Literally the greatest villain in vidya. How did they do it?
Literally the greatest villain in vidya. How did they do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck this cuck shit expac. Y'shtola is for WoL only. Squeenix better fucking kill Runar and Urianger better fucking add Y'shtola scenes with WoL.
I'm free bros.
Can we like ... have a non garbo OP for once?
Like without a fucking meme sentence like the other 20 millions threads before?
Is it really too much to ask for? Maybe a nice /r9k/ filter would do wonders with this board.
They did it by using my referral code SY2RTMEF to receive a Friendship Circlet that increases EXP earned by 20% when level 25 and below. They also receive the Aetheryte Pendulum that allows them to teleport to the aetheryte closest to New Adventurers on your friend list free of charge.
Hrothgar are gay, so why are you upset?
>let us cast our titles aside
>Hades is the only boss without a title in his intro
He's pretty shit tier
People would just shitpost harder. The end point of Yea Forums is just gibberish being "ironically" shitposted for the sake of it mixed in with buzzwords and whatever makes people the angriest at any given time.
How? The collectable system feels way worse now.
why is the /vg/ thread dead?
How did they make a game this kino?
Fucking Runar piece of shit touched her. I don't give a fuck bout lalas Squeenix needs to fucking add scenes where WoL touches waifus.
Oh no no no Y'shtolabros, the others are laughing at us, Alisaiechads especially loudly. What can we do
>Watching Dungon cutscene
>First time there
>Tank: Hi healer hurry the hell up, I don't have all day
>Big Sad
What the fuck everyone keep telling me to watch these then people get all pissy when i fucking do
>Actually feeling threatened over a gay guy touching a girl you like
kys weeaboo
Would you a fatcat?
Collectables are shit for anything other than gatherers. This was done starting Monday morning, as it took me some days to get through the MSQ.
Watch them anyways
>Didn't overstay his welcome
>Had clear and defined goals and aspirations
>Wasn't hilariously evil
Wish they had done the same with Zenos, but they are obviously setting up some shit where we tag team zodiark together.
So assuming Elidibus doesn't fucking job, which is highly unlikely, is he going to have a big monster form like Hades? Lahabrea didn't really have one aside from the Ascian Prime thing that happened IIRC.
>Fuck father
>Fuck black rose
>Fuck Elidibus
>Fuck Hydaleyn
>Fuck Zodiark
>And most of all, I'm going to Fuck my one true friend
If anything, Zenos is going to become Zodiark's champion or something along those lines to get his strength just to satisfy his fight autism
So I just finished running Castrum Abania (?) and I have a couple of questions. If I decide to run it again should I pull every mob in the last area (the big bridge before the last boss)? Also how much longer until I finish with the fucking Mhiggers? I much preferred Doma, the only thing that will make me happy is kicking Fordola's ass and leaving that shithole behind me.
What it feels to me like, it's just a bunch of idiots paraphrasing the same fucking threads without end to get a couple of "interesting" posts going which they screencap and post on reddit.cum/best_of_4chans/ or some other garbage website.
And as idiotic as Yea Forums is - those who do not participate in that stuff follow suit anyway. Swarm mentality.
>Alphinaud: "wtf Emet-Selch you can't just destroy everyone living currently to bring back your dead friends"
>Also Alphinaud: "oh hey Exarch I'm really glad you erased that future timeline to bring your dead friends"
>WoL will never become the monster they truly are
>not until the final boss fight
Tell him to get fucked
They can't do shit without you
yeah, but how?
Nothing stopping this new cunt writer bitch from cucking you with Alisaie bro. You shouldn't laugh at this shit. What if Alisaie gets npc shitter boyfriend next expac what you do?
tanks are the bottom bitch boys currently
tell him to fuck off and get another party and you'll have a new tank within 5 seconds
Watch them anyway, they're not going to wait the 15-20 minutes it takes to replace you over that
>those in your company will likewise turn into sin eaters
oh fug someone's going to get LIGHTED aren't they
This reminds me of the fight Joker wanted at the end of BamHam. He wanted a monster fight but Batman wouldnt give it to him
Nah, user Zenos wouldn't allow Zodiark to get in the way of his Great Hunt. Only when all distractions are gone can he be satisfied.
I hope its Alphinaud. I have been waiting for him to die since ARR
The difference is, the future people consented
Low IQ take
Tell them to fuck off. You've got the chips on your table. Us healers don't need to take shit from t*nks or d*s
But how else can he rival Hydaelyn's champion without taking Zodiark's strength?
I'm getting there. Gatherers are at 80, as is BSM. Everything else is 72+ while I gather shit for leves
Hey I don't know if you know, but is melded HQ 80 gear better than the White Scrip gear?
He will probably suck Zodiarks power into himself.
This really reminds me of the Demon Path from Soul Nomad.
Titania EX was pretty fun.
Just wish she had a theme that was less grating.
I love it, but it starts to hurt while learning with retardo randos.
yeah I'm sure literally all of them consented to be poofed from existence
>"You have no fight left to fight, no life left to live"
That whole fucking scene was peak kino.
Not quite what happened. In the future, the crisis already happened, so they send him back to avert the catastrophe.
>people said not to believe The Angel of Truth Emet-Selch
what do they have to say now
What is the best way to farm Aetheric Density?
what's the point of the complete edition on steam? you don't save anything by buying the base game and shadowbringers together
It always is. Maybe pick up a mainhand though if you can't be assed to meld.
