Roy is Our Boy / Thread 8.0
Do you have any FE plush? Have you played any FE game? Played any Smash game? What's the pros and cons of the FE games?
And remember lads, a well skilled Roy can beat any Marth.
Roy is Our Boy / Thread 8.0
Do you have any FE plush? Have you played any FE game? Played any Smash game? What's the pros and cons of the FE games?
And remember lads, a well skilled Roy can beat any Marth.
Fuck FE, can’t wait til super smash bros rebooted removes fags from that franchise, starting with your little boy considering he was cut before...but they’ll probably cut shitcina first, and maybe fuckrin, but your little boy will definitely be cut next game.
>Fuck FE
Fuck You
>can’t wait til super smash bros rebooted
Where did ya that that from? Are you crazy? Ultimate means Ultimo, Last, Final, there will not be a sequel.
The only good thing about FE is Corrin
>removes fags from that franchise,
If this game has 77 characters, how can the next game have less than 77? The decline would make no fans wanna buy it, and Nintendo is needing money, after the Wii U Fiasco.
>starting with your little boy
Why Roy, and not Wario? mine is beautiful, why do only the ugly has to continue?
>considering he was cut before...
Sakurai Hates Roy ... I know. This explains he sucking in Ultimate
Roy is one of the worst jumpers. This is why he suck at Ultimate. Of 77 jumps he is the 71. 77 being the worst. List of 77 classifying the '3rd jump' aka. (B+^)
>but they’ll probably cut shitcina first,
Why would they cut Lucina when there is girls who play FE and Smash? Nintendo needs girls in the fanbase too.
>and maybe fuckrin,
I hate Corrin, but he represents the faggots otakus, a important part of Nintendo fanbase. And it has the female version also, which my last post explains. Nintendo need female characters for its female fanbase to play too, which is important to Ninten. To have girls playing.
>but your little boy will definitely be cut next game.
I Hope no. But I don't trust Sakurai. He cut Roy already once. But I bet this will not happen again. And I think Ultimate is the last game.
>And I think Ultimate is the last game.
Why do I think Ultimate is the last game?
Because, see. Melee was/is the most important Smash for 18 years! Sooo... If Ultimate is going well with the public, And it is going well, Nintendo/the public, will make Ultimate be played and lasts for like 18 years! Or be played and lasts forever if this is the last game.
Thanks for your post.
Can you post more fanart?
Another anime swordsman thread