What were the best years for gaming?

What were the best years for gaming?

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Amazing PS4 Exclusives

It will never come back. Gaming is dead, nu-gaming is for faggots


every year before 1995 because I wasn't born yet so it was best that I wasn't here

There's really no need for the plural; one year rose above all the rest.

Attached: 1998.png (799x2190, 2.31M)

Early 00s for PC gamers. The rise of online games due to people upgrading from dial up, IRC was getting more popular because every server or game required one, etc.

Now. I can go back and play every old game and new games are coming out. Others might disagree, but it's because they're beta faggots.

Wrong. Late 90s for everything. Early 00s were hot garbage for pc gamers because of all the devs moving to Xbox and porting the stunted console games back to PC. What world are you living in?

It's always the current year. You can play old games at any time and hardware is constantly improving.

I miss 2007 so much

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>gachaman in the background

right now because i can play all the old classics for free on my pc. sure some of the best multiplayer games are dead but i think we are still coming out ahead.


1998 is pretty good, but not as good as 1994 or 1989.

Probably before puberty when everything was new and I was easily impressed.

4th gen to 6th gen

every year if you're a real gamer

Damn, those girls would give me a hard time not saying:
>"can i play with you instead?"

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1985 - 2002 was the golden age of gaming for sure. 1994, 1997 - 2001 in particular were years that stood out for having incredible games.

Every year between 1980 and 2005

2005 onward has been plagued by microtransactions and the games have only been getting worse, so much so that a passable game that you'll forget in a few months can be considered GOTY

you touch you buy

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without any question, the period from 1991 to 1999.

worth it.

1899, you guys had to be there to understand

its a price you probably can't afford

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i dont care about literally whos, and Im not sure if I can sink in as many hours again

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still worth it.

why not just hire an escort if you're willing to pay that much

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It's so true that when mainstream females get involved in male built hobbies they bring an aura with them that turns it to shit. I would upload the image that shows the stages of the collapse of a hobby but I can't seem to find it. I feel for the most part vidya as a hobby is in zombie mode trying to appease shallow puritans.

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maybe i should :/

just be yourself :)

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Then I'll be just an antisocial shutin who will never meet anyone :(

gen 4 through 6. 3 is not quite there yet and 7 is the beginning of the end.

be the best version of yourself

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Hahaha oh well!

When visiting Japan I used to go up to these sales girls and ask questions in English and they would try to smile and ignore me or say common English lines to tell me they don't speak English.

I would then speak Japanese and call them an ugly slut and that my grandfather loved shooting you yellow monkeys in WWII.
Their facial expression was like a deer in headlights.

Why would you lie on the internet?

cool story bro

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no you didn't

Not lying.
I was drunk at the time.
I was joking with some friends that I would go talk to a random cute Japanese girl we saw that was promoting some company.
My friends didn't know Japanese so they don't know what I said to the girl.

Both my grandfathers fought in WWII.
One was a pilot and the other was a medic.
One of them fought on the Pacific front and shot plenty of Japanese.
I did lie about his love of killing Japanese.
Instead he had nightmares about the gruesome shit that went on. His father owned a farm in Texas at the time and they had Japanese workers that they treated like family.

But it was a fact that one of my grandfathers did kill Japanese in WWII.

this but unironically

When tribes and gunz and armored core were still alive

the girl on the left looks like shinji mikami

another flyff bro. i heroic a fully whaled yoyo jester and feel no regrets

End of last century. Anyways, what I mostly miss is the experimentation. For example, on the case of RPGs, you could have really different kinds but now they borrow too much from each other. Could be nostalgia googles of course.

Wow that's really cool of you. You must be the "cool guy" in your group. Wow you're awesome. haha

So much good shit came out in 1999


Here is a picture of my grandfather who was born in 1918 and passed away some time in the early 1990s.

I don't hate Japanese I was just drunk at the time and thought it was funny to see how some girl would react to a foreigner insulting her people.
My grandfather would probably have belted me if he was alive to see it.

Attached: Grandfather and me.jpg (598x612, 93K)


speak japanese you mutt jew fuck.

I hope you're larping. God i hate faggots like you, being drunk isn't an excuse.

