Why are gacha games so popular nowadays?

Why are gacha games so popular nowadays?
Can't they just make normal and portable video games?

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Low effort high profit from itoddlers with no discipline on jpeg

Because the world is an awful place filled with stupid people who are literally incapable of enjoying better options and would rather support low effort trash.
This is why AAA games are the way they are.

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Because the Japanese need something to fill their empty souls during train rides in the morning and evening.

Money. You knew the answer to this already OP and just wanted shit posting

But they are.

Cygames using all of its gacha money to create the largest AAA dev studio in Japan.


More like incredibly busy businessmen who have money for a hobby but has no time or the energy to commit to a bigger hobby
Or a porn dump

The phone market came to expect games to either be free or only a few dollars, so developers compensate by finding other ways to make them profitable. I remember seeing people actually angry because the mobile port of XCOM:EU was 20 bucks.


Clown world

>Why are gacha games so popular nowadays?
>Can't they just make normal and portable video games?
Literally gambling. When a Fate console game makes half a million and F/GO makes $4 billion, then it shouldn't be a surprise why so many publishers are putting out gachas instead of games.

Fate is probably the perfect example, since its games are so niche despite its popularity but their free mobile game just sucks the money out of its entire fanbase.

They're unironically fun

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Not really. Play a few good real games, then go back and grind hands and doors for a few weeks. You'll realize that the daily time tax is not fun, it's the mandatory requirement to even have a chance at getting new content in the game.

>Why are gacha games so popular nowadays?
because they prey on gambling addiction and prey on waifufags with all the girls and traps

because most people aren't all that smart

The grind isn't that bad compared to MMOs honestly

I've tried playing them a few times and I always got bored within the first few hours, came back for a while for login bonuses and then quit.

>The grind isn't that bad compared to MMOs honestly
True, but I hope that nobody is considering MMOs to have excellent gameplay either.

I've played a few believe it or not that used to have excellent gameplay until you know

Well, some had decent gameplay, but the biggest problem was that the gameplay in MMOs is intended to be spread over thousands of hours. RPGs, even ones with boring battle systems, can still remain interesting with their different battles or just by doing something else for a bit. Meanwhile, even the most interesting boss fight is going to become dull after the 500th attempt at the same thing.

Because governments don't seem to care about dwindling population and moral corruption.

Public beheading of gacha makers AND players when?

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I do enjoy it though. Gives me a goal to work to that I can enjoy.

people enjoy shit like rolling and crap

>gachashit I play has a new skin and gem set fot $40

It ain’t nothin’ but a thang.

I started playing FGO to get the backstory of all the porn I've been fapping to for the last 4 years. It's a nice time waster

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>dwindling population
Not a thing.
>moral corruption
Go back to /pol/, soccer mom.

>Gives me a goal to work to that I can enjoy.
That doesn't make the core gameplay any more enjoyable. That's basically just building up anticipation, and I'd say that once you hit that goal it becomes all the more disappointing when you realize that all you have now is a maxed out character in a boring game with nothing else to do but max out another character.

Hell, you aren't even maxing them out, since the only way to NP5 anyone is through gambling until you get lucky.

Plus, you can set your own goals anywhere to achieve them. You can try to 100% any game. You can try to get 1000 play hours in any game. You can even try to learn japanese. And I'm pretty sure that trying to 100% DMC is going to be more a more enjoyable experience than hitting the QP cap and getting your Jalter to NP5 10/10/10 with 2k/2k Fous.

i need the artist name

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This is just the end goal of capitalism, user. You have no idea how long companies and salesmen have been laboring to develop a product that attacks certain people and practically forces them to fork over their money. Gambling was the obvious way forward but then that went and got heavily regulated. Now you can launch brain worms at nearly 100% of the population thanks to the spread of powerful mobile phones.

Everyone I know who likes FGO is in a twisted Stockholm syndrome with it. The core gameplay certainly isn't good enough to justify it. Definitely not the trash story. "But I've stuck with it this long..."

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>Not a thing.
It's a thing in the whole world and should be addressed by the gubbamint.
>Go back to /pol/, soccer mom.
Nice argument. I have nothing against depicting whatever in your pocket casinos, what I am against is allowing casinos and other gambling garbage in the first place. Prostitution is not half as bad and it's banned there, so why is this smartphone pachinko tolerable?

Try not to be a retard this time, otherwise don't bother replying.

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Literally any JRPG is better than it. Almost all turn based games I've played are significantly more fun.

>"But I've stuck with it this long..."
This is literally the only reason I keep logging in once a day now.

The world recently hit 7 billion people. Population is not declining. Outside Japan I doubt you could name a country with an actual negative population growth, and most other countries are seeing either war or immigration out as their causes. The population in the U.S. is not declining. The white population in the U.S. is not declining either, since I know that's what you are going to try to claim is the problem.

What is happening is that most populations, about a generation after receiving proper health care and no longer seeing their children/young adults dying, see their future generations only have around two children each. The introduction of life-saving medicine sees a huge boom in population, but the future generations have no reason to keep producing those numbers and so growth slows. But outside people actively leaving (bad economy, poverty, war) or people actively dying (most of the same) the population doesn't shrink. There's a reason that the 2.5 kids is pretty standard and it being reduced to 2.3 kids is not a depopulation of middle America.

As for moral corruption, it's a pretty big mess to start having a government dictate what is "moral" and allowable and what isn't. You end up with China, and no, that isn't pedantic. I seem to recall South Korea decided that drawing are considered child pornography and jailing people over it. The problem with saying that governments should start dictating morals is that different people run the government at different times, and if your government is your moral center, then what gets outlawed is at the whims of the voting public - which isn't always the best idea. It would be a better idea to establish general laws which prevent dangerous practices from being used on the general public, which does sound similar but is different because you can't apply "dangerous practices" for outlawing a morning-after pill.

When you said depopulation wasn't a thing, I thought you were seeing me as one of those meme retards who fall for "le Japan needs immigrants" rhetoric bullshit, but turns out you are the one getting fed buzz statistics. There are many countries ahead of Japan, even in Asia.

I also don't give two shits about Am*ricans.

While I agree the government shouldn't interfere much with freedom, I also think there's a point where it's irresponsible not to. No cultural war or revolution was ever made by allowing the pople to do whatever; study a bit of Meiji restoration and see how the government bullied Buddhism, or even before that how in Edo they chased down Christians and avoided being overtaken. Promotion of red meat to close the physical aptitude gap. Or since you're a mutt, think about US' push for milk consumption.

Posting cause page 10, but I have more to say, wait a sec.

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Continuing, the government can crack down on things that are bad for people.
Gambling is financial exploitation and drive many people to financial problems. And even if it isn't forbidden, it can be heavily regulated and counter-stimulated.
The reason the government doesn't do it is because it's a good way of oiling the machine, but that's a government working for itself, not for keeping up with the international race.

Cause China will use its full dystopic powers to fight depopulation and Muslims have it ingrained in their basic teachings. Any country worth its salt should realize this and try not to shrink past a cultural suicide threshold.

Other than that, we seem to be on the same page, but I prefer more control over things because I beleive people are stupid and can't think for themselves, while you believe it's not worth abdicating your freedoms (TM) in the long run.

Look up a couple of those countries and see why that population is decreasing. War, war, high death rate, economic crisis in several of these countries. I won't deny that there are countries worse off than Japan but are you even aware of what's happening in Greece or Italy?

I'll admit that we probably agree in general about the whole morality and governments part, so don't want to harp on that any more.

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Fair enough, user. Here's Asia alone as a supplement, I'll leave it at that. Have a good one.

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