Rune Factory Thread

Now, Discuss.

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Or "Earthies" as I like to call them.

Bought 4 because of curiosity out of a bargain bin. Beat two bosses so far, does it get any more interesting or is this pretty much it?

The game is divided into 3 arcs, first arc is pretty boring, second arc is when shit kicks off, third arc is more like postgame content


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Should I bother playing the first rune factory?

so RF4S, yay or nay?
>new contents are basically new difficulty, and paid drama CD
>"HD" graphic (not that i mind much)
>supposedly re-ignite the general interest of the series

i'm tempted to buy the thing again, but Doraemon + the FoMT remake caught my eyes too

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Have you played the one on the 3ds? If not, then yay for RF4S.

Yes if you dont have it yet, no if you dont, good for recommending to switch owners to get into the series

If it added new waifus and new content I'd be happy.

Now that we had fire, water, earth and wind dragons, where will RF5 go from here? Light and Dark?

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I was excited at first but now the only thing left is seeing what that bonus is if you load a save data from RF4S when you start 5.

Don't get me wrong, some of the things they improved are great but I already have 4 so everything they added so far isn't enough for me to shell out money. I seriously doubt that they re-hauled the stupid event RNG either.

Imagine if that plot went anywhere.

yeah played the thing over and over again alr
that's why im hesitating
i want to support the devs, but i want to eat too

Save that money and show support by getting 5 then.

I just got Dolce without even realizing they'd add another bachelorette and even though I'm already at 5 hearts with Forte, I think she is also pretty cute and I'm torn. I didn't expect this game to have such a difficult decision. Help me bros. Is Dolce worth it, or is Pico too much?

Dolce is God-tier, and Pico is icing on the cake
go for it, my man
just shower her with potions and sweet everyday

Can't help you there bro, torn between the exact same bachelorettes. Dolce a good.

For me, it's Forte.

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Since we're actually fucking going to be seeing some RF5 news soon (Was it this month or next month again?), what do you want to see?

just some footage is enough
if they can do it free-3D world like Frontier, it would be nice. Doraemon spin-off style (paired with decent, Ys like combat) is nice too
And i think maybe early next month. RF4S is releasing this month, and suddenly revealing RF5 info might kill the sale
>Doraemon spin-off just late last month
>RF4S this month
>FoMT remake in october
>RF5 (and maybe SoS switch) 2020
Holy fuck Marvelous is going on full throttle

New tameable monsters.

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Waifus of course.

Why Marvelous is so buddy-buddy with Ninty lately? all exclusive thus far
not that i mind, esp after how all the psp and ps3 titles were so badly received

>emperor of the most powerful empire in history
>keeps getting btfo by singular teens
Why doesn't he resign?

One of the things Hasimoto mentioned in his vision for 5 was making it a place that looks like you want to live in it so hopefully that means max comfy and epic.

I'd think we'll at least get to see protags first. Waifus unfortunately is a harder sell considering the marriage candidates were shown bit by bit.

Eh, the new contents don't interest me much.
I'm not one of those guys who really want to fuck the dragon, but I would've been more interested if they added more marriage candidates or an extra arc or something.

My issue is that at least one of the actually new content might not even be brought over period and it's something I could otherwise watch on Youtube.

I hate fags

Because insanity.

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>Since we're actually fucking going to be seeing some RF5 news soon

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Said teens tend to be literally Jesus so that might even the playing field a but.

Was announced on the June 26th broadcast, no set date for actual stream yet though.

Which one's the best?

game? they all have their own niche
>2 was... weird. having a child and actually let him grow up, and play as him is fun tho
>3 has the most amount of waifus, and all of them are great
>4 is the most polished, has 2 gender for whichever way you swing, top notch socializing-event, tied down only by RNG
this one

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>celebratory livestream for the launch of RF4S
>july 19th

Thanks for the info mate.
Shame the ROMs are fucking impossible to find.

*Monster waifus

Robot/Android waifu WHEN?

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Hopefully a slime girl

>realizing they'd add another bachelorette
Are they adding more waifus?

I want to see the landscape, and I hope it's better than RF4.
>it's winter in town
>always summer outside

Oh yeah, having some idea of the graphics and scale is a must!


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