>mom said it's my turn to play
What do?
Mom said it's my turn to play
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that:
Y'shtola has been taking big big fat cat dicks all day every day for years.
The WoL did legit lose to Ran'jit.
>Y'shtola has been taking big big fat cat dicks all day every day for years.
If only. Nobody wants to touch her disgusting snatch.
This aint the one, dog.
The WoL's taste isn't bad enough to go for y'shtola in the first place
>WoL fucking jobbed to pajeet
>Thancred beats pajeet
This is fucking bullshit man it's fucking bullshit. Is WoL even the fucking protagonist anymore we fucking jobbed to a piece of shit that Thancred beat. It's fucking bullshit. Fucking Ishikawa is a stupid fucking cunt.
Fuck Zenos, he should have stayed dead. Why is villain from the worst expansion is still alive while others died?
Bros I miss him...
>dps bonus in levelling roulette
>queue up
>auto withdraw 1 second later
>bonus back to tank
what the fuck
>*rolls through swords and jumps through lasers in your direction*
How does the nude mod look on ryne
>that dancing tranny dying in the background
>going through dungeon for the first time
>watch cutscene before the boss
>everyone dies because I was the healer
fuck me
can I rewatch cutscenes?
Fuck you man you saying WoL weaker than Thancred? WoL is the fucking protagonist we shouldn't fucking job all the fucking time. It's fucking bullshit man.
the jumping is pointless since the orange line already missed him, but neat regardless.
Just keep watching cutscenes, it's their fault for not waiting.
Yes, but let the shitters die, they deserve it.
if you talk to one of the NPCs down on the base level of eulmore, he mentions ran jit and vauthry both dissapeared after the attack in the city, which means there was no body left around after the battle. ran jit lives bitch!
you can watch them in the inn
Are you still in fucking Amh Areang? Thancred literally almost died fighting Ranjit and all he managed was to force him to teleport away.
When you invade Eulmore, the WoL solos and kills Ranjit.
That is not your fault. Watch the boss intro the first time. But I hope you don't watch it every time.
its a catboy faggot
new job trainer for GUKUMATZ?
That's fucking bullshit. Better not fucking come back that fucking pajeet bitch. Fucking Ishikawa fucking cunt writer. She's a stupid fucking cunt. WoL shouldn't fucking job like a bitch. It's fucking bullshit.
You can rewatch cutscenes in your inn room, but I echo the other user's sentiments. Watch cutscenes. If they're too impatient to wait for you that's on them.
I know bro but we didn't force him to teleport away first fight we got hit by that fucking lightning bullshit forced to our knees. I'm saying that was bullshit bro. You aight though bro you're not a asshole like most of these fucks. But it was shit man. WoL keeps fucking jobbing we're supposed to be the fucking protagonist man not fucking Thancred man.
Need help deciding between these two
looks hard.. I'm scared of trying this later today
You should kill yourself.
>just finished the MSQ
Holy fucking shit bros, if the game had ended with my character sharing her secret with that little boy I wouldn't have even complained, 500/10 fucking kino in the last few hours. The implications of all that shit essentially throw our perception of just about everything into question as well. I just wish there was an option to tell Emet in those final moments that we would indeed remember.
Which if we ever piece together our entire Ascian existence we may ACTUALLY fucking remember. So is the final boss gonna be Zodiark or the Lovecraftian horror that ended the Ascian's world?
>t. dying catboy in webm
catboys all look the same but the on the left looks like an incel so the catboy
It wasn't kino man it was fucking trash.
>>fuck around in the character creator and make the best looking viera I've seen
>>Not a tranny or fag with autogynephilia so never see it outside of using retainers
Fuck, when will we be able to use retainers for Trusts or as replacement companions for chocobo?
That's good to know. Do people have a chance to leave the boss room if they enter too early? If so, then fuck them for not waiting.
ancients ended themselves, someone farted and everyone else got scared and started creating random shit
I'm actually hoping the WoL that Jobbidibus sends is the remaining pieces of us that have rejoined, rivaling us in power.
Yes they can, only time they can't leave is when they pull the boss.
left but without the lipstick
Left but with a moustache instead of a beard
He was a fucking piece of shit bro pajeet and runar worst fucking characters they better fucking die and stay dead. If fucking pajeet survived it's fucking bullshit.
Now I feel a lot less guilty.
Wouldn't be possible, we're 9/14 Ascian.
Oh yeah just finished it myself as well it was pretty great
>"Remember...that we once lived."
By far Emet is up there in the leagues as one of the good FF villains
>we beat them
>they rejoin with WoL
>WoL is now even more powerful
>Elidibus face when
>Y'shtola has been taking big big fat cat dicks all day every day for years.
Cool, that means less competition for the girl that has to change her panties every time she even thinks about the WoL.
when do you use cartridge combo during aoe
use less buzzwords next time
Hey user, how you doing? Y'shtola says hi btw. She's been having fun since she came to rak'tika, you should drop by sometime.
holy shit GO AWAY
>Elidibus continuing to feed us the pieces to further our ascension
What a fucking retard, unless that was his plan all along. But that doesn't really jibe with what he was trying to do last patch so that seems doubtful, leaning towards retard.
Isn't everyone, technically? I thought all life is pretty much an ascian split into 14 pieces.
Fuck, you're right. I didn't even think of the math.
Think about it bro Alisaie could be next man what the fuck you gonna do if stupid cunt bitch Ishikawa cucks you with Alisaie man? You shouldn't celebrate this shit bro.
Are you homosexual? Miqote. Are you not? Then left but fucking shave you disgusting neckbeard
I'm talkin bout the game man this shit happened in the expac man.
>retarded autist that acts like a literal incel seethes because he can't read subtext
Y'shtola takes the barb on the daily
True, unless he ends up doing it to combat Zenos, who now wishes to "gorge upon" Zodiarks power so he can have his epic showdown with us. Elidibus might just do it to save his precious primal, and maybe sway some favor with us.
I believe that only applies to people who have the Echo since it seems to be a manifestation of their soil's nature as an ancient Ascian.
>Be Elidibus
>Jobs to everyone
>Gets chased out of Zenos' body by a body controlled by the real Zenos
>Now the last living Ascian
Dude is gonna get ass raped by WoL come next expansion or whichever one we face him in.
