reminder that MhGen cost 40 dollars at release and had over 20 times the amount of monsters and 24 times the amount of areas. :)
reminder that MhGen cost 40 dollars at release and had over 20 times the amount of monsters and 24 times the amount of areas. :)
Other urls found in this thread:
Gen plays like a game from 20 years ago, so it should be cheaper.
The only real slight you can put against it is the loading screens. There is quite literally minimal difference between the games besides world having dogshit map design and gen having loading zones.
>Nincel coping this hard
But that's wrong you retard.
I own both games. However I'm not surprised a basednygger would pay 40 dollars for 4 consecutive boss battles and a snow map.
4 brand new monsters you mean?
It plays like an action game. It plays pretty similarly to World at its core, just with some guff
Quality > Quantity
World is great stop trying so hard.
>I own both games
Sure you do toddler
New Large Monsters: Tigrex (old monster) Barioth (old monster)
Banbaro (10$)
Beotodus, (10 $)
Nargacuga (old monster)
Velkhana (10$)
, Shrieking Legiana (monster variations)
... hey wait...you were right. it's only three new monsters!
They said it's gonna be as big as the base game so how
How do I convince my friends to not sperge out at the prospect of playing gu? they started with world and we're about to kill behemoth so the end is pretty close, problem is I can vividly imagine the "its so clunky"-ies already.
>complains mhw is too new and doesn’t have all the classic monsters a year ago
>adds classic monsters as an expansion complains that it’s too samey
Your a faggot
user this is the shit posting thread, take discussion and questions elsewhere
How much new monsters MHGen had
93 for seething worldsperms such as yourself
>Didn't play a MH game since MHF2
>Barioth, Glavenus, Narga are all going to be new for me
>Plus whatever stuff they haven't unveiled yet
I'm pretty excited for Iceborne, but I don't want to double dip again. The load times on the PS4 Pro are fucking unbearable.
So I take that has a zero then, also Freedom Unite is my first MH
Nice you opened up YouTube and paused a MH video
2.5/10 You suck at shitposting op, try doing some more research next time. Even the autist who makes that giant essay sized post put more effort into it.
Assuming you bought every other game available that would still be 20 new monsters :^)
Your mom and sister offer the same price, but your mother's willing to do more degrading shit.
Yet I choose your sister at the end.
Any argument?
Schizoid and desperate shill. Not even /vp/ get at this level.
Enjoy my palico Gubsy.
>only 4 monsters
yeah this is bullshit i remember they said on the e3 stream they have more monsters to show soon
it was less of an "argument" reponse and more of a "dodge the question completely and fiegn ironic distance" reponse. 2.5/10. I hope he does better
As far as I can tell, 18 new ones.
1. Glavenus (Flagship)
2. Astalos (Flagship)
3. Mizutsune (Flagship)
3. Gammoth (Flagship)
4. Nakarkos
5. Redhelm Arzuros
6. Stonefist Hermitaur
7. Hellblade Glavenus
8. Silverwind Nargacuga
9. Dreadking Rathalos
10. Dreadqueen Rathain
11. Drilltusk Tetsucabra
12. Grimclaw Tigrex
13. Crystalbeard Uragaan
14. Deadeye Yian Garuga
15. Thunderlord Zinogre
16. Snowbaron Lagombi
17. Great Maccao
18. Malfestio
Generations Ultimate adds in 8 new monsters:
1. Valstrax (Flagship)
2. Ahtal-Ka
3. Rustrazor Ceanataur
4. Boltreaver Astalos
5. Soulseer Mizutsune
6. Nightcloak Malfestio
7. Bloodbath Diablos (Flagship)
8. Elderfrost Gammoth
I don't know who you're quoting there but I never complained that "mhw is too new". I don't even get that. "Yes, I'd like to return my game, it's *too new*" what kind of dumbass shit are you saying.
Never ever on the Switch
Wow. Are there really that many? That's well worth the $40.00 price tag! I'll be getting it day 1!
