Anyone else played SOMA? Fuckin' love this game, easily in my top 5. I know a lot of people like to rag about the actual gameplay, but eh.
What're your thoughts?
Anyone else played SOMA? Fuckin' love this game, easily in my top 5. I know a lot of people like to rag about the actual gameplay, but eh.
What're your thoughts?
>Anyone else played SOMA?
Of course someone else has fucking played SOMA you god damn retard.
Oh sorry, I couldn't see anyone else playing because your massive faggotry blocked my line of sight.
Coinflip faggotry incoming in 3, 2, 1
Why did I have to lose the flip at the end after I won it the first time? Why couldn't it be my choice?
Devs don't know what they were doing clearly.
I dunno, it helped the narrative in a way, to see the despair you left behind.
Because the coin flip isn't real, idiot. Goddamn are you really as dumb as Simon/Simon's copies?
shit game, shit thread
I know this is bait but there was no coin flip. You were always doomed.
Sure buddy
Just read Blindsight, nigga.You'll like Peter Watts' works.
It's literal trash for brainlets. Probably one of the more dull games I've played through, you instantly understand the twist at the outset, the gameplay is hot garbage because they removed anything interesting like inventory and light management so puzzles no longer exist, and the enemies are all toothless even on the hardest setting.
Ultimately, the most interesting element of the game, WAU, is handwaved with a QTE where you either fist an anus or you don't. That's a pretty apt description for the entire game, it's like the people making it didn't actually understand the concept they were exploring at all.
A good ending to the game would be merging with WAU in order to show it how humanity should operate. At the start of the game, it's already worked out how to put individuals into suitable bodies through its experiments, I was honestly expecting the ultimate plot of the game to be about you realising you're very clearly a conduit, the last step in WAU's self-actualisation.
Instead, it's a game about a robot launching a fucking satellite. And the basic retard shit anyone with half a brain understood in the first second is somehow the fucking ending where you realise that coin-tosses "aren't real", as if this is a surprise to anyone other than Simon.
Imagine making a game, realizing that your audience are braindead retards and thus won't understand the concept your game is largely about, so you make the protagonist a huge retard with brain damage so you can make him (and thus your braindead audience) believe that the whole concept is like a coin toss.
>1:36 interval
I love horror games but this is stupid, basically a walking simulator for idiots
>You were always doomed.
No, the "coin flip" is just a pure example of altruism.
The problem is that Simon is too stupid to understand its real meaning, but the player understands instantly. Which is why the entire ending of the game loses all of its impact. Simon gets left behind? No shit. Only a fucking retard would think otherwise, hell, you're literally SHOWN that this happens an hour earlier if you were too dumb to get it the first time it happened.
Copying yourself is self-sacrifice, so that another version of you can live.
I think it's still a dreadful scenario (more so than horror) where even if you are aware of the "copy" effect the finale leaves you hopeless.
Good storytelling I thought. Not everything needs a TWEEST
I don't think it's necessarily to make you realize you've been duped. I think it's more to hammer the point of how important Simon's perception of what is worthy of staying alive. Simon deep down probably knows he's an idiot, but he still feels betrayed because he was given a chance to finally live again. He's been clinging to that hope during the entire adventure and is enraged at the end, because he feels human enough to be part of that collective. It's almost a sort of mirror to how the original Simon in Toronto felt when he was about to die.
Anyways, yeah, a lot of people guessed it, and it's not like it's a hard thing to arrive at. I think the true gutpunch is that Catherine explodes, and the last thoughts she left to Simon was betrayal, anger and the sad realization that they were never really on the same level.
The problem there is that I can't identify with Simon. He's a literal retard, the entire game, he just does what he's told. There's no payoff, because I feel absolutely zero connection to the character.
He's an idiot who got an experimental brain-scan because he was too stupid to realise he was already dead, and then he's conveniently revived at the end of the world, and yet all he can do is fucking whine about his situation just because there are a few scary robots around.
It's good. More depressing than scary.
I liked Amnesia more even if the themes weren't as heavy because I like schlocky horror over existential dread.
See, that where I kinda disagree.
Sure, Simon isn't exactly the brightest and is pretty slow at grasping important things, he isn't an absolute meathead. While Catherine is always very goal-oriented, Simon is usually quick to question the more moral aspects of situations, and is not afraid to speak up when there are things he don't think is right. I mean, in the mind transfer scene at Omicron, it didn't even occur to Catherine that killing the one in the chair might be the more moral thing to do (which I'm not implying, but I assume a lot of Yea Forums think so) and Simon was very quick to voice his disgust over the whole situation.
