Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1562283070903.png (3000x2500, 2.11M)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Rapier


Attached: 840c8343ffeb8a35fe96649eee59a8cf6f098a86.png (854x957, 540K)

Requesting mega-busty older Morgan in a swimsuit like pic related making Noire embarrassed cause of their size difference please

Attached: D-JSj6PU8AAmss9.jpg orig.jpg (1875x2809, 284K)

Missed by 20 seconds, ya fag

You already got this

Attached: 1562270922069.jpg (900x720, 126K)

Hey everyone! Summer is nearly upon us, and the Summer Collab is underway! The chosen theme was characters at the the Public Pool! Jacinth is working on background.

To keep it interesting, instead of one group shot at the pool, he's doing different pictures in a Summer Scrapbook, to show off different scenes. He's already worked out a few ideas, but please include suggestions!

Any specific character interactions are up to the artists, but if you draw your character(s) a certain way and want them in the water or in a certain scene when things are more concrete, please specify in your submission. Jacinth is more than willing to help as well; if you draw your character sitting but don't want to a draw a chair, he'll place them in a chair or raft upon request, for example - but feel free to add your own props! Be Creative!
Here are all of the entries currently:

The tentative is the end of July and we'll have a more concrete deadline over time.

Hope this can be a cool Summer project for everyone! Have a Great Summer!

Attached: Scrapbook.png (7921x4950, 3.44M)

Requesting an uncool Roll.

Attached: Roll.jpg (480x900, 85K)

Requesting Hector with a double barreled shotgun in his axe

Attached: Hector 2.jpg (596x811, 169K)

Requesting this princess knight redesigned as a maid knight.

Attached: 9c41fc434e58d9932d96027b20318fc0df24d536.png (596x1100, 312K)

Requesting Tifa hugging concept art Cloud

Attached: Concept Art Cloud Tifa.jpg (1392x905, 161K)

Requesting a drawing of Atlanta (or whatever she's called) from Last Origin having *accidental* wardrobe malfunctions. Both nipple slip and pussy slip if possible.

* There are currently two drawings tagged "Atlanta" on the booru, but the artist behind insisted that this incomplete drawing must not be considered to be a delivery, while in Atlanta *deliverately* exposes lower half of her body.

Attached: Atlanta.png (1000x1000, 426K)

Requesting artwork of the white reploid in the back of this artwork from Capcom's new card game. Or Alia if you feel like it.

Attached: teppen alia.jpg (1562x1563, 306K)

Requesting Airy version of Lee the World Chalice Fairy (card on the right)

Attached: Find the World Legacies.png (1310x694, 1.03M)

>check this out

anyone willing to give out 2 tf2 mann co keys to draw their request?

Requesting Squigly from Skullgirls wearing spats or yoga pants.

Attached: image.jpg (1200x1500, 206K)

for the Primm requester. i was gonna draw her outfit but i got lazy. sorry, bro

Attached: 177ADBF7-33F8-49D3-AF84-4280F62312E6.jpg (1500x1763, 765K)

I recognize that bulge...

requesting rina and my kyoot self! maybe like an instagram post of us or anything cuute, even lewd! maybe us in lingerie!! or im currently vacationing so us in the wilderness maybe!
bonus rina ref here
or rina playing pokemon go

Attached: 7D4225E4-D19B-4CEE-A492-4DCC12579C77.jpg (803x997, 89K)

Requesting black P3MC getting it on with Yukari, because she has a great ass. Ideally both of them nude.

Attached: jamalkun wants to tap dat Yukari.png (944x1824, 1.82M)

Requesting more silly Malkavian art please.

Attached: 1446217017412.jpg (600x665, 149K)

Good shit user

Attached: 1545229838743.png (500x500, 103K)

How is this videogames

He thinks blood masquerade is a original idea from games.

Good Primm with some nice touches.

The design is taken straight from the video game adaptation.
Idk where you're getting this from, I know Vampire's a tabletop but the request is for art from the game, if it's a breach of thread rules though then I'm fine not requesting it.

Attached: Malkavian_protag.png (680x807, 489K)

Requesting chubby Palutena getting her tummy poked by Pit.

Attached: request.png (1794x1198, 1.26M)

What's the issue with this guy? Could I get a quick rundown?

Requesting Etna trying to shake off the heat using something like a handfan, an electric fan or hugging a cooling box or something.

Attached: D2_Etna.png (520x985, 369K)

Requesting her big fat american boobs

Attached: Cindy Volton - Strikers 1945.png (228x1131, 98K)

Dude spams his request and whenever he gets it he alters it slightly to keep getting more of it. has been known to commission artists and then after paying he files complaints to get his money back and scam artists.

thanks, dudes. gonna go pass out and get 2hrs of sleep before work

Requesting Emily wearing a red version of the left, optionally while dancing

Attached: 62062F76-E8F8-49B6-A46E-3ACB5FF8D9C7.jpg (640x326, 199K)

Wow, what an asshole.

Requesting Princess Remedy healing the sun
Or if you are a weeb, her pursuing Junko from Touhou while carrying a first aid kit or a giant syringe

Attached: Princess Remedy.jpg (1408x960, 204K)

does this person has a name
filing complaints like that can shut down artists for good

if i recall he changes accounts whenever he does it.


Attached: untitled.png (128x128, 31K)

Requesting Homies tucking homies in after a hard days work.

Attached: Koume_SS_SR4+.png (1280x824, 1.34M)

Requesting this with Stu as miriam and Didi as Johannes saying "Staying up late tonight?"