>From distant stars yet undimmed, you are joined by seven summoned champions
Of course it would seem like Vauthry just disappeared after the battle as he literally grew wings and flew off on his own, it's not like some podunk random fuck would know that.
I don't get it.
Literally never lied once.
Ishikawa wrote Alisaie to begin with dumbass. Her being absolutely wet for the WoL is all her. Sorry that Y'shtola was never shown to be interested in your character, but you need to move on.
What you talkin bout subtext. I'm sayin Ishikawa is a stupid fucking cunt bro she's a cuck shit writer bitch. What if she gives Alisaie npc shitter boyfriend bro what you gonna do?
I just wanna know why he placed out like a bitch when Zenos showed up, figure he'd at least have tried to fight considering how much shit he had talked previously about how much of an advantage that body granted him
read again, i said they mention ran jit ALSO disappeared.
>duty finder is canon
Every dungeon/trial boss other than Hades has a title card with both their name and a title. Before the fight, he says "Let us cast aside titles and pretense", and tells you his true name. Fittingly his title card lacks any title, being only his name.
>Y'shtola takes the barb on the daily
So am I
What you gonna do if Alisaie gets npc shitter boyfriend man? Ishikawa is a fucking cunt. Hate that bitch. She should be fucking fired.
Most likely because of his discount Echo ability. He's seen what ours does, figured he'd not fucking bother trying, even if it is a knockoff.
i dont give a fuck about ran jit but the 2 sluts better still be alive
I can only assume he might show up during the Eden stuff maybe otherwise he might have fucked off for good after getting an ass whooping from us.
We better not job to that fucking pajeet shit again. WoL shouldn't be weaker than fucking Thancred WoL is the fucking protagonist of the fucking game I fucking hate this shit expac man.
Okay, let me tell you why that isn't gonna happen.
Alisaie is her self-insert.
Derplander is her husbando.
The only thing that's gonna happen between us and alisaie is a night of sweet lovemaking.
How much spell speed should I be aiming for on BLM? I read too much spell speed can screw up your ice phase with no fouls forcing you to wait for server ticks.
For you, perhaps, pleb. But I did it with a full friend group.
Then stop posting.
There are other Ascians still, he is just the last living ancient.
How can this man be so based until the end?
I think they may be his daughters, or fucked up meolfilled versions of them. He blatantly states "muh girls" as he "dies".
is Ran-Jit seriously just a MSQ solo midboss? god the writing of this game is so shit. if he was a general BEFORE the pact with sin eaters bullshit, why do we never appeal to his better judgement? could have even won him over and kept him around as based kung-fu dad. but no we have to have those cringe coolguy Exarch moments where he grins like a fag under his hood and *teleports away from you*.
>only 1 true ascian left
So if we keep the rhythm going then I guess Elidibus is going to finally face us at the end of 6.0 with Zodiark being the grande finale of the whole game in 7.0
I'm quite looking forward to that.
What reason would he even have to fight anymore? All the Wardens are ded, the First is saved. If he's not dead and they have him come back it would feel contrived as fuck.
he's referring to the other miniflias
What you gonna do if Alisaie gets npc shitter boyfriend man answer me.
He's probably having his life flash before his eyes, and seeing all the minfilias he's raised and trained.
Ah, guess I missed that part, though I doubt any others could be as much as a threat as Eli though he isn't much of one atm.
in a story context it works better with randos, cause it's not like you dragged 7 other people you already knew to the edge of existence up til that point
Do they really ban you if you buy item codes from 3rd party sites?
Oh, well goddamn. Makes sense to me. Thanks user, never considered that.
Your friends ARE the champions, dummy.
You won't get cucked by server ticks anymore. B4 doesn't take any mp and thunder is low enough that even missing a tick after using it won't mess up your rotation
>AF rotation is now long enough that you can sharpcast fire every rotation, giving you more breathing space and guaranteeing enough time to finish with despair
Fuck you you sayin only positive shit allowed in this threads? This game was fucking good before the cuck shit and jobber shit man but I'm gonna fuckin complain bout the cuck shit and jobber shit cause it was fucking trash.
So not only can you not read subtext, you can't read at all.
Nah senpai I'm good fuck that creepy old man.
He is the one who has been training and caring for the other minfillias and watch them get killed one by one. He is tired of the conflict with the sin eaters because of that reason.
>go into dungeon with trusts
>they do next to no damage and tank dies to a fucking 2pack pull
am i missing out on anything by just queuing with other players?
He literally said why he won't join you you cut scene skipper.
You fuckin acting like it's impossible Alisaie gets npc shitter boyfriend I'm tellin you it's not man. You won't fucking answer. Your waifu is next man this new writer is a fucking cunt.
Attempt to take back Ryne again though he'll get Btfo'd again.
For real though we kinda assaulted that win against Hades considering our fractured state. Begs the question just how powerful will the complete WoL be?
how do I get this
Stop posting. Either that or kill yourself.
>dps shit trying to force trusts to double pull
Unless you're getting dungeon queues that are under 5 minutes you're better off doing trusts since 5 minutes is about how much time they add over a normal group.
The writing is shit man WoL fucking jobs to that pajeet then Thancred fucking solos him? Thancred isn't the fucking protagonist WOL IS THE FUCKING PROTAGONIST WE SHOULD BE FUCKING STRONGER THAN THANCRED FOR FUCK'S SAKE.
>New writer
She's been here since 2.0 nigger.
Alisaie is her self-insert.
Derplander is her husbando.
Neither of them will ever get cucked as long as she's around.
It's impossible because the only other person Alisaie would fuck is her own brother.
bro im level 72
collector edition
>practically minutes away from scoring with WoL
>Crystal cat steals her away
But he's funny
There's some unique banter but it's not really worth how slow they are. They don't aoe anything which makes trash take FOREVER
We are already 8/14 complete during that fight. Plus the apparent light boost from the lightwardens.
You promisin I switch waifu to Alisaie I won't get cucked man? How you even promise that bro. How you even know that bro. You sayin I should switch to Alisaie man?