And even despite that, you aren't really doing anything that Simon is railroading you to do. Most of the game you listen to Catherine as she tells you what to do, and while Simon often questions, he never really objects. You're playing as Simon, but you're not forced to roleplay as Simon if you don't want.
I just wish it wasn't a hide and seek simulator. Those are literally the least fun kinds of games. It sucks, because I'm really interested in the narrative.
Yeah, I kinda agree. You gotta take the time it was made into the context, though. Everyone shat on Machine for Pigs because it had too few encounters, and walking simulators in general had a pretty bad rep. So I understand why it's like the way it is, and the monster parts aren't really awful, but I think they would've made it differently if it was made today.
>conveniently revived
>prototype scan of a brain damaged man
>thrown into a corpse of total stranger
>hundreds of years after everyone he knew has died
>after the world has ended
>after the last human settlement on earth went shit and there is ONE biological human left on the entire planet
>he doesn't know this yet though he's just woken in a dark room, seemingly kidnapped
Simon has every goddamn reason to complain about his situation, it's fucking horrible.
That's on you though. While knowing he's an idiot, I was able to feel for him and be sad when the obvious realization hits him
Simon is a whiny fucking baby. He gets a second chance at life, in literally the best possible circumstances because he's left separated from WAU, and he literally spends the entire game bitching and moaning. Nothing is stopping him from just putting his head in one of the industrial machines and turning his brain into fucking mush, but instead he's a mopy idiot who is upset after he accomplishes the goal he set out to do because he's too dumb to understand what it means.
Really? One if the complaints I see going around is that Simon rarely emotes about monsters being there, and barely mentioning it to Catherine. Like, he literally never talked about Akers or the monsters to Catherine, how did you come to that?
>He gets a second chance at life in literally the best possible circumstances
Are you, by any chance, genuinely retarded?
I downloaded it to play the SCP-001 mod but haven't played the game it's self but seems cool enough
I can feel bad for dumb characters, but Simon is on a completely different level. He's in the perfect range where it just annoys me
If he was literally a retard, I could feel bad for his situation because he's clearly not in control, and he's no better than the rest of the insane personalities you encounter. But because he has competency, you should expect more of him.
There are a dozen different ways you could take the ending if you were in Simon's shoes. You could be disappointed you aren't going, but relieved that you're leaving behind a version of yourself and the hardships you've experienced in a "safer" environment. You could look for a new mission. You could kill yourself. There are dozens of paths, but instead Simon just sits there and cries.
Imagine a movie about characters trapped in a sinking ship. At the last minute, Simon clearly sacrifices his life to free the remaining passengers, but instead of the plot following their escape, it stays behind with Simon.
And then, he goes "wait, I'm being left behind? WHAT THE FUCK I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!?!?" and he spends the next 5 minutes crying while the cabin fills up with water. It's an ending that doesn't make any fucking sense.
Any earlier, and anything Simon could have possibly done with a new life would be wasted when humanity is wiped out. Or, worse, if he happened to be one of the prototype Simon's WAU created that were failures, he wouldn't have a very good time.
Instead, Simon is poised at literally the start of a whole new world. Not only can he shape the creation of an entire species, but quite possibly he can affect the entire galaxy. Not to mention the perks of eternal life.
Simon is literally the luckiest character alive in-universe.
Yeah, the SCP-001 mod is pretty great. The computer terminal bit was really really good, but the ending kinda sucked. I wish they did it more like the story itself ends.
Shape the world from what? Everything is dead, and even if there was a way to do something, he's literal room temperature IQ so anything thats possible would be wasted on him
You are actually more brain damaged than Simon is.
Simon has no control over the WaU, assuming it's still active, which is the thing actually trying to recreate human., it's thought process is alien to us as it's an AI that has both grown beyond it's programming and is trapped by it, and Simon has no way of communicating with it.
Simon is also trapped in a enclosed, powered down launch facility at the bottom of the ocean, alone, in the dark with no way to get out, the best possible end would be for him to rip the power pack out of his body and shutdown.
As for the people in the ark? They live in a black box essentially, an entirely digital existence, they cannot interact or observe the outside world anymore.