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Requesting a gender-bent Sakura from Fire Emblem Fates.

Attached: Sakura FEH.png (1600x1920, 979K)

Requesting Kobito of the shining needle with a normal sized doughnut struggling to eat it.

Attached: 1406179300374.jpg (986x1440, 600K)

Hey so some spoilers for the original God Eater and also a request

In the game one of the characters, pictured here, is a human-shaped Aragami (aragami being the monsters in the series) which grew to have human-level intelligence. While as far as we know, she was the only one of her kind, I really like the idea of these tribes of human-looking aragami dicking around in the wasteland. Could someone draw a random example of a tribal human-form aragami, probably with the same skin/hair/eye colors as pic, just doing whatever? More than one is fine too if you feel up to it. Features can be however but if they could somewhat mimic GE's anime artstyle that'd be great.

Attached: GER_Shio_1.jpg (1280x1268, 378K)

99% of the posts in these threads are requests, only 1% are actual OC drawings


Attached: blossomh__31449056_194406754707556_3050155344052355072_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.09M)

>No OC drawings
You mega retard

Its fine, it turned out great. Love the coloring and her facial expression especially. Thank you man.

Attached: 1537331579996.gif (500x281, 918K)

real cute

Requesting a voluptuous Shygal, really thick

Attached: 74546182_p1.png (2500x3000, 952K)

Terribly drawn versions of other memes are not donut steel oc

Nice color

Delete this

Requesting Wo-class wearing a version of her hat with a "CV-6" or "Big E" written on it while she enjoys an American burger.

Attached: wo-class art references.png (1996x1488, 3.88M)

Requesting Claire from RE2 reading a magazine while she's on the toilet and not noticing a Licker's tongue coming down from the ceiling behind her.

Attached: Claire-Redfield-Resident-Evil-2-Red-Leather-Jacket.jpg (510x644, 22K)

requesting marina shaking a magic 8-ball, asking if she'll get another game. It returns the most insulting, derisive "no" you can fit

Attached: 1494428450977.gif (100x100, 38K)

Requesting Mist from Fire Emblem in the outlined outfit sitting in the pose on the right. (Ignore the text inside the boxes, its just from the concept art itself)

Attached: 1560732681230.png (2090x1884, 3.52M)

Requesting a two panel comic where the first panel is of a drunk Kaede taking off her blouse to reveal her bra in front of a surprised Shuichi and the second panel she's telling him to just fuck her already, while he's blushing.

Attached: Shuichi and Kaede.png (1240x1700, 1.37M)

Requesting a picture of Primm that's ass-centric; like we're looking at her from behind while she's bend over looking at a Treasure chest or the like. She have cute poofy pants, but they still seem form-fitting enough for her butt as well.

Attached: Primm_ref.png (1514x518, 924K)

VtMB is an A-ok thing to request here. Guy's just being a faggot.

is this supposed to look like hes holding a penis

Then I will proceed.

Attached: 1546280723788.png (1000x1000, 1.14M)

Requesting the Furisode Girls from Pokemon XY, all completely nude, at the beach playing with each other in the ocean please. If four characters is too much, then any two of them is fine.

Attached: Furisode Girls full.png (692x258, 150K)

His trip on this website is TharjaAnon I think his real name is Raul but everyone just calls him spic.

>another 3 hours of staring and waiting
holy shit

Requesting AN-94 from Girls' Frontline with the same Bunny costume of this image.

posing reference.

also a reference image of her gun

Attached: 1553524659053.jpg (800x1186, 152K)

requesting the "do you have brain damage" thing but with tap girl

Attached: ayw.png (669x562, 360K)

Requesting a tied-up Young Nina from BOF3

Attached: youngninabof3.jpg (284x320, 18K)

Requesting art of this Blooper in a Bowser suit.

Attached: bloopser.png (529x509, 253K)

Requesting Sophie in her summer outfit showing off her nice butt, preferably by leaning/sitting on or bending over her giant baton.

Attached: Sophie FF Mobius.png (1500x1000, 1.98M)

Sorry i went to sleep. I hope our american friends had a nice freedom day
please don't compare me to an actual pro

Requesting a Milf/big sister May with a younger Johnny. He can be a teen or shota, just as long as he's shorter than May.

Attached: johnny and may.jpg (480x684, 74K)

Requesting Kila Kushan as a futa fucking (anal or vaginal) Onizaki Kirara while sucking on one of her boobs like this reference

Attached: kila kirara.jpg (1816x2448, 563K)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi", giving one of her gloves to the viewer as a duel declaration, doing an elegant rapier thrust attack, doing that "shaking the dust off the shoulders" gesture after winning a duel/next to the corpse of her opponent or anything else related to elegant fights/dueling you can think off.

>Character reference:
>Weapon reference:'s_Rapier
(any other rapier is fine to)

Alternatively, doing that "cheers!" gesture while holding a glass with a bubbly liquid similar to "Champagne", but with an small arrow pointing to the glass and a message that says "Soda", since i dont drink alcoholic stuff.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: 1561608738149.png (349x488, 172K)

So technically this is a request from last year and because it got late back then I just decided that I'll post it during this year's 4th of July. It didn't went as plan, but better post it anyway then let it rot in my wips folder for another year.

So if the OR happens to still lurk around, I'm sorry bro and sorry America.