Well, their existence is completely shit and has no hope of ever getting better, so I'm pretty sure most of them did, yeah
The future people created the means of erasing their own existence, for the sake of saving WoL and those who came before just as the Ascians of the past sacrificed themselves to stop the calamity, save the world, and lastly to save the world from Zodiark
>Become Zodiark's Champion
>When Zenos clearly wants to yoink his power for himself to have the ultimate contest of battle autism
Zenos is too autistic to allow zodiark to tell him what to do
crafted gear was and will always be better than scrip gear.
Are they going to make Zenos unlikeable? I can't wait
By subsuming Zodiark's power like he did Shinryu.
>Finishing Crystal Tower is Canon now
>Finishing Alexander is canon now
>Finishing Omega is canon now
There is literally no reason for Unukalhai to be neglected anymore. Warring Triad needs to be made canon so the Warrior of Light from the void gets more screen time. Its a perfect time to reintroduce him.
What's the most effecient way to get a full Ronkan set atm Yea Forums?
If they make him a trial, he will. They try to avoid human sized bosses in 8 man fights.
>implying Zenos isn't being set up to fail against Zodiark, as one great big irony that he couldn't out-autism everything he faces, and that he could have had the bout of a lifetime if he hadn't looked for sources of outside power
>expect her to be a bitch
>actually ends up being incredibly based and supportive, even offering help when we're fugatives
how did they do it? how did they make so many likable, interesting characters? emet is the obvious standout but everyone else was pretty amazing also (aside from maybe snake grandpa)
PLD is in a better spot, but DRK is fun imo. Play both and see what you like better.
It was the Eighth Umbral Calamity. Calamities come and go and the world goes on. Just moving on was always a possibility and that's why Cid entrusted the decision to the future since time travel is a big fucking deal. Plus there's a big difference between the entire globe shattering into pieces in the Final Days and the Exarch's future of a lot of people breathing funny gas and dying, making the rest of the world rapists and murderers over the course of 200 years.
Because this game is dead and only shills exist.
I remember yoshi p saying that he plans on putting the asciens in the background for future expansions. the 3 source ascians are dead that means no new ascians can be created. they'll still be around, but will be severely hindered
>I haven’t done any of them
Well shit, I probably should get on that stuff.
I honestly feel they should add titles to every final boss fight now. Hell, I imagine Eden and Nier raids will have titled bosses.
By whom exactly, now that the Sin Eaters are exterminated?
>From distant stars yet undimmed, you are joined by seven summoned champions
Fuck yeah I am
Runar is a fucking piece of shit he better die soon.
what are the chances of someone wanting to do the whole eternal bonding platinum with me and pay for the ceromony? also can I do the bonding thing multiple times if I want the three different outfits?
how do we convince that little shit to merge his soul with ours
Runar's a dork and he's great
So will Hydaelyn or Zodiark be the final boss of this expansion?
It'll be a divergent future. similar to DBZ's future trunks
He's trash.
>been number 1 in queue to move back to Leviathan for 20 minutes
whats up porn addicted commissioner retard
What if Zodiark is already inside him? We cant prove or disprove it. It would be an interesting theory
Zodiark has the power of 75% of all the Ascian's aether combined and Hydaelyn made him his bitch, I feel like having them be fightable soon would raise the stakes a bit too quickly.
mad cuz cucked lol
>get heroes in slutwear or pigsuits
>WoL is now scared of what sort of fucking weird shit is going on in their worlds
>Warring Triad needs to be made canon
It will be, you will see "Regula" soon
>Playing SAM
You're WoL too that means you got cucked too dumbass.
>the big names
>being final bosses of the not-final expansion
You're holding all the cards, healers are the rare boys now, tanks are a dime a dozen, tell the tank to fuck off and enjoy the cutscene
hydaelyn is going to be 6.0's final boss
and then for the final expansion, zodiark for 7.0's final boss
Shut the FUCK UP Elidibus.
Anyone using kagerou?
>all these stops in HW dungeons
I miss ARR's dungeons all letting the tank megapull, do those become a thing again later on, or no?
Yes and it's broken
>Y'shtola slaps Urianger's ass
>Y'shtola threatens to spank you after you call her Mother
Are they trying to tell us something
My character is already EB'd to my friends OC in his canon and has no romantic feelings for Y'shtola.
No you brainlet. That was THE calamity the Ascians won and Zodiark is freed they are going to get sacrificed.
WoL didn't even get cucked. Runar is gay.
They're all pretty important, crystal tower the most so.
Hes dead..he got dunked on when they threw his character away in a cutscene.
Hopefully through some interesting writing, he actually got new dialogue in 4.5 in relationship to us going to the first. Hes says that he was "Told" about us going there. That bit wasnt explained yet.
Ascians fear the Samurai.
Shut the FUCK up BLMtard, megapull this dick while I pick small groups and respect the content.
She's an Asscian
Either hunts or spamming Hades fishing for first time bonus since the queues are near instant in my experience?
We must needs rejoin with the other WoLs to become hythlodaeus again
>Hes dead
There are more ascians, user
Hunts? Thought they just sold VII materia not armor or anything like that.
what's better, DRG or BLM?
forcefully vore him.
>Dragonsong with nidhogg
>a memeRoe pretending to be a giant moogle gets summoned
The only way Alphinaud is going to die is underneath Fat Cat's enormous weight as shit crushes his pelvis to dust.
No. ShB is even worse. Being able to pull more than two packs is impossible in quite a few of the dungeons, and many of them even have forced single pulls.
Shame that picture isnt as accurate anymore.
