Is it possible to have a black woman as a protagonist in today's political climate?
There's constant strides to put women in varying significant roles in modern Vidya but so far it's just been non-stop white women with an occasional Asian girl in between.
Weird how men don’t have to be attractive in a leading role
Wyatt Flores
All you have to do is make her likable and have a personality outside of "HELLO I AM A BLACK GIRRRRRRL"
It's not that hard. It's been done before. But people won't do it now because of fear that if they fuck up or make the slightest misstep people will crucify them for being racist.
Mason Barnes
They absolutely do
Andrew Robinson
But they do.
Ian Perez
are you stupid?
Adrian Adams
Men and Woman have different standards, woman literally only have to attractive and they can get away with almost anything.
how is that weird? men are smart, cunning, creative, noble and strong, attractiveness is just one of their qualities women are not smart or anything, they are at best nice eye candy but when have you ever had a problem at work and you turn to a female and their solution is the one you actually use? personally, this has never been the case
women are just stupid, they have one good quality and that is sexuality beyond that you'd be hard pressed to come up with anything noteworthy from that entire gender
Aiden Diaz
>was about to say Wario >realize people have told me they want to fuck even him
Put her in a setting where it would make sense to have a black chick be the protagonist, don't just shove one in random places or just make her look sexy, then only sjws will complain in any case
Justin Moore
Try average
Ayden Smith
Le nigger hehe kek kek
Bentley Parker
I just realized most of the black girls in recent games are supporting characters that berate or beat up the main character. What the fuck? Just have us play as one if that's how you feel, that's just weird.
Owen Rivera
Closest thing I can think of is original Dead Rising I'm not sure if you mean unattractive in an unflattering or a neutral way, but he's more the latter since they wanted to give him an average look Now the real question is if whether or not a Dante Hicks-level unattractive protag exists
Nobody would care if they had original ideas. But everyone wants to have their cake and eat it to They want to bring back fans of the old games but also want new diverse fans. But they just keep rehashing shit so they need to change or replace old characters with obvious diversity pandering.
Andrew Jackson
Just because some people make r34 about a character doesn't make them attractive in general, there has to be consensus What we need is statistical analysis of unique r34 by character to truly understand the norms
Jason Brown
You do know rule 34 was originally worded as a challenge, right? As in, making porn of a character that doesn't already have porn, but attractive characters shouldn't need to be rule 34'd. Someone finding a character attractive does not indicate they are objectively attractive.
Elijah Davis
For what purpose?
Landon Sanders
Frank has kind of an average face but he is still pretty attractive, the kind of guy who would easily get dates IRL even if he's not a 10/10.
Logan Reyes
Name one (1) GOOD game with a really attractive black female MC, beside RE5. And don't even mention Dishonored. Please I need it for reasons
Carson Peterson
Weird how they all are anyway.
Evan Hall
>Rule 34 as an argument to what someone finds attractive People drew paper and orange juice fucking. That doesn't make paper attractive you doofus.
Nolan Brown
Man that show had potential.
Jason Price
>another political thread made by an anti/pol/ nigger, the same people who complain about /pol/ "ruining" Yea Forums
>Is it possible to have a black woman as a protagonist in today's political climate? Yes. Just make her the opposite of this and make her act like a white woman.
>Is it possible to have a black woman as a protagonist in today's political climate? Yes.
1. Don't make her a "strong independent woman" that people want to punch in the face repeatedly 2. Don't turn an established white character black 3. Don't try to push an idea that all of her problems are because of "ebil raycists"
It's really that simple.
Nicholas Ramirez
Strelok. And that's why he's one of the best protags in an FPS game, he isn't a superhuman or roidmonster, and he isn't some generic looking American hero with a cardboard personality, he's a fucking balding, skinny, manlet slav with amnesia who has to survive in the most dangerous and horrifying place on the planet And he does it
Ass Creed Liberation first thing that comes to mind, I can't really think of any others off the top of my head but I know they exist.
Logan Sanders
>millions of attractive black women around the world >Western developers keep using the same ugly afro design
Mason Lewis
Simple: Give her a fro, sassy/angry bitch attitude, make her say "shiiiieeeeeet" and "what the fuck you lookin at wyte boi?!" Instant 10/10 Citizen Kane of gaymin.
Hudson Sanders
Not every thread with political undertones is /pol/ or anti-/pol/.
There's a world outside of these Taiwanese cartoon discussion forums.
Adrian Howard
Michiko and Hatchin is a good anime liked the ending but hated Hatchin having a child.
I hate designs for black women being Afros and hoop rings. Deathloop is that new game at Bethesda’s E3 and that had an amazing design so it’s getting better hopefully?
Because for just about eons, women chose to keep themselves as arm and/or eye candy, and now they want to be taken seriously while still wanting to be arm and/or eye candy.
Ethan Johnson
its a fucking FPS and it doesnt count
Jacob Bell
>Implying Potter isn't hot
Zachary Fisher
>Full head of hair >Actual chin >No acne >Nose looks alright Goofy glasses don't make people ugly
Julian Murphy
ahem >Is fundamentally not unattractive, just has some big nerd glasses >Is a pussy ass bitch who slouches and runs like a sissy in the first level >Gets kissed for helping a hot girl >Gains a ton of courage and starts wrecking shit >Turns into a heroic manly adonis who kicks ass and takes names by the end of the game
Nicholas Hill
>All this cope Game literally says he's unattractive. You lose
Caleb Baker
The only cope here is your's, he's a handsome boy and you're just mad that he manned up and got some pussy.