Attached: Ifailedtoamericanizedthecornintime.png (2500x3429, 1.37M)

Cute lucina

very nice work
do you have an account on something that I can follow or are you a silent drawfriend

what kind of drawing pad do you use

Requesting Kevin Graham from the Trails in the Sky series doing the "You are already dead" pose, based on the ingame joke-image on the right

Attached: 1559562297695.png (2000x960, 3.42M)

you know what despite all the problems with these threads theyre a good place to spend your time working on commissions and outside work while you wait for a good request

any good commissions lately?


Sounds great

Attached: 1421251178856.gif (320x480, 696K)

kys abusefag


Attached: 1421256802572.gif (248x384, 371K)

requesting this image with piranha from jet set radio

Attached: piranha.png (464x784, 253K)

What DO you look for, drawfriend?

Your mom is a lucina
Davewaterfalls. But I like to think I'm a silent artist since I don't upload much.
A really old wacom. I would tell you the actual model, but I'm already in bed and lazy.

Requesting Futaba in a chinese dress with covered hairbuns

Attached: P5_Futaba_Sakura.png (320x816, 252K)

Got May requests?

Requesting the top image but with midna

Attached: 7FD9FC9D-3F88-45A4-928A-C611157D3443.jpg (627x1024, 88K)

something that i like

Draw May long lost goth niece, July

Nicely done

Since the Pokemon Masters trailer revealed that Hilda is a womanlet, requesting this pic but with Rosa as the tall woman and the Hilda as the short one.

Also heres the video source if you want it.

Attached: rosahildaref.png (2162x903, 1.3M)

I'm glad you're still alive. You're one of my favorite drawfriends.

Requesting Etna, Lilith or any girl from pc video game D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm
(references: ) posing and wearing(same pose/perspective) a beautiful beach outfit for this summer as the blonde girl from these pictures kickboxing stuff).
Full body shot preferred. If you don't like the poses, feel free to draw the girl of your choice sun bathing(but wearing the purple beach outfit from blonde girl).

Please, thanks and God bless you!

Attached: 93250.png (803x641, 372K)

Endless Space request.

Requesting Horatio having sex with femHoratio to breed more Horatios.

Attached: endless-space-2-horatio-update-horatio-leader (1).jpg (890x501, 119K)

Requesting Taizo Hori scaring the shit out of (female) everyone.

Requesting arche walking into class late covered in slime

Attached: steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_161156905_preview.gif (344x270, 542K)

requesting Maxim (from lufia 2) no way fagging Tia (also from lufia 2)

Attached: no way fag.png (1266x720, 1.09M)

i wanna do this, but i'm afraid it'll be shit

May hugging torchic and keeping warm.

man i hope this is ok

Attached: d5zq3astp5631.png (480x1800, 489K)

Requesting Himiko Yumeno from Danganronpa making the pose on the right, preferably with the red aura/energy coming from her staff instead of her hand.

Attached: Himiko and Mono.png (2077x1123, 3.06M)

Requesting Susato Mikotoba from Ace Attorney dressed as some sort of detective, possibly with a hat and a smoking pipe.

Attached: Susato.png (160x602, 123K)


Attached: D-HoQ8ZUEAAEwua.jpg (2048x962, 608K)

Requesting koume and syoko reviewing tenga cups.

Attached: ee61bd117d9fc0ed45fb3e345d95d234.jpg (716x1012, 555K)


Attached: D-HoQ8aVUAUa-4a.png (800x425, 792K)

what did he mean by this?

jfc im gonna be stuck drawing gwen all day long

Did you know one of the spammers is a mod?


Shiho had a new outfit in one of the Persona 5R trailers and I'd love to see it drawn so I'm requesting Shiho wearing the outfit in the middle and sitting on a park bench.

Attached: 1544010584228.png (1900x1351, 3.14M)

can someone replace Meg with Ami and instead of saying "I held your hand last night" she says "Is your ass ok?"
thank you.

What makes you say that?

Requesting this comic, with Miriam as Pharah, Aradia as Mercy, and Shanoa as Ana.

Attached: mommy.png (1581x2526, 3.47M)

glad ya like it!

Requesting Kyoko disco dancing outrageously with her funky 90's self.

Attached: request.jpg (1129x480, 172K)


Anybody got some gloomy girl requests? Gore, augmentations, body horror, and /u/ are also acceptable.
Gijinka or rule 63 possibly also.

Attached: file.png (847x529, 522K)

Take a girl that you like with long hair and make it short

neet aradia

Requesting Sion from Melty Blood playing chess with an Alakazam.

Attached: 2E02F01E-8D91-4952-BE1F-C626F61B6BD3.jpg (993x1249, 117K)


Requesting a cute girl gijinka of Sorlag from Quake Champions

Attached: 1529532702070.png (1022x800, 654K)

Requesting Honolulu in a cheongsam, akin to St.Louis' skin

Attached: Honolulu.png (732x1024, 570K)

Eight brandishing his dragovian sword like a samurai or some other cool warrior battle pose

Attached: Eight Dragovian gear.png (1232x926, 1.54M)

Noire dressed up as Fran please

Attached: noirefran.png (1924x1860, 2.18M)

requesting bridal Mym

Attached: mym.png (400x400, 150K)

Do you mean "gloomy girls" or gloomy "girl-requests"?

So is emojification still a thing?