Explains why she has it out for Y'shtola
Stop pulling for Thancred you fucking retard. Do your job. Only your job.
is it so much to ask that they pull even half the weight i can in their same roles?
been pretty fast so far, i imagine levelling roulette is gonna be filled to the brim with the new dungeons. the two queues i did for the 71 dungeon took maybe 15 seconds at most
Collector's edition
Then what the fuck are you doing here
yhstola has been fucking beastmen since 1.0
>Urianger drowns on the way back to land
>everyone just treats it like a joke
All the scions are assholes
why are you complaining about a plot point when you don't even know where it's going you dumb fuck
What was Emet-Selch's plan going to be if the WoL was able to contain all of the light from Sin Eaters?
>spends almost a year in constant sexual frustration
She's going to rape us before the end of 5.X
What else is new?
It's fucking shit man you job to that fucking pajeet bitch then Thancred beats him it's fucking shit man WoL should be fucking stronger than Thancred for fuck's sake.
>finally excited to do something new in leveling roulette
>get copperbell
>get copperbell hard
>is it so much to ask that they pull even half the weight i can in their same roles?
Trusts are literally respect the content tier. They don't multipull, they don't even aoe most of the time.
from what i could tell the tank trusts would not pull unless i got in range of the enemy, only then leaping in, unless i'm missing something i'm forced to pull for them anyway to begin each fight
>literally dying from super Light AIDS
>Hey WoL can you do some errands for these notSahagin? Thanks bro!
So can you fate grind in 1 area now?
how many times has koroban's blessing saved wol so far?
anons im looking for a new melee dps to play i would say i main nin but i've never exactly been any kind of good at it and not to mention it always trails behind other melee dps, for right now i've made a choice between using sam or drg but not sure which one i should try if it helps i want something thats not really so busy
She doesn't you fucking faggot yshtola is the oldest of the scions by a mile, go watch the nights blessed cutscenes in JP audio again if you don't believe me but her relationship with the dumb fucking cat is that of student and master, she's close to an object of worship to them that they awe because she single handedly rebuilt their entire society under her direction. They all call her master and are terrified of the thought of losing her because they're completely dependent on her like children, not because of dumb barbed cock memes
we didn't get to hug alisae or headpat minfilia either, it's not because of writer bias it's because SE are money vampires who leave the game with a shoestring budget and they couldn't be assed to do separate cutscenes for non-lalafells
Yoshida said the Ascian (and Garlean) storyline are ending in 5.0
>Being retarded
Pull more mobs yourself, they'll pick it up and do just fine but if you go full retard auto-pilot mode following fucking NPCs then of course you're going to have a bad time.
He was going to take it as proof that we were worthy to join him since only a complete Ascian soul would be capable of sustaining that kind of abuse.
because these threads are more entertaining than the MSQ of fucking FF14. its a huge drag and i need to re-energize myself before going back to it.
3 times at least.
Use him/her as a tool of ultimate destruction to hasten his progress.
Reminder he only wants to bring Zodiark back.
apparently innocence is easier than titania
>PLD is my favorite class
>has the one of the worst class stories
The idea of the player PLD is that they're like a knight errant or some shit right? They should be doing some cool quest to take out some other evil, not this tourney arc shit. What the fuck happened to Oathbringer, why did they drop that?
There's no satisfaction conclusion for PLD.
>playing since 2.0
>have been solo this entire time
>finally play through this expac with 3 friends
>do everything for the first time together, walk through areas for the first time together, get aether currents together
>its the most fun i've had playing video games in over a decade
>they figure out how to get Ryne into the source
>Thancred stays in the 1st and Hoary Boulder has to take care of his body forever
Which will it be?
>shitter catboy dying in the background
>chad hyur playing hopscotch with the aoes
I wonder if that autist will read this post.
Why is south german food an enemy now?
I literally don't believe him, that would mean we're going to wrap up Elidibus AND the Garlean war and zenos AND deal with Hydaelyn/Zodiark ALL AT ONCE, WITHOUT EVEN A SINGLE RAID
It's just plainly not happening. Yoshi lies all the time to maintain hype
At least the Sahagin errand boy quests were few enough that it kinda felt like the other Scions were pulling most of the weight that time
Do you get Amurot's zone music from Fate grinding? Not the dungeon, just the smooth piano zone music.
SAM is braindead easy and does more damage
>Solus introduced, seems like a Joker tier chaos for the sake of chaos villain
>ends up as an incredibly compelling antagonist that reveals more to us about the Ascians in ~20 hours than we learned in six goddamn years
How did he do it lads?
They're fucking lazy cunt fuckers fuck those fucking bitches. Who fucking cares bout lala potato fuckers they should add scenes with WoL touching npcs those dumb fucking cunts. Fuck that shit.
because knights are all about posturing and noble fart sniffing
dark knight does the things they wish paladins would do
No he fucking didn't you silly man.
I'd like you to prove me wrong, however.
Dragonsong war was wrapped up by 3.3 with a trial, a very good trial
There is literally no point though. If you're playing dps, the trust healer can't handle the heat and if you play anything else the trusts dps won't aoe except y'shtola once in a while or alisaie if you have LB.
you're just a glorified lalajew bodyguard
The 30-60 stuff was trash but the 1-30 stuff was okay so starting in stormblood they just forgot the sultansworn existed and took us back to chilling with Mylla and Aldis.
can you give me an example of how it would play at 80?
Why did you ignore the part about how people will keep making fun of you and your waifu if you keep posting?
The dragonsong war wasnt the focus of the entire plot since 1.0
play DRG instead
>Stops you from being drowned after Dohn Mheg
>Lets you get Seto's medallion so that he'll give you the last piece for Titania
>Lets you swim in Rak'tika so you can get the Ally of Ronka Medallion
>If you didn't have Bismarck, you were just going to use the Blessing to visit the Tempest
I love how surprised Ardbert was when you wake up with him underwater
Runar says hi.
im gonna need reasons and examples cause i dont want to spend hours leveling something i wont like at the end of the day
in japanese they call her "ane san" though, which is "big sis"
Ascians barely even appear in 1.0.
Because he's a human character, he's not just evil for the sake of being evil like elidibus.
You can see from his recreation of amaurot how tortured his soul is and how all he wants is to go back there.
He's pitiable.
Cause I have fucking right to expose this shit complain bout this shit spent fucking time and money leveling unlock DRK then fucking playing DRK spent fucking time on this piece of shit game with waifu Y'shtola I'll fucking shit on this trash as much as I want man.
