The director and writer of River City Girls is a male feminist orbiter

>The director and writer of River City Girls is a male feminist orbiter
>Most of the staff are female because quotas


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Other urls found in this thread:

game looks ass anyway

>concentration camps
And the normalization of nazism continues.

That's incredible, he cockblocked himself. Is this life for all incel fags who thinks they're feminist allies?

spoiler alert: most people (99%) in creative fields are liberals because right wingers have no inherent artistic talent due to their brains being wired to hate and want to destroy rather than create.

>well, that's cool

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Go back to tranny Era and even if what you are saying is true (about liberals), that is no excuse for being a blatant hatefilled retard like the anti-Trump movement.

Even so called anti-SJW liberals like Vito Gesualdi are fucking like that.

No wonder the only good art nowadays is made by conservative japanese artists.

>"Just so you know, my game is not made only by men, theres women involved too. I'm a good and caring male feminist, so will you fuck me now?"
Holy shit this guy is pathetic. His game is most likely going to become another YIIK-Cringefest isn't it?

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>facts are hateful

>here are my femisist cuck credentials ma'am
>well thats cool whatever
>(beta faggot)


These people aren't liberals. Today's leftists aren't liberal at all.

I'm right wing and you'll never know because I either don't put my opinions in games or I do it in a way subtle enough for you not to make the connection.

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Jesus fucking christ adam you fucked up and you're not getting laid just stop

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Wasn't going to buy the game before, and now I will. Thanks fag.

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>more female leads than male
So that's why it looks like fucking trash.

you just know he brought some of that bathwater

I don't understand what the fuck is going on in this image, nor do I want to know. Enjoy your political twittercap, burgerclap.

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RCG still looks pretty decent, so I'll still play it. I've gotten so tired of outrage culture and "this person said a thing I don't like so I won't play that person's game".

>Kill the president
>Throw Milkshakes mixed with Cement on "Nazis"
>Fuck white men
>All of these above are not hateful

You fucking people are so stupid I'm surprised you even managed to take over these companies.

that's only because right-wing movements are socially shunned at the moment. The second it becomes mainstream all the right-wingers will become as bad as the libs. Remember, it's not about the political stance itself, it's about who's in charge, since power corrupts.

>Creative fields are mostly liberal because the brains of right wingers are bad
>Science nobel prize winners are mostly white men because the brains of women and non-whites are bad

>>Throw Milkshakes mixed with Cement on "Nazis"
Literally no evidence that it happened aside from a shitpost email to the police

>The more rational right wingers will be as bad as the libs

Fuck off.

Is it too hard to ask for people to stop bringing up politics all the time?

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how about just beating the shit out of people you don't agree with then?

>Ignoring the reports of the chemical burns and the fact he was given a brain haemorrhage

I get you guys are all about "facts" but it's obvious they were being malicious and wanted to fucking hurt people. When they start mixing acid into the milk you will probably claim it's false too when people's faces are melting.

It's funny that all these neo-nazis are forgetting that just over 10 years ago conservatives were trying to shut down video games entirely. The us vs them mentality of americans is insane

>shut down video games entirely.
BASED games are shit now

>everyone I dont like is Hitler

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You know that you can be right wing and not be authoritarian right?

>"us vs them mentaility is insanse"
>applies us vs them mentality against americans
Need I remind you that it only is in non-american countries like Germany and Australia where they ban videogames.

nazis are socialists tho

>over 10 years ago
That was back when games were less shit though. Back before most of the children here even played video games

Gonna have to call [citation needed] on the chemical burns and brain hemorrhage there bud

Which US concentration camp has a theater and a swimming pool?

>River City Ransom
>but with cute girls

Sounds pretty awesome. Can't wait for the porn.

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>US concentration camp

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yeah but bible thumpers were socially conservative puritanicals.
now the SJWs are the socially conservative puritanicals.

You must get extremely confused by buffalo wings

Yes, they are obsessed about it.

>It's a /polv/ is seething about a female protagonist episode

Fuck off, game looks good, girls are cute, fix you life.

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Someone should tell the director and the writer that their precious feminist game will boil down to this.

how do you get to that age and still be as awkward as a teenage boy?

Imagine being a male feminist for even 1 minute. Christ, this is beyond embarrassing.

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Yes I'm sure he hasn't heard of the internet. Also, pretty much everyone who opposes concentration camps also opposes porn, so you are right to assume he does.

>The director and writer of River City Girls is a male feminist orbiter
>Most of the staff are female because quotas

Oh boy, this project has future sexual allegations written all over it.

>I'll send you a code when it's released! It's 100% true that it's a game about a bunch of teenage girls written by a 39-year-old man (cringe).
what did he mean by this

does this goofy fucker think anyone is going to take a guy who's writing the story to a game about fighting anime tiddys seriously?

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>Yea Forums cares more about the opinions of game devs than the games they make
I hate what this board has become. Drama queens.

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Reminder: There are no deaths caused by people directly associated with anti-fascist movements in the USA. There are, however, several deaths caused by people directly associated with fascist movements in the USA.

>i lov womans
>pls to open bobs and vagane

Look at interviews of Andy after the attack and the fact he was IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL

Also why do liberals always say Citation Needed rather than "Provide proof" like they are programmed to say the former?

Why are you mad OP?
Are you a faggot who doesn't like cute girls?

This has been wayforward's schitck for a while man. Get with the times.

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Bros I thought WayForward was based...

The guy in the OP is fucking cringe, man. The game looks decent (I love beat em ups.) But everything I've seen so far suggests that their going with the whole "subverting expectations" meme and that makes the game extremely unattractive to me. I want to play a good game, not some sad cuck's arduous attempt at getting noticed by women.

Fair enough then, did Andy actually provide proof when he was in the hospital or did he just make claims? He is not a particularly reliable source based on his own word

If by creative you mean: boring, then sure, Liberals excel at creating boring cookie-cutter shit.

At least Conservative creators like to take risks to make great stuff and aren't afraid to make a few dirty jokes and sexy characters in an attempt to make a superior product. Too bad none get hired anymore in the first place, because most gaming companies are politically biased.

director and writer of what?

Me too. They're officially on probation now.

a reminder that these are the kind of people calling others incel

>thanks to every antifa action being logged as fascist action in police reports
I too love it when reality shows what a bunch of retards you are.

>antifa action being logged as fascist action in police reports
Do you have any evidence to support this claim?

Isnt it liberals that go around saying that white people should die tho

isnt the game in japanese?

why are their writers americans?

>”But what about thing from long ago...”
You already lost the argument mate

wayforward is a bunch of retards
the creator of the shantae games is still a cool dude

uh oh

>10 years is long ago
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

These movements haven't been around as long and desu when did the bulk of the "fascist" group deaths happen?

Antifa haven't been around for long. Eventually they will actually kill someone, they almost did recently.