>Minfilia finally dies for real
>in her last moments she ruins minifilia for one final fuck you
I hate her so fucking much
We aren't Hythlodaeus.
They are just jealous of our dps that doesn’t require friends padding their parse.
BLM if you want to be the best damage dealer, DRG if the second-best
Is death and old age the only way for our character to truly rest?
Tell him to fuck off
Ryne was literally perfect, all they had to do was pull back on the glowing eyes.
No because our soul will just reincarnate and continue the battle.
The Ascian most tied to Unu is Elidbus because he saved him from the void. I dont remember Regula having any ties to Ascians...
I have no clue why Elidibus didn't even attempt to stand his ground. He's immortal, so what is he scared of?
Tank bros i wanna learn how to tank where do I start?
I miss Titfilia
I mean that there would be an ascian possessing his corpse, as far as we know there are no mentions of his death in msq
He probably had a dipshit idea.
The real Mystery Nigga was inside us all along
Emet-Selch mentioned that constantly swapping bodies is very draining on them, and that's why Lahabrea was such a punk. It's possible he was still tired from swapping to Zenos.
Weaponized autism is a terrifying thing
He saved millions...
Because Zenos is too autistic to listen to what Elidibus has to tell him about Zodiark etc unless he lets Zenos beat him up first.
Did it break today? It was fine yesterday.
If the 13th ever is relevant again, I'm sure we'll see him again
Pick the one you like the aesthetic/moveset of the most and start running stuff with it
Tam Tara
Some basic shit.
>The time interval between both of Titania EX's triple busters is a few seconds shorter than Superbolide's recast
Glam hilarity aside, what an uplifting and heartwarming thing to read right before stepping into the final battle. This time your friends aren't just some random Echo-powered adventurer schmucks assisting the mighty Warrior of Light (if they're acknowledged at all), but the greatest heroes of other worlds unto themselves.
>big tits that normal midlanders can’t even get at 100 bust
>ass window for easy access
You never know how good you got it till it’s gone.
And now we are left with Alisaie who will inevitably grow into a giraffe and flat shitty Lyse.
Yeah it hasn't been working for me all day
You might want to watch the cutscenes again, Y'shtola friendzoned him, she's after Urianger's ass.
Everything i went to the general just to see whatever happens there it's nothing more screenshots showcase drama and people talking to each other like it's their discord and the occasional people asking for help on the game, everything on there's a XIV thread it's always a conversation about the game rather just screenshot spam and drama
bots of course
Don't give it any (You)'s.
Imagine being THIS wrong.
Didnt he literally get cut in half by zurvan?
They made sure to bring it up when Emet was explaining his thing, and even mentioned the whole thing that happened to it was their little oopsie/
Ryne should grow up to have her bitching bod
Only issue is getting past Daddy Thancred
How is that any better bro? Y'shtola should only want WoL for fuck's sake.
It's really weird that DRG is higher than SAM. Doesn't DRG offer raid utility which SAM completely lack?
Crafting leves are OP as fuck. 121 in total for all Crafters 70-80
whats the best way to farm poetics?
i'm tiring of this charade bros.
Where's the shadowbringers cutscene where the Heavensward book is shown?
Anyone know how to beat Garuda extreme? Party I was in kept wiping between phase 2 and 3 when she dies the tornado thing. Your apparently supposed to have the party stand in the center but we’d wipe regardless of doing that.
Redhead Ryne is vastly superior.
Were the tanks and other healer shitters, or is WHM's damage really that insane now?
Been doing some search around and apparently if you click on the settings and disable pet merging, it starts working again. Though obviously this brings a whole new issue of inaccurate parses from pet classes.
It's not bout turns bro waifu characters should only be for WoL. Cuck shit doesn't belong in games bro.
>Didnt he literally get cut in half by zurvan?
Zenos leaves the bodies he possesed more or less the same
It's in one of the 78 MSQ.
>implying Thancred won't be there showing her how to properly suck a dick
WHM does a lot of damage now
If the 13th is fucked beyond saving, why even keep going forward with this Rejoining bullshit? They'll never be complete again.
>Thancred forces you to marry her at gunblade point
Oh no!?
Been a long time since I did that and only did it once but, I think there's an add you have to wait before you kill it since it drops an aoe that protects you?
Why is everyone obsessed with pairings? He was overwhelmed with joy because someone he idolized wasn't dead.
Because they only need 8 Rejoinings to free Zodiark who can just rewrite the laws of existence again.
Going from being quite a bit below tanks in SB to being above them is a gigantic boost.
WHMs are DPS chads now
>Alisaiefags get constant pandering
>Rynefags get some pandering of their own
>Y'shtolafags get this shit
>Didnt he literally get cut in half by zurvan?
Well, Zenos kinda amputated his head but got better after wearing a neck brace.
Fucking piece of shit lion shouldn't touch her. Squeenix better fucking add scenes where WoL touches Y'shtola. Fucking assholes.
Did they ever explain how they were going to complete a rejoining if they fucked up with the 13th and made it useless?
But that's gay
Some waifufags are really insecure and think that if their waifu ever interacts with anyone in a non-hostile way they're getting cucked
So with Elidibus fearing the Samurai, is SAM the most chad job of all?
fflogs is working? it just shows empty for me
Techically Zenos just cut his throat but thats true, guess it doesnt matter what damage they take.
Mommy Crystal already told us they only need to do it 8 times to win, and that they've already won 7 times
Why do they only need 8? Why this number in specific?
They were going to sacrifice everyone on the Source to revive Zodiark
Make sure you have the latest version of the xiv plugin.