How fat are you dumbass gaijin

>san francisco

Nice blog faggot

>trigger da libs
>make fun of snowflakes
>also get triggered constantly

1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010.

Fifth and early sixth Gen before online ruined everything.

These sexy capcom outfits are my fetish...

No one cares you faggot

Not larping.
My friends wondered why the girl was acting odd and I just told them that she seemed uncomfortable around foreigners.
Which wouldn't make sense because we were in a tourist heavy area so the Japanese there were used to seeing and hearing foreigners speak even at that time years back.
But my friends didn't think my answer was odd.
They still think I was just trying to throw pick up lines at some Japanese chick.

Not fat but not some fit chad either.
I am a below average looking 6'2, blond haired/ blue eyed person of German/Irish decent.

Pic related. It is old so I am not worried about being identified.

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1995-2005 is probably my favourite era. Really, it's hard to pick, because every era has tons of trash and cash in games and a few hidden gems. The only time I've really stepped back and said "Wow, everything has been shit" was recently, and that is more because distinct subcultures are collapsing in on themselves and game communities online are shrinking.

Why do cringey white people love to RP so much online?

too bad nobody on Yea Forums ever posts booth babes anymore

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>all the weebs triggered by these posts
Absolutely based. Never stop the madness.

Do they even exist anymore at cons? I thought it was just freelance cosplayers now.

>blowing out your ass: the user

Because they don't exist anymore bruv.

1980-1982, but only if you were there to experience the arcades at the time.

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For consoles, 1987-1992.

For PC, 1990-2004.

if you look closely at his presss pass on his shirt you can see that image was from 2017
they still have booth babes at tokyo game show every year

I married a booth babe. She obviously doesn't do that anymore since it's not a thing anymore and hasn't been for ages. She was a booth babe for GamePro. That's another thing that isn't around anymore. We're both 30 now.

What am I blowing out my ass.
You don't think it was possible for some American to visit Japan for his 20th birthday and say some random insults to a Japanese sales person while slightly drunk?

It was not that expensive to fly to Japan and I knew enough Japanese for basic communication.
I had bought Japanese language books since the 1990s and learned enough to speak it coherently but I never jumped in deep to Kanji.
Katakana and Hiragana was most of what I learned of the written portion with some Kanji thrown in because of how much the language ties into it.

I went to Japan before smart phones were a thing so I don't have any photos of my own.
And by the time I could ask a friend to send me photos he took with his camera this thread would be long dead.

I don't care if you don't believe me.

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Probably right now

>going to play tons of Warcraft 3 reforged and classic

why do you lie on the internet?

Why do you think I would waste my time making up such a story.

Do you think visiting Japan is some fantasy?
Even today tickets are only around 1500USD.

That is less than one paycheck at my shitty wage job.

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holy SHIT I love hotpants

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>Why do you think I would waste my time making up such a story.
because you're a faggot and posting a lie on an anonymous imageboard is completely without consequence

Arcades were like the last social environment where I felt I felt I belonged.

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Sadly nobody likes it anymore.

you must be the most pretentious person I have seen posting on this website since many years

>nobody likes it anymore

when i was young and had time to spare was the golden age
now when i play with my friends i just wish i wasn't desu i rather talk about the weather than stare at a screen while making little to no connection to the people around me
people cant socialize anymore man

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They'll disappear in 5 years, tops.

I think many of you dont understand his question. Since you can play any older game the best year to play is now obviously. But he was asking years like, when youre 10 years old you dont understand complex games, when youre 30 you have no time to play etc.

Well yah but I post real photos of myself.
My friends don't visit Yea Forums but someone may still remember some old photos of myself.
I was around the same age in the photo of myself in a tux when I visited Japan so if someone I knew saw that they would know it was me. Some of my old friends turned into complete SJWs (California natives...) so they would throw a hissy fit if they knew what I did.

It would be rare but it could happen.
I knew a girl in high school who remembered who I was because we went to the same day care at age 4 and she identified me from a photo taken during day care and my first name.

So anything is possible...

>What were the best years for gaming?

not if we clone them

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Sorry my bad. 2018 and 2017 WERE the best. The rest of my comment is the same.

pretending to be someone else to get them in trouble online isn't anything new
the second you posted photos of some random family you lost all credibility, it is far more likely you are some obsessed stalker faggot

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I love hot girls

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And you are just one of those bottom dwellers on Yea Forums who can't believe there is someone who visits this site who has a common blue collar job that once went to Japan with some friends and happened to get slightly drunk and insult some Japanese native for laughs.