Blame arcsys

No, I don't do it because making games mastubatory pieces for my opinions is stupid.

There are pictures of him at the hospital. But you never believe anyone unless they are a blue checkmark and left wing.

There were multiple attempted murders. I mean, Antifa are weak soigoys they can barely lift a soi latte.

Are theses the same people making Shantae 5? If so, imma skip it,

Oh dear, looks like we have a case of 'cultural appropriation' on our hands here.

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Antifascist movements have existed in the USA since at least WW2, but even if we take the time since the 2016 election when the modern concept of Antifa became a thing, there have been more murders directly committed by fascists

Point put where I said 10 years ago you dumb nigger

Pictures are not very good evidence for brain hemorrhages, user, did he show any medical documents or anything that can actually be verified? He should have them


There's no difference between "antifascism" and fascism brainlet.

Care to present them?

You know what to buy instead

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Were they always this violent and degenerate though?

>blumpf gets elected
>antifda blocks raods
>ambulances can't get trough
>people literally die in front of their eyes and they don't want to make space
It's almost as if you willing block out what is happening around you.

Would you like to provide evidence of this happening?

You know that doesn't count, right.

The American Nazi Party had more respect for non-whites than Antifa does.

Why the fuck do you need so much evidence when you people pushed the "Listen and Believe" Metoo bullshit? Fucking hell.

If the game is fun who gives a fuck

>no proof

>The left is literally one person

I mean if it's at the level of Senran Kagura(the first one on 3ds) then yeah I'll take it seriously cause its well written but this is guaranteed to be simple camp to make an excuse to punch fuckers in the head. No one will take it seriously. They will take it seriously when determining what is prime doujin bait but that's all.

That's because antifa are so incompetent and weak that they couldn't kill anyone even if they tried their best.

And oh boy, they do keep trying at it.

Another "ugghh I hate twitter it's full of pedos/racists/sexists but I use it all the time more than any other platform and would comdemn anything that come out of a chan site" kind of guy.

>"Ugh I'm blocking these creepy fans, by the way my game development team also has womyn in it so its totally okay that a grown man like makes a game about teenage girls!"

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day 1 ignore

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>antifascist movements are fascist
That explains much really

Of course its ass, it's a beat em up

Based truth poster collecting all the replies and fucking all the girls.

You don't want to listen and believe anymore? What a fucking surprise.

Jesus was in a way also a liberal. I don't see you listening to His words.

Well fuck, no way I'm playing an SJW game

You people act like the right is one person by your logic.
Also, even if I provided evidence, which is hard to do since I don't have access to hospital records, you will still deny it because it goes against your narrative.

Based, cancervatism is mental illness.

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this game already lost me at no online multiplayer, and now I won't feel bad for not buying it

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are this people Real staff from WF? if so this could hurt a lot in the long run

Probably because He is a faggot who got bested by Jews.

>when did the bulk of the "fascist" group deaths happen
Every white male who kills more then 2 people. Doesn't matter that half the time they were dems since it could distort the narrative.

You do know those types actively work to bias wikipedia, don't you? That's where they've picked it up.

You trannies can't top 70 years old propaganda aesthetics.

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Yes, I agree. These "liberals" seem more left-wing authoritarian if anything.

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>River City Girls
looked up the game, weeb shit, why anyone would care? are you 10 or just an incel?

you are actually so stupid that you think conservative is the same thing in japan

I genuinely find it really weird that people are so obsessed with politics these days and championed and defended their politicians to death. People used to just give a finger to politicians and moved on with their lives.

Wait a minute, I though this guy was the director and the writer of River City Girls? He also was the director, the writer, the designer, and the sprite artist for River City Ransom Underground.

Blame Americans or Western Euro's for that, they are obsessed with politics since its all their media talks about, fucking identity politics are the new cancer

Antifa would kill if they could, but they are all either sticks or morbidly obese.

>only """"source"""" is a random facebook post
>"The report of anti-Trump protesters blocking an ambulance has not been verified"
el oh el

Proof and facts are the white mans tool of oppression and supremacy.

The article is written PJW, known purveyor of bullshit, and doesn't actually cite any sources. Swing and a miss, user, still looking four that evidence

I heard Game Grumps is involved in this game somehow Is this true?

You won't post evidence of chemical burns, brain hemorrhaging, or cement in milkshakes because it does not exist.

>one of the few sites to report on it
>obviously nobody against trump would doi it since it would be against the give narrative
Yeah, sucks that the msm is so fucking cucked and only follow one direction that more and more people started to avoid them and look for news somewhere else.

People who are obsessed with politics have always existed. It's just now they're trying to make inroads into other fields


>literally in the article
>leftoid refuses to accept it since it would distort his worldview
Loving every laugh. Don't forget to listen and believe.

God that slimy gud boy behavior. Incredible.

The article itself admitted it's bullshit, at least read your fake news to make sure it's convincing before you go trying to mislead people.

The article literally says the report is unverified

>well that’s cool

Beta male feminists creep out women

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Goal post moving should be a sport in itself.

>implying most of those ''rightwing'' attacks aren't fake

>all the seething (you)s from trumpanzees

Okay but that user feels that he is correct and that's all that matters.

>they're not only retarded but illiterate as well

If some chickenshit faggot like this is at the helm so much for hoping for pantyshots and anime tiddy.

How does a fucking cuckold like that get hired at the last American branch of western anime tiddyland? Where Patty having a big fat ass is canon?

Women dont want some bitch boy, it only makes sense.

>is written on the internet, so it must be true
Are you falseflagging pretending to be a retarded 12yo /pol/tard?

The best part is you can practically feel her discomfort as she tries to both remain polite AND escape his attention. Holy fucking shit.

Right wingers would love for things to be that convenient but the unfortunate truth is that they're just the niggers of white people.

holy yikesola

Seeing how you didn't even try to read the article I know that you're one. Gave yourself away a bit too easily this time, better luck newt time /pol/tard.

Lol I feel attacked.

Everyone knows who Ngo is user

Trump is a 9999 IQ move by the illuminati freemason spacelizards to indoctrinate the problematic millenials back into serving the rigged two-party system. All MAGAtards are NPCs

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So glad that I decided never to buy a game again. Kingdom Come was the last one during this steam sale. Join a game tracker and you won't have to either.

Based and objectively correct racist leftist.

You're the kind of person who would think the Gulf of Tonkin was commie aggression

Jannies, move this to /pol/ please

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Weak father figures did this.

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After a while even they realize who their "allies" really are.

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Because its pretty had to prove beyond reasonable doubt that someone raped you 20 years ago. Its effortless to prove brain hemorrhage thrkugh medical documentation that you would certainly have access to. Youre point isnt as strong as you think it is. Everyone who knows anything knows who Andy Ngo is

According to liberals they are.

>more /pol/shit
You're not helping your cause.

Why is everyone so obsesed over nazis? It's been 75 years.

