I pirated Yunyun's game

I pirated Yunyun's game

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I want to pirate Chris' panties.


Attached: __eris_kono_subarashii_sekai_ni_shukufuku_wo_drawn_by_hanarito__e9782925ad2d6b56a9168782d2b91341.png (1061x1500, 2.16M)

who cares

>disgusting 3D vita
>not translated
fucking weeb

I want to pirate Eris's pads.

Why is Kazuma's name in katakana and Megumin's name in hiragana?

That's wrong, user.

Attached: __eris_kono_subarashii_sekai_ni_shukufuku_wo_and_megami_drawn_by_komatsu_momoka__1cb97c4f54503f7affc (2889x4083, 1.1M)

what kind of homo puts his strap on the left side of the console?

It's hard to fap when Vita is attached to the right hand

>play the game in language he can't read
What for?

You can quickly move or pick up something with your right hand (usually the dominant hand) while keeping your left hand with the Vita, with your left thumb on the controls for (what is usually) moving your character. Reaching for something with your right hand with your strap around your right wrist will just swing your Vita around and probably into something.

It's actually good for lerning because voiced lines can be repeated from the text log

What know you of OP's credentials?

torrent pls

>torrent pls


what a pleb

stay mad sony

Stay using inferior software :^)

works on my machine

>Being satisfied with anything but the original

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