Anyone playing Final Fantasy?

Anyone playing Final Fantasy?
I see a lot of posting about FF7 because of the remake, but is anyone actually on some playthroughs right now, if so which game?

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Other urls found in this thread: 43/

I'm gonna playthrough FF7 since I got it in the Steam sale, but I'm probably gonna wait until the sale is over to start. I don't want to go on and off with the new shit I get. That being said FFX is objectively the best story and nothing comes close.

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I beat FF7 a couple of days ago. Hadn't played it since I was a kid. It was a lot easier than I remembered, though I mad much more use of E. Skill and barriers this time instead of just trying to plow through everything with summons.

that's very Beta of you

World of FF

Just Trine some different strategies.

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I had the same experience, summons are a waste of space.

Safer Sephiroth was still pretty legit compared to how much of a walk in the park everything else was.

Thought about picking up VI on steam. I can live with the visual changes but I can't get over that horrible mobile UI. Guess it's only worth emulating.

satisfying webm i never beat that cunt

i have a FF5 FF6 and FF7 going

I've been playing FFVII. When I started up the game today my save file was gone. At least I wasn't that far.

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not sure I can beat omega in my current fiesta run
maybe if I level like crazy

>start playing FF5
>stop for a month
>come back to it
>have no idea what random NPC I have to talk to to progress the game

I was only able to beat him thanks to the Braveblade. It's the most powerful weapon in the game and that's only if you've never fun from a battle.

Attached: FF7_EN 2019-06-27 18-13-35-91.png (1920x1080, 1021K)

Is this a mod or something?

kek look at this faggot
just emulate a retranslated SNES version

>machine head

Attached: MachineHead1.gif (500x281, 1.21M)

Because he scales based on level.

Bards can stop him with the love song, but he breaks out of it quickly
iirc 2 bards singing can keep him locked down alright

probably some mix shenanigans you can do other than boosting your level

>Safer Sephiroth was still pretty legit compared to how much of a walk in the park everything else was.
He still went down a lot quicker than I expected. The only thing that posed any real threat was his Super Nova attack. The battle took a while due to all the animations, but it was still pretty quick.

There were only 3 bosses that really gave me trouble:
1. The boss at the end of the Wutai sidequest. Aero3 was basically insta-death, and I had no materia because that bitch Yuffie stole it.
2. Yuffie's dad in the pagoda. He kept healing himself faster than I could damage
3. The boss before the submarine minigame that grabs people and hurts them any time you hurt him. Basically had to focus down those arms while making sure to survive to survive his powerful attacks.

This year is my year of final fantasy. 1 game every month up to 12 in december. Next year I'll do subgames and ff13 series throughout the year. I'm also going to be re-doing 6 which I 100%ed in june, in december for the 24 days of ff3 challenge, been a tradition for me for the last 15 years or so, no reason to break it now.
I just started up ff7 again but I forgot how much I don't really care for it. Not that it's bad, just that I preferred the 2D games, I guess cause I played them when I was a kid and the 3D games came out when I was a teen and I was more interested in action games. I'm giving them a fair shake this year though, that's the whole point.

I accidentally killed him in like 4 hits, although two of those were onmislash.

Just finished ff6 on gba emulator on my phone.
Trying to find something else to fill the void of a 30 min train ride to and from work every day.

I have to finish all DQ games up to VIII before I start on my full FF playthrough

You can be mad all you want man.

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Is FFX worth getting on PC

found a torrent for FF12 Zodiac Age pc version, about to play it for the first time, the zodiac version that is, haven't played the original game in almost a decade

It's worth to play, so if you haven't played it and that's the way you'd play it then yes

i stopped playing a long ago because fucking college i cant wait to end this semester so i can play again


I want to beat every one of them some day. So far I've beat 1,4,7,10, played a fuck ton of 14, and 15.

Working my way through 9 and 12 right now.

About halfway through 9. I like it quite a bit. The only part that is infuriating to me is how do you have an ensemble cast and the cast is never fucking together. The whole split party thing is just so tedious to me. Hopefully they all meet up soon. just got to the outer continent.

12 is a really awesome story. But man the gameplay just so tedious. I know most other FFs are just mashing attack, but at least you get to feel engaged. Idk I'm just standing there a lot and attacking. I'll go back soon. hopefully

As far as favorites and what not, with nostalgia googgles on I'd say 10. It was my first and really formative. Plus I still think the world is the best FF world. Without the nostalgia goggles though id probably say 7. Just the tightest story, world, and characters. Or XIV but that's subjective if you like MMOs

I actually had a lot of fun with 15. I think it gets some extra hate that it doesn't deserve. Plus it has probably the best cast imo. Also maximum comfy

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>I want to beat every one of them some day.
I wanted to beat non mmo mainline FF before XIII, but boy the grind in II..

I played through VII recently and moved to IX. Starting to get sick of the ATB system and FF feel though, might need a break.

Don't listen to this guy play the GBA version with the sound restoration patch

well the game's only really started to take their stories seriously at around FFVII. Although we both know FFXII's story is better.

Yeah 2 and 3 are honestly the ones I'm the most worried about. I played a few minutes of the DS version of 3 and hated it. But we'll see

Doesn't gba add some ridiculous extra end game side dungeon that diminishes the rest of the game?

I just beat Final Fantasy VIII yesterday, and started playing Dragon Quest VII. Though I had some trouble getting Retroarch to handle transparency correctly.

2 is hell. the 40 floor tower near the end is one of the most painful memories I've had playing a video game, and I've played a lot of shitty games

One of the best parts of Final Fantasy VI was the enemy design, anybody else got a favorite?

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What translation is this? I know RPGe has Cara, and the official ones use Krile, but I haven't seen this.
To answer your question, I finished my Four Job Fiesta a few days ago. Thief/Summoner/Ninja/Dragoon, and Summoner did like 90% of the work. Dual wielding the chicken knife and dancing blade as a Ninja is a fucking powerhouse when they actually decide to use Sword Dance though.

Attached: Final Fantasy V (J) [T+Eng1.1_RPGe]036.png (256x224, 32K)

You literally don't have to grind at all in 2. In fact if you grind your HP it will hurt you down the road

doing the same thing pretty much, and thats why i decided to play vagrant story in between

Don't listen to this guy. 2 is awesome. There are some really fun ways to make the game easy without grinding, but a favorite playthrough of mine will always be my toad run.

It's this one.
I didn't notice that it said Cararu instead of Cara until you just pointed it out.

On my second fiesta run this year.
First one was normal+berserkerrisk Thief/Berserker/Beastmaster/Dancer

Currently on an upgrade run Thief/RedMage/Geomancer/Dragoon
Having everyone as a Dragoon is kinda fun, seeing the bosses trying to attack when everyone is up in the air

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>that one room in advance where the superboss becomes a normal enemy
Fucking savage. The Enuo fight was similarly awesome. Unfortunate that Omega 2 is actually easier because it wastes time countering with barrier shift instead of rocket punch.

What weapons is he using and what does dragon power do?

this fight is fucking baby mode compared to WARMECH from ff1

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Man, its been so long since ive played any Final Fantasy, and now I kind of not want to come back to the old ones beacuse Ive realized they are somewhat braindead.
Even then, I never finished FFTA, so maybe I should get in on that.

Someone actually ported the GBA translation to the SNES version. I've been meaning to finish that version of the game for a while.

dragon power raises character level by 20
which is important because level is part of the damage formula for most things

I think he said he used brave blade, not sure what other than that, maybe ragnarok


Just finished 9 for the first time since about a year after it came out. I like it. I dont see why it gets shit on. With the exception of 10 & 12 it was the last good main series game.
Been thinking about giving 6 another run. Ive only played it once back when it was new. I dont remember much about it. I know its most peoples favorite.

ix is pretty popular dude. the games battles and loading are just kinda slow

that's just a guard in a chest, they also appear in the pyramid in one room walking around

yea thats what o always thought. Ive seen a lot of hate for it recently. Must be an influx of new people to it due to the remaster.

Is there a way to beat this dude without cheese? He recently softlocked my FFT playthrough and lookin around everyone says you've gotta use cheese strats like Focus/Tailwind.