This reminds me of those old facebook posts of guys trying to say how good and respectful they are while getting shot down.
All that's left is this guy suddenly saying how the girl is actually a whore.

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>"according to an anguished message posted on Facebook"
Trannies are even more anguished, so by your logic their twitter screencaps must be even more trustworthy.

Based, have a (you).


>wojak post that isn't complete cancer
/pol/ is so cancerous that even the fucking wojakers want them gone?

Yes, conservatism is different everywhere, but that doesn't mean conservative companies like Nintendo are leftards, faggot.

jesus this brings back some horrible memories of trying fo figure out how talking to girls works

Just a scapegoat, same as muh evil russians.

Well, that's cool.

>plays the tranny card like the good /pol/tard that he is

How can any self-respecting man defend this kind of groveling behavior?

>"no u"
wew lad

>because right wingers have no inherent artistic talent
Now, let's compare modern "art" to what past artists (whose values are much closer to today's conservatives) created ...

>mfw male feminists exist

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read the news sometime, mate

no, don't worry

>can't even understand a simple sentence
keep going. I'm sure somewhere in your tiny head you think all the shit you posted is really true.

yes it does and i will kill them in retaliation

all that holocaust brainwashing is finally being put to use by the left

thank god I'm not gonna touch this game anymore

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Why dont they just leave the country?

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The news is written by hysterical retards just like you.

It speaks volumes that the one good thing Wayforward has going for them is Shantae.

Yes, they're concentration camps. The same shit that happened almost 80 years ago. I too, think that equaling them will have no negative effect what-so-ever.

These "men" have so little testosterone they might as well be women.

>well, that's cool
>anyway, good luck
Jesus. This is the kind of cringe I haven't seen since high school.

So this is the power of conservative game developers.

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>Yes, they're concentration camps.

Ok enough fucking around. Let's get to the REAL issue here. Why are these /pol/ bait threads allowed?

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More like non-existent.


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>can't remember what he wrote mere minutes ago
>calls other retard
The irony is with you.

They have indeed. It's just it seems like there's more of them. Just fucking move on with your life and wait till the next election or whatever and then vote. Either politician will screw or lie to their supporters either way anyway. The thought that some of these people who championed for these politician just makes me wanna puke on how naive they are. If you wanna make a real change, be a politician yourself. But then again america is so corporately charged that it's almost impossible for them to make a change.
You're just as daft as them, user.

Seriously, it's like seeing myself when I was 14 trying to get into women's pants but having no idea what they want.
>No really, I just want to listen to the problems you have with your boyfriend
>You should dump him and get with me...I mean, give yourself some time to think that maybe what you need is a friend
>wink wink nudge nudge

It is the right of every non citizen to live, work, and vote here if they feel like it! Racist scum! How else will I drive wages down and extract the maximum profit margins for my shareholders? :^)

How does one manage to go 39 years without ever having sex?

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Mind if I ask why are you even here on a site that disagrees with you? And if it happened 20 years ago and there is no proof then it's still no fucking proof.

If Andy Ngo died you would claim it's fake too if you can't see pictures of a body.

With how many people work on games you're bound to be supporting someone you don't agree with. So my question is why give a shit? What kind of loser judges a game because of a person and not the quality or lack of?

ITT: incel fight

All you need is to cut the left side of the picture to have classic Yea Forumscore fun of laughing at the retard trying to get his dick wet.

They're A) lazy hypocrites and B) would die of culture shock if they lived in a place where no diner sold avocado toast

God I hope Antifa messes with me, looking forward to making the world a better place. In self-defense, of course :)

lol, my friend works Border Patrol in the south and says the mexicans get upset when they find out they don't have Netflix

>well, that's cool

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I will some proof for that.

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I haven't had sex in 6 months but tbf, I haven't been trying. Give it to me straight doc, am I an I-word? Oh God oh fuck


Where is your proof glow in the dark nigger?

>the posts on the right aren't linked top to bottom so it might be two instances of him begging for pussy and good boy points

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Yes you are since you felt triggered enough to respond.

The individual is dead. Social media is transitioning us to a kind of low bandwidth hivemind. Art and artist must fuse so we can properly enforce ideological purity while deteriorating personal boundaries.

It's the ultimate binary to smash. Self or not-self.

how long until we find out that both girls in the game are actually gay

>well, that's cool
Oh christ, I'm back in highschool.

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>well, that's cool

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They give any random faggot that spouts enough left wing bullshit, a blue checkmark these days. I don't listen to what (most) blue checkmarks have to say.

>You will never be a North American
I'm envious of americans and their patriotism.

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By living in the wrong dimension

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I'm not american but what happened to your family structure?

You can tell the true quality of a post by the amazing butthurt it draws. Fantastic job.

You've had sex before, a woman has found you attractive enough to allow it before so that means you can't be an incel.

t. 26 year old real virgin incel

but 4channel told me I was gonna make it. Wth

Feminism happened.

Here's a fascist who murdered someone;

Can you find me an actual verified report of an antifascist causing a death?

rational right wingers dont exist, climate change has proved that

knew it. Yea Forums cucks were desperately defending that tumblr western yaoi art yesterday tho

you all should update your knowledge.
like i said yesterday modern tumblrinas mainly draw pseudo yaoi/yuri shit like this image. those who draw goblin art are a vocal minority group or it doesnt go mainstream.

thats it.

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most of those guys were progressive compared to their contemporaries so nah you're wrong there too

>game is about to school girls beating up a bunch of burly white men
>somehow surprised when the creator turns out to be a massive faggot
I don't know why you faggots were excited about this, I guess if you slap cute anime girls onto anything you'll slurp it right up.

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I got about half way through the thread before I realised it wasn't going to get better
I think I'm slowly learning to ignore any posts related to politics, you guys should too

Reminder that most incels are actually volcels. I've seen miracles happen before... ijs

The thing is, politics is their hobby. They might have other hobbies, but they all come secondary to their obsession.
I mean if it's any consolation they'll never be happy. Nobody ever enters politics and leaves it a more sane and well adjusted human being. It kind of sucks they make things worse for everyone else

Based and bluepilled.

There's thousands of these fake attacks.

>Nig attacks white guy
>White guy gets revenge by hitting the nig with his car
It was the nig's fault.

How is that possible? Like are you deformed or socially retarded or something?

Yes, those damn conservatives like Hillary Clinton spearheading that shit in the 90s or Jack Thompson in the 00s. Oh wait. They were Democrats.
Conservatives will disagree with something but only wish people do shit behind closed doors, at most they would put in regulations that keep shit out of the hands of children who may not yet be mature enough to understand some things - such exposure is left to the responsibility of the parents. Hence the ESRB.
It is liberals who always want to ban shit outright, demand the state dictate the when and where of things, while at the same time parading little kids around in drag and gay pride parades.

Fuck off retard.

it's not river city ransom, it's not a part of the series, it's not endorsed by the orignal creators, company.

it's a another shitty indy dev team, why are we even talking about it?