I'm assuming we'll find a way for the Scions+Ryne to travel between the Source and First at will. Of course they can't just leave the Scions in the First, but they also shouldn't leave Ryne without her new family, let alone all the other people the Scions have made friends with along the way.
you do your priority based combos with shintens in between and press your 3 cooldowns as they come up, and you keep up your 1 min long dot
because i said so
doing the sidequests makes it even more apparent that she's been babysitting these retarded cultists for five years making sure they haven't been eaten by sin eaters or accidentally killed themselves. her room is turning into matoya's cave 2.0 and she even remarks that she's becoming more and more like her grumpy recluse foster mother
I'll say what I always say. Innocence has a lot more random deaths from pugs so for that alone I judge it to be harder.
If you play DRK you should understand that the only pussy your job is ever gonna get is loli puss.
Barbed cat penis btw
samurai and dragoon are pretty similar in principle, you just die to aoes and jump off the boss platform a lot and you got it
Oh neat. How often does the Dragonsong war appear?
Im level 77. To get to 78 should I do the daily roulettes or just grind the 77 dungeon?
thats not an answer user come on
You're only making the cuck jokes worse since you're the only one who legitimately believes you got cucked.
Depending on which roulettes, but usually it's just better to do dungeons while the queues are still quite fast.
roulettes if you don't plan on using them for another class
If you can stomach basically being AFK for ~40 minutes, the MSQ roulette gives you at least a third of a level no matter your level.
I mean, technically, Zenos doesn't really give a fuck about Garlemald, he just wants to use Zodiark/Hydelyn for some meme fight with us. They're just primals though, and Elidibus getting btfo doesn't affect their existence.
It's more than that man I'm fucking mad bro losing to that pajeet fucker that Thancred beat. That's fucking shit man. We fucking job to that bitch then Thancred beats him? We're the motherfucking WoL we should be stronger than Thancred for fuck's sake.
I thought rielle was for dragon autist
You deserve this.
>Clan Nut
I'm actually curious, if you rewatch a cutscene in the Neverending Journey while in a party, does it show the party members with you when you're watching a pre-fight or post-fight cutscenes like they do in duty finder?
how exactly does Thancred's stealth that not even Ranjit can see through works
The errands were for them to trust the scions & WoL. Which leads you to Emet, without their help you would've never found him before you turned into a Lightwarden.
Good on you, user. I wish I had friends. They're all poor and can't/won't pay for it.
Tomorrow and Tomorrow > Shadowbringers (and variants) > Answers (and variants) > Dragonsong > the stormblood one
Crystal Exarch was such a great character, honestly. Actually made me like a catboy.
>actually using Dark Missionary to help with AoEs in 8mans
Man it feels good to finally be able to shit out some party mitigation on DRK even if its shitty.
If the item code gets traced back to a stolen cc or one that initiated a chargeback, probably. Why take the risk to save a couple of bucks
Rielle was for dragon autist. But each DRK deserves their own loli to protect and draw their powers from.
Sam has 2 positional's that are pretty much entirely optional, other than that your goal as sam is to get your dot up, and your 2 buffs and spam gekka, until you have to re-apply, said dot and use your kenki dumps when applicable.
As for Drg (Which arguably is the best DPS as of ShB) has one positional, you should always have blood of the dragon up during fights the longer the better. When you eventually do enough Mirage dives you'll go into Life of the dragon from blood of the dragon, which unlocks Nastrond and Stardiver. Spam the fuck out of both of those as much as possible until its over then repeat.
>Moogles on the first are literally fucking insane and go full "Blood for the blood god!"
Im a tank. Does leveling roulette give any exp at 77?
Thancred is fucking bullshit we fucking jobbed to pajeet but Thancred beats him. Ishikawa is a fucking cunt bitch. Fucking hack writer bitch.
it's just a strong deodrant
Fuckloads the first run of the day.
roulettes give you exp until you're at cap in which case they just give you whatever current tomestone is out
Where do I trade in my old tomestones?
DRG has 2 positionals
Urianger is a joke
Prep the hrothgar
I barely notice the amount given
You're retarded
why are you still here
Mor Dohna
why are ali and alphi so short if they're giraffes
They have to let Ryne into the Source at least one for some drama with F'lhaminn
Whenever my character started vomiting light I couldn't handle that shit. I dont wanna see my character suffer quite like that.
do msq roulette it takes for ever but it usually gives you close to a half a bars worth of exp after
I swear to fucking god I'm the only person that leveled RDM to 80, I haven't seen another RDM in any 80 dungeon or any of the ShB zones in a long ass time.
Are you black?
>That one guy in these threads that uses "jobbed" a lot
>I have no idea what it means
Like this but aether
Thancred's special stealth stops his heart or something else that affects his health while also making him invisible like other stealth effects. Which I can assume works on Ranjit since he can't sense dead things?
I'm just guessing here.
they're kids
Cause I wasted fucking time and money on this shit man I'm fucking mad. Stormblood was better than this fucking trash. Thancred didn't beat fucking Zenos. Y'shtola got Valentine day video. Fucking hate this shit fucking Ishikawa is a fucking cunt. Fucking jobbing to pajeet. Fucking Thancred beating pajeet. Fuck this shit.
Elves have prolonged puberty and yoship loves adolescent vagene
Hover over the buff when in the duty and it tells you
It's a dangerous rogue technique where you intentionally suppress your own lifeforce aether to hide your presence. When even that stops working he does an even more dangerous and extreme version that temporarily SEVERS his own life's aether which is why he's completely invisible to ran'jit but also starts to have a fucking heart attack
I see red mages a lot
What the fuck you askin that for fuck you
Baby giraffes
they're like 17 years old
How does Meol taste like?
Post beautiful bunbuns!
also i love the 80 monk set, it has pits AND a bit of sideboob to show off!
elezen don't go lank mode til their 20's
It's cause fucking cunt bitch Ishikawa emasculates WoL every fucking time. She's a stupid bitch they better fucking fire her. Stupid cunt. WOL IS THE FUCKING PROTAGONIST OF THE FUCKING GAME.
It means a strong character losing in a situation they should have won for no reason. At least, that's how most people use it.