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Chicken Knife can be useful too, just have to use an ability like the monk's Focus to get around its 50% run from battle effect

plus almost every class can equip knives

How are the ff1 and 2 remakes for psp? I always avoided them because I thought they were ugly. The gba versions seem to strike the better balance between old school and new school. Is it worth playing older versions when you gotta put up with the old mp system and other antiquated mechanics? Similarly, what is the appeal of ff4 for ds when it actually removes content featured in the gba rerelease?

Too bad it only gives you a stupid, useless badge

Emulate or the SNES classic has it. $80 ain't bad for it and several other good SNES games

oh wow look what I just dropped in this thread

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Everyone hates the MMO's but they're actually the most FF games I've played.

Fuck Lightning
Fuck Gacha games
Fuck Noctis

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how can I be recommended to play FFXIII-2 if you don't suggest the game that comes before it?b

Which ancient civilization is the best?

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>ff12 not in dogshit tier
>that whole mid tier

Playing the DS remake of IV, I really can't overstate how amazing this translation job is

did you play zodiac age


man Golbez wouldve been cooler if he was just some random dude rather than Cecil's brother

In all honesty, if you watched or read XIII's plot you'd be fine for XIII-2 which is a true FF game.

I'm playing through 7 for the first time; I just got the buggy.

Having fun so far but I'm confused about leveling Materia; do I have to use it in battle or do I just need it equipped?

warmech best mech

Attached: warmech.png (720x936, 221K)

Just equipped is enough.

it just needs to be equipped.

Thanks, I was getting worried that I wasn't levelling them up properly.

Been playing FF7 on Switch since I saw the new trailers for Remake. alot of "old video game stupid bullshit" but otherwise one hell of a game so far.

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How can it diminish the rest of the game if it's an endgame dungeon? It's not like the game's difficulty isn't a joke.

Looks like Brave Blade and Ragnarok, and Dragon Power raises your level by 20

The only thing you have to actually use is to get more of is limit breaks. Using the current level unlocks the second one for that level. Everything else is gained at the end of combat.

I can hear the music in my head

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God FF5s job system is so broken and shitty because of the specific set up of having rapid fire and spellblade. Just cheese the entire fucking game with spellblade and rapid fire.

XIII-2 is a lot better than the original and the only story elements that carry over into 2 are the characters.

Because it can harm the internal consistency of a games setting if the big bad is just a smuck compared to the guy hanging around in the tower next door.
It also affects how players plan for the game and their adventure, instead of making sure they get level enough and get enough stuff for the next boss or the next dungeon, instead they adjust their grind to the overtuned bonus dungeons making the main content of the game even easier than it is and less impactful with the only reward being some number wank.

Rapid fire requires you to basically play the entire game up to the final dungeon as a shitty job to be able to combine it with spellblade

4 is fucking shit. Pic related.

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fourjobfiesta might interest you if you like the game, but are tired of the standard old cheeses

a standard fourjobfiesta rolls 1 job for each crystal. And as soon as you have the jobs you must only use those. So you may roll Monk, Time Mage, Geomancer and Dancer for example, and then switch those 4 classes around and figure out how you can best use them together.

Its kinda why i like 3 more for the job system. Its more strict.

How does it work?

>Is there a way to beat this dude without cheese?
Like so: 43/

Brave New World is a fantastic experience.

Enemies in the later dungeons do percentage based damage. If they take 75% of 9999 it is more expensive to heal than if you had 3 to 4k of health. I think that is what is being referred to here.

Luflins. Ronkins don't have anything to do with the rest of the game.

Agreed with spoiler

Because of Hero in Smash I tried to play the remakes of Dragon Quest 1/2. You know what Yea Forums? I understand why Final Fantasy raped and fucking destroyed Dragon Quest. Fucking hell man, how is it that a SNES remake of Dragon Quest 1 and 2 is inferior to Chrono Trigger from the same gen? More than anything how can a franchise be born from such a BORING uninteresting garbage series?

I played the remake of Final Fantasy 1 on the PSP and it felt neat. Like you really were on a journey to save the world from the 4 Chaos Fiends and stop Garland's plan to reincarnate forever. It wasn't the best story, but I liked the concept and I like how in a few scenes like in the ending you got this nice message stating that the journey is over and the four heroes of light completed their mission.

Dragon Quest 1? Pfft you're some generic mute who beats a pissant little dragon to save a princess and then go to fight the King Dragon to save the world. No fanfare no nothing. Fucking garbage. I gave up midway in Dragon Quest 2 because it was just too uninteresting. On the other hand Final Fantasy 2 despite the gameplay being lousy was already being ambitious in its story by abandoning mute heroes.

Yeah, I stand firm in my beliefs, Dragon Quest is shit. And it's no wonder that Final Fantasy completely raped and dominated it around the entire world and Dragon Quest does NOT deserve to be in Smash and does not deserve the autistic Japanese success that it has. Anyone else agree that Final Fantasy reigns supreme and deserves to be the Number 1 JRPG in the world?

First of all, why are you playing the SNES versions of DQ1 and 2 instead of the superior GB versions? Second of all, are you actually trying to compare those to the PSP remakes of FF1 and FF2, which came out over a decade later? Your frame of reference for comparisons here is totally fucked.

You pick a job to level and thats it. Start from scratch whatever else you pick (minus your character level its still the same. Also stats built up from a WM may not be great for a monk etc.)

Why not? The SNES did have good RPGs but what can I say when the remakes of DQ1 and 2 are inferior to even Chrono Trigger. Heh if I want a JRPG starring a mute hero drawn by Akira Toriyama that's what Chrono Trigger is for. I don't care for Crono, but the concept and gameplay and other characters who shape the story like Magus are much better.

Whatever success DQ has had over the years and continues to have it does not deserve. I don't even want to imagine how much I would hate those games if I played the original first releases of them on the NES.

>try to play FF4 DS remake
>battles run at *literally* 15fps
how the fuck is this acceptable. Even if it's turn based, the entire game feels like it's going in slow motion.

you can speed up the battle gameplay in options

will still make menuing extremely sluggish

sure but the animations and game world still run at 15 fps

that's why

Shit like this is why I tell people to put up with the Steam port of FFIX and not play the PS1 version anymore. In addition to the bad framerate and slow combat, that version has tons of load times that really kill the pacing of the game.

So aside from the >Focus(Accumulate)/Tailwind(Yell)
You still need a gear/ability cheese build to beat him? Why design a fight that is nigh impossible blind?

I just finished beating FFV tonight. I was doing the Four Job Fiesta and it was a pain in the balls to beat Neo Exdeath without a healing job. Black Mage, Berserker, Beast Master and Dragoon.

I’m playing ff2, I don’t reccomend but I’m gonna try to beat it anyway.

Man I need to go back and reread 8-bit theatre.

>girlfriend loves vidya and has great taste but never played an FF game
>want to show her FF7 and how great it is
>original will be harder to appreciate today, hope that the remake is close to the original
>new characters and scenarios, new story, episodic bullshit that will take 10 years to come out

guess that bitch better get used to block fisted polygon niggas

what animal did your beastmaster bring to ned?

>You still need a gear/ability cheese build to beat him? Why design a fight that is nigh impossible blind?
The short answer is that FFT is a broken mess held together by duct tape. The Riovanes fights are just poorly and balanced and not well thought out. On the bright side, though, that's pretty much the peak of the game's difficulty. It's all downhill from there. Your units are inevitably gonna reach critical mass soon and start owning the AI by virtue of a superior skill set and better stats.

Didn't even bother. I just used him as an item slut. Spammed Magic lamp until the good ones were used up then had him dropping Phoenix downs and elixers and whatever status cures I needed.

>using your best skills is now cheesing
The absolute state of zoomers

Been thinking of playing through the series, mainly because there are some games I've never played, but I don't think I'll finish in time for 7 Remake. The PS1 games are pretty large.

Also dreading having to play through FF3 again. It's so fucking slow

ah okay, I had 3 instances of Breath Wing for ned.
9999 damage to all his parts.

He's talking about Wiegraf from FFT, Not Omega.

FFVI Brave New World vs. FFVII New Threat

PSP versions of I, II and IV are objectively the best versions


I just finished playing through FF7 New Threat twice, once on each difficulty setting. It was really fun.
The nu-MP versions of FF1 are awful and you should feel awful for recommending it.

I'm so fucking bored, holy shit. I'm only forcing myself through it because this and the 13 series are the only two I have never played. 6 is still the king.

