Is he right?

is he right?

Attached: 2007-games-year.jpg (1073x266, 41K)

It was the worst actually.
Pic related on top of the Orange Box being released and digital distribution started having widespread acceptance and manuals started being done away with.

Attached: 2007.jpg (1477x1941, 282K)

for vidya not the internet

No it was actually one of the worst.

Attached: metacritic.png (1686x859, 181K)

I was going to say 2004 and
just proved that 2004 was the best year for gaming.

Non of this has to do with gamimg

for both

1998 and 2004 outclass 2007

not entirely true it infested the internet with retards that would eventually migrate to video games and ruin them. It would lead to the current trends of diversity hires the obsession with creating ugly women and censorship.

No. That was posted in 2014, so he couldn't see that things would get better, and 2007 was probably the last good year, but the time before it was as good or better.

Attached: vidyagaems.png (900x448, 71K)