they are handing it out!!
fuck off randy
just pirate em and wait for borderlands 3
I already got it for "free" with PS+ Randy
but I want to easily play with my friend, all dlc included
That's still very much too expensive and there is little that is handsome in this so-called collection which amounts to a game, its two rehashes and their collective cashgrab DLCs. It's shit.
yeah cause it's been a billion years and BL3 is coming out
Will Anthony Burch be getting any of this money, is my only concern?
Not big enough discount for me. Make it -150% and I'll take it
Pretty sure you can hamachi or whatever tunngle became or you know just not be retarded and port forward, and play via "LAN" that way.
>recommending hamachi
fuck off
Being almost free doesn't make this gay shit any better. In fact, that makes it worse.
Tunngle shut down
only, 2 and pre-sequel
The Handsome Collection has gone on sale quite a bit though, hasn't it? There have been a lot of chances to pick it up for dirt cheap. It's kind of stupid not to buy it though for $5 or $10 though.
exactly, and hamachi is pure shit. Over the years I started to buy my games way more than pirate them
i don't think he's even on the staff anymore
he might get some royalties but seeing how hard randy fucks over former employee's probably not
ah yes bordertown everyone's favorite arena shooter from the guys that did that half-life mod wow that thing
>pulled off legit persuasion over the hotline
big, if true - seems like a swell guy
The games are shit, you would be stupid to pay them anything for the games
i love how dumbfucks think that having potential newfags feel burned out on series from having instant access to everything will convince them to pre-order B3. At full price, no less
oops, my [device_w_physical_kb] auto-corrected the word ''gearbox''
wow $6 for a landfill of steaming dogshit
The new dlc is free for a few more days if you buy it now. It's a decent length and lets you start new characters at level 30, but plotwise it's just filler and most effervescent weapons are shitty.
Randy we said no. fuck off back to your child porn filled usb
I'd rather spend those 5$ on a good game
>spending money on a literal SJW fantasy power trip
No ty
lmao this is brazilian paper towel "money". Dollar is worth 4x as much. The sale shown at the pic is at 2 dollars
they pay for it with their life expectancy
>giving Randy money
>playing "run backwards and hold R while kiting braindead bullet sponge loot pinatas"
I love how none of the Yea Forumsirgins shitting on Borderlands 2 ever got to play it with a friend, it's super fun and well worth the price. If you disagree just have sex and cope
>hold R
What did he mean this
But Payday 2 instead fag
already have that. Boring
probably a consolefag who meant RT