Your favorite racing game gets turned into Gacha

>your favorite racing game gets turned into Gacha
>not a single reviewer or user warned you about it

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>implying people cared about the game after learning of censorship
If you knew shit like this happened anything else that could go wrong was possible. only yourself to blame

>been casually playing online matches with the occasional singleplayer race to do a challenge
>have more than enough coins to get what i want and am almost done with the silver tier
idk why people are complaining so much about the 'grind.' we still have like 20 days left in the event

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What? There are literally no ingame purchases. Are you just shitposting or are you actually a retard?

>unlockables tied to defined challenges are gacha

Americans want instant gratification.

>I'm retarded and I make retarded posts
that's you
that's what you sound like

You don't spend real money but every other Gacha element is there
If those challenges are timed then they are

drink bleach, shit stain

>shit stain
That's what americans are known for, dummy.

>sperging out because the game has unlockablea
You have literally zero idea what gaccha means.

What censorship?

>I have down syndrome *drool*
that's you
that's what you sound like

Is this the CTR thread?
Should i switch from accel to speed or balanced? Also is it me or are turnfags completely fucking useless.

when's splitscreen online

Gacha means what you get is random. Being timed has nothing to do with it, gacha games/gachapon machines are gacha even when their random rewards are available forever.

Yeah turning characters are the least competitive because turbo speeds are proportionate to character speeds. Accels are viable though.

look at the back of your game case

"In game purchases may appear in the future"

>>not a single reviewer or user warned you about it
I have literally been complaining about it for a week solid, even messaged Activision about the coin issue. It's not my fault you don't enter CTR threads.

That's the problem. You're expected to pay for your internet twice so you can get the weekday and weekend bonus, both of which aren't active offline. So if you're not paying for online you're getting fucked raw by the lack of coins which dosn't matter when you first get the game, but becomes an issue when you keep seeing stuff in the pit stop and you can't get any of it.

>Gacha means what you get is random
That's an element of it but not the whole thing. To be a gatcha game you need a type of in game currency that can be replenished with real world money in conjunction with that random element.

>Gacha means what you get is random
So the pit stop? Thankfully you know what you're buying but waiting days for a character to just pop up eventually is stupid imo

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Oh, yeah, "censorship". Too bad for incels like you

>defending censorship of any form
>defending a game with gatcha shit
Go dilate

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>you don't spend real money but it is gacha
>there are no singing or music but this play is a musical

Treat people with respect isn't censorship, incel, and like everyone told you the game has no gacha shit whatsoever
random rewards ≠ gacha

>Treat people with respect isn't censorship
How is that treating people with respect when they're treating adults like children?

have sex

Answer the question.

What do you think of FF7r?

Which were then added as playable characters. How fucking scary is that?

Shitposters are getting desperate these days.

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I'm curious why they couldn't have retained their original position as trophy girls and also been playable as well. Why have less when you could have more?

he posted something from one angry incel what did you expect?

Not him but how does that change the fact that it was removed?
They could have easily had the girls on screen and as playable characters after all

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So, what you're saying is that you have no argument. Unless you can show me them taking their original position in Nitro.

You might want to Google what that phrase means

Grasping at staws? I'm asking a legit question. They could have fulfilled both roles easily and still could with a simple update, I don't care about the argument surrounding it, I'm only interested in making the game better or more content rich. Why do you have an issue with such a thing?

i don't know what kind of financial situation you're in but if you bought a racing game for the singleplayer only that's your own damn fault

i probably will max out old by next week and i have only done the daily and some of the weekly stuff.

So I have to play online to enjoy these games? does this mean I have to throw out my cart of Mario 64? what about my PS1 copy of CTR? I shouldn't be punished for wanting to enjoy the game in a single player capacity and the fact you're even taking the side of punishment screams so many things that are wrong with the industry.

Not him but because of basic conext you literal retards

Why the fuck would you have a "main" character filling in a side character's role? why the fuck would they be racers and also pit-stop bimbos waving umrellas around.

I'm becoming more convinced "MUH CENSORSHIP" regarding vidya is just an excuse for switching your brain off

gacha is the way of the future user

i do wish there was a better way to gain coin's outside online. the amount you get from offline is sad.

>a character is not allowed to fill more than one role
Better get rid of Aku Aku and Uka Uka then because they act as guides throughout adventure mode and also function as weapons during a race. Idiot.

I'm not the mongoloid crying censorship when said censored characters were literally added as playable lmao

Waifufags, not even once.

>Waaaah, why can't women be put on the sidelines and remain bystanders to the action while the men steal the glory, women are trophies for us! How dare they interfere!
t. OneAngryIncel

>Why the fuck would you have a "main" character filling in a side character's role
Why on earth do you think they're main characters?