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Don't be an incel now.

Just running away with those goalposts, user

Most "right wing" attacks are falseflags, people being trained and/or drugged by the CIA to carry out such attacks, in order to make conservatives look bad and push to silence any resistance to the liberal globalist order.

>site that disagrees with you
Newfags GTFO


How many women does Yea Forums think this creeper raped in secret?

Hating niggers doesn't make you a fascist you mongoloid.

Stop talking about politics.

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Arcsys owns the rights now, they endorse it.

Because shit like Ikki Tousen and Maken Ki exist you dumbfuck nigger, I clicked the video hoping for my typical chicks with big jiggly asses I've come to expect from wayforward and got this instead

If you don't want someone to kill you, don't attack them.

I knew there was something off about this game. This almost feels too convenient.

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>At least Conservative creators like to take risks
read the sentence you just wrote you fucking retard

Some of this is the true face of russian meddling. Low effort political posts designed to be as inflammatory and and low IQ as possible on all sides. The idea being that everyone reading will be quietly polarized by witnessing insane oppositional posts. Some are absolutely deranged partisans, but plenty more of it is an all-sides signal boost for polarized insanity.

We need to unplug a little more, anons.

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You weren't even alive during that time, retard. Continue parroting the crap you hear off /pol/ though, I'm sure it will retroactively change the past and get rid of all the christian conservitards that did their damndest to end gaming.

Why are they like this?

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I honestly really hate the art style and spriting/animation stryle of the new River City games.
Series peaked with DX on the GBA

how do you think Christina Vee got in the game?

don't care about rights holders, i said 'original' creators.

any two-bit jerk can buy rights to something. Warner Brothers owns the right to Blood, doesn't mean i give a shit about Warner Brothers.

Nope. If you actually lived back then you'd know that it was Democrat soccer moms with Hillary Clinton in the lead that tried to legislate against vidya. Jack Thompson was just a mad lone cunt and didn't see much support from his political wing.

Even at the height of conservative moralist panics in the 70s, with D&D is satanic and what not, it didn't involve much more than parents being retarded about it. D&D sales actually went up significantly due to all the PR.

Creating a game with conservative morals is a risk in today's niggerfied zoomer market.

This is the future of Kunio-kun games
Better get used to the new designs

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Not necessarily, but being a part of a fascist prison gang does:

European Kindred:

Proof that he was part of that gang:

You're never near any significant events. Stop parroting shit the news tells you.

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conservative LITERALLY means you don't take risks

The japanese trailer has ''Kunio-kun'' in the title. Sorry, m8. This series is officially dead.

spoiler alert 99% of modern nations and medicine was created by conservatives

liberals are literally leeches

>he thinks old fine artists were progressive
lol most of them were conservative as fuck. It wasn't until the 1920s until several art forms stopped being actively attacked and shunned by the art community.
Read some of their writings, many of them thought you were subhuman if you broke the tincture rules or mucked about with anatomy outside of religious art.

Do you even know what fascism is?

>How is that possible?
I make zero attempts at women and act oblivious when they appear to be friendly to me? I prefer to be alone and see relationships as a waste of time/money. I'm just disinterested. It also helps that I'm borderline asexual and don't really desire sex.

It's also silly that a lot of actual incels on here get mad and hate on women for irrational reasons. If you want sex so bad, just get a prostitute.

Who the fuck is this guy? Wayforward has never been full of SJW fuckwits. Is he from the Arcsys side?

Someone must've forgotten about their Dear Madam President leading the charge to legislate video games back in 2005 after the mainstream media found it.

It's frustrating just how much political nepotism has token hold of so many professions and industries.

No you fucking idiot. Jesus christ you zoomers view the world with the same simplicity goggles you watch your superhero movies with.

Nope, Twitter says Game Director at Wayforward. Looks like they need to change their name to StepsBackward

They don't get their jobs based on skill or experience, they get it from knowing the right people and being part of the hivemind. Anyone who doesn't is blacklisted.

actually, the closest thing in comparison would be "the comics code authority" but then again, they didn't stop anyone from producing, writing or selling comics that did not adhere to the code, if there was a store that didn't want to have it, they didn't shut down the store owners bank accounts, throw rocks or have mobs attack the store, nor the printing/publishers or the creators of comics that didn't adhere to the code.

just didn't see it in store sthat chose to participate, comparing the christian concerned parents freaking out about rock and roll and comics to what-ever the fuck we have today isn't even equal

Disappointing. I guess nobody is safe.

You could have admitted you were an underaged american in a more subtle manner

blacks commit over 60 percent of all murders in this country.
Blacks vote Blue 95 percent of the time.

Liberals are the bulk of murderers in this country.

Now THIS is good banter

pick up a dictionary you fucking retard
conserative means you want to CONSERVE things
if you're economically conservative you dont take business risks
if you're socially conservative you want to preservative traditional cultural values
the only conservatives who make video games are the big companies who pump out samey trash every year

Honestly? Based.

And you could have admitted you were a seething söyboy who missed the exit to reddit.

>Soccer moms
Christians. You can call them democratic christians and I won't be assed to argue that retardation, but they were all christians upholding christian values.

that makes you so confident?

the real answer is both are cunts. the west is fucked.

You are arguing with leftards, who demand you give proof for every claim you make, while their fee fees are enough proof for what bullshit they spout. Watch out for red flags like "peer reviewed journal," those are always ideological traps.

And it doesn't help that most of the media and news agencies are on their side and decides to push certain news narratives while sweeping things under the rug that make them look bad.

Wojak is reddit. If you don't want to be reddit you should avoid reddit memes like sóy and pepejak.
It also helps to not be an politically charged underaged american

No, it just speaks of the low quality of the board.

There's fucking screenshots and text messages too.

Why do you people come here anyway? Fucking faggots.

>if you're economically conservative you dont take business risks
No it doesn't you fucking brainlet. Wall street investors take the most risk of all in the financial sector and are conservative because it benefits them tax-wise.
>if you're socially conservative you want to preservative traditional cultural values
Which says nothing about how much risk-taking these values and traditions involve. Try to think more than 5 millimiters in front of your fat face.

Would you like to provide these messages and screenshots?

No, wojak is krautchan and was adopted by Yea Forums. Söy was created on Yea Forums.

>tries to virtue signal while working for fucking WayForward
haha how the fuck
even the first Shantae alone would get this ultra-faggot persona non-grata:ed much less the newer ones

no, they're detention camps

amerimutts ruin everything they touch.

If I can find them online, so can you.

There are congressmen going after the Mayor of that retard city FYI. You delusional people need to fucking sort your shit out.

