I want to say you're an appreciated member of the team. Even though it looks like most people nag you on and don't care for you, at least we Pyro mains do! We're here to help you guys out any time. Long live our friendship!
Fuck that I toss every homewrecker and neon annihilator i get and only use the shotgun Fuck engies
Elijah Hernandez
That pyro's a spah!
Adam Gutierrez
Remove homewrecker
Luis Walker
Attention Engineer and Pyro mains:
Play a class that requires skill instead of horseshit that was designed for blind crippled retards who forgot to plug in their monitors
Ethan Evans
>get killed instantly by literally every class >counter nothing and have multiple hard counters >only exist to teleport Why do people play Engi exactly?
Hunter Brooks
>pyro >no skill Pyro's got a lot of skill involved Ever airblasted a rocket so you could rocket jump across the map?
Leo Collins
I have saved so many asses as engineer it's not even funny anymore.9 times out of 10 a spy is more likely to go on a backstrike streak rather than take me out, it's odd.
Julian Harris
t. spy
Landon Flores
>Pyro with tits pyro is a dude,the fuck is wrong with people
Engineer, spy, pyro and sniper should be removed from the game. Shit unfun classes to play and to play against.
Just make sentries an enviroinment spawn like health pickups, so that any class can upgrade them at the expense of ammo. There, no need for engineer any more.
Elijah Roberts
why do discussions about TF2 almost always devolve into class-based shitflinging? can people not express pride for their favorite characters and get out alive? t. scout, soldier, pyro, demoman, heavy, engineer, medic, sniper, and spy main
No, fuck off. I get airshots regularly but not something as fucking glorious as that webm.
Austin Lee
play pugs then it's less chaotic
Josiah Stewart
How does one main every character in the game?
John Price
>Ever airblasted a rocket so you could rocket jump across the map? yes he doesn't take that much skill flaregun sniping it's ok but his primary weapons suck mad dick
Back when i still played this garbage game i was a scout/engi/sniper hybrid extraordinaire and i fucking hate dumbass pyro niggers lmao. Fuck yourselves you inbred fucking fursuit wearing, my little pony watching, diagnosed assburgers having, foot playing, forward + attack holding, inbred, clopping, kindergarden dropout, chromosomal surplus, crossdressing, morbidly obese faggot ass motherfuckers. I don't give a shit how many spies you kill you're still just a worthless drooling fucking ape piece of shit that's playing a class with a skill floor so low even a fucking chimp could competently play it.
Gabriel Rodriguez
Nice lime green cosmetic set you 'nigger extraordinare'