Do you remember how Japanese Love Live fans got fucking salty over a male character interacting with their waifus? It's exactly like that. And it's even worse, because it's just a single cutscene that doesn't mean anything.
They can't have the warrior of light interacting with any character in a cutscene, it's "too much work".
Not really, Emet-Selch was the only Ascian worth two shits apparently since Lahabrea was also punked by a basic ass primal
>mad that female characters interact with people other than your self-insert
please neck yourself
Thanks family
Maybe you would need to rip and tear bodies to make the unpossessable
Because it's half of the worlds+1
We have as much chance of touching any npc as ghost Ardbert did.
You got to call her mommy and get a response to staring at her ass, what more do you want
Pretty sure we aren't Hyth but he'll be important later. With the crystal tower now being able to go forward and back and then forward and back in time without impacting other timelines, I wouldn't be surprised if we'll go back to ascians' time to find a solution for a current day problem.
I, for one, hope Y'shotla takes so much barbed cock that her womb becomes destroyed beyond all recognition.
I don't mean mine own. I mean, I go on innocence for instance and it doesn't show data from anyone.
How is his autism so powerful? Does he have the most potent autism in all of final fantasy?
8 Elements?
I don't know, I'm not a fucking nerd like Urianger.
>First was rejoined in the bad timeline
>Calamity was still going on by the time G'raha went back
>This means that Zodiark was about to wake up in the bad timeline
>G'raha didn't disappear from existence
>This means that timeline still exists
>calls us her beloved son/daughter even though we probably made her
D-does Hydaelyn have a kink?
Would Hrothgar even stick their dicks in trash?
That's a fucking shit excuse
Is it possible for a normal person to obtain this level of autism.
someone needs to commission of a pic of that brown futa cat watching as yshtola gets hroth'd
Reminder that the only reason Yea Forumsirgins are infatuated with Y'shtola is that she's blind so they think they have a chance
Speaking of which, when was the last time Hydaelyn actually spoke?
When was the last time Elidibus got a voiced line?
Fuck you
Classic Square making their time travel world saving completely pointless in the end and now there are TWO Zodiarks
Thanks Chrono Cross
Fucking christ, and here I am still making my way through the MSQ.
This isn't wow dawg, end game ain't going anywhere.
let's not
You have to manually go through the "all reports" section.
Okay but why does Zodiark only need half + 1? What's the justification?
>Emet's gone
>Back to Zenos yos Autismus and Chuunidibus
Just kill me.
How the fuck am I supposed to do Eureka and get crystals for my Anemos weapon? I want it for the glamour but nobody runs this shit anymore and it seems literally impossible to do it solo.
A good point. Now I'm imagining Y'shotla desperately begging Runar to fill her barren womb, only for him to deny her the satisfaction because some other Blessed girl deserves him more.
>Obsessing over old women
I bet you were breastfed until you were 5
It’s just crafting so not really bad.
It works on politics rules, you need the minimum over 50%
zenos will be based under this new writing
I see, thanks. Why are the other categories broken though?
You don't.
How much more can the WoL suffer?
>get a response to staring at her ass
Come again
His final words in Stormblood were kino but now they're repeating them every time he's on screen, they've ruined it
He can go on yet another adventure with the Scions instead of joining Estinien and Gaius.
None of our friends have died recently, so a lot
Yes please.
she tells you to stop looking at her backside since there are more important matters at hand if you examine her during the first person mural searching quest
>Y'shtola is almost certainly older than F'lhaminn now
Well then
I really feel like they have screwed themselves up by making Emet so good. Now the old boring villains will feel even worse, especially since the only being left on Emet's power level is Elidibus.
>examine random players
>some of them have links to their character's tumblr/reference page
>Mained DRK for 80% of Stormblood
>loved it dearly, even if it wasn't perfect
>did the Shadowbringers story with it
>no longer love it
>do "Our Closure" before laying it to rest and becoming a GNB main
>it was a 20/10 end in every way
I've found it, the most cathartic experience in a video game
Not at all, they have transcended such base concepts
The Fortemps dying.
I'm ashamed I never thought to try it. I've become really vanilla over the years.
I think they don't calculate global statistics until enough time has passed. The parse in my post has no percentiles yet too.
>gets betrayed and run out of society even though literally the only ones who care are Ul'dah's potato council
>Haurchefant dies I guess but only one close friend dying is pretty lucky considering the state of affairs in the world
>uhhhh Minfillia and Papalymo I guess? who gives a shit
The only bad part about being the WoL is everyone and their grandmas wanting you to do fetch quests
I just want a dorf gf brooooos
You are playing FemElezen right?
You need to fuck one of Edmont's sons and give him grandkids, stat
Squeenix needs to fucking add waifu content.
>love DRK
>play it
>literally edgier WAR
T-Thanks. I wasn't expecting much of a change, but I wasn't expecting them to cop out and make it all about spamming one of two moves.
Tanks not used to queue times.
Tell shits like this to get fucked, cause it's either wait for you or wait for another healer, and they definitely don't want the latter.
Healers are the duty chads this expac, so don't take any shit cause you can and will instant queue in everything.
I play a female midlander, sorry.
>Did White Mage Job Quest
>It's the most low effort and vanilla shit they could have imagined
Is no one talking about these pitiful excuses for job quests? Are the rest shit as well?
When has the posterboy job ever been good?
It could get a lot worse, but many characters have too many layers of plot armor for that. Y'shtola is dying, but you can be sure she never will actually die seeing as how she is the face of the game.