I am not filled in on current youth celebrities but didn't Logan Paul go to Japan and insult some natives for laughs.

It not like my story is so far out of the realm of reality.
I just did it many years earlier than some rich celebrity.

I am sure many others have done what I did way before I was even born. I would have been pissed if I went to Japan way back and saw one of those "no foreigners allowed" signs at a bar. In fact they still had those signs at someone rural places when I visited. I bought a hat that had the same phrase just for laughs.

I am going to visit Japan next year so maybe I will do it again for laughs.

Not sure it will give the same results with the change in Japanese society with foreigners.
Also don't want to be caught on the camera of someone's smartphone.

Your youth.

I don't care if you don't believe me but why would you think someone would waste their time downloading my family photos to impersonate me?

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your mom is kind of cute

just stop dude, its ok to let it go.

That is what my friends said but I just thought they were weird.

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But I do

>The rest of my comment is the same.
I don't agree. The only games I care about are shmups and the scene for that withered away during the last decade. Around 2006 there was a lot of activity on different forums and websites as well as a decent amount of upcoming games to look forward to. I got a 1cc in every shmup I like and no new ones to play.

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Did you ever visit and download random games from shmups.com/reviews/download/index.html

That is where I found Cho Ren Sha 68k.

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I do but based on this sites definition I am a boomer and my opinion does not count.

Everything before the ideological mind virus was activated.

based ghost

The decade of 1997-2007 or 1998-2008.

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I talked to my great grandfather who passed away when I was a child.
He was born in 1889.
Got him to play early Atari games but he was more used to card games.
I thought video games were better so 1899 must have been shit for games.

Thanks, that post made me laugh.
But my story is real and that image you posted is obviously satire.

Attached: Grandmother at HP early 1950s.jpg (1237x1613, 518K)

Long, long, long before most of Yea Forums was even born.

Congrats, blogposting niggerfaggot. Here's your daily allotted ration of (you)s.

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I want to learn Japanese, save enough money to go to Japan. Find that girl this retarded user sperged at and apologize on behalf of all Americans for his crudeness.

Thanks, but I need a little more to ration for later occasions.

Attached: Mom and me.jpg (696x541, 66K)

Lmao at this retard. She probably stared at you "Like a deer in headlights" because you probably spoke shiity goboldygook broken Japanese. You have exactly 3 minutes from the time I post this to write exactly what you said to her and I'll tell you how fucking stupid you sounded.

>im a raging boomer: the picture

>I did lie about his love of killing Japanese.
>Instead he had nightmares about the gruesome shit that went on.
Your grandfather would have been deeply disappointed in you that you twisted the truth like that.

>You have exactly 3 minutes from the time I post this to write exactly what you said to her and I'll tell you how fucking stupid you sounded.
your autism is astounding

>I was born when games were good and before you were a spermatozoon in your father's nutsack, you mad zoomer?: the picture

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His grandfather was a man and a warrior, he's a sissy cuck who thinks being white entitles him to be edgy and insult foreigners with his dipshit friends.

So your afraid to post what you said because you know it was incoherent bullshit or not even remotely as edgy and "badass" as you presented in this thread. Kill yourself.

Asian chick man, holy shit

This, everything else are lies and spoken by literal retards.


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I'd say 1990-2005 is the golden age.

This pic is not complete without Tekken 3 and Oddworld.

>some girl would react to a foreigner insulting her people.
Pro-tip: women have no loyalty to their people. Most of them don't even like or care for history. A dumb sales thot wouldn't even have known what you were talking about. She was looking at you weird because you were a drunk autist to her.

The PS2 generation.

I am atheist so It's not like I believe he could know what I did. He doesn't exist anymore.
My grandmother used to always say he was in heaven playing golf which is something he loved to do. I just nodded and pretended to believe her.

My other grandfather fought against the Germans and also was not racist against them.
It's surprising how our grandfathers fought and killed the Germans and Japanese yet a lot of them are not very prejudice against them.