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Renaming Butz to anything else should be punished.

fuck is that thing and where do I get it?

>there's a number of books/bookcases you're meant to read that basically goes "Once upon a time we put these retardedly strong monsters in here. One of them's that robot out there. Don't fuck with him."
In fairness, those only appear after you've already walked past Omega. There's a save point right before Omega so it's not a problem, but I guarantee you the majority of people playing blind got their shit rocked firsthand before they read that book.


Even with the sound restoration patch, GBA FFVI still sounds worse than SNES FFVI, and has a worse resolution. And if he played the GBA version he's miss out on the SOULFUL Woolsey translation.

No, I played original.


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Also the sound patch ruins the opera scene.

I don't think I have tried a FF5 fiesta.

Can I only do those if I am doing it for charity, I can't do one for casual fun

You can do it for casual fun.

You need to make a twitter account, then on the website click sign in with twitter, then after that you get redirected back to the fourjobfiesta site and can select a couple of modifiers for your run and click to send it

after that you can just press a button to get your next class on the website

you can ignore the charity stuff, I have

but broski... the ffvi opera scene is just the GREATEST piece of cinematic mastery to ever grace gaming... how could they do this...

Are you okay user?

FF12 is one of those games that gets more fun the better you are at it. It's a single player MMO so the story isn't really going to keep you engaged. Exploiting the bazaar and running off into dungeons you're not meant to visit for another 40 levels is where the game really becomes interesting.

lmao i thought i would be really into the gambit system but it's a real chore every time i try to play this game at all.

I'm playing through 7 again on the Switch. It's actually impressed me a lot, since it's been so long since I last played it.

The lead up to the reveal about Cloud's past/twist is very well done. It's like Fight Club, they put all the answers right in your face, but you're very unlikely to know what they mean until later.

Somehow in all my time since I'd gotten the impression that Cloud was standoffish, emo or moping. He's fucking NOT, at all! He's dynamic, he's smart-assed, he's assertive and fun, he tells jokes, he insults people, he has clear guidelines to his beliefs (he won't carry more than 200 materia, because that feels wrong, when they're meant to be saving the planet) and he's nothing at all like Squall, despite every single piece of spin off media casting them in exactly the same mould.

I forgot how ambiguous AVALANCHE is, it's made clear that while you are bombing reactors at night, these aren't clean missions, a lot of innocents die from your actions. That's much more than I'd expected.

And I thought Zack was a bigger piece of the story, seeing him cast as Aeris's true love in every fanwork and seeing so many comments like "She only loved Cloud because he reminded her of Zack!" I guess I got that into my mind, thinking it was true.

In reality, they dated for a short time when she was 15, then he went away and that was that. He wasn't all that important to her and she says pretty clearly she doesn't think of him often. He's got a way smaller part in 7 than I'd somehow expected.

Also: SO MANY FUCKING MINIGAMES! In disk 1 it feels like there's a new one every 10 minutes

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I'm not okay! what has happened is nothing short of ruinous

i still remember when i was 12 and i played up to that fateful moment when i took control of Celes and acted out the music lines... it was a TECHNOLOGICAL MARVEL the likes of which have yet to be replicated in the medium... that someone could be so ARROGANT as to USE SAMPLED MUSIC is just like playing god. you cant just change the way that something so important is supposed to be

>The boss at the end of the Wutai sidequest. Aero3 was basically insta-death, and I had no materia because that bitch Yuffie stole it.

I had Cloud's limit ready, one Meteorain was gg

I just finished 10 for the first time earlier today.

>combat consisting of "switch to the character that will 1 hit this enemy" 90% of the encounters
>reskins of the same shitty enemies in every area
>boring as shit equipment system
>cut scenes wretchedly slow
>story so bad I have already repressed half of it
>why does Kimari even exist?

Just finished replaying FF7, now I'm playing Tactics for the first time.

>why does Kimari even exist?
So you can easily make another of your favourite class archetype

Focus is not cheese. Just do it faggot.

why does Edward get such crazy stats at high level?

The fanbase will mislead you. I was let down by fan favorites like Vincent, Yuffie, even Tifa while a lot of what I dreaded (emo Cloud) were not present ar all.

Similar experience with watching the original star wars after seeing stuff like tbe prequels and the fandom for the franchise. What shocked me is how unimportant or uninteresting staples like Lightsabers and action setpieces were compared to the characters.

Just got done with my FFV FJF run.
Random 5th, got White Mage, Red Mage, Mystic Knight, and Knight which was replaced by fucking Geomancer of all things.
Was a lot of fun though

red mage is nice if you get something like white mage, if you grind out for x-magic

The Compilation was a fucking mistake and I'm glad that more and more people are being aware of it thanks to the remake making everyone play the original again.

Why do people believe the “Cloud was Zack” theory? It can’t be the compilation because they act nothing alike there. It has to be some shipping bs.

I unironically think the devs threw in lines to discourage that idea but peopke still parrot it

Playing FF7 New Threat

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Im in a constant state of replaying FF games and have been since the late 90's
Been juggling 5 7(new threat mod) and 100%ing X-2

I played FFIX as a kid but never finished it, going through it now and I love it
What should I play after?

You’re insane

as soon as I maxed red mage, i swapped them right into white for dualcast holy.
everyone was running white as a command, except the Geo acting as a second physical dps with spellblade and chicken knife

I've never even heard of such a theory. What do you mean?


My personal faves: 7, 5, 4, 1, 12, 6

More or less in that order

I'm waiting for VIII remaster. Been wanting to replay X too but will wait for sale.

The guy you were replying to touches on it. Because some of cloud’s persona is based on what he’s seen and heard Zack do people conflate that with the idea he believed he was Zack or copied his personality.

It’s only ever used to sort of dismiss any connection between Cloud and Aerith so I think it’s driven by shipfags

yeah you watched a little bit of it on YouTube I'm sure

>Reach Gold Saucer
>"You need to pay in GP"
>Okay then
>Look for a character to exchange gil for GP
>Eventually find out from a character there's no fucking way to just buy GP using gil
>You are REQUIRED to play the shitty minigames


Attached: fucking square.png (480x385, 318K)

There is a way to buy GP... in disc 2

shoot hoops you faggot

I'm playing FFIX for the first time. I've only just started, but so far, the game has been incredibly comfy.

It's best to wait until later to do the saucer, you can get GP very easily racing chocobos.

Probably, Ive played through ff9 atleast 40+ times
At one point in like 2009 my pic related memory card had an entire page of nothing but ff9 save files that were more or less all in the same state of either
>right before deathguise fight
>right before disc 4

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>dismiss any connection between Cloud and Aerith
If anything that sounds like fuel for hurt/comfort Cloud/Aerith and makes the gondola ride even more touching

That’s the idea the game actually puts forward. But you know how fandoms get.

That's the worst minigame though

You have an excess of patience. Very powerful.

Its fastest and not too difficult

I am currently playing through FF 6 (also pretty ripped) and it is blowing my fucking mind. This game is a masterpiece, the music and the characters, the sprite art. FF7 can literally suck a dick compared this. I saved this one for last and its great.

How far are you?

Be honest, late disc 2 and early disc 3 makes you wanna quit the game in FF9

When is that? Playing Switch and unlike 7 it doesn’t differentiate the discs

Sounds like a mad FF6 fanboy pretending

Or he’s at the best part not realizing there’s a lot of game left.

>t. mad kid who started with FF7

Attached: bestlooking.jpg (460x720, 55K)

Not him but I don't see why you would like the early game and not like that part of the game as well. I think the game is literally perfect up until the middle of disc 3 when it opens up and kind of meanders.
Disc 2 ends with Brahne's death.

No not at all thats part of my favorite time when the entire world opens up and you get to all the optional places like daguerro and all the chocobo stuff
My least favorite part is being stuck in bran bal until you get to disc 4 and then disc 4 locks out half the map

I just finished a playthrough of 8 earlier today since it was one of the few that I hadn't beaten. Overall, I thought it was ok.

Madain Sari and Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum revisits, the part with trying to find the potion for Cid, and going around Treno and Alexandria with Eiko and stuff

I have quit the game twice around you were right.

I also feel like I just suck. Every character except Zidane and Steiner feels underpowered.