Attached: 85c[1].gif (256x256, 490K)

Requesting Anju with her dress hied up getting POV fucked over the counter at the inn or sucking cock at the inn gloryhole

Attached: 1465519000970.png (931x2800, 1.91M)

I wanted to request shulk looking like an engineer/researcher doing engineer/researcher things

Attached: Shulk.png (374x600, 251K)

Just think about it this is like the only moderated thread on Yea Forums

I'd draw it if there were any requests

FF Cactuar as a joy or thinking emoji, or just any emoji you can pull off with it

Attached: 1558531040320.png (185x212, 42K)

Requesting Eggman and Cortex having a conversation

Attached: Refernce.png (2000x1342, 1.82M)

Refia as a catgirl (like a cute/sexy Cait Sith inspired) outfit/class or dresses as nu-Tifa

Maybe it'll help if I put these for an idea, since I just looked on the booru and saw them

Attached: Refia FF3.jpg (682x1188, 133K)

Taking a request to draw some girl nice and thicc.

Attached: IMG_20190705_074501.jpg (2000x2000, 213K)

I dont have a good reason to continue requesting her after 4th of July

Nina Cortex, from Crash Bandicoot Twinsanity

Attached: Crash_Twinsanity_Nina_Cortex.png (196x419, 103K)

Draw thicc haruka pushing her plump butt on a window

Attached: 1548654975140 (1).png (1280x772, 1.29M) with Light Cruiser Demon, kind of like she's on a date
I'm adding in an idea like this is too

I'm up for anything else of her like giving a thumbs up or dressed up in a bunny-girl outfit

Attached: Light_Cruiser_Demon_Full.png (636x924, 681K)

Shut up misha/Singapore/larry

>DiC Koopa
>Game Troopas

Attached: nazare.jpg (680x445, 61K)

Amelia using the SSG from Doom and slaughtering enemies or gone full-Berserker and using an axe to rip and tear

Attached: Amelia.png (720x1280, 351K)


Attached: Screenshot_20190705-110551.png (1969x2048, 831K)

Requesting Melia bathing, nude, in the Shimmering Pool (Makna Forest, Xenoblade) please

Attached: melia shimmering pool makna.jpg (1962x1302, 825K)

Requesting something like this with Riamu

Attached: creepiamu.jpg (950x1318, 206K)

Lancelot wearing nothing but a fundoshi(loincloth)

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040023000_01.png (960x800, 106K)

t. larry

The hell is a Larry?

Taking all of your requests for the weekend.

Attached: 1562196008600.jpg (800x800, 96K)

Princess Ruto surfing, please.

Attached: Princess_Ruto_Artwork.png (1443x2413, 2.43M)

Anything specific with her?
I'll try this as well

Juri mating_pressing Chun-li

Learn to draw

I think its time for a Miriam anchor picture, right? Like using it on a chain like a whip.
And, Miriam accidentally wrapping herself up with her own whip

Attached: miriwhip.png (222x318, 141K)

Talos wearing a baseball top (maybe with 33 on it for a number) with a baseball bat and i guess hitting a ball and yelling HOMERUN, since thats one of her battle yells in-game when attacking.

Attached: Talos-i_087.jpg (1280x1810, 394K)

I wish this request-spammer at least had a better waifu

Can someone give me $60

Requesting Helena Douglas ( DoA ) and Elizabeth (KOF) wearing their tight white leggings and jacket outfits posing like in the reference with Ash and Zack taking photos to their butts exposed.

Attached: 1557453436.jpg (3110x988, 815K)

Very nice.

I'd like to request this with Eldridge and South Dakota

Attached: vanillachocolate.png (948x2576, 2.27M)

Every day's freedom day

How do I know when I'm good enough to draw here again?

Draw Gene wearing an American Flag bikini, to celebrate PSO2's official english release, as well as for the 4th of July

Attached: CARD-00006339.jpg (437x600, 95K)

Where's the cute girl in armour deliveries that aren't tranny oc requests

Goseb, just draw and stop with the pity party every day.


Draw your waifu having a picnic with Tyrone

android gore

How big did you want her tiddies?

I'm not goseb


Say no more famola

Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

By the response to it
You're giving free artwork, if that still gives you a bad conscience then just don't (You) them and tell them they're free to rerequest

Go draw feet commissions.

Make me, you faggot.

inb4 the spic pedo tranny says he "doesn't have talent"

Wedding dress Myrrh please

Attached: myrrh.png (1288x1676, 846K)

Requesting thicc and busty Gambier Bay from Kantai Collection in a tight American flag swimsuit.
For lewd: make the swimsuit wet and transparent. Her whole body, especially her thick blonde bush and nipples are visible.

Attached: Gambier_Bay_Full.png (620x997, 150K)

this with no bush

Requesting a human-version of Mahira, please
No more potato Mahira
For lewd, Mahira laying eggs like a real chicken

Attached: mahira.jpg (848x1228, 410K)

Foxhound Kai wearing a Canada-flag bikini

Attached: FoxhoundKai.png (912x1024, 1.15M)

Should I draw some duckgirl?

taking some /vr/ requests
some fighting games characters will be nice

Attached: rider.png (349x495, 107K)

Requesting some big fat cat tats.

Attached: image.jpg (1200x1200, 506K)

No go away you furry


Requesting pic related but with Reinhardt, bonus if he has noticeably smaller hands

Attached: 1551516724511.png (700x375, 357K)

silly design

Nigga, I wasn't in the thread yet. I just got in.

Attached: drinkcuckcola.jpg (509x555, 133K)

Requesting Elizabeth from Persona 3 or Cammy White from Street Fighter dressed up as Ilsa.

Attached: 0329834509.jpg (3896x1060, 778K)

Attached: 75543778_p1.jpg (1274x1378, 697K)

Requesting this but with Monika
Or all DDLC girls in this way.