Yet the Chinese and Japanese still have a lot of hatred between themselves.

>So your afraid to
nice esl, retard

>taking apart one piece of the argument so you don't have to address the rest
>HAHA, I am a MASTER debater!
Are all faggots like this?

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kys tranny

I've spoken to some old Chinese females who were children during the Nanjing Massacre.
They still hate the Japanese with a burning passion.

Also played some Korean MMOs and found the Koreans using a bunch of racial slurs against the Chinese.

Your Japanese is horrible and I am not an autistic child like yourself.

That user is a fucking liar autist. There is absolutely no way he would have had the ability to call a girl a slut and talk about his grandfather shotting "yellow monkeys in WWII" having read a few low level weeb Japnese 101 trash books.

What really happend is he stammered around like a retard with shitty incomprehensible Jpanese and then 10 years later came onto a norwegian piss drinking enthusiast forum to brag about how "alpha he was."


>your Japanese is horrible

lmao sure thing autist "badass grandpa monkey killer" retard.

>makes argument based upon not having a good grasp of a language
>fails to display understanding of basic elementary school grammar on an english speaking website
nice epic flavor of the month meme image haha gottem xD
did you even consider that I might not be who you were originally responding to?

Why are Japanese girls the best race?

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His point stands.
Yours is just autistic flailing.


Made me laugh so thanks.
But I did more than read some Japanese for dummies books.
I took some classes and used an early internet site that connected Japanese with English speakers and had them learn from each other.
Forgot what is was called.
I remember getting laughed at because one of my early encounters said I spoke like a girl.

I admit I was being a total jerk but I still laugh thinking about how she reacted and what my friends thought happened.
They thought she was just being xenophobic.

nice try faggot
you failed before you even started by criticizing someone for something you clearly failed at

The years with games I liked

Why can’t there be years of vidya with games I like anymore? Grrrrrr

80's because it was new, no games before.

Okay Shinj

Still trying to deflect.

not an argument

Based no photos sign disregarder.

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181208054437.jpg (1920x1080, 226K)

1998-2001, because the Dreamcast was supported.

"not an argument" is not an argument. Stay salty, cuck.

>no u
nothing is being deflected, dumbass
you got caught being illiterate while trying to call someone else illiterate

mid nineties to late 2000s.
I'm glad I was a kid/teen in that period, played so many amazing games in my best years.
Nowadays it's become too corrupted by corporate greed.

Also this happened way before 10 years ago.
I am a stupid 80s child so I was 20 way before 2009.

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Some absolutely great games have come out since 2007. Enough to say they were great years of gaming? No not really but it’s not like gaming died in 2007 it just started to go full normie.
Games post 2007 off the top of my head:
M&B Warband
DIV:OS 1/2
Rising storm 2
Grim Dawn
FTL / Risk of Rain / Terraria
Xcom 1/2

>implying i'm the same person
>not knowing who you're replying to

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opinion discarded

Does daddy turn you on?

Why so racist.
I may have said some insults to a Japanese person but I am not racist like you are.

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it was a joke response because that user was acting like a clown

PS1 and PS2 era


do you have an oedipus complex or something, dude? or do you get off on people jerking off to your mom online?

That user is literally an autist which is why he screamed out as if I named the Jew when I called him an autist.

>it’s not like gaming died in 2007 it just started to go full normie.

Attached: oka.gif (245x235, 992K)

Sorry user, I should’ve clarified that “mainstream” died but gaming as a whole didn’t since good games were still coming out

Cringe at the people saying the best years just happened to coincide with the years that they were kids/teens. Gaming didn't get worse, you just grew up.

You called me an autist using poor japanese. And used a Japanese insult that I don't quite understand the joke behind.
But I don't feel insulted.
My Kanji is down right horrible.
I was lazy and never grasped it well.
Only learned a little while learning the spoken language then quickly forgot most of it because I never continued the peer program which actually would help you understand how Japanese really speak unlike what you learn from a textbook.

>horrible Japanese
I have N1 and have worked in Tokyo for 4 years in an entirely Japanese office negotiating contracts for a fortune 20 entirely in Japanese, but Please feel free to point out where my Japanese was horrible and explain to me how a peer stem would help me “learn how real Japanese speak”. Admittedly, people don’t use “autist” as an insult in Japanese but neither do most people in real life. I forced it in to add to my shitposting

People jerk off too anything so why would I care.
There are probably pedos here that would jerk it to my Mom as a teen.