>The programmer for FFII made Ultima, the ultimate spell that was so strong that the plot made a big deal about it, shit because he figured it was made in a time before technique refinement.
>and then proceeded to encrypt the code to prevent his co-workers form making it useful

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I will replay it when it gets remastered. It’s an odd one. Hated because it was a little too complicated and non-straightforward for kiddies but I still recall having a lackluster plot and story too

Is that real? I am actually laughing at that, hoping it’s real.

That and the 3-4 hours of story and cutsenes and doing fetch quests makes me quit the game right there

yep. I guess it's fitting considering how dogshit the magic system in general was

big fan of the ps1 era, tried to play ff6 again and got to i think the magitek factory? man that game is boring and overrated, what's the appeal?
really weak world map, mediocre story and ok characters.

I am picturing the coworker pleading for the code to get unencrypted and having to listen to some insane bullshit about how it should be a bad spell

I'll probably download PPSSPP emulator for Android and FF2, so I won't be bored at work.

FFIV would have been cooler if it wasn't for the fact that every villain was mindcontrolled by ayys

the biggest draw is how much stuff you can just straight up miss, which encourages exploration. It's similar to how you can find OPplsnerf secret spells and shit in FFIV by checking certain things before moving on, like dualcast.

Zemus is also a Lunarian like Golbez and Cecil is

I started FF7 because Max finally gave me motivation to play. The combat in 7 almost make me want to try XIII and X-2 again. I was more used to X's combat that the other two felt too fast.

I am at the part where the badass dude incharge of the castle just realized everyone is being poisoned by Kefka? I think thats his name. Any tips? The music is so good, i'm loving this shit. I can't stop playing.

I've been slowly playing through all the mainline ones over the years. So far I'm struggling to get into IV and VI, don't know what it is but they're just not keeping my attention. Everything else I've finished and 100% on steam.

They must have fixed it in later versions because in the PSP version Ultima is really busted when you slap it on Minwu

About what I figured

>Any tips?
Cease playing 6 and play a better FF game

Lightning Returns has, in my opinion, the best combat in the series. From what we've seen so far, it looks like FF7 Remake will have ''modified'' LR combat.

GBA I recall it sucking compared to Flare. I think it was better but not by much

Nostalgia. V is easily the best 2d FF

I've played 2, 7, 8, and some of the laters ones. I always enjoyed western rpgs more than jrpgs. Although Chrono trigger, liveAlive, Phantasy star and Suikoden 2 were all great. I finally get why people love Final Fantasy so much.

There's actually some retarded scaling to do with how much damage it does. I think it's the tied to the number of white spells power or something, and Minwu has a lot of otherwise useless white spells that makes him the perfect candidate. Come to think of it that's actually some nice flavor mixed in with the original reason it sucked, it having really weird constraints on how strong it is by modern magic user standards, and Minwu being an oddball caster himself.

Also i'm an oldfag. I'm 36, I've been playing rpgs since the commodore 64 days. This game makes me feel young again.

Some guy compared to to Kingdom Hearts 2

I like 6 the most by far but I've never been one if those "job systems are always 100% better than everything else" fags.

I can't say if this is true or not because I've never played Kingdom Hearts.
I mean, you can watch this video against optional boss and see how it plays:

>ATB battle system
>you switch between schemata (aka LR's version of job system)
>instead of picking commands, you press buttons
>in customization menu, you are the one who sets commands to those buttons

Letting people customize characters is always for the best. Stuff like the Job System and Materia are extremely fun to play around with and experiment with. You can make any character do anything and create your own toolbox. That's why people are so attached to the idea.

I've heard the XIII trilogy get better each game for gameplay. I also tried XIII-2 at one point and enjoyed the combat more, but I can't remember how different it was from the tutorial area compared to X. Haven't bothered playing it 'cause I wanted to play through X/X-2/XIII before retouching it.

I think because the same dude was working on Remake.

I think once you get past the modern final fantasy and start delving into the older titles, you can really appreciate it more.
The music is great for the most part (Uematsu is a genius), the story can be great even though the crystals thing can be a bit overplayed, and it remembers to pepper in those fun moments inbetween.
Also, the ATB combat system is honestly great, and combat in general for the older games can really let you pull off some super janky strats.
I used to think FF was just "oh yeah, that jrpg with a million titles", but going back over them recently I can appreciate what they've all done differently and well.

37 here. I've never preferred one over the other. My favorite computer game is VtM:B and my favorite console game is Xenogears. I used to hop from Might and Magic over to the SNES or Genesis.

I like the modern age because 90% of the good JRPGs come to PC, and most of the good CRPGs are PC only or come to console much later. There's been no need for me to have a console since the PS2 days.

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>I've heard the XIII trilogy get better each game for gameplay
That is true, user. Story gets worse with each sequel (I still liked them, lol), but the gameplay is better. XIII-2 is really easy game, but LR can be quite challenging.
You probably liked XIII-2 combat more because you can recruit monsters.

I'm jealous of you and wish to die

>buy a modded PS1 (PSIO cartridge) for $300 in order to play all those ps1 games i never got to play
>mod is marketed to play 99% of all games correctly
>finally play FFVII
>every 2 hours or so get pic related

>turns out FFVII is the 1%

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I see Jobs and Materia systems as the lesser of two evils. I was the guy you replied to btw

13-2 also doesn't limit your level progression with story progress. You could farm at the starting point and max out your characters if you felt like it.

I don't consider that a good thing.

damn son that sucks

There are a number of options to beat him, it's just that almost everyone had yell/tailwind so it's a strong universal strategy that works for people dumb enough to not gave a save before getting locked into that battle. You can just punch him to death as a monk because monks are broken. Or use a dual wielding knight. Or calculate him to death. Or 20 other things. But simplest is the most useful.

That’s insane

>Also, the ATB combat system is honestly great
Not really no, but the turn-based combat of the earlier titles is still fun. The ATB games should have just been turn-based but they're all right.

One thing people seemed to dislike about 13 was the Crystarium not being fully expanded until postgame, only expanding incrementally through the story so they "fixed" it in the sequel. I personally didn't mind it though.

Yeah I agree. The story isn't all that amazing but the characters are great.

I do a yearly replay of IV PSP with its sequels, but that's around December when I do that. I'm casually going through VII for the first time right now though.

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I genuinely miss good old school ff mini games. Whether it be blitzball, triple triad or fort condor, I really loved a lot of old ff minigames a lot.

I utterly despised triple triad. It took years off my life I believe

A lot of people only like job systems to break the game, not for genuine customization.

I'm with you man. I sold most of my consoles and have really only been playing everything from my PC.

Tetra Master > Triple Triad

I hated tetra for some reason. Triple was great outside of getting one of the super retarded rule sets.

I liked FF12’s new job system and it’s less game breaking than the old license boards.

FFV’s was only gamebreaking in the sense you could simply know what abilities were badass

Materia and Junctioning were game-breaking though

I think that's just a loud minority. It's always interesting to see how different people approach the FF games that let you customize your characters, everyone seems to have a different set of preferences they go for and their own way of playing through.

That’s what I hated so much about it. Tetra had enough rng that I found it baffling but it was also pretty unnecessary luckily

I like it for both. Game breaking shit is like icing on the cake, but for the first time playthrough, being able to customise a character is so much fun.

Your taste is garbage, just a heads up since you'll probably think the opposite and embarrass yourself in the future

Why are we even having this argument? FF6 is the best period. Everything else comes close but I mean why is this discussion even a thing.

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>people ranking IV anywhere but D tier
Explain yourselves you fucking boomers

I-it’s not

I played the DS version and the secrets made my weiner a peener


Secret cutscenes if you do certain things correct, secret levels, the dev room, the fact that you can steal from the final boss and that's actually important, and some other shit I can't remember because it's been years

I'm sure IV was fine for when it came out, and was interesting enough for introducing ATB, but there's really no reason at all to play it today while V has significantly better gameplay and VI has significantly better characters/story.

this is either bait or taste so shit it might as well be bait

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playing xv its pretty fun and kino so far

FF9 - Moguri Mod (AI upscale of all graphics)
FF7 - Remako Mod (AI upscale of all graphics)

Reminder to use AI-enhanced versions of all FF games. Machine Learning is creating the future.

If you are interested I can make a FF7 - Crisis Core HD mod this weekend.

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It is, your all fools. Lying to yourselves.