Attached: 1561769274989.jpg (420x413, 16K)

I'm no furry. I just meant vidya girls but with swimtube but in the shape of a duck.

Attached: 1382918197210.jpg (600x600, 96K)


That's still furry dude

Requesting Astolfo wearing sexy American flag panties like Ricardo Milos.

Attached: Rider_of_black.png (1598x2400, 2.6M)

No, it doesn't count as furry.

Mace from Fighting Force shooting a rocket launcher at some goons.

Attached: fightingforcemace.png (1490x964, 2.37M)

Whatever stay in denial duck fucker

Sounds good to me

Sure, draw Juri as one

Attached: jh.jpg (2896x1448, 819K)

Attached: download.png (258x196, 8K)


then I'll just draw Kat betting Ducked

Attached: wejustdontknow.jpg (1920x1080, 314K)

Great now you also have a gambling addiction. You really are the lowest form of scum you know that?

No, that was a typo. I never gambled.


requesting fusions of Misty, Patra and ankha

Attached: 2019-07-05 (1).png (797x624, 138K)

And you won't even admit it. So in denial of being a furry and chronic gambler? I expected more from Yea Forums

Requesting Ilsa with a big and fluffy tail, hugging it close like the bottom pic

Attached: DjseiOhVsAAlclE-orig.jpg (1024x1660, 336K)

Requesting Pio having fun on a handmade dragon raft.
Or simply Pio as a dragon girl.

Attached: Pio outfits.jpg (2435x3035, 819K)

I like her design I wish I could draw better

Gimmie one of Cloud. I'm... curious as to what this is.

Attached: 1473430694-4103364757.jpg (1600x2200, 356K)

Attached: 66BDA406-C9B1-49C6-BA9A-F50ACCA0453C.png (1200x1686, 804K)

Pio drinking a potion thats made of white sticky fluid

Requesting pic related with Sonia Strumm and Luna Platz

Attached: IMG_20190704_141027.jpg (1280x706, 248K)

Is there anything more disgusting than elf ears?

Attached: 1445757055417.png (900x662, 813K)

Requesting Pio nude art

Requesting Donkey Kong wearing Shulk’s clothes and using the Bonado (Banana fused with Monado) and saying “I’m really Peeling it!”

Attached: 63E1ED16-7D0E-4240-B9B4-B41C976F4E0F.png (1242x2208, 3M)

when will Pio get a real game so I can draw her guilt free

Attached: Juricantswim.jpg (904x930, 167K)

mad man

Requesting high class fetish pictures, like this one

Attached: 522a234212d36691bd83e1aeeeb9d368[1].png (708x587, 563K)

Nice Corn!

What's fetishy here?

Stealth mind control I'm guessing?


Attached: rider.png (912x636, 191K)

Shadow fetish

its a hypnosis, probably body control pic. but the fact that it wasn't immediately recognized as such means its high class

orc faces

Makes sense now. Really nice style imitation though.

Attached: why.gif (448x252, 3.45M)

Damn, that's pretty cool dude.

drawing silly

Attached: IMG_20190705_202319.jpg (2610x2572, 1.74M)

Saved, nice work

wow not OR but this is some very nice stuff

I'd request my favorite duck if this was Yea Forums

Attached: 1532694317407.jpg (225x350, 34K)


silly girl

this but boys

Boys being gay for girls.

is that how that works?

You mean traps?

Requesting the Queen of Hatred from Lobotomy Corporation as a curvy milf still acting like a magical girl.

Attached: Magicalcake.png (1800x1200, 1.31M)


can be

Thicc MM/Builder Peach at work

Attached: sweaty peach.jpg (1542x1390, 819K)

Welch Bunnygirl, the top being a tight fit for her chest
Video reference with 3d model at the timestamp until 0:36 or
And wedding dress Welch

Attached: WelchVineyard03.png (1024x1024, 320K)

Requesting Lightning Farron in a bathtub full of rose petals

Attached: Light.png (1768x1872, 2.69M)

Requesting giantess persona 5 twins wearing this bikini but in blue color. Draw both girls sitting on the top of the twins towers each one. Bonus points if both are playing with two Boeing 767 planes.

Attached: WTC.jpg (1060x2012, 420K)

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)

Attached: IMG_20190705_205122.jpg (2547x2666, 1.73M)

Requesting Ilsa at her ideal wedding. If the scenery is too much I would be okay with just her in the wedding dress that she described

Down for Ilsa wearing Rosetta's "All Her Jazz" costume too

Attached: IlsaWedding.jpg (484x1632, 364K)

Holy fuck I can't unsee it.

Doesn't have to be exact but as close as possible, with the sides of her torso exposed to stay in the Erune-style

Attached: Rosetta_All_Her_Jazz.png (960x800, 122K)


When NSFW art isn’t allowed as the OP, the NSFW manifests itself in the actual OP.

Attached: ACE5BFF0-EBBB-4C88-8FD4-DF85159383FD.jpg (159x167, 14K)

Running out of requests.

Attached: IMG_20190705_210453.jpg (2676x1942, 1.56M)

Nude Red from Dragon Quest 8 covering herself with her fan.

Attached: DQVIII3DS_-_Red.png (482x509, 219K)

lol, this is great


Good taste

I wonder if I should have drawn the duck as Scrooge McDuck or not.

Attached: DuckbettingonKat.jpg (1266x1186, 386K)

Requesting a chubbier Natalie like the right pic, maybe with some cakes, donuts and other sweets in the background.