I don't even post suggestive photos.

And to answer your question no I don't have an Oedipus complex. I've watched plenty of milf porn but the thought of self inserting my mother for such a thing is not something I think about.

Although it is true that most children's first love is their parent but not in a sexual way.

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My written Japanese experience is not great but that autist part felt out of place and the last bit felt like some slang I could not quite understand the insult for.

I can speak Japanese fairly well but that is due to early exposure. And peer programs do help a lot when you don't live in Japan and need to understand how people speak.
The text books and classes will not get this across that accurately.

>>horrible Japanese
>I have N1 and have worked in Tokyo for 4 years in an entirely Japanese office negotiating contracts for a fortune 20 entirely in Japanese, but Please feel free to point out where my Japanese was horrible and explain to me how a peer stem would help me “learn how real Japanese speak”.

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It’s not that difficult user. Major in business and due an exchange program halfway into your college career so you can network. I had a salaried office job in Tokyo within 1 month of my graduation date.

I thought about working in Japan but getting actual citizenship to live there is hard and you would just constantly have to renew your card instead.
Also most of the jobs pay shit compared to what I would make in California under the same occupation in Computer Science.

I do have a friend who lives over there and lucked out on a cheap apartment due to someone committing suicide in it.

Japan is still a very expensive place to live with below average wages.

>lucked out on a cheap apartment due to someone committing suicide in it.
Are you required by law to tell the buyer about this stuff? If not, why aren't people buying discount property and reselling at market prices?

If you are qualified enough they give you a 5 year working visa (which your company will renew if you aren’t shit). After you’ve worked for 10 years you can apply for long time residence status.

The wages are low compared to the US but living expenses aren’t too bad. You can make management in around 4 years and easily pull 100K+ USD. National Healthcare is also included and taxes are about on-par with USA. Living expenses are of course more expensive than a midwestern town but I think Tokyo is much more affordable than L.A. for example. Of course if you’re a retard and try to live in naka-Meguro and only want to buy imported food you’re going to get absolutely buttfucked on living expenses.

I don't know the facts about it.
But it seems like if someone kills themselves in the apartment they have to fully renovate it by law.
They might also have to list the reason for doing so but I am not sure if that is required by law.
Japanese are very superstitious about such things which is why such apartments are very hard to sell or rent to.

jeeez, the schnoz on the right girl

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Yes but only for the first 2 years after the incident. they’re called 事故物件, literally “incident properties.” They’re cheap as fuck because Japanese people are afraid of spooky ghosts and people are too scared to live in them.

The years you weren't born would be everyones guess.

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What a backward country god damn


>those girls
1. Asians don't look like girls, they look like Asian guys.
2. And good job outing yourself as a pedo.

>want to buy imported food you’re going to get absolutely buttfucked on living expenses

That was my problem. I got homesick while visiting a friend and mostly bought food from where I lived which was overpriced.

I did find the supermarkets to be very convenient for buying lots of prepackage meals if I wasn't interested enough to try stuff I never ate before.

100k is not much. That is close to starting pay for a computer programming job in California.
And if you get into firmware then 100k is nothing.
Sadly I was not smart enough to make that decision.

Also to answer your other question, real estate is a super risky investment in japan. Houses depreciate in value here. The only thing that holds/appreciates in value is the land itself. It’s common for people to tear down perfectly fine 5 year old houses when they buy a lot because they don’t want to live in a used house.

The only good news is that housing loans are almost interest free.

good morning schizo
don't forget to take your meds

Even with that much photoshop, surgery and makeup, those "girls" still look like shit.

Californian wages are hyper inflated and the cost of living in Silicon Valley is way more than it is in Tokyo. You can buy a nice house slightly outside of Yamanote line for around 300-500K USD and take out a housing loan of less than 1% for it. You would never be able to do that in L.A.


You keep using that word when you don't know what it means and when it applies to you more than anyone else.

That is what I don't like about Japan.
When the crash happened in 2008 my brother bought a house a few years later for 98k and it is not worth almost 300k.

