Find a flaw
Find a flaw
>no penis
mass murderer
>Blond hair
>No ass
>No boobs
>Wears a diaper
Found 5
Didnt she kill ALOT of people?
she's still wearing something
also her hair should be let down
i have.
She's not real and makes me realize that we live in a world with no pure underage white girls, only niggers, roasties and trannies.
Why are you thinking about underage girls?
look at her face. you can't tell me that's not a model of an asian girl.
She's STILL killing
She's from a Muslim country.
She isn't with me.
not real
not my gf
would never fuck me irl
Her mouth not sucking my dick
omg epic 4channel moment
She's cute but Hitomi is my favorite
Why is this so sexy?
It's not sexy. It's cute
tits 2 big
where do you find this stuff?
These threads
God just imagine how good it would feel to hug Marie
hands too big
feet not cute enough
>short enough to have her head in my chest while hugging
Sucks that I'm still a manlet
How old is she again?
>he isn't tall enough for girls to have standing blowjobs
>Asian facial features
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
are strip clubs fun?
she's not real
>>Asian facial features
ok retard
Before I read the thread I'm sure someone has already said too old.
Only when you're drunk and with friends
dead or alive: dilations
Your taste in clothing
>wanting to fuck a child
Ok. It’s not.
marie is asian
is this positive sick or negative sick
Too old.
That’s better.
100% pure finn rapebaby.
Isnt she supposed to be helping Kokoro put her pants on?
HOW do we stop raidou
>Christie not in despite literally being THE iconic character from the first DOA Xtreme
>game has like 8 nearly identical black/brown haired Japanese girls but doesn't have fucking Lisa
fuck DOA Xtreme 3
too old
Too busy bullying Ayane
>all those boobie physics
>can't even articulate shoulders properly
this is the future you fags chise
I fap to boobies, not shoulders.
Almost no secondary sex characteristics.
Nobody likes those hags
Has all the primary sex characteristics for size_difference
Isn't there a thread on Resetera that does nothing but list flaws for her
So she has nothing going for her a 16 year old boy doesn't. Got it.
I don't know about manlets like you but when I was 16 I was over 6 feet tall.
>no cute bush
>he thinks 16 year old boys are tiny
you have some explaining to do for the class
She's about to kill some hundred millions
Is ResetEra just reversed Yea Forums? But instead of autistic horny idiots they got mentally ill prudish hypocrites.
All those girls look fake. I see they are hot and almost naked, but they have this unnatural, plastic, uncanny valley look that totally turns me off. And they all look the same.
>why don't fake girls look real
I'm 6'4 and was like 6'1 at 16. Most guys my age weren't.
Lotsa manlets out there dude. But fine, pretend I said 12.
Compare those models to something like Overwatch models in SFM porn. The difference in sex appeal is huge. DOA models try too hard to look real and they fail, hence the uncanny valley.
>Eliot was such a buzzkill Brad settled for drinking with a disgusting bird.
so how is DoA6?
I like DOA models more than overwatch ones
To be fair, Tengu is the only woman who'd gladly get shitfaced with Brad.
How? I like SFV and overshit way better than this trash.
I never played overshit, but fapped to porn a lot and I can easily tell the difference between all waifus. I never played doa, but fapped to porn a lot and I still can't tell who is who.
SFV models look like dwarfs from dragon age overwatch models are fine but they look like made of play-doh
>Compare those models to something like Overwatch models in SFM porn. The difference in sex appeal is huge
>Compare a shitty generic low poli SFM body that gets slapped on everything to DOA's models
Yeah, no, besides DOA SFM use the same bodies too so only a blind moron would try to pass this bullshit as an argument.
God I wish that was me.
DOA models are uncanny but the overwatch ones are so unbelievably bad there isn't any sex appeal there either
>her hair should be let down
No. For the price, you're better off just hitting up a brothel.
It's ok. I'd just grab the Core Fighters bersion though.
Imagine wanting a gf who's this flat
Now that's what I'm talking about
i like loose hair but it's just too thin. you could say it was a let down
Cute Marie
She really is DTF.
It's almost as if overwatch characters are specifically designed to be easily distinguishable for gameplay purposes.
is ok, i just go for the blonde with smol tits
Not on my dick.
