If i make a Megaman thread early in the morning will it reach bump limit by night?
If i make a Megaman thread early in the morning will it reach bump limit by night?
how did Megaman come back in BN4 if he got deleted in 3?
Only if you're autistic enough to stay and bump it.
what's the point nabbing Megaman but making him more useless?
Am I the only that realizes how fucking wrong that hand looks?
Someone didn't see the post credits
Battle Network 4.5 was the earliest autochess
I love shotas very much so I will help your thread!
do you love their peeny?
I love every part of them!
I thought so...stay where you are, HOMO
Only if you post enough Mayl
Anyway, even if I, random user recognize you by your posting style and habits, you can be sure you are already in the list of big boys from goberment, buddy. Be careful.
Where's that bn collection capcom? You aren't showing lots of bn love for nothing.
On a somewhat related note, I'm slowly losing patience and need to try bn eventually (and sf). Is 5 a good starting point? It's the only one on ds and I don't have a gba.
And no I refuse to pirate/emulate/whatever them so don't even suggest it.
i want ti fuck a robot(male).
wow user, I am touched you recognise me, but I should be fine
I wonder how much you know...
Probably not.
But I'll bump the thread for you
I give you a bump too, user.
I don't want to die before a real life MegaMan.exe is comercialized.
Seriously, would it cost Capcom literally anything to sell a digital BN collection?
I have a feeling it's going to happen really soon. We've been seeing a LOT of bn love as of recent, and I believe that's what happened with X before his collections so who knows.
They've released all the games on the wii u and even added in the cards (chips?) that could only be gathered via online, so they could just use those modified roms for the collections and everyone would be happy.
How often do they fuck?
They don't live in alabama so hopefully never
Ok you bunch of losers I trusted you and I've been playing BN3 postgame during the last days, grinding hundreds of BugFrags and styles and chips and it has been hella fun. I already got four stars and am just missing BowlMan V4 for the fifth so I'm grinding for Team Style. The question: Do I also need MistMan's chips to get five stars? If that's the case, I'll be eternally pissed.
Unfortunately yes, at least assuming you're playing the regular version
If you're playing the Wii U version you can input a code IIRC, and you can probably just enter a cheat on an emulated version
Goddammit, I was ready to go all the way to Alpha Omega. And no, I'm playing on 3DS so I guess I'm out of luck.