You can make quite a lot of money flipping houses, especially in California.

Yellow fever is such a deranged mental disorder.

no u

That is why I buy a house near the valley in California and commute about an hour to work in Milpitas.
And don't pretend the Japanese don't have similar commutes because they do.

Yeah it’s shit. If you have your finger on the pulse of the community and know what areas are starting to get developed though you can make money flipping lots by buying up land and sitting on it as the station develops. Like I mentioned though, more risky than the US market.

>yeah I have yellow fever and I'm a lonely virgin and I spend 24/7 of my life spamming yellow fever threads on Yea Forums, how could you tell?

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mommy i dont care i want to touch milkies

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As a foreigner how do you fit in with the Japanese?

I am a 6'3 blond haired blue eyed male and I stick out like a sore thumb.
There are also times when a Japanese worker would ignore me and listen to my native friend when ordering at a restaurant.

In order for your salaries to be comparable you have to subtract the excess housing loan you’re paying, the amount you pay to commute to work (Japanese companies pay for gasoline/depreciation/train tickets), the amount you pay for healthcare, the amount you pay for childcare(Japanese companies actually pay for your kids childcare until they enter school, they also give you a monthly stipend of 300-500 dollars/month per child), etcetera.

Yes, primitively looking at the numbers and comparing which one is bigger by face value would lead you to believe that wages in America are far superior but when you account for many factors I would argue the buying power of your average employee in California and average employee in Tokyo is almost identical.

Nes to snes era and the quake shareware demo
2017 was pretty cool too
Also the bundle era... 2012 or so

I’m fine with my coworkers because I’m fluent in Japanese and they are all used to me at this point. I’ll have situations like you’ve mentioned at restaurants occasionally but If you ignore it and just speak to the waitress/waiter directly they’ll usually get over themselves.


why's the thread full of pedo incels LARPing as incels teaching English in Japanese kid schools

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I don't have children so you can scratch that expense off.
I also drive a car that gets around 50 miles per gallon so it's not that expensive to fill up.

In California you also get major tax refunds for having children.

But the Japanese are desperate since their retirement population is bloated and there are not enough young people entering the work force.

I wonder if that is why they are less strict on accepting foreigners for various jobs compared to the past.

Tokyo is more comparable to L.A. in Cali but I don't live in L.A. and instead bought cheaper property near Silicon Valley and commute a short distance.

Based drunk user

Attached: 61l5jO5M5tL._SL1050_.jpg (1050x1050, 94K)

Dogs are awesome. Never was a fan of cats.

Attached: Me and friend with pet dog.jpg (1188x788, 263K)

based capcom

>even capcom realizing monhun is only good if you have the analog attachment for o3ds

Any years before 2013 before the legit SJW invasion of pop culture

I bought the analog attachment for my 3DS XL just for Monster Hunter.

why are yellow fever incels asking to get shot?

Do you have white fever or something?

more like fapcom

post more old pictures of your mom

Holy shit this thread reeks of delusion and samefaggotry at the highest degree.

Contain the /jp/ and /r9k/ crossboarder in his two shitty boards already.

Attached: 1562343371801.jpg (200x258, 13K)

No, why would I have white fever? Because I don't worship short slant-eyed yellow goblins who have to spend money on surgery and photoshop to look less ugly? Yikes.

Are you ok janny?

Attached: 1562343678670.jpg (632x469, 184K)

Nah have a newer one from about a decade or so ago when she was around 50.

Attached: Mom at wedding.jpg (295x632, 53K)

>When visiting Japan I used to go up to these sales girls and ask questions in English and they would try to smile and ignore me or say common English lines to tell me they don't speak English.
Asian women LOVE white cocks. I have no interest in these insectoids because they are ugly as fuck, so I always tell them to fuck off when they want to see my white cock.

You don't even need to walk up to them and talk to them because they'll come to you. Asians are literal incels, which is funny, because only incels like Asians since they're easy to fuck.

People think my story is fake when people spout shit like this with no responses...

are you some sophisticated AI shitposting bot?

When working in Japan as a sales girl I used to get asked questions in English by the gaijin and I'd usually just try to smile and ignore them or say some common English lines to tell them I didn't speak English (I did, I just didn't like them much).