Much like rageface, only reddit still uses them. Aside from that, wojak is a corruption and nothing like feelsman.

america was built by conservatives if you disagree then your just a leech clinging to the success of a belief thats superior to yours

Source: just trust me bro

>that's cool

Attached: 1546293960092.jpg (411x253, 27K)

Wojak is literally the original name of "that feel" you fucking newnigger. Nobody calls it "feelsman". And complaining about those memes who are most active on Yea Forums of all places is peak reddit since they are associated with the political right.

I disagree with the sentiment, but you're based for triggering so many conservatards

>thinking KYM is an accurate source
You need to go back

Sorry. the msm said concentration camps. Only a racist nazi incel would think otherwise.

pretty sure america existed before conservatives even got here retard

Nah plenty of them were liberal shits who go to Churches of a similar deranged nature.
Vidya violence was just a trendy thing for them to whine about politically, same as with heavy metal or Marilyn Manson.

Bros I'm gonna play the shit out of this and fap to these cuties

Attached: river city girls1.png (1310x701, 841K)

>it's about who's in charge.
The president of the united states is republican.
>right-wing movements are socially shunned
thinking emoji

>he writes all that
>her response is, 'well, that's cool'

I've never seen a woman so turned off before

Thast was worries me about this the lesfties are going to find so many things to call " a problem" and proced to change them

>admitting you get your "knowledge" from knowyourmeme
You have to go back seething redditor

Thankfully not every one is a /pol/tard.

Attached: FACT CHECK Did Milkshakes Thrown in Portland Protests Contain Cement .png (734x1519, 389K)

Uhh, no? If the founding fathers were conservatives they would've stayed loyal to the crown.

>newfag confirms he's a newfag when trying to educate people that were users when a meme originated, the episode.
I've already seen this one. Skip

leftist scum won't get a wooden fucking penny from me

Yeah we need some victims to dab on

Remember, people who are right-wing are only retarded because the news they read is from infowars or breitbart who fuck up their news all the time. Please have sympathy for them.

>that art
One step closer to Yea Forums's favourite calarts.

Ahh to be young and fucking stupid.

We don't like in Dictatorship. Judges run this country and they happen to be liberal faggots such as yourself.

You seem to have missed the point about what "convservatism" means. If you are risking alot of money you aren't being economically conservative. You may be conservative in other respects, but that's irrelevant
dirty jokes and sexy characters are not socially conservative. Being socially conservative means you care about values that go back hundreds if not thousands of years, it doesn't mean you're doing something that isn't trendy now that used to be trendy a fucking decade ago

Godspeed, user.

Maybe in another 7 years when you're legally allowed to use this site, your reading comprehension will improve enough to understand how retarded that post of yours is.
Please, just go back to r-/td

>No pantyshots
>EVERYONE is wearing shorts

Fuck that game dude
When I was in Japan you could see hundreds of panties an hour without even trying to look

>samefagging out of sheer desperation and lack of arguments
stay btfo

The one on the right looks like a disgusting whore and I'm sure some western artists are going to draw her being paid to have sex.

>if i make a semantic argument im sure il win
>hurr got em

im also pretty sure everything else in the world got here before any political stance was made

yet here you are ?

the america where you live today was made by conservatives if you dont like it move somewhere else and stop leeching off its success but we all know you cant do that can you ?

Y'all are fucking retarded, conservatism is literally anti expression. Liberalism is freedom and expression

lol even the leftists I know don't link that stuff anymore, it became too embarrassing for them post-election.

Keep those non-arguments coming and get dabbed on

>the america where you live today was made by conservatives
once again, the land existed before conservatives, they weren't literally God

Welp, there went any hope the game will be good.
I don't care who makes it, but willingly throwing yourself under the bus like that...
I don't care about you at that point, since you don't either.

Same as every tv show?
Vickings, walking dead etc

Economic conservatism has more to do with government regulations and taxes and nothing with how you manage your personal investments. Report back once you pay your own bills you retarded child.

>well, that's cool.

Attached: 1559993594805.jpg (544x515, 85K)

brexit is considered a conservative stance is it not ?


yeah who would want that haha

wtf I hate creative fields now

Stop insulting my girlfriend, or I'll beat the shit out of you


Attached: kyoko.png (319x692, 254K)

>can't provide any proof whatsoever
>gets called out
Just as expected.

>2 days after the trailer releases.
>some schmuck that has nothing better to do tries to scoop thru the devs garbage to instill politics.

You disgust me, people.

Notch got removed from Minecraft for saying trannies aren't real women by the biggest corporation in the world Microsoft.

modern american leftiss arent liberals tho they are some clueless wannabe activists with an internet collectivism.

keep zooming on, neo-nazi.

Attached: 1518922191650.jpg (1000x1475, 1005K)

You need to go back

Attached: 1562258728897.png (564x622, 358K)

user are you actually retarded

>using the term neo-nazi
>n-no I'm not a redditor

More than one people can reject your drivel you mong, also this is the last (You) you'll get from me

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-05 14-12-43.png (682x287, 31K)

Incorrect. Most succesful artists are either female, mentally ill males, mentally ill females, criminals or japs.

why care about a shitty knock-off, user?

I predict a #MeToo backlash against him then

They hated him for he spoke the thruth

that's how you think the economy should be run, not how you manage your personal finances, which again is irrelevant to the point that nobody who takes risks is a fucking conservative

Good, go cry in your corner you seething bitch

>unironically being a neo-nazi
I know the donald got shut down, but there are plenty of other subreddits to use

Nobel prize winners are mostly jews, and it isn't awarded by merit, politics are more important.

Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner all had liberal opinions towards art.
Conservatives are never remembered in history

your claiming that when i mean america you mean the land and not the nation
how is it that when your brain read the sentence it automatically clicked in your head that i was referring to the land

where did you get your education ??

Last I checked, it was liberals censoring games and advocating speech laws.

>biggest corporation in the world
>while they're not even in the top 50

Attached: List of largest companies by revenue - Wikipedia.png (993x1621, 156K)

>spoiler alert 99% of modern nations and medicine was created by conservatives
LMAO you would hate to learn what Einstein's political beliefs were
All conservatives do is stop their own countries from progressing, the modern world wouldn't exist without overthrowals and revolutions and not to mention the renaissance. Nowadays conservatives are holding us back again by denying climate change so they can earn a quick profit. You're literal cancers on the planet

No, you just have no idea what economic conservatism means or what conservative traditions can entail.

I'm already on /pol/ - the website, please return to reddit if you have a problem with Yea Forums.

Liberalism is the freedom to call shit in a can art and to destroy anyone who calls you out on such a blatant falsehood.
Conservatism is the freedom to create real aesthetical art and not have it associated with shit in a can or the kind of people who fetishize it.

You pseud plebs wouldn't know the sublime in art if you were to be crushed to death under one of Bernini's sculptures.

>where did you get your education
you're asking me this when you misspell the first word of your post, AND think that a bunch of people somehow created a landmass?

American """""""""""""""video game""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""industry"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

The best female musician ever was a literal nazi.
Salvador Dali was a full blown fascist
I can think of another nazi you might have heard of with a passion for painting, can you guess who it is?