>No Zinogre
At least Tigrex and Barioth are in.
I don't really get this because I already proved that I owned both titles but OK
>played MHW
>had a good time
>Realized that I had the best hammer gear/hammer before I even finished single player
This is all that kills me, I had a lot of fun, but gear progression just hit a wall for hammer builds long before you even unlocked half of the hammers.
>I'll be getting it day 1!
This is for Generations and GU, which has been out for almost a year now. Not Iceborne.
I fell for the Yea Forums meme and bought MH:W for 25 dollars
not worth it. God Eater 3 and Toukiden 2 are better
MH:W is aimed at online garbage and it's boring. Besides awful texture quality, small texts, confusing tutorials and don't get near 60fps
if you haven't fought behemoth/nerg you don't have the best hammer armor
>. Redhelm Arzuros
>6. Stonefist Hermitaur
>7. Hellblade Glavenus
>8. Silverwind Nargacuga
>9. Dreadking Rathalos
>10. Dreadqueen Rathain
>11. Drilltusk Tetsucabra
>12. Grimclaw Tigrex
>13. Crystalbeard Uragaan
>14. Deadeye Yian Garuga
>15. Thunderlord Zinogre
>16. Snowbaron Lagombi
Recolors don't count as new monsters
>God Eater 3 and Toukiden 2
You mean the discount Monster Hunters? LOL
Still 7 new to iceborn's 3
>The load times on the PS4 Pro are fucking unbearable.
a ssd cuts down load times to less than half in mhw but it's also an investment.
Based retard
Good thing those aren't recolors, and the Deviants have different movesets. Silverwind shoots air slashes, for instance. Dreadqueen has deadly poison. If you want to complain about recolors, talk to MH4U.
Wow you gave diablos red racing flames and 3 new moves, totally new monster!
It's pretty retarded acting like the number of monsters makes it worse than Gen because literally everything else about it is better which is why so many more people are buying it over Gen. They can easily add more monsters if they want to like they've already been doing but Gen will never look better or feel less clunky. Not to mention World is the first in its series so World 2 will inevitably have many more monsters.
If you count Deviants then you have to count old monsters returning in Iceborne as "new" as well, considering that World is the first time in a very long time that they've been revamped in any meaningful way.
I'm passing on Iceborne simply because all the ways to play the game are gimped in some way.
You either play on the laughably optimized console versions with the worst loading the series has ever seen and inexcusably bad framerates or you play on PC which is even more laughably optimized and months behind for some dumb reason.
I just want MHW2 on next gen at this point.
>because literally everything else about it is better
The maps are worse, the mix of NO FUCKING MONSTERS and shitty map design means most fights occur in the same zones time after time for the 2-3 monsters worth hunting in any given area. It's almost as bad as 4U in terms of maps, fuck even 4U used the verticality better than World with monsters like Nerscylla, Congalala and Kecha Wacha that actually made use of their maps.
World not only has less monsters by number, but also less interesting variety. It's literally, off the top of my head
>Fanged Wyverns like Jagras
>Bird wyvens like TziTzi
>Brute wyverns like bone urugaan/barroth and deviljho
>narga knockoff Tobi
>An assload of flying wyverns, like half ripped from the original games
Meanwhile, 4U (to be fair since jen is a compliation series and has even more) has
>Bird wyverns
>Brute wyverns
>Flying wyverns
>Brute wyverns
>Nerscylla, unique spider moveset
>Najarala, unique serpent moveset
>Seltas/Queen, unique insectoid movesets
>Hermitaur, unique crab moveset
>Zinorge's unique moveset
>Piscine wyvern (Cephadrome)
>Fanged beasts
>Amphibian, testu/zamitros
>A ton more elders
Basically retard, even 4U which is my least favourite game after world because of the maps, still blows world out of the water in enjoy-ability and variety in monster skeletons and movesets.
>Gen will never look better or feel less clunky.