Attached: Natalie_EBF.png (617x467, 320K)

I-No riding a Vespa scooter.

Attached: ino-acc.jpg (1767x2500, 876K)

Draw shanty

Attached: shsw.gif (540x302, 314K)

Attached: IMG_20190705_211825.jpg (2279x2492, 1.49M)

You still can, my dude.


reqeesting funi monky shanate haha

Attached: funi.png (834x469, 199K)

Requesting Sonia(pkmn)
Massive sweaterpuppies
Lifting up her sweater enough so you can see some of her breasts
Tugging it down at the collar to show some cleavage

Nice references faggot

Requesting Miriam sleeping on the couch like a little girl, or pleasuring herself with a toy she had Johannes make/bought from Dominique

i didnt feel good with how this came out but hopefully you'll like it and if not then sorry

Attached: cindy volton.png (2000x2000, 360K)

Color will fix it?

Requesting Miriam resting her head on Aradia's lap while they both sit on that couch.

ehhh i dont know about that like i said i tried and didnt like what came of it. so again sorry mate

Attached: 1560175125227.png (526x534, 323K)

Fuck off nazifag with your retard requests

Rad as fuck. thank you so much


Chances are he's a phone poster. The majority of phone IPs can't upload files to Yea Forums.

Natalie deserves a better request.

Attached: tastybananaA21-Shantae Monkey fusion.jpg (830x885, 115K)

This thing, but appearing stern-faced on the battlefield

Attached: 0.png (400x400, 111K)

i liek the funi monke

Attached: monke.gif (425x425, 2M)

To be fair there's a pokemon version of that image and its pretty funny so its not necessarily just edgy

where do we go
where do we go
where do we go now

Requesting the top two pictures being recreated with Jeanne Alter as the left character and Mythra as the right character.

Attached: TsundereOff.png (1154x1717, 2.06M)

heavy traffic quote?

Can you draw Dr Wily holding a meeting with his investors?


Niggermen I have come to say the gentle word

ded thread

Attached: Corrin.png (350x510, 120K)

(sweet child)

Attached: android21thighs.jpg (1067x1048, 225K)

C'mon now user

Attached: stand proud.webm (640x480, 2.82M)

Ushimaru doing the bubble tea challenge, using milk tea made with her own milk, succeeding and chilling

Attached: Ushimaru_SK.jpg (496x850, 60K)


Embarrassed at wearing frilly girly clothes, or working out in a sports bra and spats. Also, her dressed as Tifa from FFVIIR, same breast size too

Attached: Kanadeko_Idol.jpg (700x1100, 152K)

begone thot

Requesting Seraphina from Disgaea 5 like this
Or like this with fake cat ears

Attached: Seraphina.jpg (4040x3646, 1.9M)

Requesting Jaguar Kotal Kahn from Mortal Kombat with wheels like the cat on the right

Attached: 1561959401005.jpg (2376x1348, 776K)

Requesting this thing as boss enemy. Which game is up to you.

Attached: 1562316540823.png (1280x1154, 877K)

Requesting Cirno putting on pounds to hibernate through summer.

Attached: 1348631583.png (400x900, 216K)

>bubble tea challenge
Why is this still a thing

Cirno is stupid!

Big tea is gonna keep pushing it because it drives up sales.

Attached: 348s.jpg (348x348, 20K)

Taking DW Weifus to draw.

Attached: LEWD_XINGCAI.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Wow what a fatty.

Xin Xianying

Requesting this cute and lovely picture(left side reference) with Princess Zelda or Princess Peach and this little girl
Please and thanks!

Attached: 67564.jpg (1604x884, 326K)

Gonna draw her but feel free to throw idea suggestions.

Mermaid Shantae

Make it Nega Shantae just to mix it up a bit.

throwing loaves of bread at birds.

Shantae in a pretty pretty fairy princess costume.

Splashing in a pool or the ocean and having fun
Any kind of swimsuit but a frilly checkered patterned one is optimal

Attached: ElizePics.jpg (1274x1338, 480K)

Doing what?

Shantae dressed up as Miriam (Bloodstained) or like a character from that game


>game e ninja neptunia
Requesting Blanc, Noire, or Vert or their CPU versions White Heart, Black Heart, and Green Heart, as ninjas or Taimanin-style ninjas. Or either with Iris Heart.

Attached: D24rjHCUcAIRga0.jpg (1200x675, 131K)

She's from DW9
Cooking some meatbuns?

Attached: shinkenei.jpg (1000x1000, 119K)

Draw her wearing a beautil hijab

Attached: 145-145cm-woman-chiffon-hijab-scarf-big-size.jpg (739x739, 31K)

requesting rina and my kyoot self! maybe like an instagram post of us or anything cuute, even lewd! maybe us in lingerie!! or im currently vacationing so us in the wilderness maybe!
bonus rina ref here
or rina playing pokemon go

Attached: 10DBFFE1-CA15-4DBE-B506-71DD3A34F321.jpg (803x997, 89K)

Requesting a draw of Bea as a big-butt wide-hipped loli with nice thighs
An OL Bea is a great idea too

Attached: Bea.png (480x400, 234K)

Succ Shantae trying to fly but her big fat titties won't let her fly high.

Attached: 1503608845266.png (599x319, 195K)

Sexy maid

holding up a giant playing card of the 5 of clubs.