Attached: 1562252085615.jpg (324x500, 29K)

Making anime titties an inch smaller for realism isn't oppression lmao you dumb mouthbreather

You went out of your way to get this shit. That;s pathetic.

Nice cherry picked choice, you could refer to great liberal artists like Rothko, Steve Reich, Paul Thomas Anderson, etc

They were all supporters of the monarchy you tard.

Every political shit in Western Europe is a retarded copy of the shit that is said by left wing university teachers in the USA

>The best female musician ever was a literal nazi.
KPP is not a nazi.

>cites the false claims of these two walking jokes

Attached: snopesguy1.png (399x395, 227K)

/pol/ is infested with more redditors than even Yea Forums, it's literally the first place newfags go to.

Attached: 1561712353047.jpg (800x933, 208K)

Would buy it if not for meme software

I forgot that authors don't get the right to write and draw what they want and the morality of their art must be enforced by the collective feels of whatever collective is most offended at the time, my bad

Yeah, so why copy it and not just stfu? Euro's are as much to blame as Americans today.

Pick one in [current year].

Sounds like you don't like it here. Maybe return to

oh nonono

he doesn't know the difference between a land mass and a nation keep trying to deflect im sure it will work out for you

and even if we were arguing about landmasses

my friend you need to get yourself checked

i bet somewhere in the back your mind your thinking

"i dont have to leave because they didnt make this land im justified in me wanting to stay here"
with that same argument i can walk into your house and you have no right to evict me

>Yea Forums is social media

stopped reading there kill yourself

>knowing the url
Go back.

>still not one try to source his claims
Keep going /pol/tard, let it all out.

>knowing the donald subreddit got closed

Police themselves confirmed it as "cement-like substance".

>Einstein's political beliefs were
Zionist nationalism by the end of his life.
All the claptrap about anti-nationalism was just for europeans, when it came to his own people he even dropped his earlier complaints about the treatment of palestinians when it suited him.

It's not underachieving if that's the best they can do in the first place.

seriously you need to learn the difference between "your" and "you're", it could save you're are life and hopefully show you that it's impossible for people to create a landmass like america anyways

>primarily browses threads that include twittercaps
>doesn't consider it social media

you're just nitpicking the difference between a personal/politicial economic position
sure you could say I was being conservative because I want to have toast for breakfast today because I had it for breakfast yesterday and now it's a tradition but that's absolutely retarded
game developers who are liberal/creative were putting sexy characters in video games up until very recently, it does not make you "conservative" if you continue doing so right now just because social justice is trendy right now

It still is freedom, just not for groups you like

Wow I can't believe I get to shitpost directly but: The happy chinese funtime moslem schools have tennis courts and swimming pools too.

A provision of amenities doesn't seem to exclude the idea that happy fun times are happening there.

Video gaymes.

Any source to your claims?

Right they should make their anime titties cover the whole screen because you can't control your porn addiction

Catherine has a dialog removed, because you faggots bitched enough.

>denying climate change
Conservatives are the people pushing for Nuclear despite it being costly economically but better for the environment.
Leftists are the people pushing against Nuclear because of image issues they have from back in the 60s and for mass-immigration that worsens the environment significantly by upping third-world emissions to first world standards.

Look at this faggot

Hard to not know when our site got flooded with you refugees crying about it

>learn the difference between "your" and "you're"
>it could save you're are life

>The only thing your cause needs to be legitimate is a lack of death.

Noted, report for nerve stapling volunteer #326

Shitter is cancer.

If the author wants to, it's their right to do it. Neither your or my butthurt are a free pass to censor them

Conservatism means conserving things the way they are. How much risk-taking is involved in doing things the way they have been for a long time is a completely different matter. There is NO way to invest without taking risk, but the more successful investors (those who took the most risk) want conservative fiscal politics so they don't have to pay much in taxes which goes to useless unemployed brown people. Read this until you understand it and then work your way up from there. Your lesson is finished for today.

>he's too slow to understand the joke
yeah uh i'm thinking your are retarded

>if i correct hes spelling ill win the argument
how old are you ?

>great liberal artists like Rothko, Steve Reich, Paul Thomas Anderson
Best bait i've seen in ages. My heartrate actually increased for a sec there.
Kudos user.

Attached: 1561468287199.jpg (717x508, 133K)

Squint in your case chink.

/pol/ is the same it has always been, maybe you're making up something because you can't defend against /pol/ arguments otherwise.

>hes spelling
how old are you?

kys traitor or be killed in the firing line subhuman

>i was only pretending to be retarded
the absolute state of liberals

Attached: merely pretending.jpg (680x1058, 86K)

And guess what it's called if you reserve freedom for only one group. Hint: it's no longer freedom, just hypocrisy.


you said it, pal.

you have no human rights subhuman you will have no grave

Not sure what she has to do with my post.

Attached: 1533759394646.jpg (385x346, 20K)

>Make statement
>People respond

You never win with left-tards.

Attached: 1559236100182.png (301x359, 172K)

>he can't read two posts away in a reply chain for evidence
y i k e s

my friend you know my words are true
deflect all you want

and say landmass this landmass that
but the nation where you stand
the people who built it consider you a parasite

no amount of deflecting will change that
just admit your a leech surviving off other people's success

>There is NO way to invest without taking risk
you take a low risk
why do you think all AAA games are the same shit?
again a conservative investment strategy is not that same thing as a conservative position on the economy, and has nothing to do with my point

Explain what's wrong with them

>he's not only an illiterate retard but a newfag at that
Loving every laugh.

>Bastille Day military parade
>"wow I would like to visit France some day"
>2 static tanks that can only be seen in the VIP area

I didn't say one group, it's actually across all groups in society which you don't like

>your a leech
you're'st've really want me to believe your words are true when you can't use them right?

So, when's the news of him being a sex pest/pedo this whole time?

Attached: D8gdADlU8AA_x0K.jpg (1125x1125, 163K)

I sure hope the employees of the company responsible for Shantae understand exactly what kind of shit they are stepping in with their audience if they keep that kind of rhetoric up.

Attached: 1558926129587.png (2118x3000, 2.2M)

Someone making a game about girls is a feminist?! OH NOOOO! /sarc

>he even dropped his earlier complaints about the treatment of palestinians
He didn't drop anything lmao don't try to lie your way out. Einstein supported the State of Israel but never supported making anyone a second class citizen on the basis of race, not even Arabs.

i don't know why you're describing those two posters like that but that's not nice, they probably read breitbart

keep deflecting my friend
im sure the world is much safer in your head

i hope one day you wake up

And it could be 1000 groups, if you withhold it for people you dislike, you are nothing but a hypocrite and are anti-freedom.

That reminds me of this game but American themed

Attached: Liberation Maiden.png (454x640, 426K)

doesn't bother me, looked shit anyway dude. I'd only care about this if it was a good game.