Fray tells you he loves you
drg in hw
It ended up being more fun than I thought it would so I'll take it.
>people say GNB is the most involved tank
>basically a neutered DPS with defensive cooldowns
thanks bros
Yes. Most of them are absolute shite.
shut up and scrub my taint you WHM whore
To be fucking fair doing all those fetch quests end up saving you.
>Out of all possible characters, it's WoL and Urianger who are throwing out most snarky banter all the time
Dragoon was a lot of fun desu, and too bigbrain for your average elusive suicider.
No because those threads get deleted by mods
There's a much worse fate awaiting us than becoming a sin eater. We'll become a voidsent when we try to save the World of Darkness.
Not every timetravel stories have people vanish if a timeline changes. They just split the timeline into 2 where one we save the world from the 8th calamity and in the other we die.
The job quests are pretty much done already, that's why they're getting replaced with role quests.
I want an expac where we lose, lose so hard it affects game play and takes content away that's how hard I want to lose only to be built back up in the most epicest of ways.
Is he really dead though he wasn't even traped in the crystal he broke it before WoL used the axe? Smells like he will help us in the final fight cause we're worthy finally or some shit.
Give Zenos a loli.
Blond autist and lolis are a good combination
Gunbreaker's is horrible. You just teleport to the four cities you went to before, and talk to a couple of dudes in each. The only nice part was telling us how Thancred learned to be a Gunbreaker
So much for being as long as the SB job quests.
When do you get the artifact gear for level 80, out of curiosity?
I enjoyed snarky WoL.
SCH finally finds a cure to the tonberry disease and Setoto actually looks kinda cute
yeah, alisaie this time around was solely dedicated to hopping on your dick, dunking on alphinaud, and watching her friend get reverse vored
That already happened.
what is the best time to start leveling up a second class? Level cap? Or are there points in the main story where I can just bring some new character in?
level 80
I was referring more to the possibility of Zodiark waking up in the other one and crossing over to ours.
Ever heard of spoiler tags you little FAGGOTS
Near the end of the MSQ
Would you let Y'shtola spank you while she makes you call her mommy y/n
So everyone just randomly decided to have a class change no real plot reasons behind it?
The sultana dies
Right after the last 79 MSQ quest.
Zodiark can't time travel since ascians can't time travel either. He can't have powers that the people that summoned him didn't have.
>mfw WoL will one day project their own Ascian mask just as they're about to lose
I'm ready to hear Elidibus shout out I surprise and job
Very much yes.
Alma is old news now.
Raubahn's friend disarms him
Spaghetti-saie is cute, but I miss the snarky murdermachine Alisaie more.
At least she almost had a moment near the end.
That doesn't sound like battle so no
Urianger's pretty deep into future reading now so he's an AST and Y'shtola becomes a BLM because white magic does fuck all to help light aligned zombies
who would say no to such a thing?
No matter how good of a fighter Thancred is, his inability to use aether is a major disability, so the job that lets him use magic through cartridges is an excellent fit
Yes. Thank the trust system for that.
They needed to somehow shoehorn in a tank and a healer in the Scion main team.
lmao if a villain wears what would be considered a costume in their own fucking universe. This nigger looks like a caricature of a gay 18th century officer stereotype. Fucking weeb shit.
Can’t blame her, she probably figured she had that shit locked down, and after victory at Ghimlyt you’d celebrate by smashing her teenage elf puss, only to get cockblocked by a cat summoning her to a different world for over a year.
Can't wait for all the speed readers to be confused out of their minds when it happens.
>materia grade 6 has more stats than 7
explain this shit
Monk quest has fucking Lyse snake Widergelt out of rebuilding the fist of Rhalgr to train Mhigger troops.
What's your favorite melee job and what do you like about it?
So...start new stories related to the jobs? Are they incapable of that?
7 can be overmelded, 6 can't.
So if you're a min-maxing progression raider, you're going to shove T8s in the slots, and overmeld T7s into your crafted gear for Eden Savage.
>Thancred grabs a gunblade because with pre-charged cartridges he can still use aetherial techniques
>Y'shtola starts using more black magic because all she's done in the past is make barriers that get demolished and lay her out for the rest of the story
>Ryne is a rogue because Thancred taught her how to fight
>Urianger took up astrology because Sharlayan and it helped in his private studies of the First
What more do you need?
I really like Huton and the versatile feeling of the mudras
Probably yeah.
You can overmeld one of them iirc
He can do both, mhigger. Calm down. He's already been traveling the land, recruiting new students as it is.
I can't believe we didn't get to see this.
Who's suffered the most?
>Lyse is relevant outside of MSQ now
>meaning we won't see Zenos murder the fuck out of her ever, or at least for a long ass time
now i'm upset
>That sexual tension between Aymeric and the WoL in that dinner quest
Made me kek
>Twins are relegated to comic relief because they're too precious to kill, and therefore ineffective for drama
Go home Lyse your expansion is over
yeah but if you are a fresh 80, and poor white script gear slightly beats out non melded crafted gear
>Alphichad calls her out on being a brat
>She immediately proves his point
It's not that bad, it was nice to see that the necromancer girl is now learning conjury.
It was short af though, i was seriously expecting more considering it was just 1 job quest.
>all she's done in the past is make barriers that get demolished
>mfw Urianger's barrier actually helped at a critical moment
>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Studium
>the twins get impaled by a torrent of energy spikes that explode shortly afterwards
>they're fine I guess lol
They should fucking add that scene
is Machinist top tier now?
