What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Melee leeway
Hunters nerfed to hell

its a closed beta

Nothing. Dilate ff tranny

People mathematically figured out what the set in stone best in slot was. In old school WoW, hunters knew they wore leather, but we had no clue which stats to focus on. Now we know to equip cloth bracers if it will give us more crit and agility.

It's a 15 year old game and of shows.
They should just pull an Old School Runescape and make polls for players to vote what modern features should be included in a rebooted WoW experience.
Polls could require 75% approval just like OSRS. Would spark discussions.

All popular multiplayer games are cancer due to Twitch streamers and their captive child audiences.

It isnt released yet, I don't see why they wont make it so you can only change channel once in x amount of hours in a capital. But presumably they have a work around for shard-hopping and general immersion breaking of layering

discord.gg/tQ2kUuu Decided to be wholesome and destroy the game

>World of Warcraft
I found the problem.

Unironically that it's a solved game but people are still going to do it wrong because 'trust me I'm a good ret pally/feral druid' even though time and time again it's been proven they're shit.

The release date.
No joking, most people that want to try it out are people that are currently studying or going back to college.
The release date is right when people are going back to class, and while you could say you don't care about those guys, that age range is a big demographic (above 45% if I'm not mistaken) that won't be able to play on release because they chose a terrible release date for it.

lmao kill yourself discord tranny

Fuck zoomers. Old vanilla players have real jobs now and don’t have any summer breaks like a fucking child

Game was good in 2004, but it's super dated now. It will probably have a very hardcore niche audience which will probably the same people from the private servers. Casuals and people who don't have the nostalgia for it will probably drop it quick though.

no changes

And here's the problem, this mentality right here.
You want a succesful game that thrives and survives long enough for you to survive, and for that you need a community.
Have you seen the statistics? Most people that want to try it out are around the age of 22 and 34, and those are around 45 to 50% of the people.
For a lot of them, and I do mean, the hype was lost when they announced that release date, so you could say that a really big fucking portion of the game's hype and community was lost just because of that.
Fuck zoomers? Sure thing, But this thing is just getting worse and worse since even before it came out it is already losing a big ass percentage of the new incomers that wanted to try it out for the first time.

Why do kids want to play a 15 year old game anyways?
Most that would buy it at that age are only going to sub as long as the favorite streamer plays it then migrate to whatever he is playing next month, so it doesn't matter when they release it. Most of the ones that watch the retail wow streamers don't even play to begin with.

Hey screw you guy saying my discord tranny, we are feminists ok

Most people that age should be done with school, except the couple on the younger end going for a doctorate.

Streamers, Blizzard having almost zero original employees left, greed, sharing, thinking it was a good idea to begin with.

>No joking, most people that want to try it out are people that are currently studying or going back to college.
So, children?

>no changes

This will make the economy super shit. Everyone is going to be dungeon solo farming at the endgame and everything will be super inflated. It was so bad that private servers had to reduce the rates to save their economies, but with no changes it'll go unchecked. The only reason people remember 'wow gold was so hard to get' was because we were all idiots and only a select few people had the mentality that gamers have today. That's why people like Zezima were kings in runescape back in the day, because they just did shit efficiently, whereas back in the day people were exploring and learning new shit instead of just sticking to what was proven to work.

The moment OSRS got voting they voted for the grand exchange, fuck democracy.

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Final Fantasy XIV has always been shit though.


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INV TO ASMON LAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People have convinced themselves that classic WoW has amazing classes, leveling, raiding, and PvP and I cannot wait for people to realize that it actually has none of that.

they are trickling out beta invites and it's losing all the hype. For some reason it takes two fucking years to get it ready

>frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt

Blizzard started banning people for "harassing" streamers.

>muh arena tbcucks
>wrath babbies
>cata embryos
>pandaria eggs
>wod/legion sperms

>People have convinced themselves that classic WoW has amazing classes, leveling, raiding, and PvP and I cannot wait for people to realize that it actually has none of that.

Don't know who you've been listening to, but the only thing I know vanilla wow to be praised for is social interaction and actually being an MMO. If I had to stretch one other promise it would be that world pvp is fun without assigning any other quality to it. Everyone knows that some classes get buttfucked, leveling is a bore, and raids are going to be trivial because of minmaxing and perfect encounter knowledge.

that's the reason people want classic over say retail is because it might be shit but its still an MMO. retail wow is an "mmo" without the mmo or the rpg

>raids are going to be trivial because of minmaxing and perfect encounter knowledge
this will only be true for top 10% of guilds with solid core

the rest will churn retards and barely clear the content in an acceptable time

They shouldn’t have had a beta let alone such a long one the hype is DEAD

I too loved spending 30 minutes selling items, seriously thought ge is the least of osrs' problems and compared to the rest of the ridiculous shit they've let slip into the game the ge is nothing.

I have no idea why they needed the beta. Especially with shit like phasing. Isn't the whole point of the beta to test out what is going live? It's either going live with phasing or not and then it's gonna crash

i actually wish they would delay it so they can fix all the broken shit and don't use layering

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wait what's broken? How the fuck is anything broken?

the 'beta' doesn't even make sense as a beta because they didn't distribute their reference client to compare it with so no one actually has any solid proof of what is a real bug and what isnt

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hunters and tbc prepatch values are the main ones i know of

And to anyone who has played WoW it's a running gag that beta isn't for beta testing. They completely ignoring feedback. It's all for advertising

Personally I can't wait to kill some female night elf priests.
How about you guys?