>I'm retarded and face blind
Nyotengu is perfect for pump and dump
And this shit looks like ugly shiny plastic.
it's called being wet
Her tummy is too fat
She's not riding my cock right now
Not a flaw but she's a Dogfucker.
Someone stop this predator!
This is the only good Marie picture.
Hon rider inte på min kuk just nu.
Overwatch models are garbage since they just slap the cartoony faces on more realistic bodies. And a ton of creators use more realistic male models, large amounts of filters and overly glossy effects which just makes them look even more like some fucking alien.
>post something that looks better than anything in this thread
>argues that it's worse
this is the most gay post
I like this pic
Marie is pure!
I fapped to Kasumi, Kasumi, Kasumi, Kasumi, negro Kasumi and Marie
Nigger the head and body don't even match and don't even get me started on the play-doh hair
How can anyone find marie attractive? She's the ugliest doa and doa is an ugly game
Pure killer
Based but I fail to see his point
This is good too.
>OW fags seething this hard their SJW shit is inferior
She can't be stopped
that's something a gay wouldn't understand
Helena's the ugliest, she always looks like a drag queen
OW characters are ruined by the shitty tumblr smug faces, and their hair and skin textures are all in the terrible handpainted assfaggot style
Hair down Helena and Christie both look like drag queens. It's fucking tragic.
No nipples.
Not even that they're not showing. She just doesn't have any.
That face only demonstrates my point
Stop being gay, user. That's all you need to do.
That's an easy fix
She's not Mila.
Being an actual homosexual must suck, i'm sorry for you.
That's not from any of her games though.
Like I can't even get hard to a DoAX game because of the lack of implied nips.
>doa is an ugly game
i felt the same, that's why i can't stop fapping to marie
please link me a gallery to marie's cunny or somethinf I need it
ALSO! is her game on the switch worth it?
Well that's a problem with games in general that aren't eroges
Go and complain about it to CERO and other rating boards
It's VV literally her game
You can get her game Free but you only get Kasumi
>Go and complain about it to CERO and other rating boards
No, I'll just watch my JAV videos and Okina hentai. That artist knows how to treat a nipple.
It’s not Tina
Has there been Kula stuff done with her DoA model yet?
what game?
That's almost every game ever.
>no penis
>small tits
>not momiji
She looks like a 12 year old boy, so you're both gay and a pedo.
But she has tits, so less ugly.
See my first comment
Wow you read it all on your own!
You have a thing for uggos?
Ninja Gaiden.
Kill yourself you fucking homosexual.
Why would you ruin the german like that?
That's why I can't use games for titillation.
no but i'm not into expired roasties
She's not real.
I like glasses. They add +2 to any girl for me.
>Seeing an 18 year old girl as a 12 year old boy
I think the pedo might be you user
I know it's DOA but which one?
Unless you have a PSVR, yes. If you do have a PSVR, dealing with the censorship might be worth it, your call.
careful your resetera is showing
I think DOA6 has nude mods now
There are plenty of 18 year olds that aren't flat as a board.
Lmao that's not an 18 year old body
Because I like tits and ass aka the point of a woman's body?
Please stop lewding my wife
>There are plenty of 18 year olds that aren't flat as a board
yes and i want to rail them too, your point?
>people with petite bodies don't exist
l m a o
Why have eyes for this uggo.
They exist, they're just failures, like a short man.
But she's hot
size difference is one of my fetishes
Are you a nigger? You definitely sound like a nigger, or at least low IQ.
Why stay in a thread with something you don't like?
Too old. Hag.
Buff men and petite girls are the ideal forms of their respective groups, sorry babs.
Penis Vacation?
They have penises?
It's a vacation for (You)r penis
how do I get this shit on steam is the question.
be a seanigger
Do the new girls eventually get added to the normal gacha, or are they trend gacha only from that point on?
I'm so fucking lonely bro's.
So pretend to be an oceannigger?
as long as the store has it, but i'd just try to play the original
Only trend gacha.
i don't mind a misaki dump. her messy hair is beautiful
How could anyone get so triggered over such a cutie? You must really hate girls, user.
