The jews are hiring heavily makeup twitter tier whores to market video games on television in my country

The jews are hiring heavily makeup twitter tier whores to market video games on television in my country
They are also hiring public blonde whores to show tits after 10 PM in ''comedy'' series

What's their endgame?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'd beat the fuck out of that faggot. Lgbt is full of pedos.

>hating lgbt pedos
it's 2019!


What are the chances this shit stops in 2020? I kinda wanna take my own life at this point. Sick of gays, sick of trannies, sick of it all.

wake up
this is the real world, not /pol/
it's on your doorstep

yeah yeah clown world and so-forth i've heard it a million times

But you have yet to do anything about it

Man, I was walking in my neighborhood a few nights ago and there were homos prancing around is weird fetish clothes talking about how they came to NYC to get their ass fucked. One of the few times I was glad to not be attractive because if I was a Chad, they'd probably try to holla.

hurry up and do it then pussy

>I want to kill myself because of trannies
Consider having them pay rent. God you're sad. They dilating in ya head free of charge.

posting on the internet at all doesn't do anything about it, it got annoying about 0.5 nanoseconds after i first heard this and figured out it was just a Yea Forums-friendly version of #staywoke

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What a shit reason to kill yourself. I don't like it either but seriously?

What the fuck is wrong with white people, I definitely wouldn’t want my kid to hate faggots just because they’re literal faggots but would you expose them to these shit at such an early age


The world you're looking for is "boomers", not Jews.

I started posting in 2008 and this place never fucking cared about politics (unless we're talking about shitting on Bush/old conservatives/soccer moms) until politics started invading EVERY SINGLE PIECE of media/mean of escapism outcast nerds could care about

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It's going to keep getting worse and worse and people like me who deny it are being ostracized. Lgbt is the modern religion and people who speak against will be burned like heretics.

>The jews are hiring heavily makeup twitter tier whores to market video games on television in my country
>They are also hiring public blonde whores to show tits after 10 PM in ''comedy'' series
Boo freaking hoo. No one cares, and we're not you're personnel army

And a new TERF was born.

99% of the people involved hate it but if they speak out, that 1% who have seized control of every institution will destroy their lives; they've been seperated from the traditions and history of armed resistance that exist in practically every country and in most from the means of doing so. 50 years ago, this sort of thing would cause outright revolts.

I won't burn you at the stake but I'll tell ya you need to have sex.

Absolutely correct.

most don't care and it seems otherwise because people are entrenched in an internet bubble where it gets repeated over and over again, giving the illusion of reaffirmed mass opinion

get off of Yea Forums, i guarantee you will hear less of that shit
i know its in the mainstream sometimes but it will exponentially decrease off of here

I have had sex. Good thing you don't know my job or my identity because otherwise you'd hound me out for doing something like sharing a comedy skit.

It's almost like Americans are too cucked to destroy the neoliberal ruling class despite the amounts of guns in civilian hands.

>i came here in 08 and blah blah
You are a fucking newfag who doesn't know shit about shit. Not a day would go by without politics being brought up, mostly wishing Bush would get assassinated or someshit..

I honestly don't see the problem, they'll kill themselves eventually. You sound like a huge fucking faggot

Wait, wait what? I thought the /pol/ party-line was that the jews were denying our access to blonde tit-whores, not shoving them down our throats.

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>Mainstream sometimes.

We literally had to go to mandatory rallies about how good it was to cut your balls off at my work. this month. I'm in an executive position, I make over a hundred thousand a year and you better believe i had to go otherwise I'd have faced questions. Part of my promotion chances include having to explain how I've forwarded trans acceptance both at work and in my social life and home life. I'm making enough money to invest and out of any major finance or business or public sector work because it's getting insane in here.


It's everyone. Americans though are actually the most resistant though they're also ground zero for a lot of this nonsense.

What's with all these niggers in Yea Forums today?

that guy who responded wasn't me, my answer to you is dilate
top news articles
top youtube vids
it's everywhere now, just like politics.

It really isn't. Your local church, on the contrary...

Fucked up, browser malfunction. mostly wishing Bush would get assassinated was a byproduct of the poltiics threads where user would bitch about this or that and how awful republicans were ruining the country and things related since, despite what the people who point to a boogeyman all the time tell you, Yea Forums leaned to the left

can you get a jew to hire a therapist for thine self

That's a man.