>the dudes only need rescuing because they got arrested
Dunno user, seems like a plausible excuse plot. No feminism needed.

>now he's pretending it's not baout him
Keep going, my sides thank you for it.

i woke up this morning, you can keep your hope

This is Rothko.

Attached: large.jpg (483x640, 259K)

>The director and writer of River City Girls is a male feminist orbiter
this surprises you?

why do liberals want to destroy video games then?

oh, so it's baout you

I hate when westerners try to draw anime influenced stuff. Absolutely revolting.

Good taste Senko

How bout Andy Ngo proves he has brain hemorrhage. Just show medical documents

Right, like Republicans and Conservatives today.
Yup, beautiful painting. What's wrong with it? It's not some autistic landscape copy?

it isn't about destroying the game, film, music. It's about manipulating the audience. they don't see it as destruction, it's about making more of them.

>he really doesn't understand it
Go on little one. I know there's some more retardation in you.

Thanks for the heads up, Op. *nods*

Could you make it any more obvious you're from reddit?

They're so passionate about politics. Not informed or remotely coherent, but undeniably passionate.

This is part of the Sistine Chapel.

Attached: Sistine_Chapel_ceiling_02.jpg (3264x4928, 1.52M)

>off topic garbage that shouldn't even be allowed on this board somehow equates to all of Yea Forums being a social media platform despite clearly being an image board and nothing more

you better be baiting

Attached: Disgusting.jpg (412x600, 74K)

They’re honestly not bad

>non-understander trying to ridicule someone for not understanding his false understanding
uh yeah that's gonna have to be a yikes on my end

>he knows reddit lingo
>calls others from reddit

The vast majority of good literary works were done by god fearing white christian men.
Cronyism is the only reason why liberals dominate creative fields, and it's why every creative field in the western world is now in decline.
We will never get another Tolstoy or Dickens due to liberal cronyism.

>Yup, beautiful painting.
You might be braindead user.

wait for it he's gonna say


I agree on this, I want to see the medical records. I already know portland cops couldn't protect a fly, but now i want to see definitive proof as opposed to shit talking within various subcultures and communities.

Calm down, user

no you can have my "hope"
you definitely need it

considering a retard who cant even post a counter argument using facts and instead deflects to spelling and semantics

go look at yourself in a mirror
you know im right thats why you avoid the point i consistently make

the america you live in was made by conservatives if you dont like it leave

Mercia :D :D :D

How is this the same developer that does Shantae? Did they do a complete 180 since the last game or something?

Where did I say board, double spacing retard? You neo-nazis are always starting and posting in these social media threads without even saging

The games industry right now isn't worth saving, let it burn

>no u
Has nothing to do with it. You are just a hypocrite trying to deflect.

>a bunch of completely unprompted self hate, guilt, and self flagellation
>"uh yeah.. that's cool man..."
This is so pathetic, have a little pride in your own work. He even calls his own work cringe because he's a man writing it.
How can you expect anyone to respect you if you can't even respect yourself at a bare minimum level.

Attached: shulk recoils.gif (350x293, 1.68M)

>now it's back to projection
The best part about you tards is just how tenacious you are.

Attached: laughing 22.gif (384x372, 2.48M)

>Einstein supported the State of Israel
He went from decrying it and it's terror groups like Irgun and Haganah to championing the very same government after it had literally purged the Arab population in the Nakba.
He was a two-faced ethnonationalist like the rest of them.

once again, humans did not have the power to create a landmass like america back when it was discovered
i don't see how looking in a mirror will change the truth

Ok. What's your point? The sistene chapel is bigger and therefore better?

Based SJWs. The industry needs a crash and the only thing that can cause that is by destroying the american market with anti-gamer laws.

true facts

I'm impressed this has gotten so many (You)s. Well done.

Attached: nice.png (256x256, 41K)

Antifa has attacked more nonwhites in america in the last 3 years than anyone registered as a republican.

Attached: 1554234823881.jpg (635x581, 46K)

Serious question, how long ago did that place get shut down?

>he ridicules tenacity by showing tenacity as he continues to reply
that's not only a yikes, that's an oof

What about the guy who ran over that lady in his car?

can Yea Forums fuck off and let me enjoy the thought of a punch girl beat'em up without tainting it with SJW politics? Just this once?

Well youre not going to get it from Ngo. Hes not an honest actor.

>Yup, beautiful painting. What's wrong with it?
Nigger what.
It's just a large canvas of different pigments of red and three squares interlaid on top of each other.
Not even conservative but seriously kill yourself.

/pol/tards are always the easiest to bait.

dude, right?! that's an essential part of art, if you don't like what you create then you need to get better at your craft.

>source: your ass
Republicans are just white niggers: they attack anything in arms reach and think the law shouldn't apply to them because they're oppressed.

>it's just art

>he really keeps going
Don't stop now. Let it all out before the thread ends.

Attached: nlsgh.jpg (500x281, 25K)

How is that not beautiful? A sunset isn't beautiful because it's just 3 colors?

>can Yea Forums fuck off
You aren't required to visit Yea Forums every single day, retard.

Which one?

This doesn't work if it objectively is, you retard.

america can mean "nation" and "landmass"
yet you so desperately cling to landmass
because you dont have an argument

i feel sorry for your lack of intelligence

>he posts as he keeps posting himself
sure i'm fine with us both still going

Yeah the term underachieving is used by many people with fragile egos to imply they could do better.
But some people are just trash who wont ever amount to things.

and yet we are told to be afraid of the far-right.... bitch I just saw some dude chilling and filming get beat down by people who call themselves communists/socialists. water is wet nigger. I may be a fence sitter with my politics but those antifa dudes can get fucked.

Lmao that last half assed reply, even the woman is cringing at how much he's prostrating.

>he posts as he keeps posting himself
You're really making less and less sense. Keep it up some more for me.

This guy isn't like Adam, so I don't think we have too much to worry about.

Dems are literal niggers roflmao

Nah, it was conservatives that tried to destroy the country in 1861 but luckily they were defeated. They couldn't build shit without slaves and now their part of the country is the biggest shithole in America while the liberal parts of the country carry them LOL

It's not fine art.
A sunset isn't three colors even for someone without analytical eyes. This is sub-Pollock tier brainlet drawing at work.

haha sure thing friend, i'm sure it can mean whatever you want when you look in a mirror

he's just trying to appeal to the Yea Forums crowd. he's pretty based.

>most people (99%) in creative fields are liberals because right wingers have no inherent artistic talent
>due to their brains being wired to hate and want to destroy rather than create.

sure! keep up your posts as well, of course

>fence sitter
fancy phrase for "i'm a right wing fascist but too afraid to admit it."
fence sitters get the bullet too


Lmao, imagine being this regressive minded, so you are saying africans, the majority of which are conservative and gay hating, have been incapable of artistic expression?
Are you retarded?