Attached: Nagito_Komaeda_Halfbody_Sprite_(8).png (403x560, 214K)

Requesting a hypnotized suit Cissnei from CC:FF7 with her pants already undone and slightly pulled off, unbuttoning her shirt and exposing her chest. Preferably something with abnormal pupils but her otherwise acting "normal", like she's just been given an ordinary order and doesn't realize she wouldn't do it normally

Attached: cissnei.jpg (1136x772, 510K)

Gonna try drawing a mermaid-maid Shantae.
Also compiled a quick reference with the opening animation style for anyone else who might want to draw her.

Attached: Shantae ref.png (3073x1432, 3.08M)

Agrias sitting in a chair reading a book near a chimney wearing a sweater

Attached: Agrias.jpg (276x500, 27K)

Thanks broski

Is it ok if she eat a meatbun?

>See-through pantaloons.

This is the first time we’ve seen this, and I love it.

Why is she so lazy?

She learned from you.

Requesting Ultimate Conductor Tyranno (Pic related) doing the Pepe pose. You know the one.

Attached: db0s8pl-fb5b7c19-e135-4551-8227-b2d34dcb8550.png (800x800, 900K)

i want a footjob from that corn


Say it aint so

Attached: 1402879753725.gif (310x310, 58K)


Requesting a Yea Forums waifu (Aigis, Lucina, Reisen, Tharja, Dark Queen, etc) fused with The Evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-for-a-Butt from Earthworm Jim

Attached: 1562207767620.jpg (600x350, 86K)

Requesting Rozalin showing off this swimsuit to Adell with like half of her face switched over to her Zenon side with a Yandere smile.

Attached: rozalin request.png (2000x2000, 3.2M)

Requesting Rinko playing with a ZAKU she built. Her game is trash but at least it's cracked now.

Attached: Rinko_Sakuno_ZAKU.png (720x1280, 766K)

Attached: meatbundwfu.jpg (711x848, 135K)

Requesting this image, but it's Hat Kid and a bunch of hourglasses, some broken.

Attached: 1562358513301.jpg (938x1024, 208K)

Don't make the mermaid part
It's mishafag's fetish

But I like fish too!


Attached: fuck shit cunt.gif (330x300, 953K)

thats ok, I only like counterfeit mermaids

Attached: 1474620796202.gif (1014x287, 3.11M)

Would you like it if I drew my waifu like that?

But I prefer to draw wholesome "want to protect that smile" faces.

do eet

Progress so far. Should I clean it up or draw another Shantae idea?
Oh no. Imagine denying your own joys based on what someone you dislike likes.

Attached: Mermaidmaid Shantae.png (1220x1080, 262K)

you probably should've left out the one where she has a dick in her mouth

no QTs only.

ay that's pretty good jadf
not OR but throw in some dolphin mating action

Attached: 1408213879362.gif (195x195, 98K)

Rondo Duo Fortissimo, chances are she has a dick.

cute af

Maid Seraphina when

Happy student-teacher Aradia.


Nice, thanks user!


whoops! Still asking for some cropped faces though.

god I love her

how long do you usually take to complete one drawing


Talking about Kiulli bait, is it true he drew shota lewds?

this image except with Bridget from guilty gear.

Attached: not sucking hard enough..jpg (1200x675, 152K)

No, please move along

Attached: tenor.gif (220x220, 390K)

Requesting Bomberman drawn as the Gigachad and looking absolutely ridiculous
Keep him looking ridiculously muscular even below his bodysuit but keep his face super cartoony for added comedic effect

Dunno if it'd look better with or without the angry eyebrows, I'll leave it up to you

Attached: 1536805363430.png (1080x1331, 1.03M)

Requesting Olivia sunbathing on the beach.

Here’s a reference for the pose:

Attached: 5F799759-766D-4C9D-BC21-C12C7CB88AB6.png (656x1280, 342K)

I don't think thats how references work

too close

I think that's a reference for the pose not the anatomy.

Oh okay. I thought the reference was also supposed to give kind of a spatial idea of how to draw the character, otherwise I may aswell draw a stickman to communicate the idea

Not a proper delivery, just wanted to sketch something fun

Attached: I can't believe Hat Kid is fucking dead.png (1746x1096, 388K)

I love it regardless, thanks for the delivery!

Attached: 1451508549201.jpg (240x251, 14K)

Cleaned up.

Attached: Shantae mermermaid.png (1626x1440, 519K)

Might as well draw her eating wonder bread next if you're just gonna be like this

Wow, excellent.

Requesting badass art of Ru from Kantai Collection like in a combat or menacing pose, looking scary is also cool for this request but different ideas are also appreciated.

Attached: ru battleship.png (1520x676, 1.67M)

God damn those hips.

love ya dude

Draw Shantae taking the knot

I hope Aradia is the student and her boyfriend is the teacher.

Spider form wearing her ninja outfit when?

Attached: Form_spider_.png (512x596, 336K)

This, dolphin.
Also been a while since you did SK beast and I don't recall you doing it with Renka before.

requesting Saratoga from Azur Lane lifting up her skirt as part of a prank
another prank is her waking up Shikikan-san(the Commander) by straddling him
anchor for that wip

Attached: SaratogaKai.png (951x1024, 820K)




Shut up!!!

no one tells me to shut up and lives

Attached: gun.jpg (316x239, 17K)

Go for it, user! Don't worry, I'd be really grateful for my request fulfilled.