Point to me anywhere in my posts where I mentioned "censorship" I already told you I don't care about that argument I just want more content for the games I enjoy and there's no good reason why they can't fulfil both roles. Why not double down on the trophy girl thing and actually get other characters involved as well? like have a cute scene with coco handing Crash a trophy or N-Gin reluctantly giving it to Cortex? you seem to only care about outrage and not content.

Projection much? not once did I even hint at anything like that but naturally you fucks only see what you want to see and disregard the content of any post not immediately fighting shit you don't like. There's no reason why they can't fulfil more than one role, sexism, censorship or any of that bullshit dosn't matter.

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>but because of basic conext you literal retards
"Conext" doesn't help your argument because they are the trophy girls, that's their claim to fame and they removed that role so they have nothing.
They don't even play a part in the main story.

>they all have the same face

>why can't women be put on the sidelines and remain bystanders
Who's saying they should be sidelined? You literally replied to two people who wanted them to not only reprise their original role but be playable.

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Threads like these prove that Yea Forums will bitch about literally anything so long as it offends them. And you guys want to complain about SJWs being obnoxious.

Please tell me just what would them waving an umbrella around add to the game. Would it add an extra point to its Metacritic score? Would the game be priced differently? Would it add a variety of tracks?

>Please tell me just what would them waving an umbrella around add to the game
The real question is what does it take away to retain an aspect of the original game.

>what would them waving an umbrella around add to the game
Why can't anything just be for the hell of it? just for fun? why do fucks like you always demand everything has to have depth to it? I bet you never melted the ice cubes in MGS2 either.

Amazing how people will eat shit and even ask for it. Lol just turn your brain off bro!

Why does it have to have a purpose? It's just a little thing that was there for fun you retard.

>Shitting your diapers over nothing

>more content bad
You're a brainlet.

>Character waving an umbrella around while also standing on a podium isn't jarring as fuck

>Threads like these prove that Yea Forums will bitch about literally anything so long as it offends them. And you guys want to complain about SJWs being obnoxious.
I'll agree with you this time,

Normally I don't care, but shitposting like this on actually good games for once, instead of AAA garbage like you're supposed to, is going too far.

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le soulless remake meme xd

>implying it is
I think you have issues beyond this game user. Do you actually hate women or something?

I'm not the one crying about them not being non-characters that were just eye-candy trophy girls before.

What's jarring about that?

I just want them having more that one role and returning to their previous claim to fame while still being playable characters, for some reason that idea of extra content just for fun is so offensive to you that you have been shitposting this all thread. You have issues lad.

Are you retarded?
You have five trophy girls and you don't think they could, I don't know, swap out the one that's currently racing?

You're right about that, instead you're whining about them being trophy girls in the past.

Only added them in because people complained about the censorship. It wasn't sincere

Keep crying over nothing.

>In an interview, one of the lead developers stated that one of the very first things they wanted to do with this remake was to make Tawna and the Trophy Girls playable characters
Get a better brain, shit-for-brains.

>trusting damage control

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A post of an user well and truly seething. GG lad.

>Keep crying over nothing.
Dude, they're crying about a pointless change.
You're crying because you literally got the censorship you wanted.

If anyone is crying over nothing it's you.

>Projecting this hard

Seething about what? I'm not the one screaming and bitching about a character not waving a useless umbrella around anymore.

>Making characters playable is censorship
Don't try and spin this on me you nigger-faggot.
Seethe harder, incels.

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>Making characters playable is censorship
It is when you remove their original role along with it for no real reason.

>this whole post
It couldn't be more obvious that you're mad as fuck over this while other anons simply wanted more stuff for their game and that is fucking hilarious.

>$0.50 was deposited into your account

they gave some kind a reason
to make them playable

That's not a reason. Quite a few games have characters that are both on a results screen or the game's equivalent and playable.
It's not a one or the other deal.

they quite seriously don't but whatever.

An entire falseflag thread for this game? Are we ever gonna let it go or just keep doing it because it's currently popular?


You do realise that giving them new models gives them even more fap fuel, right?
It's only a matter of time before someone rips it and makes a blender animation if they haven't already.

I'll be honest as trophy girls characters they are weird. Even as a furry I find the fact that four bandicoots created for the specific purpose of looking hot is weird when most characters are not bandicoots.

Of all the retarded things you could have said. More people are fapping to them now than they were in the past.

What would you do if the next Crash game was a fighting game? Who would you main?

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I’d be happier if it was gatcha. I can’t even whale anymore

And currently you can't buy in-game currency with real-world money. So not gacha. Also not random. So fails both parts.

Very scary. I want them as rewords not playables

A Grimly. If you played MoM you would know why.

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