 billion years, no life on earth would exist today. Show a little respect.


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>killed it off.
it died from internal bleeding you dingus

that's mostly what sea turtles eat. They aren't bothered by the sting

because white women are the cause of everything bad on this planet.

I want to see her get mating pressed by gigantic elephant cock.

My cat is super cute and very tolerent. But everyone gets pissed off at some point in its life and throws a claw.
The day this thing gets pissed off, good luck.

Turtles don't give a fuck.

Attached: 1498651507008.webm (480x480, 871K)

People actually believe this is real, huh? Jesus Christ, that's pathetic.
I mean, even for its time it just reeks of amateur work. Look at how that thing walks. It's clearly human.
Any other primate or monkey like creature walks in a particular way and if you knew the FIRST things about primates you'd know we don't walk fully upright with their arms swinging like that.
Come the fuck on, people.

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>He can't handle the spice

The kinds of sharks you see in videos like that probe something to see if it's bitable then snap at it, unlike something like a Great White which just bites everything, even their mates.

You can engage the rubbing defense on those smaller kinds of sharks, but big fuckers will just end you.

Max def+str build

These threads are always the comfiest.

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>when it shifts into battlemode

Yeah no shit. Bravo user; you cracked the code.

Does it glue the stones to itself?

damn he mad

>you'd know we don't walk fully upright

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literally the virgin walk

they send them to my house. come over if you wanna see

>dobson eyebrows

you sure about that? I thought sharks in general bite to 'probe'.

It's hard to beat a hippo

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I don't know why people think a bigfoot would even be worth covering up or be capable of hiding as long as it has.

Like why bother preventing people from knowing about the 8 foot simians that bound around the forest? What would finding out they exist do to society?

>No primate is allowed to walk like a human except humans

>poking it in the eye

>Bipedal creature looks human

No shit. The suit for 1967 is insane user. Hollywood didn't have that quality. Certain types of spandex used in later hollywood productions didn't exist. You're talking about a man without a regular job making this? And then asking for professional tracking dogs to come to the sight that only didn't happen because of a storm. And who did his hoax at the very end of hours of a film reel?

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turtles are so easy to deal with though. Pull over a lot to get those little fuckers out of the road and snappers and alligator snapper babies are so easy to handle while they're trying to kill me. Just pull up on their ass and slide your hand underneath and they can't do much to you

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Not literally all sharks all the time since not all of them have the tooth factory in their heads that Great Whites do.

Smaller sharks have to be somewhat careful.

this hippo beats itself

What is US's obession with bigfoot, is it because its the one cryptid that makes most sense?

Wonder which one takes it and which one gives

>when it shifts into battlemode

Attached: 1538200366545.webm (480x480, 451K)

I want to believe. But, I've lost all faith that the world is anything but boring.

>mad about people saying his muh durmphff joke was shit
>gb2 pol faggot

Stop trying to damage control your shitty derailment attempt.

>Accidentally engaging battle in xenoblade chronicles

Yeti in the Himalayas is simply accepted to exist by locals. Everyone knows about them. Listen to astonishing legends series about it

>The cross darkens the horizon

>some dudes had a giggle and made a bigfoot suit for laughs
>the government and all biologists are covering up the existence of a couple of big monkeys hanging out in the woods
gee user i don't know which one sounds more plausible

what does cow bonis even look like

>Space suits tested in vacuum of space: 1965
>Dressing up in a fursuit in 1967: impossible

no duh dummy

>comparing clear, in-focus professional hollywood photography where you can see every small detail to a fucking blurry mess

god I love reading about cryptids

you wouldnt fuck a cow

Other than Canada we have the most unexplored expanses of wilderness. It's natural to come up with local legends when you see weird shit out there, but some autists just get carried away with it.

Someone post that doujin so user can be hip to Cool Cow Fact's

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No one is covering it up, retard. It's just very elusive. Fuck's sake. We find new species of animals every day.

Elephants are cool as fuck so obviously china wants them for their tiny chink dicks

Fuck China

is that fucker getting high off methane?

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user. The suit is insane. This isn't 2019. It's 1967. Nobody has been able to make a similar one if it was a suit. The fursuits of today use things that didn't exist

>Shifting to All-Range Mode!

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To be fair, there is a monkey/gorilla? species that was discovered recently (last ten years or so) that people were freaking out over because of how human-like it was. But I'm pretty sure that was in the amazon.

>we haven't found it so therefore it must exist
very nice logic, user

>Other than Canada we have the most unexplored expanses of wilderness.
lol, no
Not even remotely close