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Framecompare of FF7 AI enhanced versus not.

I think it was gigapixel instead of ESRGAN but anyway, I can whip up the entire crisis core game done in it if there is any demand. Using AI you can apply a simple algo to textures instead of requiring actual artistic talent to enhance old games.

I tried playing old FF games and they're just unplayable.
The graphics are far too dated, the battle system is clunky and slow. Square should really remake all the old FF with FFXV battle system, maybe after the FFVII remake.

If you're going to argue like that you should just replay your favorite game over and over for the rest of your life, nothing else matters.
I'm going to play devil's advocate even though I like 5 and 6 more than 4. V has "better gameplay" in the sense that it has customization, but it also in turn has worse balance. If someone doesn't care about customization, the tighter balance of IV can easily make it have "better gameplay." VI has better characters, but I find its story to be complete dogshit. It feels almost incomplete. For me, out of the games that actually have a story, VI is the bottom of the bottom.

Theres a contradiction here. FF 12 is not in the dogshit/mmo tier when it's a single player mmo.

FF9 Moguri mod is really impressive. Very good job by the guy behind it.



this is the shittiest opinion I've ever read and that's coming from someone who *liked* 15

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>good graphics
>but lose cheevos

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This comparison looks crazy good, but some of the shots in this video do not. Like the one of the crowd behind Zidane and Blank swordfighting looks like complete shit upscaled.

ff9 is the best imo with ai upscale.

The zoomer-dilemma

Turn based RPG is ancient, there's a reason FFVII remake won't have it.
The chibi style graphics is also unacceptable when they're trying to tell a serious story.


Based taste

Am playing x-2 right now since completing X.

Those are extreme close ups. a lot of the details ESRGAN adds look good on screen versus a zoom

>Hey babe, I see you're good at summoning, how about you summon yourself on top of my cock.

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Yeah a ff9 remake or even ff1 remake in xv style would be kino


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based and truthpilled

Everyone knows Rydia snapped onto Edge's cock like a fish on a baited line the moment they met. Edge didn't even have a chance to teleport behind you.

Im playing ff6


playing ffxii just about to enter giruvegan

>18 year old somehow aged to 40 in 10 years
Poor Noctis

Are Edge's ninja arts even good?

I've been playing them in order excepting 2 and I'm on 7 these days. I have a lot of trouble to get into it because, it's really different from the others in a lot of ways and it didn't age well everywhere.

My favorites are 4 and 5 so far, 6 has a first half that is a terrible tutorial and a shit system, poor humour etc... But the second half with pic related salvaged the game tremendously and this track is my favorite in the entire series for the moment and it makes me tear up everytime I hear it .(Dancing mad was terribly overrated )

I'm done with Midgard in FF7 right now and the world map is ass. 3D didn't age well at all and these empty plains with tank controls are quite gratting. But It may get better once I'm at Junon harbor.

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FF12 is pretty bad. I'm sticking with it because the 2x 4x speed toggle they added makes it bearable to watch my characters carry out the gambits I set up.

Do you guys think FF7 remake will incorporate stuff from Crisis Core? Like playable Zack/Cloud flashbacks, their expanded backstory, more about Sephiroth, Zack and Aerith being the OTP etc.

I'm near the end of the game. I kind of lost motivation realizing half if the fun shit in the game requires ridiculous farming to get, or is end of the game only.

I've played and finished every mainline FF sans FF13-3 and my favorites are IV/V/X. I do like VI and VII but I really think they are quite overrated.

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Playing through bravely second which is essentially a final fantasy game at the Ba,al at the end of chapter 2

Yup, it's already been 100% confirmed that the compilation will be included.

That's why if anyone hasn't played the original, they should play it now. The remake will be drastically different.

I thought Compilation was only going to be broadly included (i.e. the flashbacks won't be 1-to-1 to Crisis Core)

I'm doing a playthrough of FF7 with a mod called new threat on my switch, it adds tons of new content. I'm almost done and already beat most bosses even that one that's a pincer attack between shinryu and omega but I'm stuck at this motherfucker, somehow he's even harder than in the original.

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There are two ways to actually get all the good equipment in FF12, you either get extremely lucky opening those chests or you have autism like the rest of us and learn how to manipulate the game's rng.

>with tank controls
I don't think that means what you think it means.

Turn base may not be realistic but it sure as hell not outdated. It's like saying Pokemon's outdated JUST fore the turn base battles and not for other reasons. DQ and Digimon Story have great battle systems too.

That’s a shame. Particularly since you can broadly include stuff from CC without trampling over the content from the original.

I always expected them to include some Zack and Aerith teaser at like the end but making Aerith just a good friend to Cloud will be weak and lessen a lot of the emotional impact a few storybeats try to have.

zodiac changes how to get endgame items a bit

Am I the only one that hated the DS version of FFIV? I played it before the original and I hated 4 for the longest time because of it. Years later I got around to playing the PSP remaster and absolutely loved it, and I realized my issue was with the DS remake, not FFIV as a whole. Also the augment system was ass.

I fucking hope it's only parts of it (shit that actually appeared in the game like the Nibelheim flashbacks and Zack's death) and not Crisis Core as a whole.

I know, I played the international zodiac version with a translation patch before zodiac age released, and even in that version a lot of the best treasures were moved to cerobi steppe into chests with that would rarely spawn and then had like a 1% chance to give the good stuff. RNG manipulation made getting all of it trivial though.

Quick update, not that anyone cares. Downloaded FF2, like it so far. Which is weird since I hated it for so long, lol. I guess this is because I finished Romancing Saga 2 recently.

What’s this from? Thought Nomura said they weren’t consciously planning to do that?

Dude I just beat this mod. Use Yuffie and her ultimate weapon. Also he is weak to Lightning.

I'll go much further and say IV DS was an unbelievable piece of crap that fixed none of the many problems IV had and introduced many of its own.

Yes they're great

>he can't farm 3-D battler for GP

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Thanks for the tip, what was your party? I've been rocking cloud/vincent/tifa practically the whole game, I kind of don't want to change any of them. I'll definitely take advantage of that lightning weakness though, most bosses in this mod seem to have one weakness or another.

There are no job levels in 3. You can switch to a fighter for the first time at level 50 and he'll have the same stats as a fighter who has been once since level 5, excluding HP.

3's not about making builds, it's about switching jobs as the situation demands. That's why it's the 'job' system.

The FF3 DS version was fucking amazing so I tried FF4 DS and fucking hated it. I guess I should try the PSP version, then.

You apparently didn't realize it, but the way 3's job and levelling system work is that the stats you gain on level up are based upon what job a character is in at the moment. So capping stats requires every character to be black belts after around like level 50 or 60 or so up to the 90s since BB has the best HP growth, and then you swap over to Onion Knight for the last 10 levels or so to cap the other stats since the growths OK has for the last few levels are really high.

How do you get Onion Knight?

Both DS games are super grindy, the thing is even original III had some grinding but it gets a pass because its main appeal was the job system. Meanwhile, the original FFIV had very minimal grinding and rightfully so, the game was meant to be more focused on story than gameplay

Some convoluted sidequest involving the DS version's player mail system that used the wifi connection. I dunno how it works in the ports of the remakes.

Only HP remains the same between job switches. All other stats are fixed and dependent on the current job.

4 is more of a puzzle game than a proper RPG, each major encounter has a theme, a problem you must solve to win, Grinding won't solve the puzzle for you, it will just help in term of damage output. FF6 tried to do the same but mixed terrible elements in the mix like the magicite system and the gimmicks of each character while being mind numbingly easy until the world of Ruin.

I wish Square either took 5 as a blueprint for gameplay heavy rpg and took 4 as the goal for story driven ones.


6 > 7 > 9 > the rest.

X was the beginning of the downfall. X in itself was a decent game but just by looking at the other games that came after the evidence is all there.

There's some great games in the series, If you guys haven't played them I'd highly recommend you go back and play them.