Urianger is consistently the most useful member of the scions.
These quests are a farewell to the story line. It's over, bro.
I hadn't even thought of that. I hope future quests are about bring monkhood to the first or learning that shit Ran'jit had before his edgy transformation.
He may be sneaky at times but he always has our best interests at heart. Urianger is truly the best bro among the Scions.
>Alphinaud still hasn't been killed off
Considering how much fake drama we had this expansion, honesly they could have done it.
>Oh no, y'shtola is dead! lol, jk
>Oh no, thancred is dying after protecting what he believed in! Ahah, nope.
Hes cool
At least Zenos' Autism is kinda endearing since he's so far off the spectrum compared to everyone else. Elidibus is just a Jobber that reminds you Emet is gone everytime he blunders onto screen
>Urianger once again begs for forgiveness after doing the smartest and most practical thing to save billions
>the nicest option is to say "I forgive you" instead of "bro you did the right thing, stop apologizing"
He's alright.
Put that dumb cat slut over your knee, remove the undergarments and turn her brown buttcheeks redder than Sidurgu in a pack of Moogles.
Pls respond desu.
Kill literally anyone besides him
It ain't exactly hard, my dude.
>Finally get GNB to 70 through HoH spam
>now I gave to do 70-80
Gods forfend
It was ACTUALLY perfect. They couldn't follow through on just this one?
He does have the tendancy to not tell people stuff there is no reason to withhold except to build drama/tension. The game as a whole has that issue a lot but urianger is especially guilty of it.
Fuck you mass pulls are ezpz at all levels. All you need is arms length when you have everything on you and half a brain to use your damage mitigation tools properly. Or maybe im yet to get a shitty healer.
I liked all the non-text boxed dialogue they had this expac
Cap is probably the best time to do so. That way, you can split the roulettes between tomes (normal raids, expert and trial) on your main and exp on the side (50/60/70, leveling, MSQ, alliance raids), and you get constant armory bonus.
>the only thing that will make me happy is kicking Fordola's ass
This but with my dick
It was all just to build up the tension so you explode into hype when Ardbert does his thing followed by LET EXPANSE CONTRACT, EON BECOME INSTANT.
Seriously. Thancred will get no better end than that and they just wasted it.
No, what I mean is that there are walls every two pulls now.
These job quests all seem to be putting the job quests to rest, or at least these arcs of them, that's why they're all so short and all final like
That all wasn't about Thancred sacrificing himself. It was about him coming to terms that his surrogate daughter is going to be gone for good, and that he needs to stop projecting her onto the girl and let her make her own life choices.
>Tell him he shouldn't tag along because you are, at best, few hours away from turning into Queen Beast from drakengard
>He is still hellbent on following you to the end
What a massive bro
what's the easiest way to have people begging me to join their groups and whisper me as soon as I login to join their activities? I just want to be needed and loved.
>That part when he uses rescue to pull Ran'jiht into the abyss
Best scion
Warriors of dorkness
alright, thanks.
I want to suckle on Ryne's small breasts.
I felt nothing
Is there a single character that wasnt likeable in this expansion? i cant think of any
That's only because he survived. If he'd died it would have been both.
Well it feels like doing bigger pulls is a lot harder now. I casually pulled massive mobs during stormblood without much issue, rarely actually NEEDING TBN to survive.
But even in 2 group pulls here, it feels mandatory
Don't lewd my daughter you freak
He should have said the piece he says to Ryne in Twine, would have had a much bigger impact if he died there, she would have had a stronger reason for wanting to live, and everyone else would never mention Minfilia again.
>tfw Emet-Selch will never sit in the corner of your inn room and watch WoL masturbate with a lazy smirk on his face
Why live?
Graha (or somebody) does say that she went ballistic at him for summoning her at what she considered the absolute worst possible time. Alisaie was about to fuck WoL into the ground
I'm really hoping that since he's no where to be found like Alphinaud, Alisaie, and Y'shtola are after the MSQs he's going to be there for Eden like Thancred and Ryne.
Fucking Runar is a piece of shit.
>do 71 to 73 entirely with trusts
>meanwhile the trusts level
Only 6 more runs until i'm allowed to do the 73 dungeon with them.
Ran'jit and Vaultry, they were complete bitches
To be fair in Stormblood DRK's were fucking immortal in AoE situations.
Also, use Arm's Length. The slow debuff helps a fuck ton.
>bringing Onahole (male) instead of /ourguy/
Every character that would have been a dull gets a moment to shine.
He does, though. He just doesn't make himself visible
How long did 71-73 take with only trusts?
>Dark Knight is saved!!
>DUDE Bloodspiller x7 so EPIC! Haha!
Where the fuck have these people come from?
Somehow I'd rather be spamming dark arts again than suffer this shit
Vauthry is meant to be unlikeable though. Agreed on Ran'jit, he feels boring and is just a worse Zenos who jobs to WoL solo.
Vauthry wasn't bad.
Ran'jit was more of a "I don't know what this guy's deal is" because his story doesn't get expanded a lot though you get a general idea of it.
Is that a type of battle? I have to ask Zenos, he knows a lot about battles. Doesn't even sound like a fetch quest to me
>been in queue 140 minutes to get back to Leviathan
Why does half of ishgard want to get in bed with the WoL?
I'm pretty sure they replaced Nanamo in the CUL lvl50 quest back when she was "dead".
The buildup scene to the final fight was perfect anime autistic stageplay.
Thank you Square Enix.
Dragoon or Machinist?