A mixture of cum, sweat, and holy water
this jabroni mark getting worked by a work like its a shoot
You are either autistic or a shittershattered Pakistani. Either way fuck off to /xivg/ so I don't have to keep seeing your street shitting lahore factory collapsing waste of posting
>emasculates WoL
>with this ultrachad pose
So you are black?
Prep runar
Google "the heroes' journey", jobbing to ran'jit halfway is the hurdle that is overcome with a mentor's help you dumb fag
Did you piss and moan like a child when Zenos showed up and solo'd every single Scion at once and beat your ass in personal combat during Stormblood leveling?
WoL fucking jobs to pajeet. Thancred beats fucking pajeet. WoL only beats pajeet after fucking Thancred does. Do the fucking math. Ishikawa is a stupid fucking bitch.
angel food cake
warrior was the real expansion job this entire fuckin time!
Sin Eater pussy
I said 1 since the majority of the time you'll be at the rear, with only ONE Move requiring you to be at the flank.
>PLD AF1 midlander
my nigga
Who is the warrior of darkness fighting in the intro cutscene? Not the chick, but the garlean samurai.
I just started playing
No I didn't you fucking retard learn to fucking read. I said Thancred never beat Zenos you fucking dumbass. You can't deny that shit. We lost to Zenos but all the fucking scions did. We jobbed to pajeet but fucking Thancred beat him before we did. That's fucking bullshit.
raw cake mix
You didn't answer the question. Are you black? Post a picture of yourself.
Monk is trash but I might level it for that set
>Thancred beats pajeet
>When he literally can barely fight him to a standstill almost at the cost of his own life
I loved this stupid village. A village full of talking, long-lived horsebirds reminiscing about the time their masters brought them carrots n shiet is great.
Vautrhy = Hiroshimoot
Ranjit = Mods
Fat cats = Yea Forums pass buyers
WoL and the Scions = brave shitposters fighting the corrupt system of Yea Forums moderation
>Thancred nearly dies and collapses and only forces Ranjit to teleport away
>The WoL saunters into Eulmore and kills a fully-powered Ranjit single-handedly without breaking a sweat
Reminder that Ardbert's Bravura stop being bloodied in the last scene where he walk toward his party.
nigga get the FUCK out of these threads. its spoiler city if you care about the story at all!
Probably send us to the 13th and try and fix that world with our excess of light so that it too can be properly rejoined.
Fuck you retard. We got instakilled by that fucking lightning bullshit Thancred didn't. It's fucking stupid shit man. Ishikawa's a stupid fucking cunt.
Zenos yae Galvus, the garlean emperor's son and your friend during Stormblood
How does Urianger keep getting away with his shit?
Ask mom why she's deliberately being a bitch when she knows my sister is doing it just to spite me.
>don't get one of these from the MSQ
what the fuck Yoship?
Zenos, you meet him at level 60. He's an autistic garlean prince.
You sayin pajeet wasn't weakned by Thancred man. Why the fuck we lose first time man. That was fucking bullshit. You sayin we stronger than Thancred man. We better be fucking stronger than fucking bitch ass Thancred we're the fucking WoL for fuck's sake man.
>being sexually threatened by a ronso who's littlebrotherzoned so hard he calls y'shtola oneechan
Alright buddy.
Are you black?
How is WHM, friends?
He also has the normal AF on and not the darkened version he and the other WoD had on the source
Okay Im gone, I just like the funny pICTURES
what ilevel do I need to finish stormblood
6'0 Zenos, 5'11 Sephiroth for scale
Prep the hrothgar
better get all those jobs to 80 user.
I think it's originally a pro wrestling term, where someone who's supposed to be strong is set up to lose to someone else to make that other person seem that much more impressive in comparison.
Minfilia's soul is still lingering inside of Ryne but it has no host to take over. Ryne needs to be impregnated so Minfilia can become her daughter and there's only one cat man suited for the job.
Don't fucking play this shit man get a fucking refund. It's a good to start bro but it turns in to fucking jobbing and cuck shit. Get your fucking refund bro.
It always works. At a certain point you just have to trust the crazy poet.
I guess Moenbryda got killed that one time though (I don't remember all the circumstances of that, was that his fault?)
Also I guess he inadvertently got Minfillia eaten by Hydaelyn.
Prep runar
He's a little brother figure not fucking her you moron, although the more you post this and whining about Ranjit the more it makes me want to draw her getting BARBED out of simple spite
Ignore him.
can different races even mix in this game?
Think of Vegeta or Worf. If you don't know who either of those are then go to bed.
I'm tellin you bro. Bro I'm tellin you. Don't fucking play this man. The game fucking emasculates your fucking character man. You want to be a cuck? You want to lose every cutscene fight man? Don't play this fucking game. The protagonist turns in to a fucking bitch cause they get a fucking woman to write this shit.
Minfillia got eaten by Hydaelyn in the 2.55 cutscene, Urianger had nothing to do with that
Fuck is that EX? Good lord.
It's a shitposter who waifu'd a character who shows no interest in (You) and then got surprised when another character starts lusting after (You) instead.
Yes, now stop posting here and ruining the story for yourself with spoilers and play Heavenward since it's obvious you aren't there yet
yes, there's a half elf npc
I don't think we've seen a case where it happens, most likely the child will take after one of the parents or the most dominant trait.
>masked man shows up randomly and says if you let me put some white stuff in your wifes womb he'll be the greatest leader the world has seen
>he says okay
Do you think theyll ever add Tidus sword into ff14
what the fuck was their problem?
>The nigger is also literally a sexist incel, buzzword definitions aside
You gotta ask yourself bro. One fucking question bro. Do you want to play as a fucking cuck? That's the fucking protagonist of this game. WoL was fucking based before they got a fucking woman to write this shit.
Emet literally never lies bro you can trust him with anything
what a beautiful combination
I was more surprised by the fact it worked flawlessly and Vauthry retained his personality and sanity even after completing his Innocence transformation.
Lucky bastard literally got everything handed to him on a plate, sin eater fuckdolls included
Scroll through the thread. He's just a shitposter trying to force cuck shit.
Hilda exists, and there's a character mentioned in dialogue who was a halfbreed between an Au Ra and a Hyur. They were described as having soft scales and being somewhat between their parents in height.