Yeah Yuffies ultimate weapon allows her to deal damage to enemies higher level than her, It Ruby is weak to Earth and Ozma is weak to Holy. My fight with Carmine was Cloud/Aris/Yuffie Viridian was Cloud/Barret/Yuffie and a ton of holy sparks.Though you can use Cid for his cover/miss tech.

sounds like you got filtered

I just beat ff7 for the first time yesterday. it was surprisingly enjoyable

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I managed to beat ruby on my second try with barely any issues, but I just can't tank emerald's damage output long enough to kill it. I haven't found ozma though, and I also heard nemesis from X is around as well

Take the Ruby Rose to the Kalm guy to fight a hard but winnable battle. You'll get Long Reach Materia and that will give you all the damage you'll ever want. But really you'll want Yuffia or Aris with great gospal.

And to answer your question those Omega and Nemesis from 8 and 10 are at the battle square just ask the chick at the left.

I think you can prevent the running just by equipping the knife in the second weapon slot.

only if you have something in your main hand that procs first, like twin lance.
Also, chicken knife is absurdly powerful compared to brave blade because it scales off str and agi instead of just str


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Post your char names


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When viewed as a Final Fantasy, this is unironically by far the best entry in the series. Patricians know it to be true as well, only normies would seriously prefer VII remake over a game filled to the brim with actual soul

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Cloud: Hobuck (a portmanteau of my friend and I's names that we use for all the games we play together)
Barret: PottyMouf
Tifa: 2ndBanana
Aeris: SlumDrunk
Cait Sith: Cat Shit
Cid: CapnCruch
Yuffie: b i n c h
Vincent: Vincel

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Should I do the peak with the condor early in FF7 or It can wait a bit? I hate the world map so far. It's empty as hell, much like the prior entries but the 3D makes it even worse.


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What's the best FF i can play on my trash phone? i tried the gameboy ports and it just feels too slow because of the frame rate i only will allow 1gb at absolute max since my phone always runs out of space

I'm playing FF7 for the first time, had played a cracked PC version like ten years ago but it crashed upon reaching Cosmo Canyon so I never went further than that. I got Cid and Yuffie stole my materia, but once I get my materia back I don't really know where the fuck I'll be going or where that temple they mentioned might be.

is this an official HW art?

go through the river between nibelheim and cosmo canyon

Canon dialogue

Going with Vincel

I usually call Cloud StolenValor, with some adjustments to make it fit

Only FF7 playthrough you'll ever need.

>The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 (Pub.L. 113–12; H.R. 258) is a United States federal law that was passed by the 113th United States Congress. The law amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim having received a valor award specified in the Act, with the intention of obtaining money, property, or other tangible benefit by convincing another that he or she received the award

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>shitty minigames


BNW and it isn't even close NT makes a valiant effort and is pretty good for most of the game, but the game inevitably breaks wide open thanks to flaws from the vanilla game that can't be addressed as-is. BNW does get easier but it never breaks and the final few boss fights do a full reverse on that difficulty trend anyway.

well, he is not wrong...

Are any of the mobile ports/games good?


Who cares about the rest

Only HP works in this way, the amount of Max HP gained during level up dependent on the job's VIT stat. Otherwise it doesn't matter what job you are.

Just never ever level up as a Scholar.

He didn’t agree it was real either. It’s the most blatantly contradicted theory I’ve seen.

I don't even think the fucking creator of N.T can properly tell you how to do the mega-all fight.

The only FF games I beat were 3 DS and 4 on PSP. I've played 1-7, 9, 10, 12, and 13. I got pretty far in 5, 6, 12, and 13. I've tried 7 many times over the years, but I just don't like it that much. Also 10 felt like proto 13, but I may only feel like that since I played 13 first and hated it. I've played other JRPGs a lot more than FF. I did really like 3, 4, 5, 6, and 12 though. I think I will like 9 a lot too, but I haven't given it a lot of time.

From what I understand, the mobile ports are all pretty bad. FF Dimensions is a original game and is actually amazing. It's classic FF gameplay with jobs and such. It's main story gimmick is that the main party is split into 2 groups, one in a light world and one in a dark world, with each chapter of the game alternating between them. It's worth a pirate at the very least imo. I do know you will take what I say when you read my opinions on FF above, but please give FF Dimensions a chance. The first one, not the second one.

Seconding this. I've played the original so many times, easily my favorite game ever. BNW improves it in pretty much every way. 10/10 experience.

>I do know you will take what I say
with a grain of salt*
Don't know why I didn't finish typing that.

>IV anywhere but mid tier
Literally the definition of a double digit IQ nostalgiafag

I was considering replaying FFVIII or finishing FFI, but at the moment, I'm not playing anything.

before this thread dies, are there any final fantasy games actually worth playing apart from IV and VII?

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Excellent taste, probably the only one I've ever seen that's relatively close to mine (I'd have 4 and 6 swapped).

VIII and X

What are bragging rights?
>Ninja Monk
Oh baby. Takes some grinding, though.
It's not impossible. It's just hard. It sucks if you didn't save beforehand.

As someone who genuinely disliked IV upon first playthrough, I can't totally agree. I respect the opinion of XIII/2, though.
>can't recommend tier
>X-2, Lightning Returns, and FFI

V and XII

How playable are the PS1 ports of FF1, 2, 4, 5 & 6?

I found them mint and extremely cheap.

not the worst, not the best

expect long load times

I usually replay V once a year, even if it's just to get to 70% completion. Game's just so fucking replayable and fun and I'm so mad it took them until Bravely Default to emulate its perfect RPG simplicity.

>FF7 New Threat
>look it up
>it's a mod of the PC version
Goddamn it.

The speed doesn't bother me, but the change to item locations does.

Just pirate it. It can't be hard to find.

I want to play it on my Vita, not on PC.

I'm currently playing through Final Fantasy VII for the first time. It's alright, I don't get the hype really. I just got to Juno or whatever it's called. I hope it gets better because I'm kind of just forcing myself to enjoy it.


After Midgar it gets real slow but then it picks back up once you get to the Gold Saucer

Also I think I fucked up my build, I missed the first enemy skill materia and whatever that "e" skill thing is that I've been hearing about. At least the game is really easy so far, I haven't died once in the ten hours I put into it.

I, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII
Start with VII.
IV is probably the 5th-7th game you should play because it's less accessible.

X by far.

"e. skill" is just how enemy skill shows up in the battle menu

That IS the Enemy Skill materia. All you need to do is get hit by an appropriate skill.

There's no shame in looking at a walkthrough if you're truly lost.

Oh okay thanks. I saw it in a let's play that I looked up every time I got lost.
So all you need is to get hit by an enemy skill with the enemy materia equipped? I know there's one coming up soon in juno.

Yep. Just make sure that the skill IS actually learnable; not all enemy skills can be learned.

iirc the requirements are the materia holder has to be the one who gets hit by the attacks, they have to survive the battle, and you have to win the battle (no running)

if you want a nice guide that lists all the missable shit and whatnot, this one is really nice

FFTA2, it’s addicting as fuck

X's actual plot and even a lot of its characters are bad, it just has the best setting and worldbuilding in the series.
Still a great game though.

Isn't 3ds version faster than psp?

switch X with IX and we’re in agreement

I don't know why anyone likes IV. The most barebones gameplay in the series and a 10 year olds idea of a dramatic plot where someone dies every 3 seconds.

The only thing I really like so far is the music though.

its one of the worst ff ever
those chart fags are trolls

>tfw never played it because of hideous character design
I mean fuck doesn't the MC wear a goddamn turban?

Has what is probably the single best boss theme in video game history, and most of the other music is amazing as well
Pacing is fucking incredible with grinding being basically nonexistent and you are almost always going somewhere new
introduced ATB and has some of the best and most unique boss battles in the franchise
one of the only earliest video games to kill children on screen, something that's still rare

The truth.

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>grinding in any FF except for superbosses

That's a yikes

I mean considering IV came after III, and III has 15 hours of mandatory grinding at the very last dungeon, IV not having any is a 100% improvement over that

>le MMOs aren't final fantasy fag
Invalid opinion

I rolled summoner/bard/bard/chemist

kinda killed my motivation to complete it cause I can brake the game in so many ways. I'll get around to it sometime this month and then start another one.

Imagine actually fucking liking IX with its boring ass slow as shit battle system, horrendous load times, subpar soundtrack, lackluster plot, and all over the place characters
I will never understand the love this game gets. If not for how bad II, XII, and XIII are it would be my least favorite mainline FF.

The truth can be confrontational.
They're FF's all right, I just haven't played them because I don't like MMO. Stay frosty.

>paying for a subscription
top kek


There's no cure for shit taste user, sorry to hear that you have it.