Xavier Gonzalez
As far as the diversity shit goes, why are black women so under represented?
name a male main character in a AAA game that you could actually call ugly in contrast to other characters
Daniel Powell
Yes, only Yea Forums will get mad about it. Everyone loved Beyond Good and Evil and Resident Evil 5.
Asher Rodriguez
Black people are 13% of the population in the US. The media representation is such that it creates the illusion that they are 45% of the population. Hispanics at this point, are 20% of the population and yet do no give a fuck about proportional representation in the media since they worship white people anyway. The point is, no, it will never not be an issue for anyone who isn't a delusional white liberal living in a gated community.
William Mitchell
No one wants to play as an ugly guy
Wyatt Phillips
muscular white man with zero blemishes and a symmetrical face your distaste in him is personal
Sebastian Sanchez
Beyond good and Evil 2 trailer had a qt black female lead Sheva Alomar was pretty much secondary MC in RE4 Shinobu in no more heroes is playable in a few levels. Rachel from L4D2 but thats really pushin it.
and I know she's not brown but Chloe from Uncharted was 10/10. that fucking ASS
Adrian Lee
Yes but she has to be a character that happens to be black rather than a yaaaaaaaaaas character that had to be black to sate some basedboy's diversity boner. Example of the former: Alyx Example of the latter: That woman from nuwolf.
Grayson Foster
She looks like a white woman with a tan.
Ryan Collins
>Is it possible to have a black futanari with a ten inch cock as a protagonist in today's political climate? Yes, and also my penis wants it.
Jeremiah Perez
Sure. Just dont have them replace a non black character and make them worthwhile for reasons other than "I'm black"
Nicholas Reed
Just write a fucking character and make them good, who gives a shit?
Michael King
speak for yourself fag Pudge,Lifestealer and Roadhog are pretty great
Justin Myers
I want a Dead Space 4 with black woman protagonist where all enemies are male.
Charles Long
wario would be a 7/10 in-universe if he wore makeup for the baggy eyes, compared to the Fat Italian Plumber paradoxically being a manly adonis. aside from a cartoon styled nose and proportions, i'd honestly say he's "ugly" for plot like Meg is
more importantly though it's hard to say wario ware would even be popular standalone. is he really an MC in this debate if his fame is by proxy of another series?
Anthony Martinez
Strelok is literally 5'6" and skinny as shit in canon
Just basically get a white girl, black face her and that’ll appeal to every white person out there..
Owen Roberts
weird mixed signals compared to that ingame screenshot he replied to, but short isn't ugly, it's short. you can have a hollywood face even if i gotta look down to see it, and strelok looks like an actor with an unflattering costume design.
Xavier Martin
>Try average Average with a nice body. All they really need is some meaty T&A, and their life is on cruise control no matter what they're face looks like. Blame us for thinking with our dicks
Lucas James
Simple. Draw a white girl, give her a white personality, then give her dark skin.
The point of marketing is to cater to normals. Only retards try to target the minority, most likely because they know their product is trash and is unfit for mass consumption.
as long as Liberals can prey on Hollywood's white guilt, it'll alwways be in fashion.
James Davis
yeah if its not to prove some bullshit political point.
Dominic Wilson
What's that one playstation game called? Has the black chick sidekick with the white hair. Can't remember her name
Liam Sanders
>i dont play video games
James Roberts
i'm making a game, and i'm pretty left leaning, especially wrt to racial issues, but even then, i doubt i'd make a black female protagonist. it sucks for black women.
Charles Williams
Probably not DESU, You'll be under intense scrutiny from all sides looking for something to get upset over, which they will.
this actually goes to show that what's regarded as "attractive" is broader for men than women. it sucks for women.
Lincoln Hughes
The STALKER games don't have strong protagonists. The game isn't advertised as playing as Strelok unlike say how Uncharted lets players be Nathan Drake or Mass Effect lets players be Commander Shepard. I was barely aware I was playing as him throughout the first game.
Christian Thomas
You literally haven't posted any examples so your goalposts don't matter
Josiah Anderson
Goalpost moving Also anecdotal evidence, "kill strelok" was a twist many people remember
Connor Long
Thread should have ended here. Nobody cares if the girl is black unless you make it a political message.
Colton Hall
who exactly do you think you're replying to, my sensitive snowflake whiteboy?
Chase Cox
Oh dont worry /pol/acks will find a problem.
Hudson Howard
yes, but only in a game developed in the EU or asia. US studious are way too heavy on the political correctness.
You must be joking Geralt is drowning panties all over the world
Ian Wilson
I'm just saying that STALKER was never marketed that way and even when it spread through word-of-mouth there was very little discussion regarding Strelok himself compared to the immersion and worldbuilding elements of the game. Hell, even Gordon Freeman gets talked about more as a protagonist.
Kevin Bailey
Gordon Freeman is hardly attractive either
Leo Perez
If you think the issue is about not making /pol/acks shitposting, then there's no solution no matter which color and gender your protagonist is. Thankfully nobody takes those fags seriously, right?
Jacob Gomez
Exactly how black characters should look.
John Brooks
People will find literally anything attractive, the literal point of Frank's design is that he isn't a hollywood action hero, he's supposed to look "average."
Evan Howard
Women only need to be attractive to have the rest of their character flaws over looked, when they aren't attractive and are made to challenge a supposed male gale, they lose exactly that and are judged as harshly as male characters are and male characters are some of the most criticized and unliked in the industry. Only silent male protagonists get by, like doomguy or Gordon Freeman