That was Alphinaud's fault, and Y'shtola's
Urianger has nothing to do with it, and Moenbryda kicking it
If they haven't added cloud's I doubt they'd add Tidus. Though he ff13 weapons are an exception.
Shut the fuck up, cancel your sub, and uninstall.
Yes, it's considered scandalous though
Shit poster souls incarnate.
Show me WoL touching Y'shtola retard. Show me WoL even fucking touching Alisaie if you sayin Alisaie is offical waifu. You fucking can't. WoL doesn't fucking touch women but the fucking npcs get to touch women. Fuck you liar.
Man. I hate people who use incel as a buzzword or catch-all insult, but you're actually acting like an incel. It's really sad.
I cancel my sub asshole. Waiting that bitch to be fired replace her with a real fucking writer that doesn't write jobbing and cuck shit.
>Haurchefant and Minfilia both wanted the WoL D
Are they trying to tell us something?
I wonder who the sin eater at the end of Mt Gulg was, though I'd become a sin eater too if it meant I could retain my sanity and tap that sweet white ass on Forgiven Obscenity.
Man only npcs get to fuck cause the writers are fucking cucks. Fucking bullshit.
>wroter of the most popular expansion storyline yet
>getting fired
Woe betide those who stand with the warrior of light
or something like that
There are two known cases minimum
Hilda from HW, half Elezen/Hyur, and a mentioned half Au Ra/Hyur during some Ruby Sea sidequests
Alisaie's been lusting after our hydaelyn-blessed dong since Coil, and she's completely fine.
WoL x Ryne = OTP
She's a stupid fucking cunt. Making WoL job to some pajeet bitch that's weaker than Thancred. WE SHOULD BE FUCKING STRONGER THAN THANCRED WE'RE THE FUCKING PROTAGONIST.
Go and prep the cat, coon.
Runar x WoL is better
Alisaie's been throwing up death flags left and right but she's managed to do alright despite almost literally dripping at the mere thought of our character.
Some Mystel, I think. You can tell by the hint of facial markings
You keep fucking sayin that WoL Alisaie never had sex they never even fucking touched.
>Thancred's face when Ryne calls WoL daddy
Lyse got the WoL D on top of Rhalgr's statue in Stormblood and she's still alive
Don't talk bout that dripping shit they never fucking touch. Fucking lazy Squeenix fucking cucks. They made Valentine day video for Y'shtola they pull this bullshit. Fucking bullshit.
Wrong. I love Hrothgar dick.
what fucking accent are the viera speaking in
how the fuck did you get to 77 without learning what roulettes do
>He didn't unlock the date scene
i pity you
She's also so completely irrelevant that G'raha Tia literally didn't even consider her an option when he was reading the WoL's memoirs and summoning people close to us to the first
Fucking hilarious
ah right. I've forgotten most of 2.x at this point. I stopped playing during stormblood cause of how trash it was so I've been completely checked out of xiv for something like 20 months
SO that was what those shock waves where, N I C E
skip probably
WoL didn't job. Every time Panjeet shows up, you were protecting Miflila, she was literally holding you guys back. When you face him solo, he's easily defeated. Only thing Thancred did was buy time, he almost died in the process. Panjeet wasn't even seriously injured.
t. y'shtola
i dont fucking know but i love it and and need a harem of hot brown viera ladies that have it.
Those two aren't mutually exclusive user.
Go forth and chase the barb.
imagine training monk all the way to level 70 just to have a honed enough body and crazy kama sutra knowledge to fuck in public hard enough to shake the earth
>picking Lyse during SB
>not stealing Yugiri instead
>only get to dick the inferior blonde midlander sized highlander
This sucks
Thanks for not bein a asshole bro but they didn't show that man. They showed you fuckin instakilled by some lightning bullshit nothing bout Minfilia man. You didn't even get a fucking fight cutscene like Thancred when that pajeet did his karate dodging shit. Ishikawa is a stupid fucking bitch she keep emasculating WoL bro.
the scions got teleported by accident, you were supposed to be the only one going in but the exarch sucked at sunmoning at first
Wrong. I actually have a chance at getting barbed all night long because I don't have a disgusting cooch.
hrothgar were literally made for cuckolding catbois
>tactical bunny inbound
She is completely irrelevant. Hopefully Zenos will put her to the sword along with other minor Scions. It would establish him as a serious threat to the WoL, maybe even becoming the WoD having Zodiark's blessing akin to WoL's Haedlyn's.
>manage to bring all the scions back to the Source during 5.x quests
>revisit the first after 6.0 to get an artifact or something
>the flow of time is unpredictable
>Ryne has grown some bigass titties and has been waiting for you
There is no need to "steal" Yugiri since she has only expressed interest in you and no one else.
Now that youre level 80, how did your job turn out, anons?
Is it _____fun?
>but they didn't show that man
what did this African American mean by this?
Rate dungeons
Holminster Switch: 7/10. Good intro dungeon if a little too straightforward. Gives you a good preview to how fucked things get later though.
Dohn Mheg: 8/10. Really nice looking aesthetically and the bosses have interesting mechanics. Does kind of feel like a filler dungeon though.
Qitana Revel: 5/10. Kind of boring until the later half and even then it still isn't that interesting.
Malikah's Well: 4/10. Really bland and boring all around. Nothing about it stands out at all.
Mt. Gulg: 9/10. Pretty good dungeon all around and everything leading up to it and right after it is great.
Amaurot: 10/10.
Haven't unlocked the post-MSQ ones yet.
He says that his fumbling hand grabbed at people whose fates were tied to yours. That's why everyone heard the call all at once whenever he was summoning, he was trying to pick up a single person but kept grabbing the same handful
Lyse being left out even though she's a fucking Scion is the most hilarious but Hien and Yugiri also got shafted hard
Am I just retarded? I don't understand how people can keep track of all their abilities and rotations at once, especially with jobs that rely on positioning or things like switching off tanks. I tried BLM on PS4 till 25 I think but I get overwhelmed with way too many options, then I watch stuff like the Ridorana Lighthouse raid where every boss has multiple phases and 5 or 10 different attacks to anticipate and you have to be moving correctly within a second or you'll probably get wrecked, it's just so much. How do you get to the point where you can filter all that info at once?
did her va get stabbed to death or something
He pulls some lightning bullshit in your fight man. You don't get no fucking fight cutscene showing you protect Minfilia. You don't get to do shit.