Honestly I think the people who love IX have the shit taste. It has gorgeous music, good character design, and some great town themes.
Battles and character building are a complete downgrade from VII and VIII.

Currently playing FF2 from dawn of souls, next is NES FF3 which I haven't played for about 15 years.

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Revenant Wings is fucking awesome just thought I'd let everyone know.

The only thing IX has going against it is battle speed. All the PS1 FF battle and character building mechanics are simple as shit.

fucking christ the grinding in DS is bad enough, why make it worse?

Can someone explain VI circlejerking? All it had was underwhelming characters, abilities and story.

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Just got WoFF from the steam sales, about to start playing.
I've played only I, III, IV, VI, VII, and XII, so I'll probably miss a lot of the references.

Materia and ESPECIALLY Junctioning are way fucking better than IX.

Also yes the battle speed being slow as shit is a problem in a game with awful character building and awful battle music and long load times. Fuck IX.

You were right the first time

Can't say for the games after 6, but 4 and 5 are really the pinacle of the series, 4 thanks to the story and the more puzzle focused approach with combat and 5 because of its incredible class system with which no investment is lost as you gain perks with every single class that you can use with other classes (also Galuf is bro).
3's class system has issues, 1 is pretty basic but cool, 6 has pacing problems in its first half and a shit game design, the second half is a must play but I hated most of the first half as tragedy is badly treated in it. FF6 is worth doing for the second half alone, but god it's tiresome before the halfway point.

>The game is superior in almost every facet.
>But it's a little slower, and has slightly fewer customization options in a trilogy with fucking garbage customization options.
You're an idiot.

>Unironically putting 8 over 12
That's sad, user.

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Which has the best overworld theme?
>b-but my game doesn't have an overworld
corridorlets, when will they learn
*Airship Noises*

>a little slower
>40 seconds between random battle occuring until atb starts showing

Better how? in FFIX you gain abilities through equipment. In VII you level the materia. In VIII you get GF abilities and refine items to junction good magic. In all cases you simply equip something to a character and make use of it.

>in a trilogy with fucking garbage customization options.
Literally what? Aside from V and XII, VII and VIII have the most in depth character building in the series

The only time I could stomach XII was Zodiac Age and that's because the 4x Fast Forward. I shouldn't be skipping past a game to get any remote enjoyment out of it.

>soulful Woolsey translation
Tired of this bullshit. Woolsey's translation had soul, but it's full of straight up errors and mistranslations.
The GBA retranslation is not only by far the most accurate translation, but it's full of soul and keeps most of the best lines from the SNES version.

Read this and tell me this guy's translations of FFIV and VI don't have soul:
Definitely III. I would put this on as I cruised through the overworld in XV

I'm playing FFXII: TZA. I might go for another FFX 100% run after this. I 100%'d FF1 a couple months back, FF7 last year, and FFIX earlier that year. I've been on the moon for probably 5 years now in FFIV--that game is just so boring to me that I don't know if I'll ever finish it.

I really should finish FFVI for once in my life, though. My completionist tendencies make it really hard to not fill up spell/skill lists, so Gau and Strago are the characters that kill my runs.

XII is easily the most disappointing FF game for me, but it's still pretty good. The mechanics are really fun to exploit.

Anyone who hates 8 is probably too much of a sperg to pay attention to lore and npc's explaining the history of the world, and never learned how to use the GF abilities and solely used Draw to gain magic

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Yeah, it's easily the most overrated game by far. I can understand loving it if you were too young to enjoy the older games, but there is no reason to play this when you have VI or V. The only good thing about the game is Dagger's ass.

I guess that upside down castle dungeon was cool, too.

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>on the moon
nigga you are in the last dungeon

And FF has terrible customization options. What's your point?

7 is best

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I love VIII but let's not pretend the story and lore was amazing. Game is a mess in terms of plot and character

Theoretically, XII Zodiac system should be what appeals to me the most since it has a high degree of both uniqueness and customization.
Though the uniqueness is chosen and not tied to the characters.

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Can you explain how that works before I start my playthrough of 8?

Yes, that's right.
God forbid zoom zoom has to slow down a bit to enjoy an otherwise superior game.

VIII is truly a game for the intelligentsia

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Name some JRPGs with better customization than FFVIII that aren't SaGa or a Job System FF
seriously just want some recommendation

>buy tents
>refine to curagas
>have 7k+ HP after the tutorial on disc 1

FF8 is dumb.

The FFV GBA translation is fantastic, some early 00s "lolsorandum! XD" humor aside.

>depth character building
Your characters are hollow shells in these games. Materia/Junctioning determines their power and are literally interchangeable.

I'm playing 5 with the Custom Classes mod. It feels like I have to try not to be too overpowered. I just killed Omega.

GF's can learn how to refine items and cards into magic, this is the best way to get magic in the game, alongside playing card games to get cards to refine.
You want draw on one character though for the reason of drawing new GF's from bosses since they can be missable.
Every item in the game has a good purpose and can be refined into stronger items or stronger magic and so on.
If you know your shit you can get ultimate weapons in Disc 1 in terms of refining stuff

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Treasure of the Rudras
Etrian Odyssey games (most of them have "less" customization per class, but the quality of the systems and customization is far better, the game is actually balanced around you trying to build a good team).

wait.....faris is a girl...?

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exactly, gives the player an unprecedented amount of control over the build and adds replay value. Same reason job system is so good.
Although their limit breaks give them a difference.

Let's not forget the 10 million re-arrangements of Melodies of Life playing through the game

I knew she was too beautiful to be a man

fucking gross, shitty series

I'm aware. The game is really boring.

I see your melodies of life arrangements and raise you suteki da ne arrangements.

I'm in the middle of FFX-2 and XII runs, but other games have cropped up that i want to play more. Can't wait for VIII to drop, just wish they'd give us a release date.
This is the true theme of FF6, pure undiluted hope .
And the scene where the track shows up for the first time may be my favorite of all the ff games so far. It gave me shivers and made me cry.

>I want more customization options.
>Here you go bro.
Fuck you. DQ3 is a wonderful game.

>exactly, gives the player an unprecedented amount of control over the build and adds replay value. Same reason job system is so good.
Job System in FF5 doesn't make the characters hollow shells.
When you switch them around they'll be affected by what stuff they have learned as their previous job. Faris trained as a Ninja would be able to equip weapons in each hand as a Knight, while Butz would be able to cast blue magic as a Knight for example, they can't switch that around.

That's no character building, that's just creating some good setup (and gods how little you even need of it to rip these games apart) which you then apply to a character.

>Shitty 3D rearrange.
Absolutely not.

I raise chocograph hunting, yes it was very worth it, but god damn was it boring and repetetive, and underwhelming endgame content with Ozma being a joke with just a few ability for status immunities and dark absorb gear

DQ3 was probably wonderful when it launched. Dragon Quest to me is the most boring as fuck JRPG series possible.

It's the building block series for JRPGs. Historically valuable but I see nothing to enjoy about playing it in the modern day when almost every other game in the genre has more identity.

Materia/Junctioning are nothing like the Job system. If anything they're like 6's Magicite.

Very good

Dragon Quest is at least faithful to itself. Final Fantasy is a trend chasing embarrassment.

FF15 was pretty good, up until Leviathan, god damn did it drop after that

Finding broken as fuck combos are fun as fuck.

Also VII is probably my favorite game in the series to be a blue mage in, Enemy Skill is an incredibly fun Materia to have around.

You're that idiot from last night who got his posts deleted for comparing the PSP remakes of FF1 and FF2 to the SNES versions of DQ, aren't you?

>"more identity"
aka, "ewwww, why isn't there lasers and big flashy cutscenes and crazy anime shit?"
You want chuuni shit. You don't actually care about game mechanics, you're just using them as a bargaining chip to argue why the games you personally enjoy for entirely different reasons are superior to other games people enjoy, you disingenuous fuck.

DQ3 is timeless. It's an exquisitely paced adventure with tons of replayability. Just because you can't deal with a game that wants you to enjoy the gameplay instead of some half-baked story doesn't mean it's "boring" or "only has historical value."

>FF8 fan is a casual who detests one of the greatest JRPGs of all time for being too old.

