Better than XV

Better than XV.

Attached: FF_Type-0_HD_box_art.jpg (288x344, 23K)

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All FFs are better than XV. Doesn't make Type-0 any less awful than it is.

That's not a hard goal to achieve.

XV is better than X-2 though

It just needs to be a finished game to be better than XV

I thought 15 was better than 13. I actually was able to finish 15, even though I it was mainly so I can see how bad it gets. For 13 it was so bad that I didn't want to torture myself by playing anymore. I only got a little into Pulse. I know that's where everyone said it gets good, which is why I wanted to at least make it there, but by the time I made it there I hated the battle system and wanted no more of it.

FF Type0 is criminally underrated gem.
Perhaps the very best FF game since 9.
Biggest positive surprise in years for me.

>I thought 15 was better than 13.
I didn't.
I still sort of enjoyed 15, though it was only "fun" when I ignored the main story shit.

what in the actual fuck was this game

All wrong, XIV is the worst Final Fantasy and XV is better than XIII

The only remaining member of the planned Fabula Nova Crystalis trilogy, to which FF13 and Versus 13 originally belonged to.

Also one of the best games in the whole IP.

15 and 13 occupy the same space of niggawhatthefuckareyoudoing alongside launch XIV

This is what FFXIII should've been. Let's be real.

As far as I am concerned, T-0 is the "real" FF13 and 15, both in one.
I'm still mad that we're not getting the Type-NEXT any more.

Attached: FFType0-KingRender2.png (560x1530, 574K)

>XIV is the worst Final Fantasy
How do you figure that? Especially comparing it to XV

The gameplay is worse than XV and more repetitive since timing isn’t nearly as important as in XV.
The story is far worse in presentation and I would argue worse overall too since FFXIV is basically just homage to older games whereas XV is at least slightly more modern.

Yeah but it's still a shit game.

I enjoyed Type 0 but you have to REALLY invest yourself in it.
And play with a guide.

And FFS if you couldn't understand FF13 don't even try this.

Attached: Final.Fantasy.Type-0.full.1077092.jpg (4000x1300, 1.67M)

>The gameplay is worse than XV and more repetitive since timing isn’t nearly as important as in XV
I mean XIV is an mmo and timing in XV is not that important, let's be real here it's piss easy
>The story is far worse in presentation
Agree to disagree, XV was a mess and incomplete. Maybe with all the episodes it fixed the issue but on release XV was a shit show

XV is better than II by default because II is unplayable horseshit
also XV is better than the XIII series

You wanna talk about on-release XIV?

Best opening theme coming through

Attached: FFAgitoXIIICast.jpg (882x624, 225K)

x-2 is the best final fantasy game actually

I didn't bother to answer the delusional others, but II was fucking good. Not great, but definitely good. Just play it normally. While there are ways to play it to make it easier, it's really not necessary. A game is supposed to be difficult and challenge you. Otherwise it just shortens your lifespan for no reward. II is also one of the few games in the series with actual drama instead of melodrama.

Pc version has camera control?

So Type-NEXT is cancelled or what?

II is absolute fucking shit. Playing as intended is tedious and awful and is the reason the Famicom original is the only one even approaching being a playable game.

Next you gonna say FF7AC is best FF movie.

They really need to give these teams working on the spinoffs and spiritual successors a bigger budget. They end up being closer to FF than these mainline games and they dont take a decade to make

This game is good, but i think i made something wrong. I'm in lvl 30 and the random encounters are in lvl 45. I think i had to grind a lot.

>I'm still mad that we're not getting the Type-NEXT any more.

This, I thought XV was at least pretty fun, I had no problem finishing it. XIII is such a drag

He's right though. X-2 arguably has the best gameplay of literally any final fantasy which puts it in the running for the best depending on what you value more

I'm playing it on PS4 and it does, so I suppose it's the same for PC

Type-0 was pretty good. Wish it wasn´t made for a portable so it wouldn´t have so many limitations and loadscreens. The whole party was interesting and the story although a bit confusing was pretty nice. Also, that ending

X-2 has pretty good gameplay, but the presentation and plot overall are lacking to say the least

XIV got reworked enough people gave it a second chance, I hear a bunch of people not bothering with XV dlc because they don't give a shit enough about the story or characters even today. Like I said I haven't played XV dlc so I don't know but I haven't heard much on them and from what I heard it was kind of underwhelming

I can see why some people love X-2, but it really didn't do it for me. I prefered X's gameplay a lot more, the story doesn't work as a sequel for X at all imo, it's just really bizarre that this is what they thought for a sequel to X. I still think they should have made a prequel with Jecht, Braska and Auron instead

I like JRPGs but man the gameplay in these games is not good enough to carry the whole experience for dozens of hours. If the story isn’t good these games aren’t worth touching.

yeah but it was still shit

>Better than XV.
For cereal? I put 100 into XV and while it wasn't the greatest thing it was pretty fun. I just skipped T-0 because I assumed it was just a cheap port of a PSP game. What's the combat actually like?

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>he's right
No, he isn't

X-2 is just low effort cash grab that ruined perfect ending of first game

X would be unadulterated kino if it had flashback sequences with that party a-la VIII's Laguna segments.

As far as the raw ATB battle system with occasional minigames go, it is amazing.
Too bad the jobs are even more unbalanced than the usual for these games and you can just have Alchemists with infinite perfect healing and Dark Knights.

I want a Final Fantasy game set in the Tactics/Ivalice/XII whatever you call it world. Where I have a CAC and can recruit a party to go on dungeon quests and hunts. Does this already exist, or what's the closet I can get to that? A party of Moogles just kicking ass and taking names is all I want.

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>Perhaps the very best FF game since 9.
How deluded are you? The cast is barely developed, the story makes no sense unless you sit there reading the Crystarium for hours, they barely explain a majority of the side characters like Mother for instance, and the gameplay is you just waiting for a Killsight and abusing that until you reach endgame at which point you just melt everything with certain characters before they can even move.

What do you think of it standalone, if it being a sequel or what it could've been as FFX-0 is disregarded? Did it achieve what it set out to do? Was it enjoyable? Was it coherent for you? Then think, is it truly impossible to separate the two? After all FF entries are supposed to be distinct. Is a direct sequel being radically different and blasphemous to its predecessor honestly against the spirit of FF and unacceptable for a fan? Shouldn't you meet them halfway at least and take the good that is there and leave it at that? Might make it more fun.

I think either answer is fine by the way.


>What's the combat actually like?
Think Crisis Core but better, with 14 playable characters.

Honestly I don't think I would've liked it as a standalone either. But to be fair, I think I had Final Fantasy fatigue when I started it, and only played a few hours before deciding "yeah, I don't think I'll get more into it as I play", so I just put it away. I still own the game, so I might give it another chance when I feel more like it.

>Think Crisis Core but better
Not really selling me there chief, anything would be better than CC