ResetEra and Yea Forums are actually the same:
>both owned by japanese autistic con men
>tranny mods working for free
>populated by seething white incels
>draw a 12 year old
>say she's 18+
>sexualize her
Nippon is a pedo country
I hate the hover hand this game has.
Any incel that likes Marie is fine by me.
It is kinda weird
Misaki is just a humble Fucktoy.
and that's fine
That's to shut up autistic westerners who get their panties in a twist over pixels' age. Shouldn't have called it 18+ because no degenerate would like that safe ass age
That sucks. Guess I might as well stop hoarding the normal tickets. Thanks
I want to do despicable things to her butthole while her little sister is watching.
this but switch the sisters around
This but switch every now and then
Gonna buy a PS4 VR headset for this.
>her reaction when your touch her hands in the main menu
This but two Misakis.
She's still legal.
Precious few left in Obese America and feminists are working to stamp out those that have survived.
Should I PlayDOA?
What is she doing squatting in the forest?
It'd be hotter if she wasn't, though. Kanna is basically 14.
>live in asia
>every girl is petite
Pretty good.
Do I play X3 or VV
Waiting for (You)r face
Since no version of Xtreme gives you the complete experience, the best answer is play VV and X3 (Fortune or Switch versions).
I doubt it. I still have yet to get any other Misaki SSR besides her regular venus one. She eludes me.
What does X3 scarlet add over the original X3
You'll get her eventually. Maybe.
she's not trying to drain my semen
every time i look at the blinding white material in doa6 i lose all will to play it. literally gives me eye cancer
maybe i'll just try to get vv working again
No tits or ass.
>she's not trying to drain my semen
But she does that all the time
How alive is the DOA6 online?
It takes me a minute to find matches on Xbone.
I'll let Marie bros decide what i do for the next image. i just wake up and have no idea what im doing.
takes a few minutes to find a fight nowadays and its usually people in far off countries from me. if you're looking for competitive good connection fights you're gonna have a bad time. if you're okay with wonky bad connection fights where you have to input commands 3 seconds before they execute then its alright
Have her rub the dildo between the tits of her Honker mousepad while she stares at (You) seductively
Is Hitomi /ourdork/?
Smug Marie browsing this thread
Making an ahegao face at all the lewd comments about her
I always felt she should've been in a different game so I don't have to read doafag brain damage whenever she's brought up
She's certainly mine
She's not getting railed by futa nyo
What game then?
can you mod this?
Of course
how are they nude?
cute girls go perfectly with Project Zero
hook me up
not everyones dork but a good dork
Don't have any. Just save the pics.
>jerking off to pics
what kind of fucking perv do you think I am?
>karate gi with no bra
The older kind like me?
shut up retards
It's still anime, and anime is cancer
Pretty fucking jagged on the leg there
I need to stop clicking in every Marie thread.
Just a heads up, this poster is known as WCK and he goes to every thread to spam "Anime characters look like Asians"
weak pits
I love cute over the knee socks.
It's a schizophrenic samefag who believes anime characters look like Asians. He's been doing it in almost every thread lately.
>taking a screenshot of a picture instead of saving the picture
Same, probably my favorite outfit for her in 6
I saw Misaki with loose hair once, my dick never recovered
She's so much hotter with dress and boots than being naked.
Angry Marie desperately drinking milk while thinking about honkers' honkers, spilling milk all over her herself.
Higher money limit, you don't have to pay extra for Leifang and Misaki
Wouldn't be her even hotter with a total burka covering her from head to toes, brother Ahmed?
Hey isn't this some girl in a gobbo game
She isnt Hitomi, Kasumi, Ayane nor Mila. Apparently i found 4 flaws.
i'll try to combine all three in a single animation. i need you to post your lewdest comments so i can record them and have Marie looking at them like
That's Marie, bro
Why did you mention Kasumi 4 times
Mating press Marie's cunny!
Hitomi is better than those three, in my opinion.
I don't think so I have boots fetish and can't see straps tightly wrapped on her skin.
Fucking Marie into a drooling mess and we both pass out!
she's not carrying my child
I to pet Marie's head and tell her shes a good person
What kind of swimsuit is this?
you gave me an idea for something.