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Dragon Quest is like that weird stepbrother you have that always joins for family get togethers, and nobody really wants him around but we pretend to enjoy his company

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I wasn't on the internet last night, I was shooting off fireworks.
I've never played a Dragon Quest where I liked anything about them aside from the hentai and character design. Battle systems are boring, music is boring, story is boring, overuse of bland green fields and trees is boring. I just do not see what is special about the series.

Especially looking at what other JRPGs were doing in the SNES and PS1 eras. There's probably almost a hundred better things you could be playing in the genre from those eras alone.

>overuse of bland green fields and trees is boring
This is some bait. 2D FF and DQ map design is nearly identical.

>Especially looking at what other JRPGs were doing in the SNES and PS1 eras.
Yeah, ripping off DQ's core elements wholesale and/or using them as a base and adding their own stuff.

FFVII, ironically my 7th playthrough of the game.

I'm in Mt. Corel right now.

Haha, I know you mean. When I was younger, Safer Sephiroth took me over a year to beat and I was convinced he was the 3rd hardest boss ever made (second and first being Emerald and Ruby). However, starting with my second playthrough a couple years later, Safer Sephiroth always went down after a few shots for me. I remember being "WTF..." in general at the difficulty when I was older and realized I was just a retarded dumb kid lol. The only trouble I really have nowadays is Yuffie's dad since you need to be on your toes for the whole match or else Yuffie will get her shit wrecked immediately if you aren't careful enough.

Did you ever try the mods for the game? I replayed 7 lots of times, but New Threat is pretty cool, currently just got Tiny Bronco

>using them as a base and adding their own stuff.
which is exactly why I find DQ uninteresting. It's like the giant flat green lego base you're supposed to put other stuff on top of, not just play with it by itself.

In a world of Radiant Historia and FFVIII and Baten Kaitos and Parasite Eve, why would I ever play Dragon Quest?

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Did she take the BRC?

Oh absolutely. She took them all in one big

It's a nod to older FF titles with summoners having horns you dimwit, which plays in with Ronso's being proud of their horns

It's a nod to a giant BRC blowbang. Kitase has admitted as much

>mfw played VII last out of the mainline games
>mfw expected it to be overrated shit
>mfw it was easily the best in the series
the hype was real. if anything the game is underrated nowadays because it's considered overrated. It's not, game is fucking incredible.

>In a world of Radiant Historia and FFVIII and Baten Kaitos and Parasite Eve, why would I ever play Dragon Quest?
Because it's nice to go back to basics sometimes instead of putting up with Radiant Historia's numerous fakeout endings and pedantic timeline hopping or playing an obvious Resident Evil demographic cash-in with RPG mechanics tacked onto it. I haven't played Baten Kaitos, but the name Masato Kato is already throwing up red flags for me.

If you want my subjective take on things? DQ still succeeds because it doesn't get marred in janky, experimental bullshit and bizarre storytelling quirks that make games an acquired taste rather than genuinely good. Not everyone wants to play some over-engineered Yasumi Matsuno title or put up with SMT's demon RNG bullshit. Some people just wanna have a standard turn-based combat system and a campaign driven by old school adventure game scenarios rather than some weird plot about saving the world from god monsters or some shit.

top kek, now I want a Yuna BLACKED couch version of that Piper Perri picture with Ronsos in white shirts.

I'm replaying FFIX right now as a semi full playthrough as in I'll fight Ozma, Hades, and maybe Qu.
I also have FFX and FFVII on standby although I really dont have much interest in finishing them anytime soon
I also own VIII, XIII, and V which I have never played
And I own IV, VI, and XV, which are the only FF games I have beaten along with IX

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Not yet. This is my first time running through the Steam version actually lol. I might try them out later. New Threat is a difficulty mod right? Those would be the most appealing to me.

You really should play Baten Kaitos. World is insanely unique and beautiful, character design is fantastic and the battle system is one of the most batshit insane of all time, only surpassed by weird Tri-Ace stuff like Resonance Of Fate.

I will never understand how people figure this stuff out in RPGs without a guide.

Do you need like a mathematics doctorate or what?

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In non fiesta times I might play some ff5 and with some similar rules where I use a roll chart for each character, and then play that character according to those rules.
Those rules would be other FF characters, so in case I roll "Rosa" for Galuf, I will only use white mage+hunter for him.

Some characters have more or less classes assigned to them, making them obviously not all equal.
How would you design the FF7, FF8 and FF2 characters?

Tri-Ace can suck my left nut. I've never liked any of their games.

I just beat a remake of FF1
Game is fun and I would love to see a more 3d remake of it, but just don't think too much about the plot

What was your team user?
Did you go for the

Attached: TowerOfPower.png (220x880, 4K)

I'm a little disappointed that this is how I did it. Except I threw up a Mighty Guard and Carbuncle first. I didn't have any chemists, either.
>two swords
>times 4 attacks
>this is hard math


>Some people just wanna have a standard turn-based combat system and a campaign driven by old school adventure game scenarios


I wish more RPGs had the Dragon Quest / Final Fantasy 1 aesthetic. SaGa Frontier 1 and 2 come close, hoping for a remake of both.

>two swords
>times 4 attacks
>this is hard math

I guess to me it is, I don't understand how moves can synergize. For more than 25 years of JRPG playing in stuck in the basic buff defense, buff attack, maybe buff speed, attack, heal loop.

Playing 12 with the difficulty mod. It made the sewers probably the most difficult first dungeon I've ever beat, had to use everything at my disposal and be really careful to make it between save points and beat the boss. Never been happier to see a desert.

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no that would be (you)

What's the best way to learn blue magic?

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Dragon Quest is the famous war veteran grandfather who the entire family respects but some of his kids are waiting for him to die for the inheritance.

Final Fantasy is his eldest son who takes care of his affairs.

currently playing through FF9, played it a long time ago but the last cd was scratched and unplayable. Just finished Gulug Volcano and I feel like I'm horribly underleveled.
I pretty much cheese every boss with Quina using Night, Eiko summoning Carbuncle and Vivi casting spells on the whole party to bounce at the boss.
I'm absolutely loving the game though, FF9 truly is a salute to all retro FF games

Let animals bite you.

I got stung by a bee once and now I work in a clinic administering vaccines.

ff4 ds retains much of the original japanese difficulty and is actually harder for some bosses. It also has pretty good voice acting.
You're right it doesn't have the endgame bonus lunar dungeons, but the ds version does get a new optional superboss, a prototype of the Giant of Babel.
Also it has a system for when a partymember dies in the storymode you can give their special abilities to different characters, for example giving Cecil and Rosa twincast

>How are the ff1 and 2 remakes for psp?
Fucking fantastic. And if you're studying Japanese in any capacity, the Japanese version allows you to swap between English, Hiragana, and Kanji from the party menu.

Just finished IX for the first time. It's good, but people who claim it's the best are legitimately insane.

And why are people always complaining about the sword fight minigame? I did it perfectly three times.

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Fuck off nigger it is the best

your quite right
There is something off about people who say IX is their favorite

It's good, but it's nowhere near the best.
Tepid plot, bland antagonists, you don't even have proper control over your party formation until disc 3/4, below average world map, chocobo hot & cold, kind of weak ending which timeskipped over the most interesting aspect of the story (Vivi's mortality) and stopped character development in its tracks, two totally underutilized party members and a whole bunch of subplots which don't resolve themselves.

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It's my favorite game not just in the series but of all time. The sword fight became a meme because of the PS1 version, you played the steam version where it was made easier to get a perfect score.

You clearly haven't played other FF games, If you play some other ones you could enjoy more of the references and nods here and there since this game was a salute to all the other 8 FF games and Tactics which came before it

reminder that you couldn't get all of the story for IX except if you had the Ultimania which is only in Japanese

I played the PS1 version.

Saluting other FF games doesn't improve any of those issues. IX is probably the funniest FF game I've played though.

>you couldn't get all of the story unless you had this book written by a third party company that had nothing to do with development
Interesting, go on.

Nothing is stopping you from backtracking to bully Grand Dragons or go to the chocobo forest


I know. Chocobo hot & cold was so bad it shouldn't exist. The person who thought of it should have been fired.

Been playing HD modded ff7 for a week now, had the same idea to replay it before the remake. So far im on disk 2 where you fight the weapons and just got fucked by ruby weapon. How the fuck am i supposed to deal damage to this thing?