My brother, I personally want to fuck her healthy thighs.
I can only hope and pray she gets some decent art.
Because they remember.
>enter the pixie area for the first time
>hear their voices
>pic related is all I could fucking think about
Cruela devile
You singlehandedly won a millennium long war for them.
How hard do you think Gr'aha was when you call him by name at the beginning of the game?
>Cute cat man
>Best candidate to impreg 'stola
They did not.
and that's a good thing!
Ran'jit was just a broken old man of having too many of his Minfillia daughters die
So hard that he edged for the rest of the game until you said his name again at the end. The resulting orgasm was so transcendent that he shed a tear.
As someone who hasn't finished the MSQ yet, why are you two talking as if he isn't a literal giant manchild who throws a fucking tantrum every time he doesn't get his way?
I do remember a spoiler pic of him transforming at some point but that can't possibly be enough of a justification to forget what a manchild he is
>that quest that made me do elementary school math
Only the crystal tower can travel through time, that's why the cat had to link himself to it so that he's considered to be part of the tower.
>Best candidate to impreg 'stola
>He's gay
poor Y'shtola
Why would you say this to me?
You literally won a never ending war for them
I'm sure Edmont's drowning in mails from every one there who wants us to marry into their family
Oi are ya talking shite of muh cute lil branch eh? I'll bash yer focking hed in i swer on me mum ye focking faget.
>Implying he hasn't been doing that since the first time you defeated Ifrit
If he had just revealed himself earlier we could have worked something out, Why Emet
Someone at SE was feeling cheeky after all the complaints about Construct 7.
Finish at least his trial until you comment on it you shite.
DRG bros I just started playing this class. Where do I start? Is the class mostly muscle memory with my 2 combos?
His dick spontaneously turned into a crystal right then and there
>Emet knows about your Alisaie folder
He becomes more interesting near the end of the MSQ.
Feo Ul was actually decent. It's the rest of the pixies that sound like they want MORE MACARONI.
Edmont setting me up with a cute elezen girl when?
Dub faggot thinks hes cannon
We should all level up samurai and use it to do the Elidibus trial or duty.
Where is that quest? I want to have a good laugh at the construct 7 brainlets.
>can see ardbert (us)
>the only other person that can see ardbert is us
>when you call him by name at the beginning of the game?
The fuck?
Fuck you it is for me.
I know the story is good user but I can't possibly imagine a sane story way to remove the image of him doing pic related in every other cutscene like a literally giant baby faggot
What is the point of these lower stat materia?
Edmont is setting you up with one of his sons or aymeric
She resembles an ex of mine in this picture.
>Hero that ended an 1000 year war
>Member of a fancy house because Edmont likes the cut of your jib and adopts you
>a sexual magnet for many people
Why wouldn't they want into WoL's bed
As long as he doesn’t know about my secret Lyse folder, I couldn’t handle him judging me for it.
That was my first though,too.
So DNC is confirmed completely worthless, right?
he's the only shade that knows the truth about Amaurot. The others may see him but not care because its not part of their programming
But that won't produce an heir.
Not until the first balance patch.
Based Emet is Thanos done right
I think you have to have done CT to get the option maybe. When he first introduces you to the crystarium you can straight out recognize him as Gr'aha tia but he's like "haha what?"
And basically lies to us and goes back to the tower immediately.
Probably went to jack it.
>Janny spots a video game thread
Nobody's judging you for it, user. We all know the only thing Lyse is good for.
Well, sadly she had no screen time, even in Il Mheg she appears in like only two cutscenes.
>can see ardbert (us)
He doesn't, he can feel he aether but not see anything else.
I'd rather he find that than my Emet-Selch folder.
They care so much about the japanese version they didn't even bother to lipsync the teasers to japanese.
Havent played since before the first expansion
is it worth getting into again, or will I be entirely left behind.
anyone? please any input appreciated
If you did the Crystal Tower raids completely, you had a story option to ask if he was Graha Tia. He denies it, though
I thought I had a screenshot of it, but apparently not. Have a Dead Tataru instead.
>DUDE Bloodspiller x7 so EPIC! Haha!
I mean if you're having to resort to "I AM SILLY" to make your point it's not a very good one. The new Delirium is derivative, sure, but everything else about ShB DRK is great.
>Blackest Night is now 25% hp barrier when used on both yourself and a party member
>Edge/Flood of Shadow is a spamable oGCD that you can dump into raid buff windows or burst down adds
>Dark Arts is a proc that grants a free Shadow oGCD meaning the investment of MP is now a direct trade off that rewards you for actively mitigating damage rather than giving you blood that was only a dps increase after 3 procs
>Blood weapon is tied to GCD skils and gives a flat 10 per hit making blood management easier
>Fray is neat DPS filler that is useful both single and multi target
DRK is great to play, but you can keep being a salty faggot if you want.
So, only for crafted gear then? That kinda sucks bro.
Wait until Eden to tell. Remmeber how SAM was fucking insanely bonkers in base SB, and then they literally buffed every other job.
They always do post launch balance up until the mid expansion.
>Emet has seen all your degenerate porn
There are several other aether/soul color seers and none mention him
English version with a Yorkshire dialect is the official version.
I think he needs all elements to fully awaken. Once he's awake, he can then rejoin the rest of the world.
Fantasia exists
>one of his sons
Please no. I wouldn't mind Honoroit though desu.
Ran'jit very clearly broke from watching so many of the Minfilia's he trained die on the battlefield. Honestly don't blame him for saying just fuck, let's accept this false peace. Him losing to the WoL in a solo duty was bullshit though, even fucking Zenos at least got a 4 man.
