Reminder to play her game!
Reminder to play her game!
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when you didnt download her game.
is it in english
of course not.
>This item is not available in your country
>the sheer amount of doujin that exists of penetrating her but she's electro-charged but that just makes it feel better
Never fucking gets old
does getting your peen electrocuted feel good? sounds like a bad time to me
it is a bad time although i only got my hands electricuted and it left nasty scars and fleshy cracks deep within my hand.
It has real applications, but is probably horrible at the voltage she can channel.
Not like doujins care about that.
>not in English
>card game
Darn, I wanted to try it too.
what are some GOOD anime gacha games? i've been wanting to try at least one.
Only one way to find out.
>another fucking gacha
i fucking love raildex but i wont put in the effort if its at least not on english
Sadly gacha ruins everything, so it's all crap.
tfw no preggo mugino yet
There's an english mobile mmo that isn't gatcha.
I did.
bitch keep that fucker in Yea Forums
How did that happen user
what about this game?
Lessar should kill Index.
This stupid girl kept baiting me into thinking she will do anything worth something in the last season of Index. Kept appearing at the end of every episode for 10 seconds like a shiny object dandling in front of waifufags. Think Darth Vader at the end of Rogue One or Lelouch Lamperouge in Akito.
Fuck you Misaka.
i was 6 years old messing with an electrical outlet and the shit lit me up like a christmas tree. doctor hadn't seen scars so fucked up.
O shit, so both hands are covered in scars?
yes, i usually just wear gloves outside to hide it though.
She does a lot in the next season along with constantly getting cucked until she goes lesbian.
Could you post pics, or at least trace the shape of the scars in paint or something?
>mobile shit
Good. You mean Accelerator or Railgun season 3?
I have no idea when Railgun 3 is releasing.
is it that chink action game? It's in English?
Index NT. Ironically, the next season of Railgun shouldn't have much Mikoto since she turns into an electro monster and gets dragon'd. It does introduce best boy, though. Accelerator only has a singular sister and is mostly about a cute jew.
Yeah, you have to get to level 5 then you can switch to English. You might need the international version rather than the original JP release.
>can justify wearing gloves in public
Sounds cool but I'd rather not have scarred hands. What gloves do you wear?
Railgun S3 will be good but its when we get to NT that Mikoto becomes omnipresent
Have they fucked yet?
what game?
Ask again in 40 novels
She belongs to the Misakichad now.
Damn. Has Misaki at at least fucked him?
He ignores her because lol plot memory loss
If you're on ios, change your apple account location to Japan and it should work.
Man Index is really cool franchise but damn is it hard to recommend it to someone, the anime pacing is terrible, most people are too lazy to read and not all of the arc are not that good.
I hope this game can do well enough and more people get interested in it.
Am I good with Index 1,2,3, Railgun 1,2 and Accelerator?
I feel like the story is confusing, its been so many years since ive watched it, but I used to love it. How railgun 2 was index in a different perspective.
The story shouldn't be that confusing, but Index 3 was all kinds of badly made.