>walking simulators are shi-
Walking simulators are shi-
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Based Finchbro. It also BTFO's antistoryfags because it's a story that can only be told through a video game.
Is this any fun
It's pretty depressing desu
>mulatto protagonist
>dude family curse lmao
Why would anyone enjoy this SJW garbage?
i enjoyed it
most of Yea Forums will never make it to the part about Yea Forums cretins because they hid it halfway through the game
That part was so surreal, very well made.
It's charming as fuck. I loved every second of it and I usually hate walking simulators.
I loved about 10% of Edith Finch
Is it enganging?
>it's another episode of "game is now good for Yea Forums because it's on the nintendo"
Thanks. I'll put it in a wishlist.
Got it with PS+ last month. Does anyone know why they switched out PES with Detroit: BH this month? I don't like other Quantum Dream games, but I did enjoy Until Dawn.
the best walking simulator already came out a bit over a month ago though
It has interesting and creative ideas, but the "game play" is shit. The story is boring as fuck too, but softbrains will think it's deep and meaningful.
I've almost never met a walking simulator I didn't like.
Firewatch and Gone Home and Dear Esther were good too.
Best one I've ever played was Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. But you need patience to figure out who all the characters are and also a movement speed hack to increase running speed.
Eastshade also looks promising.
But anyways, in Edith Finch, once you've finished the game you should watch
He reiterates the plot in the first half of the video, so skip halfway to hear his analysis. Depending on how perceptive you were to the plot, there's a hidden subplot that will change how you think about the game (just like Gone Home), and will change it from a wistful tragic one to a borderline horrifying one.
People complained that "the soccer/football game that's not FIFA" and "the racing game that's not the other, better racing game" were a kinda shitty lineup for the entire month?
>t. illiterate burger
The game's message is shallow. It's the best, recent example of a game hiding a mediocre story with a good presentation.
The fish story was the only part that didn't made me want to sleep on my keyboard.
>Why do I feel nostalgic playing games from times I wasn't even born?
The ONLY part they really put in the trailer right? The rest of the game was BORING....
It was free on the Epic store a few months ago. What the hell is wrong with this board? I keep seeing people asking if X game is good when X was already free on GoG, Steam, etc.
To be fair I don't use stores with mandatory clients.
>every post in this thread
Holy shit my fucking girlfriend had the goddamn sense to chuckle and say “what the fuck is this shit?” at the shark bouncing down a hill
You’re all pathetic children.
It's interesting, memorable and I'd recommend it, but it's not worth more than $5. It's extremely short and not at all replayable.