It's the full of pedos that cut ties with neogaf when it imploded to look less like child molesters.
The thing is they haven't learned anything and keep overcompensating to look less like the child predators they are.
>fapped to Tina yesterday to celebrate burger day
>back to Marie today
Feels good.
she's not real
Now imagine this happening in the UK and then you know what a real pedo country is.
>fapped to Tina yesterday to celebrate burger day
Are you me? The only difference was I fapped to Iowa first.
purely for pounding
No one has posted her feet yet
I want to fuck Luna's tits.
was it really burger day? i should've done clownpiece instead of talim
low res model, can literally see the polygon edges
terrible lighting
terrible shading
unrealistic looking body, can't make out muscles etc.
sameface jap garbage, extremely soulless looking
clothes are shit
poor clothes rigging
tina's voice is a boner killer for me
>people are saving my screenshots
I wanna hold on to that ring while she tries to crawl away
They're good screenshots
Its an well know troll, don't bother.
Still... Marie is shit, pic is the ultimate DoA waifu.
I want to impregnate Luna, then fuck her swollen, leaky tits!
My negro.
What this position is trying to convey?
The best swimsuit for every DOA girl is the Watermelon and you can't convince me otherwise.
Imagine how big they'd get
>ugly hag
>ultimate DoA waifu.
Her readiness to be mounted doggystyle
Yesterday might of been the first time I've ever fapped to her.
>ugly hag
Go choke on a cock, fag.
i guess i could in HS because that's not her voice, but i don't have her there
are there any mods like for the switch or vita versions?
Who's she? A granny to rival Helena?
Kokoro's mommy
Are Steam's VV servers being trash for anyone else? They were abhorrent yesterday but I think they're a little better today.
She's doing a pretty poor job of it then.
Happy bikini day DOAfriends.
Even Helena didn't look that bad
>literal non-character's head screwed onto kokoro's body
Good thing there's only one Miyakotard around.
Now you wont stop
I only really downloaded her for the 4th. I almost exclusively use Marie in HS otherwise.
Post more Kanna
You don't expect people to spend money on this game, do you? I would otherwise.
Without that bait title you could've had a peaceful dump instead of attracting all the butthurt redditera retards
Nyotengu is my wife and goddess and I love her more than anything.
Literal perfection given form.
Good thing I don't have to find creative angles to conveniently censor this suit. For the most part.
Even in just a shirt she's the most beautiful woman there is.
Tummy too big titties too small
She's 12 years old
She looks like a 10 year old.
She looks like she's 9.
I still dont understand the practicality of 2 bikini bottoms but seeing Nyo always makes me happy.
tits too small
She is, they just say she's 18 so it's not illegal.
It's to look like a slut but also cute at the same time.
yeah, too old imo
Not Tina and Mila.
Millions were lost the day this outfit came out.
Not that I'm advocating this thread to be deleted, but why is it these reoccuring explicit threads are okay with mods when much safer stuff gets deleted?
Because the mods are biased and pedophiles
She's not real, never will be. Was made by fat japanese dudes for incels to masturbate to. A doll of greed and removing autists from the gene pool. One of those things was a positive.
I'm still salty for not getting this Nyo SSR despite dropping 50 red tickets and 55k gems.
DOA is known for it's sexiness also
>expecting mods to do their job right consistently
I don't see how there's any element of pedophilia here
>because the mods are based pedophiles
fixed that for you
What kind of work ethics do you expect from jannies that do it for free?
If something else got deleted it was probably on someone's personal agenda list. Can't imagine you'd apply for that shit job for any other reason anyway.
I'd give anything for my goddess.
>he thinks mods actually delete threads themselves
Imagine being this reddit.
Too bad I can't help you any more outside of using the SR suit workaround.
These get deleted all the time though. You can't expect mods to be consistent, much less enforce the rules.
I'm just praising her like I usually do, actually.
>fapping to a 12 year old girl isn't pedophilia
who the fuck is 12?
why do you guys want to have sex with her so badly? I don't get it. she's just a white girl with small tits
What's the "SR suit workaround"? Some way to swap the looks of SSRs you don't have onto SRs?
gib source please and thank
Looks like Honey Select
She deserves all of my love, and I want to give it to her.
am i a pedophile for fapping to this 12 actually 26 year old girl?