>Not liking smoll Ryne
this is my bunbun
Like you would throw Lyse out if she offered
>He didn't unlock the alisaie date scene that ends with a night of lovemaking
>He didn't unlock the scene where you fuck lyse on the rhalgr statue
>He didn't unlock the quest where you have a drinking contest with yugiri and then fuck her all night
>He didn't unlock the quest for tataru to offer you a night at half her usual rates
>He didn't unlock the scene where you headpat Ryne all night
You didn't react when being called an African American. I guess you are black.q
Her second English VA got murdered along with her kids. I believe her German and French VAs were also murdered.
yes her dub VA and her children got murdered by her bf
Man you fuckin playin that shit don't exist in the fuckin game man.
I miss Emet already.
What about the quest where you slam Alphinaud's boypussy with the shota from that 80 Caster rolequest?
is yugiri cursed bros?
How do I get into a hunt LS?
nin ended up being like sb mch in which you need to put in a lot of effort for your dps just to still be outclassed by everyone else
It's really not that difficult. Once you have your rotation down it's really just a matter of memorizing fights. Eventually you get to the point where you pretty much know exactly what mechanic is going to happen and when so you can pre-emptively adjust yourself to them without having to worry about positioning or moving at the last minute.
it's alright
You forgot about the WoL/Twins threesome too.
Every fight happens the exact same way every time, while there are lots of mechanics the script they follow is completely predictable and once you've done each of them a few times you quickly get the hang of it
Every telegraph barring a few is also standardized. Stack, spread, proximity damage, look-away mechanics, generic aoe void zones, forced movement, and others all have their own symbols telling you what the attack will do.
By level 25 basically no class should be hard or complicated at all if anything the complaint is they're too boring. If you're REALLY feeling too overwhelmed play a tank or healer, the former is heavily simplified compared to dps rotation and healers are LITERALLY only three buttons for damage
>a nigger
why do they do this? Thank god I play with jp dub anyway.
Holminster Switch: 8/10
Dohn Mheg: 7/10
Qitana Revel: 6/10
Copperbell 3: 3/10
Mt. Gulg: 9/10
Amaurot: 11/10
Twinning: 12/10
Gubal Library 3: 9/10
Obviously, being a porchmonkey, you find it impossible to comprehend the idea of something you haven't seen, so of course you'd think me a liar.
>he doesn't know
No wonder everyone thinks you're stupid.
Fuck you bitch. Who you callin porkmonkey bitch. Fucking bitch.
Those were kinda subpar, I forgot about them
Post a picture of yourself, blackie.
How does one recognise a look away mechanic?
Where the fuck you get those
>Malikah's Well
>Bosses are a bigger common enemy, a common enemy covered in buckets and a coin
What the fuck were they thinking
what skin color? looks nice
I'm calling you a porchmonkey, you dumb darkie. What are you gonna do about it, coon? Huh?
the giant eye over the boss' head might give it away
I would
Maybe if she went back to wearing the mask i wouldn't
Later gunblades don have a barrel for explosions to come out of.
Where do they come out of?
>Y'shtola user is black
The WoL got this.
I pretty much agree with this guy, though I think the bosses in almost all of them could use some touch ups. Quetzalcoatl is extremely bland for being who he is. Notexander is more or less fine, but they shouldn't be afraid to make dungeon bosses more interesting.
Really the game just needs mythic dungeons.
I'm sure she'd be willing to pretend to be her dead sister for the WoL
Imagine if Yoshi-p wasn't restricted financially and by consoles to make his own MMORPG as he sees fit.
Fucking FUND IT. I never backed anything on crowdfunding sites, but this I would.
You don't even fucking touch her man. You can't even fucking touch her Thancred gets headpat her. WoL never fucking touches her man.
how would i find that out? i cant remember it exactly.
Aurum Vale hard mode when?
Do they even mention when and how she died?
>WoL never fucking touches her man.
Thank Lalas for that.
red eye will appear on the boss
some times it's mixed with an orange cone, you can dodge or stand in it while looking away in that case
What do these guys eat
>player character touching anyone
>when lalas exist
Sorry you need physical contact to understand a relationship, but this isn't the game for it.
She died 6 years ago doing something for the Ala Mhigan Resistance near the Wall.
Shut up you fucking jiggaboo.
Hard to decide which tank to play. Which tank should I main and why?
minfilia is for ______!
Why would an immortal being with nigh infinite aether need to eat?
You can copy character settings on the character selection page then load the settings while making a new character.
This is real, isn't it? I really need to get to doing all those sidequests I left for later
on the character select screen you can export character data, then just go to the character creation screen to view it
Pick one.
That's not a fucking excuse if they not fucking lazy man. They're fucking lazy pieces of shit they animate npcs touching they don't fucking animate WoL. Fucking cunts.
>Cuck user is a nigger
which one do you like visually? pick that one.
It's a fate in east lakeland
Can you count the number of times Yda/Lyse or Papalymo's name was mentioned this expansion?
birdseed, if you put up a feeder they make happy ghost noises and peck at it
100% real and it's a fate iirc. Lakeland I think.
>Yoshi-p secret game project is single-player FFXIV finale with character importing.
DRK for never dying in dungeons and basic rotation.
WAR if you want to unga bunga.
GNB if you want more to do during your rotation even if you're made out of paper (seriously, fucking GNBs are the worst to heal).
PLD if you want more to do and want to do the most DPS right now.
Just the right amount.
Amazing, isn't it?
0. Thank god for that.
>immortal means invincible
thanks for the bait. I'll put this next to the tried and true "bio means water" copypasta
How did they handle Albert fist pump?
>He doesnt know
1. living forever; never dying or decaying
Yet they're dead...
rynebreaker > rynecer
Drow duskwights are elder god tier taste and sadly underrepresented
by cutting the frame to just show hands
Immortal means immortal, go look up the definition, brainlet.
i just want you to know that everything you reply to me with I'm copying down so i can use it to bait anons later on.
Don't leave your mom's basement. It's safer for you there.
Thanks for proving that point.
Lacks "DELETE THIS" caption.