This one gaijin did this and then said in Japanese "stupid sex cat big father shooting yellow battle apes with love"
I just stared at him. His expression was like a deer in headlights.

How would I prove I am not.
Could you prove that we are not all just living in a computer simulation?

Attached: tv distance 1.jpg (900x549, 80K)

Anyone who thinks that gen 7 was better than now is a deluded cunt.

Enjoy your loot boxes cunt...

I don't play games with loot boxes in them.

Enjoy your hundreds of dollars in cut dlc content then...

You clearly don't play many video games if you think this is a widespread problem.

It is if you purchase AAA games.

Bearing in mind this was also an issue in the 7th gen so quit being retarded.

But the issue was not as big.

Not really, the first half o gen7 was pretty much free of any DLC bullshit. Now the second half had retarded things like online passes or cosmetic pre-order dlc but it's funny looking back on it that it wasn't as bad as what we have now.

Oblivion horse armor was he start of it.

Holy shit this thread reeks of delusion and samefaggotry at the highest degree.

Contain the /jp/ and /r9k/ crossboarder in his two shitty boards already.

Attached: 1562347106697.jpg (225x252, 19K)



Attached: 1557617973021.png (631x578, 503K)

right is literally perfect

1985-1995 were the best years for gaming.

>looks alien
>more make-up than clowns
>sloppy plastic surgery by cheap thai surgeons
>man hip
sure thing, incel

The best year for gaming is always the current year. Everything that came out is still available and new stuff is coming out or around the corner

Those aren't booth babes. Those are booth insectoids.

>>looks alien
looks asian
>>more make-up than clowns
not really
>>sloppy plastic surgery by cheap thai surgeons
>>man hip
don't know where you live but here man don't have plump round hips
>>sure thing, incel
ow the irony

Delusional, those girls are natural.

This. Dated a Korean girl for a while and I unironically knew more about the history if the Korean pennisula than she did.

would gladly impregnate your mom and give you another sibling bro

Recent years been a Renaissance for weeb gaming.

It's true. Nobody here unironically gets excited for western releases anymore. With very few exceptions.

Attached: rinnakai.jpg (683x1024, 466K)

Wow her muscles are almost as big as mine and I don't even work out.

Any year before 2012.
When game developers looked like this there was always a really enjoyable game coming every month, there was always something new to play or something to look for that would rarely disappoint you.
Everyone that made games made them because they loved doing it, had great ideas also programming knowledge.

This days you have companies in charge of making games instead of teams, and the modern problems such as forced diversity quotas, censorship, exporting code to India and other places because nobody has basic programming knowledge, having to make the game to be barely fun till you spend stupid amounts of money on it and still make the user/player spend even more money in the game they already paid full price for, please the "media and the left" so they dont talk bad about their game even when they will never spend a single cent in your game and sometimes making you go against your main userbase (See DOA6 going against their userbase to please Tumblr/the left/media because the game had many articles of being too lewd") and trying to please investors retarded ideas (See Denuvo/DRM in general as a example) among other common problems.

Attached: old devs.png (640x480, 401K)

pretty impressive for a girl imo

Attached: rinNakai.jpg (494x800, 20K)

>don't know where you live but here man don't have plump round hips
Don't know where you live but in reality, Asians have man hips
>ow the irony
Only incels have yellow fever.
> looks asian
You're right. Asians look like xenomorphs.

>those girls are natural.
hahahahaahah oh wait you're being serious you delusional retard

Attached: 1562348367539.jpg (268x356, 63K)

Right now im having more fun playing games from literally who teams than $60+$200 in DLC games.
Lobotomy corporation, Baba is you, etc.
Or just replaying/emulating old games.

show me where the asian girl hurt you my dude

Attached: 1560290409263.png (284x266, 92K)

>Don't know where you live but in reality, Asians have man hips
No, they don't
>Only incels have yellow fever
>implying i only like asians
just appreciating a cute girl

Their ugliness is quite repulsive and if you could crawl back to your dogshit board called /jp/ where you belong, we wouldn't have to hurt our eyes by looking at your autistic spam every hour. Now show me where women hurt you because we all know you have yellow fever to escape inceldom.

I wonder if you can get theyr phone numbers for a date.