Nowadays it's just a word used by autists buttmad about a specific appearance.
Marie looks 12 though and that's perfect
You're a pedophile if you fap to 12 year olds, yes.
Rocksy is so cute as Marie
>she recently got implants
if she looked 12 I'd be fapping to her
Maybe I'll be of more help when I finally unlock her.
You can photoshoot girls you don't have by selecting the SRs of theirs you do have from your inventory. No poses or locations or tans though, obviously.
You're already a great help just posting my wife.
That uniform looks so good with blonde hair
They should bring it back
she doesn't
maybe she does here
Literally zero.
Not riding my cock.
Marie is similar to what women looked like before they started eating themselves into a stupor.
That's reassuring.
Still no salsa....
Stuck in a kuso series
I just really love seeing her. There isn't a day that goes by without her on my mind, either.
It's a schizophrenic samefag who believes anime characters look like Asians. He's been doing it in almost every thread lately.
I have her unlocked but I'm too lazy to switch the game into 1080 anymore to take good screenshots
>actual video game discussions get shut down regularly
>pedo bait cunny posting bullshit stays up
Fuck this website.
It's the last thing keeping RedditEra soys like you away.
She's not Nyo
Cry more, and maybe we'll get mods that actually give a fuck. The amount of spam on the catalog that gets ignored every hour is embarrassing, and kills off discussion when the mods aren't doing it directly.
Criminal against humanity.
Never played any DOA game and don't even know her name, but she really looks like she's into facesitting. The kind where she really puts her weight into it, jiggling around making you really go up in there.
Take a look at this german.
Getting a nice eyeful
anybody get a key for Kula from this guy yet? if so pls share
>Find a flaw
Her pussy is not around my dick
sorry bros i ran out of time, i'll finish it on the next thread. making her read your perverted comments takes more time than i thought
If I pull that out, will she die?
No problem. OC is always a good thing.
if you donated your hard work wouldn't you be saving millions instead? asking for a friend
>thread about mass murderesses
I want to marry and impregnate Kokoro and give Miyako grandchildren.
this thread triggered the scp discord cuck trannies
If you use chinkscord you need to die
what the fuck is inside that box?
angry trannies who hate this thread
they're spamming Yea Forums right now
>steamgroup with people from Yea Forums
>calling themselves chads
>raid this board because they are absolute faggots
Every time.
Having kids with Kokoro!
Making kids with Kokoro!
Play her game. Now!
She's wearing this really dumb looking outfit.
Looks too young, would feel guilty for fucking her after cumming
Breeding Kokoro!
>those tanlines
Based FBIbro
Ah the daily Yea Forums picture related thread.
She is not Miji. That's a fatal flaw
I play for Hitomi sometimes
Cumming inside Kokoro!
what a shit game
ogre feet
>long hair but you still have the entire neck and back exposed
it's the peak performance hairstyle
Sweaty beach sex with Kokoro!
a man of culture
>Find a flaw
She's not real.
She's not my wife.
I love Miji!
Making love with Kokoro!
a big, single, pure and unadulterated FUCK
Her hair color looks dumb, it should've been pale blue.
>it's that puke blue because the paler blue was already taken
Thanks NiGgo
Mating with Kokoro!
She isn't real and isn't draining my dick dry.
please tell me you're just samefaggin, all kokoro posters can't be this brain dead
like character like poster user
Enthusiastic Kokorofag is normal
Anybody got any good lewd mods for sfv or a Link to the Felica one? I didn't know the Mod maker wants $50 for the link
i can't stop jacking off to kokoro
Is there any chance that KT and TN stop being retarded faggots and release DoAX3 worldwide?
Why don't you ask the west to stop being literal retarded faggots instead.
Go on...
not until westerns stop being retarded faggots
Missed a whole thread...
she is about to kill millions more
I play it on steam since release, and I still dont have Momiji. What do?
Too bad.
>every single pic in the thread takes eight years to load
Fuck it, next thread
>PSVR still over 200 bucks
just bee urself
Cute dorks