How do we fix the underwater combat? I really want to see it return and fight more giant underwater monsters
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How do we fix the underwater combat? I really want to see it return and fight more giant underwater monsters
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only if they rehaul it. Its a great concept but it suffers in execution.
It was fine. Plebs just couldn't into it.
We fix it by refraining from trying out shitty verticality gimmicks in the first place.
Underwater was shit, the ledge spam in 4th gen was shit, and now the ledge and slope spam in 5th gen is similarly awful, the more I play the more it feels like actually pulling out teeth.
Just give me back mostly flat areas with a few ledges on the outer rim, make the monster and hunter stick out from the map visuals again and fucking delete gimmick shit like mounting and the grappling hook.
>ledge spam
>ledge and slope spam
You know you don't have to repeatedly do it, right? Your damage doesn't benefit, and in fact is hurt from spamming ledge attacks.
Honestly, this. I flat out never had a problem with it. It may not be 100% perfect, but it wasn't worth cutting. It offered some very nice variety in terms of gameplay and scenery.
Yes but how do we fix it
I certainly found it the most enjoyable part of Tri
I disagree, it's just that especially in World, the verticality is used in such a shallow manner that it's basically meaningless except for those crutch mounts
There should be an incentive to hit a monster from a high spot, like you do more damage the longer you fall, for some dope tactical set ups and more team-focused gameplay
I'd rather they remove flying monsters since those are cancer for most times
I don't mean the act of spamming attacks off them you fool, I mean the fact that those map elements are spammed fucking everywhere you fight. There's simply no nuance to it, some areas are just 90% slope and/or ledge.
>There should be an incentive to hit a monster from a high spot, like you do more damage the longer you fall, for some dope tactical set ups and more team-focused gameplay
No, running away from the monster shouldn't be rewarded with extra damage.
>I'd rather they remove flying monsters since those are cancer for most times
They're fine if done correctly. 3rd to 5th gen Rathalos has good openings where he holds his head low enough for every weapon to hit it and flinch it out of flight, 5th gen just fucked up by adding airborne flinches.
Just make it faster. There wasn't a lot wrong with the underwater combat other than the fact that it was painfully slow to get from point A to point B.
>No, running away from the monster shouldn't be rewarded with extra damage.
I meant it like one player is holding the monster in place somehow while you prepare an attack from a higher up cliff or something, or maybe you flashbomb it and quickly climb up somewhere for that sweet fall damage
I think that would be a nice inclusion if done well since a lot of weapons could have entire playstyles built around it