7x Quietus + Flood + Abyssal Drain + 3 skills from your clone ( Quietus, Drain and Flood)
New expansion every year
New content every 1.5 months
Square finally realizing XIVs potential and booting Nomura out as the hack he is
I can dream right?
you missed a semicolon there somewhere.
I'm starting to accept most of the things that changed about Scholar
But I still need Energy Drain, I don't want to feel incomplete
Just SOMETHING useful to dump extra Aetherflow on
Only if he's not allowed to touch the content design and reward structure of the game. By content design I don't mean the fights themselves, but the overall design of how raids are laid out (teleport to a boss x4), patch content structure (8->24 repeat times infinity), and how items are distributed (you can go up by 20 ilvls by raiding but then all of your raid shit gets thrown in the trash because cheap crafted gear that's higher ilvl and has more materia slots comes out right after you finish getting it).
Really, all they'd have to do to kind of fix items is to stop making crafted gear higher ilvl than the previous tier's raid. Just make it the same ilvl *and* make it more expensive. As it is now, when a raid patch hits, you're essentially on the same footing whether or not you did the previous raid. That really cuts the legs out from under any sense of accomplishment you get by assembling a gear set and almost completely invalidates any reason to go back and do older content.
That neck though.
They better add an Emet minion
>Now that the warrior of light is the warrior of darkness, I will use warriors of light to defeat it
>I am a fucking genius, there is no chance this will backfire spectacularly like the last several times.
More surface to lick
that's actually a good question. I think the fact the camera zooms in on just your hands touching makes it easier
That or they blew the entire headpat budget on that one scene
>trying to rewrite the meaning of immortal on a 4channel thread
>Nude mods have assholes modeled
muh dick
Dark Knight if your favorite FF is FF4
Paladin if your favorite FF is FFT
Gunbreaker if your favorite FF is FF8
Warrior if your favorite FF is World of Warcraft
Ooh, I like that one. What else should I use? I need more ideas if I'm to derail entire threads like pajeet user earlier on.
>only people Emet Selch was left with was the summoning autist and this retard
What a pitiful man
this is her skin color
took a quick phonepost cause the topic is near 500. pay no mind to the rotation my phone is dumb.
Not having a non heal dump skill is the only thing I hate about new scholar. If I could just turn it into 20 fairy gauge it would be fine. Instead im using lustrate on a tank that's at 99% health because I need it gone.
>Every tank that isn't a DRK or PLD has shit taste
It was obvious already, but still
Wait do we have jumping mechanics now?
I can imagine the lala lying on a stepladder just outside the frame for that one shot.
I want to be raped and then executed by amazon rabbits.
thanks buddy, i appreciate you going through the trouble
The Twinning was pretty kino
If there's no pixie or feo up glamour for fairies I'm going to take the train down to Square Enix headquarters, hide in the company Lawson and take Soken and his chicken hostage until they're added
>Twinning music changes when the boss battle begins
So close, buy they just had to fall short from perfection
>posting young minfilia
Tell those fucks to stop adding cuck shit and jobber shit when you're there man.
Maybe Twinning (Hard) will let us have a remix of Rise.
How do I find Feo Ul pics on pixiv
If they want to keep to the idea that healer resources are for healing, then they could add a trait something like this
>When using Aetherflow with at least 1 stack of Aetherflow remaining, an extra 5% of your MP is restored for each remaining stack of aetherflow.
Wording could be cleaned up a little but eh
What is the Font used in the ingame text boxes called?
I need to make an edit.
The more you play, the more your basic skills will be ingrained into your muscle memory, and as long as you're actively thinking while you play, you should also come to understand what you should do in a given moment better and better. Black Mage is especially rewarding in this manner, as it has a fairly simple skill rotation design but it's easily disrupted by boss mechanics you don't have a contingency for.
You could also play a healer job, which have very very simple damage-dealing options and mostly focus on keeping the tank alive while reacting to DPS' mistakes and party-wide damage.
Besides all this, most of the content in the game is actually easy enough that you don't even need to play your job at its fullest potential to succeed... it's just going to take a bit longer because your performance is holding your party back. When you get into endgame content like Extreme trials and Savage raids, that's when you will be tested.
Fairy gauge instead of mp would be better since we already have no mp problems.
What ever happened to the BunBuns? When everyone was called on to help with the Giant Talos, they were absent.
Is this with a mod?
I thought WHM was the only healer which didn't have MP problems, but I haven't played SH scholar so I didn't know it was just AST (which I KNOW has problems). In that case yeah, 20 fairie gauge would work better
Y'shtola took big barbed Hrothgar cock for three years, and will continue to do so even when she returns to the the Source.
no problem. brown girls are best girls.
Stop bimbo posting, the giant fake tits and nigger asses is fucking gross. Go back to Second Life you abomination.
what the fuck do you think moron
where is ryne after the msq I want to give her headpats until eden comes out
>there is one in every group of people you hand pickaxes out to
user are you blind?
The only time I have ever had mp problems was doing an instance where the bard refused to aoe so trash took forever and I was spamming art of war the entire time.
In the empty
>scions do nothing
>"wtf why are these characters so useless I have to do everything myself"
>scions do something
>"wtf why are these characters stealing my thunder I'm the protagonist of this game"
don't worry about the cuckfag, it's a nigger it doesn't know better
They should be fucking useless you fucking retard I didn't say that first shit. It's fucking retarded Thancred is stronger than WoL. It's fucking stupid. It's fucking stupid fucking bullshit from a stupid fucking slut cunt bitch. WOL SHOULD BE FUCKING STRONGER THAN THANCRED.
I just want bane or shadowflare back.
He doesn't remember that Thancred lost the first time with you against Master Asia. Thancred grew and was able to fight him. Also yeah stop expecting niggers to remember anything.
I didn’t recognize any of them. I was looking for the hot red head with the gem.
It was important that Thancred was the one to fight him for the story.
I do not believe that you are posting this sincerely.
That's fucking retarded bullshit and you fucking know it. If it was fucking important we never should've fought him the first fight. We fucking jobbed. We fucking jobbed then Thancred beat him. You can't fucking defend that shit. That's what I'm saying the new writer is a stupid fucking cunt that emasculates WoL. Stupid fucking bitch.