If you care about graphics in monster hunter then you're an unironic worldbab
If you find gen clunky then you never liked monster hunter
user classifications mean nothing, can you honestly tell me raging (seething) Brachy and savage (4channeler) Jho are even remotely the same fight?
>Mommy mommy I want a ps4 to play MONSTA HUNTA MOMMY
>sorry sweetie but daddy already bought you the mario console honey
>If you care about graphics in monster hunter then you're an unironic worldbab
>If you find gen clunky then you never liked monster hunter
I've played every MH since FU, often even before the western release and liked them all and i still am glad that World looks so much prettier and think that now in retrospect, GU and all other past MH games are clunky shit.
The series was plagued by tons of issues that needed to be addressed, i understand being nostalgic for the past and there certainly still is some unique value in the old titles, but World is absolutely a step in the right direction.
Most of the complaints about lack of monster variety and content are the trade off for the series being modernized for the first time since gen 2, everything after F2 was a rehash with minor additions.
>Cool I just got a free PSN card code at freepsncodes.cc
nice scam nigger
Oh yeah, and the weapons and armour don't look like shit in 4U, which is a nice bonus.
Man, writing that autistic post makes me want to go grab my 3ds and hunt some more Queen Seltas, Nerscylla, Brute/Molten Tigrex, Zinogre or Brachydios hunt. Not a single hunt in World however comes to mind as something I'd actively get the craving to go hunt again. It's too easy to just shit on everything, even the high rank of 4U is more challenging than fucking World.
I know classifications don't mean less for the brutes than something like the flying wyverns, but it just means that 4U is again more diverse than world. I was trying to point out that 4U wasn't a lazy piece of shit like World that barely bothered to make more than 7 fucking skeletons for their monsters to use.
reminder that there's way more stuff they haven't shown and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking moron
>the trade off for the series being modernized
Modernised doesn't mean good, casual. The only thing that got better in World was the feel of some of the weapons, but all those weapons were already fine anyway and not clunky in the least (t. SnS/Switch axe main) while the rest of the game has nothing worth fucking fighting besides maybe Odogaron.
Odogaron is literally the only fun right in World that can match the previous games where you're actually under enough pressure that you have to weave between the monster's attacks to get your openings, rather than just sitting back safely and smacking them when they have their clear openings.
So generations ultimate only adds 2 "new" monsters:
Holy shit guys, I've ran that through a calculator and it's telling me it means GenU is the worst MH game ever made. What will we do now?
Lol you're the autistic minority trying to latch on to outdated gameplay for no reason I can comprehend. Everybody that isn't a bing bing wahoo moved on. I can tell you haven't even played World because the Ancient Forest is probably the most well regarded Monster Hunter map ever and if you think it doesn't use verticality you're simply retarded.
Are you retarded or willfully dishonest? World modernized the series in tons of impactful ways.
All the animations and feedback are significantly improved, gathering went from being a pointless, tedious chore to something you basically do passively, menuing is vastly better, gunners actually have a control scheme from this century, the farm has one of its best iterations, most weapons have increased mechanical depth and the event quest system is significantly better.
Some aspects are a bit worse, like the online system and the decreased overall difficulty, but to act like World hasn't overall been a significant upgrade is immensely delusional, if you're not just shitposting.
1 new location as in there's only the one area to do hunting in? That's a bummer, unless it's somehow fucking gigantic as if it were 2-3 locations in one.
>complains mhw is too new and doesn’t have all the classic monsters a year ago
Who the fuck complained about that? Everyone just said the new monsters were kind of shit for the most part and that old ones were more interesting. That's something that could be addressed by adding more interesting new monsters.
It doesn't use verticality well though, the only area with a double-layer webbing/floor zone is where Anja sleeps and he makes the whole thing a tremor filled shitfest. 4U unironically did verticality better and anything world did it worse since there is ONE(one) area in the game with an upper level that is directly over and easy to travel to the lower level.