How high are you right now?

>spoiler alert: most people (99%) in creative fields are liberals because right wingers have no inherent artistic talent due to their brains being wired to be functional and keep things running rather than create.
Also there's a clear bias in media against conservative creators of any kind. They're out there, but they don't get exposure because of politics.

Based. Literally all those walking turds defend kitsch expressionism by pretending seeing it in person matters because of it's size.

Fucking embarrassing. He wants to be an ally because he's so thirsty. It's so damn obvious. It makes me angry because I used to be like this before accepting where I currently sit in the food pyramid.

You'd all be better off just rubbing one out to a thot before you converse with normal women.

Attached: 1555698769861.jpg (2384x3600, 1.32M)

Right leaning art is art. Left leaning art is abstract/ post modern art.

>Admitting that the South is a shithole largely because of the huge populations of blacks that reside in it.
Finally you are beginning to realize something.

I'm really happy Doug got comic rights back for Earthworm Jim.
Can't wait to get my hard back

Yes. Both party's supporters are chimps fighting over their color of jersey.

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nah the founding fathers were definitely conservative if you dont like it leave but we all know your too much of a leech to do that LOL

and all the slaves did was pick cotton they didnt build infrastructure what stupid ass history did you read

>this thread hits bump limit nad is still going
there is no hope for this place

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imagine existing and being this cringey and pathetic of a person. our lives might be shit lad, but this guys a step away from being anthony burch and at least none of us will ever be anywhere near that garbage. i miss the days when these people either didn't exist or simply shut the fuck up and stayed hidden and tried to act normal because being that pathetic was not remotely accepted

Really? That's your argument? There's very little different about Rothko and a sunset

fuck you, I'll vote for a democrat just as soon as I would a republican. my only requirement is that you don't fuck with my livelihood. you probably care about a bunch of dumbshit that doesn't even effect you which is why you swing so heavily towards a political group.

This is some real Emperor's New Clothes at work.
>"But he hasn't got anything on," a little child said.
>"Did you ever hear such innocent prattle?" said its father. And one person whispered to another what the child had said, "He hasn't anything on. A child says he hasn't anything on."
>"But he hasn't got anything on!" the whole town cried out at last.
>The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, "This procession has got to go on." So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn't there at all.

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What sort of RETARD would play a Western-made River City game?

None of you right

That is completely insane to say.
I'm a fence sitter but heavily liberal leaning.
Going that far, as to say "people who dont instantly agree with me and my methods need the bullet" is why antifa will fail.

I thought it was going to get better when mods banned Projared discussion, it made me come back after a 6 month break from this place. Then they did a 180 and stickied Etika shit, guess I'll be leaving again pretty soon

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Beethoven is abstract?

>dev team happens to include some feminist cuckboi
>game now gets shit on because of this douche instead of being judged by its own merits

When did Yea Forums become r/Gamerghazi?

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No it's just because comservatives are shit at everything mate, simple as

Not an argument, try saying something that isn't just a meme

Where's the fucking sun


america is a nation if you dont agree then im sorry youre this stupid

go ahead and keep insisting it
let the onlookers witness your stupidity

Do a quick google search m8, poc victims of violence are overwhelmingly committed by other poc, that's a given, but the white on poc violence has been HISTORICALLY low the last few years.
Cases like jussie smollett are not the minority, most claims of racial attacks are hoaxes, the last two dozen or so major cases in the US have all been hoaxes

Meanwhile, every time Antifa organizes, they not only attack republicans and conservatives, but PoC they want to silence

Your on the wrong side of history m8

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>Emperor's New Clothes

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I'd play any game with tough girls in them.

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>well, that's cool
Somebody get this woman a doctor, I think he froze her womb solid.

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when did Yea Forums get so full of far left faggots?


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Not a fence sitter, I'd vote for tulsi gabbard immediately but you fucks won't nominate her because she is too sensible and doesn't racebait

Tumblr/Resetera refugees. They saw people ironically saying 'yikes' and thought they're in good company.

Are you retarded I don't mean literally a sunset, I mean it's the same aesthetic picture

then piss off, ignore this shitty game and download Gleam of Force.

Yo, Adam. Buddy.

This is what you look like. Stop harassing young girls. No one gets wet at the thought of someone who looks like you reading Naomi Wolf. Just stop it and know your place.

I want you win but just figure out how to play the game properly.

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Not quoted but
>you probably care about a bunch of dumbshit that doesn't even effect you
Fucker I can remember when I could legally say things I no longer can without a police visit. I remember when my taxes were a fraction of what they are now. I remember when my community was safe.
"Doesn't even effect you". It will affect you, and in short time too, because no man is an island and society is more willing than ever to destroy you for tripping up.

Ever since neogaf imploded and they hate resetera

>Your on the wrong side of history m8
And anyone who's not siding with the jews is automatically on the wrong side.

Heather D. Heyer was the one killed.


I forgot the pic.

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same dude (user who made the original post) I don't like that bitch but at least she won't fuck with grazing rights or water tax. As long as shes willing to tell those "climate change" fags to fuck off she has my vote.

I only want a palce where I can talk about video games.
Is this so fucking hard?!

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i'm glad you used you're right, but i regret to inform you that people still can't create a landmass

>implying far right faggots don't do the same shit

>they still think they can "fit in"

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>Heather D. Heyer
She was killed by a neo-nazi sympathizing white supremacist, not an anti-fascist.

Bruce Jenner? He had a sex change to avoid prison.

Never implied

So, guys, here's question: (in your opinion)am i allowed to pirate games that i like, but made by people i despise? Because i still want to try a game, but dont want to support certain people.
just asking you opinions, gonna do it anyway

fucking knew it. i've been seeing lines lifted directly out of Culture of Critique lately

That's just how insane the left is sometimes. I myself lean conservative and can find common ground with moderate liberals on some issues. But I can't deal with those that are so far gone that they'll sooner silence me for not agreeing with them on everything, instead of debate like a rational person.

Forgot the actual source:

do it


>falling for it
jesus user, lurk here a bit longer, your is one of our longest standing jokes

Heck the optics, I'm going in

Woops, sorry I misread the original post I was replying to.

Pirate everything made in the US, China, Canada, France and the UK


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>your is one of our longest standing jokes
It's "You're are", newfag

lol retard

that's because classical liberals and conservatives want the same thing! we only really deviate from eachother when it's a matter of distribution, implementation, function. Those antifa fuckers are just crazy, I wouldn't even call them leftist


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>merely pretending
at least do it right or you're are gonna look like a retard

this, but even in that. check out the developer. All these faggots have social media/online footprint, if they suck then you know the game will suck. it's not that complicated, just time consuming.

Ireally hope you are rigth man I would hate to see her fall in the hand of those nutsacks

wonder what happened to those idiots

this, but france is fine

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>cartoon avatar
Guaranteed to be 100kg+.