>classic wow does better than blizzard expects (shocker)
>big servers like blackrock have 4 full layers at peak times
>time comes to turn layering off
>blizzard actually does it like they said they would (wow)
>servers have 7000 people in queue
>world boss spawns for the first time
>server crash
>5 mins later
>10k try to log in at the same time
>crashes again
>a complete changeup of guilds and players finally gets in
>people whining on the forums that they had the boss tag and then the server crashed but then they couldnt get in afterwards because of so many people above conventional server cap trying to get in after 6 weeks of layering
>blizzard instead of making new servers just says oh well lol and turns layering back on
>blizzard makes new servers that everyone has to pay shekels to transfer to

Yeah. Unironic last hope for the MMORPG genre is Pantheon, and even then it's not looking too impressive as is. I don't know how they did it, but they managed to make combat in that game look even more slower than classic, but at the same time just as confusing to look at (actions taken and their effects are unclear, lots of effects going on but no particularly defined source) than current. Hope that by this time next year that they'll have something that looks a bit better, and that they'll have an actual world to show us.

Personally I'm hype for this. I can't wait to see all the burnt out late twenties doomer cucks start crying themselves to sleep because nostalgia can't cure their feelz, and playing a grindan simulator won't let them escape from the crushing reality of their day to day life.
I also am hype to play the game because the game is fun, but nostalgic escapist faggots with emotional problems REEing is fun too.

This image doesnt make any sense it implies wow was never good

Layering is never going away you cucks

>tfw every guild is full of cliques you got to brownose to not get fucked by loot council

>tfw girl
>tfw shy
>tfw its hard to talk for more than 5 seconds at a time

Why does voice training have to be so hard?

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This is a high quality post with good thinking.

If you want to predict what will happen in Classic, look to Oldschool Runescape.

The original Runescape had clueless noobs all over the place exploring the game with no guide/guidance which created the culture, community, economy, etc for the original runescape.

Now that Runescape is back. It’s mostly 20+ year olds who are veterans of the game that understand the most efficient methods of leveling, questing, PvPing, etc. As a result, the culture, community, and economics of the game are different from what it used to be.

A quick example off the top of my head, castle wars in Old School is no longer an actively played game anymore because it’s not considered an efficient method of leveling, piping, or acquiring gear/money. Whereas in the original, massive amounts of people played it and included mostly noobs that did not know any better, they were just having fun. Wheeler are those noobs now? They are grown up and more experienced.

As a girl you just take hormones and it permanently changes your voice.

TBC and every other expansion

also lets be honest, it's not fun gameplay

>What went wrong?

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Are you sure you're not just an average player? I've played WoW since release and never had an issue with loot council, and I've been in different guilds every expansion. Play well and they have an incentive to give you gear, even if you're not the inner circle. They want to win, and they win by gearing the players who don't die/play well.

I personally agree it got old. But I think for the veterans that play it they are fine with it. A lot of people like the comfy atmosphere of leveling fishing while at work. But young Zoomers will look at Old School and say it’s trash.

If you’re talking about WoW, I would disagree that it’s trash. Classic WoWs problem in the long run is going to be content not outdated gameplay.

All I want to see is some uni or MIT or some such get permission from Blizzard to run 5 self learning AI as a group and give them almost no direction and see what happens. The game is complex enough to have interesting interaction. Even if it's only the AI running dungeons that would be interesting.

it has already been done.

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Go back to ffxiv tranny


I'm in school and I'm more likely to play it this fall than I would have been this summer, I don't want to spend my summer getting burnt out on an MMO.

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they released the beta too early and let it run too long

vanilla wow launched in october

just give in to your shyness and never play any mmos you want to like me

NIN is too complicated for WoW players

to be fair they reach a level of retardation that makes me question how they are even using a computer

Trannies aren't women as evidenced by your man voice.

No guilds will want you. You're walking cancer

Why does wow make xiv players so mad?

or, what is actually going to happen
>wow launches with tons of people logging in
>due to the nature of layers, the layer you are put in doesnt change, but the player count does
>first month ends
>wow's flaws are full on
>big streamers move on to other games
>dedicated wow streamers start working on their regular BFA progression, because they're more "familiar" with their characters there
>entire layers become abandoned and you see a microcosm of the death of an MMO in each layer: Players stop logging in because there's nobody playing, nobody is playing because players stopped logging in
>barely enough population stays to fill in one layer in one server, blizzard turns off layers out of pity
>other servers are at maximum half capacity and eventually abandoned
>blizzard releases the next expansion after BFA, and the next one, and the next one, and the next one, proving that the game has only progressed from the start and nostalgiacucks are wrong
>vanillafag suicide rates skyrocket to tranny levels

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streamers are not a total amalgamation of a playerbase zoomie

WoW is actually good, unlike FFXIV.

I can't wait for these delusional nostalgia faggot vanilla fags to kill themselves, I want to be forgiving but they are literally trying to convinced an entire generation of zoomers that this piece of shit was good. I mean, nu-WoW is still shit but at least it still improved things somewhat.


>The moment OSRS got voting they voted for the grand exchange, fuck democracy.
I mean lets be honest you guys already play Runescape, which isn't exactly a track record of good decisions.

this. I was hoping so goddamn bad for a june release, I would've been able to nolife the fuck out of it the entire summer and been set up to be coolin during the fall semester, but now I won't be able to play at all, it would take so fucking long to hit 60 with school going on I'm not even going to try I'm just going to stay on Lights Hope if it stays up

What class you playing?
50% hunter or priest I bet
Never seen a female tank

they really fucked it up with the beta and streamer hype in my opinion.
i was extremely hyped when they rolled out the beta.was literately watching streams,reading wikis,browsing wow threads thinking of what im going to roll for the whole week.
but then after this week my hype completely died out and i resubbed to ffxiv yesterday.

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although the game itself was always just as shit as bfa, so it was bound to fail from the get go.

and before that it was a dead game

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