Alright, Yea Forums, time for a few rounds of Misuterii High with your pals...

Alright, Yea Forums, time for a few rounds of Misuterii High with your pals. Join up and we'll start when we have 5-8 players. Mode vote when we have people.
>byond:// direct byond link if you have it installed
> for the web client (really hit or miss doesn't always work)
> download byond if you want the best experience, don't even need an account (tho is better)


>What is this?
Anime murder mystery set in a jap high school with game modes based on a few different anime that feature murdered people. Some options are Madoka, Death Note, and Tsukihime. There are weapons and items stashed all around the map and various roles in each game mode. Shit is fun when we get a big group.

>Do I need an account?
No, you can play as a guest.

>Do I need to download anything?
Nope, use the web link to play in browser, though it is iffy and does not always work (despite being turned on).

Attached: file.png (1920x1040, 277K)

>I've never played this shit, are new players welcome?
Yep, there's a few rules and guidelines and if you ask in ooc people will be willing to help you out.

From a previous thread, a list of things that are worth knowing:

>Game has crafting
>Syringes are great since you can fill them with poison or anesthetics and inject people (syringe + substance)
>Crafted nailed bat (baseball bat + nails and hammer) sucked balls last i remember
>Kitchen at the south side of the school always has knives in it
>Vent openings hidden in the walls, you cant see them, you have to walk into them to know they're their, good for sneaking around the school
>Ketchup and paint can be used to emulate blood splatters on people or floors/walls
>Keep a smoke bomb or firecrackers on you for MLG escapes on demand
>Dont know if items were ever rebalanced, aluminum bat was retardes good, so was stacking the unarmed brawler perk or w/e it was
No players joined yet but we can fill this shit quickly. Come on in and kill each other.

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come on Yea Forums don't be a pussy


You'll get more replies if your thread was about SS13. Honk.

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At work so cant play rite now, is the combat hitreg as retarded as in ss13?

the combat has an easy mode that lets you auto target the person closest to you

Maybe I'll try it tomorrow if it's still alive.

so, no one is joining?

maybe hopefully someone might


Last time I played with Yea Forums I joined for murder mystery shenanigans and got murderhoboing fortnite faggotry. I'll pass.

>Been wanting to join for a while but always arrive too late
>Thread appears just before I'm going to sleep

well wake the fuck up faggot

Front page spell *wosh*

webgl client doesn't work
fuck you OP

i did say that it doesn't always work. I have it turned on, byond is just shit sometimes.

4 people in can we get 5?

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>nobody doing shit
>elaborately commit sudoku to prompt shit
>nobody gives a fuck

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I remember trying to play this when i got bored of ss13, nobody was ever on. I'll give it a try

is this easy to learn if i never played a byond game before?

yeah pretty easy


>spawn as shiki
>your retarded fucking jinrou didn't read his role and decided to just attack out of nowhere

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fuckin murdered

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i'll do more hosting tonight guys

just now I lost connection, what the hell?

it was a shit round anyway

im sure it was the same douchbag who attacked out of nowhere half the server


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So, I guess it's down until the next time you boot the server up.

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