> No, they don't
They do, schizo.
>just appreciating a cute girl
They look 40 and they're not cute, but keep coping. And it's funny how you refer to them as girls. You just admitted you're a pedophile.

would you deny a muscle asian waifu? Didn't think so.

Attached: RINNAKAII.jpg (261x261, 28K)

if it weren't for the long hair, she would look like a buff asian guy

the absolute state of insectoids

Yellow fever incels are pedos and faggots.

>drags you back to her cave animal style

Sorry, wrong answer punk. You're her breeding bitch now.

Attached: rinnakaiii.jpg (709x1024, 266K)


"Fit" asians look like dwarfs with visible muscle mass

How big's her clitdick?

you're getting a single yike from me

theyre illegal and i unironically cant find anymore now that Craig's List stopped having a personal section, and I can't get likes on Tinder so I will have to rely on girls who are selling themself for money and not just because they lke sex. idk if they moved to a different website or what but tinder isn't doing it especially since all the escorts in my area, kentucky, are only moms in their 30s and 40s and not young looking girls, but hey beggars cant be choosers

Is that really an excuse to use your grandfather as ammunition to bully foreign girls? Being an atheist doesn't mean you have to be a cunt to everyone, and spit on your grandfathers' memory, you know.

He is dead so what harm am I doing?

You're a very undeveloped person, user. Is this the result of your first existential crisis? Learn to treat people better.

Middle age makes you mellow out and not give a shit about offending people.
How do I treat a dead person better?
He is dead and my uncle has his ashes.
It's not like I can do anything for him.

You're bragging about telling girls your grandfather killed their elders. Is your grandfather really the only person you should be treating well? You're a real shitbag.

Now is the best time for games, everything is available now for the cheapest games have ever been.

I only see the Japanese girls once.
They probably laugh it off and forget about it.
Maybe they mention it later to some friends and talk about how a stupid foreigner tried to speak Japanese to them.

You act like I shot someone's dog.

>They probably laugh it off
You ruined their day, maybe more. You have zero awareness of the impact of the horrible things you say. Again, being an atheist doesn't mean you have to be an absolute asshole who cares about nothing. Maybe focus on not making peoples' limited existence miserable.

anyone have that one image of a depressed looking booth babe at a VR convention/thread from a few years back?

Me calling some random Japanese girl a slut is not going to make their existence any more miserable.
If they are doing an outside sales person job they probably already hate themselves.

Well the important thing is you dodged accountability. Serves them right, probable sluts. Probably hating themselves already. Probably laughing it off. God, you are a slippery fucker who will say anything to dodge feeling bad, huh?

I am probably a sociopath because I was never able to connect with people emotionally, only through sex or material possession.

So it's not like I am dodging anything.
I am a realist and know that I am an average person of intelligence at best with below average looks and will most likely spend the last of my days retired living off social security and my meager 401k plan.
Judging by my relatives I will most likely die in my 80s and if I am lucky I might live to over 100 like my great grandfather.

The problem with depressed people is they expect too much out of life.


Damn, the first post turned out to actually be the worst post possible. Not often that happens.

thank you for including Magic & Mayhem

2019 because you can play literally every good game that has come out in the years before it. This is the best year for gaming, we have literally every game

Holy shit this off topic thread is still up

What the fuck is wrong with this incel janny?

I agree with people saying 2007 being the cutoff point. That's when the downhill started.


>What were the best years for gaming?

Attached: 1994.png (196x56, 8K)

Left is fine too, face is just slightly worse than rights. It's not as if I'd turn down either

is this a repost from old or just Déjà Vu? I've been getting a lot of these recently

>It's not as if I'd turn down either
That's because you're an incel. You'd fuck even a goat if you're attracted to those insects.

I'd be a salty zoomer too of I missed the golden age of gaming.

nothing beats a fit asian chick. Literally god tier.

Attached: Chun.png (800x522, 436K)

eat tide and die, zoomer

Starving yourself and being skinny is "fit" now?

The only thing this picture tells us is that chinks can't cosplay because they don't look anything like the source material.


That's literally the best Chun cosplay I've ever seen

>perfect outfit

Attached: chunners.jpg (600x1200, 73K)

>perfect outfit

almost, the bracelets are kinda off.

Fuck Discord

Found the roastie