Is PSP more powerful than PS2?

Is PSP more powerful than PS2?

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No, are you retard?

Yes, are you smart?

its more relevant today so it i guess staying power wise it is

Try playing Prince of Persia there then come back

Maybe, are you standard?

No. PSP has more in common with the PS1 than the PS2.

I don’t know, what do you think?

Convince me to not buy a ps2.

The PSP still has more advanced networking and communication features than the Switch.

a ps3 phat can play ps2 and ps3 games

a PS3 can barely play PS3 games

Not silent hill 3.

I really wish there was a working ps2 emulator for the ps vita.

They break easily

Lmao no, GTA Vice City Stories looks better than GTA 3 and VC

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the only relevant ps2 games work on it. you dont need anythign besides ratchet, sly, and jak 1

It costs like 500 bucks and it breaks easily

cheaper than it was at launch :^)

kys fucking faggot, all 3 of those are garbage

No, what in the world gave you the idea that it might be? Have you seen the games on it? They're barely Dreamcast tier.