Is this game as stressful and miserable to play as people say? The story and world seem fascinating, but I have enough stress in my life and if this is a "stress simulator" I might just skip it for now.
Is this game as stressful and miserable to play as people say? The story and world seem fascinating...
Yep. You're overtasked so as to be rushed each day brings a fuck you in the form of some new crisis, especially ones that fuck with things you thought you had under control. There's catharsis in the struggle, of course.
I need this game in my life
It's intentionally designed so you are always out of time and resources so you need to prioritize stuff and know what you should give up on doing while hoping it wasn't that important and everything turns out fine
Does changing the settings ruin the intended experience? I heard they patched in some difficulty options.
The main draw of the game is the atmosphere, and the atmosphere builds on the sense of urgency
A small tweak wouldn't destroy it but anything other than that might actually ruin it
I see, I guess I could try the default first and go from there.
As long as you don't tweak the settings to change the game to walking simulator it's perfectly fine.
I would say yes, the ludonarrativity is pretty good. There was nothing quite like selling your only weapon for some bread in Pathologic one, not as some sort of story mission but as a logical, desperate choice you make to survive.
Making yourself tireless or unreliant on food or whatever kind of noclips right past those great moments which gel so will with the feeling of crisis in the town and the fight against the Plague as a terrible enemy.
Some people are just lazy incompetent fucks.
Me and most of Yea Forums ended this with surplus of everything and barely anyone dead. It's pretty easy when you figure out the mechanics.
The most infuriating thing is the perfomance, not the gameplay.
It's by design that stressful. You can lower recommended difficulty and make it almost walking sim, but it's up to you.
Not him but personally I tweaked it so that stamina regenerates a smidge better and burns a smidge slower
It's generally fine with things like thirst and combat being exhausting but what's not ok is one wrong turn and an asthmatic simulator making exploring the lore really punishing. There's a lot of stuff that is just nice to see and know about, but the tasks you need to do are overwhelming on their own and taking one mistep and not being allowed hope of catching up is a bit iffy. The game is meant to be played multiple times, so the default is fine when you already know even a few things on your list that you can skip and only miss fluff - because after restarting a few days in I've already found even more things to do that would have been useful to know first time around. Some stuff you might figure days later will let you find shortcuts for earlier days.
Tweak it to be a bit easier, play at least till about day 5, restart, then tweak it to be slightly harder each time you beat the game.
At least until the Bachelor/Changeling become playable, then there should be a ton of content to play on normal instead.
Bachelor when+
they started shipping physical rewards, I don't see why not
It's alright other than the hunger bar i'd say.
It depletes so fast that I'd go from being incredibly well-stocked to dying of starvation within the course of the same day, because I'd visit areas where none of the npcs had any food on them to trade for
After finishing Artemy's storyline I REALLY want to play the bachelor now
I really hope it's going to be The Marble Nest x 12
>struggle a bit during the start
>reach day 4
>have more resources than I know what to do with
>finish game with 10+k money and spare food for an extra day
The only meter that depleted too fast is the durability of weapons
LITERAL QUOTE FROM THE DEVS: "Pathologic is intended to be almost unbearable".
The game is literally about simulating what it would be like to be in a town in the middle of a plague and also everything's surreal so you don't even know what the fuck is going on.
Un-fucking-real atmosphere. But even the fans of the game will tell you that it's not fun. It's "an experience" more than it is a game.
Remember, Boos Vlad did nothing wrong.
Acting tsundere and chuuni like he is an absolutely evil megalomaniac when he actually isn't doing anything evil and really has no plans for the Haruspex even if he can't stop acting shady and saying that he has plans for him was pretty fucking dumb and wrong
would it be a better idea to try out the first Pathologic game rather than the second? I've seen stuff about this game and it looks really neat.
oh look, a tribesman
Pathologic Classic HD is absolutely worth playing. Just keep in mind that it's arguably even more (intentionally) stressful than the remake.
>more stressful than the remake
Wait, so Pathologic 2 is not a continuation of the first but a remake of it?
Reminds me of people farming in souls games jej
yep, the publisher tinybuild made them call it Pathologic 2 to avoid confusing with Pathologic, so now everyone is confused as to whether or not it's a sequel, not helped by the fact that's technically a remake and a sequel