We'll see about that

Attached: 1537401932509.jpg (400x393, 28K)

Requesting Parry and Madchen side by side all grown up (Parry should have the Zenithian Sword)

Attached: parry and madchen.png (385x311, 107K)

should i do a request ask prompt

Yandere Compa holding a syringe

Attached: Super-Neptunia-RPG_2018_7-18-18_002.jpg (600x1567, 148K)

Too white.

If your not finding anything of your particular taste, that can usually work. So go nuts.

Requesting chubby Shulk!

Here's a really quick doodle.

Attached: ShygalThicccccc.png (1265x1634, 442K)

Requesting Aigis selling her gamer girl bath water

Attached: bathwater.png (800x596, 199K)

one day i will get 100 followers on twitter

One day i will draw something for my 100+ followers

One day I will get 100k followers

Requesting vidya girls getting kancho'd

Attached: KANCHO.png (531x771, 453K)

Attached: IMG_20190706_021455.jpg (1833x2709, 1.12M)

Requesting characters given fangs.

Attached: 1561420929317m.jpg (724x1024, 89K)

Very nice! Thanks a lot man! Love the detailed shading on this.


requesting angry facefucking with lipstick smear

Attached: fes.jpg (1011x908, 335K)

Attached: c0f10aba9d667c713424a638e8c0ebd4.jpg (1000x1000, 61K)


I put a q-tip in my ear and there was blood on it what do

Ask your mother

Ask a doctor.

Ask an anonymous imageboard

Attached: IMG_20190706_024201.jpg (2219x2990, 1.72M)

>people actually bought this.

What the actual funk?

Attached: Naofumi muh love.png (800x600, 87K)

You're a faggot but you're alright, nice art

What kind of prank is that?

Requesting Wooloo tempting trainers with endless power.

Attached: Wooloo.png (1623x1266, 1019K)

I'm not sure if I should be impressed or disgusted by the fact that sold out.

This looks great gotta get around to playing DQ8 sometime

Don't mind that corner

Attached: IMG_20190706_030521.jpg (2228x2663, 1.38M)

Draw that guy from MGR:R that’s eating pizza and reading tiddy manga

Attached: B8C1A696-EF6C-4F37-A1E0-2E4E5D00871E.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

this but with aigis

Attached: 1562370479710.gif (376x450, 1.78M)


I'm sure you can do that if you play the game


Attached: 54278E6C-7030-4DE9-8C67-5104B58700C8.jpg (536x481, 76K)

Requesting Shulk sucking his own dick


el bumpo


Attached: 1496357382592.jpg (1125x850, 610K)

That exists.

Attached: 20190705_180309.jpg (610x351, 90K)

Attached: 1561660938731.png (402x489, 216K)

While he gets fucked by a nig.

Attached: D-HlOZFUYAAVrGR.jpg (860x1214, 118K)


I wanna fug ranko

Attached: 1520156146211.webm (720x405, 1.4M)

Burn it all down.

Nice outfit



Attached: Ranko_Kanzaki_5.gif (204x204, 55K)

A funny prank which will inevitably go sexual

I wanna bully ranko

Kermit being yelled at by a floating Miss Piggy mask.

Attached: Crash 3 Intro.png (1920x1080, 1.58M)

>16 hours


Drawthreads are reclining....

Its a slow day

No idiot, its the weekend. Yea Forums Drawthreads go slow during the weekend

if only we had more lewd requests

The requester I drew for hasn't posted and I'm just sitting here with a finished drawing, fuck that shit, I'm just gonna delete it if he doesn't hurry up.

Hey it’s me show me the drawing dude sorry I’ve been gone I dropped my phone in lava


Attached: image0-116.jpg (480x720, 28K)

Requesting this wit cala maria and cuphead's soul.

Attached: 1507407074602.png (1140x1291, 1.27M)

This drawthread fucking sucks it’s more like a Subreddit
Bunch of attentionwhores with their own gimmicks trying to get approval from other attentionwhores with gimmicks

Attached: 1463160645981.jpg (1204x680, 114K)

/r/tittydrop is a valid reason to download the app ok

I sure hope you're being ironic because these threads are just 90% fags making lewd requests that have already been ignored/rejected from /aco/, /trash/, /h/ and /d/

Requesting some coloring.

Character reference:

Please and thanks!

Stop making these threads they SUCK

Attached: image.jpg (504x651, 134K)

Gotchu user. give me 20 mins for some flats

Requesting Female Robin from Fire Emblem riding a roller coaster. I don't really care which kind, maybe something with loops or something IDK.

Attached: reflet.png (300x537, 162K)

Fug where are the drawfag gacha summer units?

>gacha requests

Attached: 1560423660403.png (410x453, 208K)

I want some swimsuit boys

The future is now old man. Gacha are the way.

Attached: 1533341746062.jpg (900x1020, 151K)

That's not a real gacha game, just a game with gacha mechanics and integrating the gacha formula of hideous character designs with wildly clashing artists and art styles into 3D with predictably bad results.

Attached: 1561234299762.png (692x677, 538K)


Cute slime fish


Holy shit based!

Any luck with this so far?



no i dont have a gun


Requesting a Big Sister filling her helmet with a milkshake

Attached: BigSisterModelBio2Trailer.jpg (1000x752, 231K)

She's gonna smash her way into your heart

Attached: BuilderPeach.jpg (1500x1237, 140K)


New thread

Now we have TWO threads that'll die by 3 AM

>a thread already at 490 lasting on Yea Forums til 3AM
user, it's 11:30 where I am, do you honestly think this board is slow enough to prevent it from dying before hitting bump limit?

Yeah, amerifats are still in their post-July 4th food comas