I'm probably just forgetting it because I soaked up the MSQ for all it was worth and spoke to everybody all the time, and the option is super early.
Remember to show G'raha your minion
can someone post a Hrotgar in skimpy clothes?
you just know
>this was literally canon
Big spoiler for him:
He was designed to be like that by Emet and his own father, he had no real choice, from how he was created to how he was educated.
Are RDPS even fun? Feels like being able to basically ignore positioning would make fighting less fun, not more.
Artoirel isn't half bad, but then then asked me to be as a sibling to him as I was to Haurchefant so that's dead in the water
Is Yoshi planning to end the entire Ascian plot anytime soon, because while I did enjoy ShB the entire Ascian plot is getting dragged out and everything will just amount to "an Ascian did it".
not modded too
Remind me, what's the point of being so fucking mad at waifufags that you start spending all day LARPing as one?
Why does Urianger talk so weird?
I'm still calling they're not going to drop us becoming a monster gig. Something's going to happen to us sooner or later and it won't be pretty. It's been hinted at throughout the entire story
>thordan freaking out at us, asking what are we
>omega making some eldritch abomination in order to imitate our nature
>us nearly becoming a fucking sin eater
Doesn't change the fact that he had the ability to not be a giant manbaby if he so chose after the fact and still doesn't redeem him in my eyes, but we'll see based on how it unfolds for me as I go. Halfway through Raktika now, going slow and enjoying the story plus I have to wait on my bf to be on to actually do anything besides level DNC.
You realize this isn't a Final Fantasy right
His problem is the fact that Vauthry acts like a manchild instead of an imposing and commanding leader, he won't care why he acts like a manchild.
got a back view? and thanks
We know who the Ascians are now, as well as where they came from. I'd assume we're going to be handling them sooner rather than later.
Wait can you? how do you get the minion anyway.
hythlodaeus = WoL is going to be the new G'raha is not Mysterious man
its the only way he can power up his JO auracite
So how the fuck does Esteem work? Do they always do the same amount of damage?
I mean, the ascians always did everything so far, I don't see it going away anytime soon. Even in stormblood Elidibus was getting Varis to go to war and getting Asahi to summon primals to drive the war effort.
Reading the response I realise I actually got it myself, it really was just a lot of information ago.
I actually can't wait to play through it again once NG+ is in.
Only Retardibus left and he not exactly a major threat.
>visualizing Zenos's body ragdolling to the floor from Elidibus smashing the fucking eject button as hard as he can when the former owner of his current body comes looking for it
can someone recap the drg quest? too tired to read text.
never too late. dunno why people keep asking this damn question. this isn't eq where if you stop playing for a year then it's impossible to catch up.
He's a chuuni who likes to be like all the ancient sorcerers in his lore tomes.
Just finished the lvl 70 job quest, how do I go about getting the dyable version of the armor set? Does it require a bunch of grinding content that no one does anymore?
he said in one of the live letters that we are at about 80% done with the current arcs set from 1.0 to 5.0. i assume 6.0 we will kill elidibus and a new villain will appear
Reminder that Yoko Taro, master of despair, is writing at least one questline.
You get the minion for completing the MSQ
>Emet-Selch's version of Amaurot is his deepest desire made manifest and the city is perpetually in the Final Days
>aka a Final Fantasy
tl;dr it encourages you to die in every encounter or you're not considered a DRG
That's the only explanation I have for why so many DRGs are pants-on-head retarded
It's okay the Ascians will die out when Elidibus trips off the moon and floats away. Seems like something he's likely to do
Honestly at this point fuck them. Anyone rushing is either a degenerate or someone who can find some friends to bum-rush the same place over for the shit they want the 112th time.
>*Unsheathes katana* doesn't end up in a character based duty fight
ShB had so many 1.0 refrences. It was really nice.
He's a DoT that can change targets.
shut the FUCK up, everything is going to be daijoubu
You're fucked bucko
bro you just posted cringe
Yes. He uses random skills and they all do the same damage. He is functionally a DoT ticking every GCD.
I was so fucking ready for that to be an RP battle and then it just fades to black and goes nowhere. I was PISSED.
>Dwarven shooting test
>shoot the Exarch
Or G'Raha has severed himself from causality and tethered himself to the current timeline. If he disappeared then that has problems for the current timeline's causality. Don't worry about time travel too much because its inherently nonsensical and trying to apply time travel rules from one piece of complete fiction to another never ends well.
>I would hear more of this wise sorcerer
Fucking love this man, absolute legend
Yeah, anyone dumb enough to deny Hydey being your full self from the past after they practically slap you in the face with it is probably dumb enough to deny Graha Tia as well.
>shoot the exarch
>he knows you're trying to get his hood off
>he's blueballing you on purpose
Turbo dweeb
Wait for level 100. 150 for Absolute Virtue
A shame all those qt3.14 sin eaters had to die. Would have been fucking hilarious for one to attach to the WoL as an attendant when we're on the verge of becoming a sin eater and just never going away after.
Why didn't they just ask the dragons how to travel through the rift, apparently they can do it no problem
Oh hey I'm on Leviathan, out of the house and currently having my character talking to some random npc with a quest so I don't get logged out.
Now why did they go and ruin a perfectly good BLM hat with that god damn eye patch
I just want to give the Exarch a hug
>Only one RP fight in the MSQ
>It's fucking Thancred.
Why introduce a system like this and waste it?