Is likely absolutely fine. Now your local mosque...


Yes you are, you are all a bunch of disgusting pedophiles.
Thank god the US will collapse within the next 3 decades from spics, it's going to be fun seeing the millennial scum running for their lives.

We didn't lean to the left, we leaned against authoritarians and against people trying to censor stuff and spy on us and stop us from watching what we wanted to, fapping to what we wanted to, etc.

They don't even realize how dangerous such a fast brainwashing can be
Our elders grew up when it was totally ok to shit on homos for whatever reason; after 30 years of media propaganda, they now feel sorry about it and they tolerate absolutely everything

What they don't get, is that the new generation growing up right now never cared about homos, they never hated them or anything, yet they're constantly showed down everyone's throat as a "protected class" of some sort
They're grooming a whole generation of little anti-lgbt radicals and they don't even realize it

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is delivering justice so you should stop talking shit. We share a mutual goal, to eliminate gays. Ally up.

>if I pretend it doesn't exist, it won't hurt me!

>Americans though are actually the most resistant
Bullshit. Muslims in UK made schools drop LGBT studies in a elementary schools.


I'm gay :3
and I fap to shota and loli all the time

It Doesn't, It's on tv, It's on the radio, It's on advertisements, You need to go outside for a while user. You have to go out of your way to avoid it.

You could have stopped at "im gay", the rest it's obvious.

I'd laugh at your people for getting invaded and raped by Muslims but they're actually the god guys and will purify EU's homosexuality problem.

>waaaaaahhhh I'm being opressed this sucks so much wahhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhh
Shut the fuck up.

based terrists

I love lolis, just not in a sexual way. I also want to start a gang that goes around killing gays though.

good. bye incel!

Not on Yea Forums my boy, unless you count Hillary and Jack Thompson

Oh look, the little Amerimutt fag gets a right wing spark.
Sorry, but by the time your disgusting, traitor nation is gone even Sweden will still be 70% white.

America must die for the sake of all white people and humanity.
America has become an inherently anti-white and anti-human country.

Shut up, Ahmed Ahmed. You and I both know you wouldn't do shit.

When that pendulum swings back, the shoe will be on the other foot.

Take your life, fag. Or Muslims will do it for you. Throw you off a cliff.

this, except I do fap to them

thank satan straight """people""" will soon be fully eradicated

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>we're not you're personnel army
I wonder where this meme originated from

If China nuke USA, maybe.

You'll never be able to tell me from other people
I could be anyone, anywhere
What will you do, kill all men just to be sure? LOL

>America has become an inherently anti-white and anti-human country.
This is true. Microsoft and Google are American and they lobbied for gay marriage in Taiwan, despite opposition of the public.

>hiding behind mudslimes
oh no no no...NO!!!

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You really wanna play this game, Amerimutt?

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>muh race
I'm white user. I think you're the one that needs to go back to /pol. Not everyone that hates fags is right wing.

Bread and circuses so you don't complain about the boiling water.

Looking at Google search trends is interesting. Emo broke 50% in 2005 and didn't fall below it until 2012. Transgender doesn't have the same consistency. It keeps spiking up for a few months, in the late spring/early summer, and then plummeting. It first hit over 50% in 2015. If it follows the same trend as emo, it'll stop being a thing by 2022, but I could be totally wrong: it could be that it's just becoming normalized.

100% convinced you're a /pol/ nigger trying to make anti-/pol/ people look stupid

>people are shit!
>I'm gonna kill myself over it!
Faggot, how about YOU kill them?

what, that white people are all mentally ill? sure

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who the fuck only wears just one shoe that doesn't make any sense

>I'm white user.
You are american, you are not white, you are, in fact, the enemy of all white people.

best thing can happen is Yellowstone blows

>this level of false flagging to divide white people
Desperation is a stinky cologne.

You are not posting white people though, just Amerimutts, like yourself.

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Reminder that gay marriage wasn't even legal in most states a decade ago and we're already at this point, we're through the looking glass now folks

>Race mixers
Tell me more

I'm a sensitive person unfortunately. I have compassion for others and sympathy. That being said, if someone else were to kill the gays on the other hand... hint hint, someone please.

After chanology Yea Forums was invaded by wannabes thinking they just found the secret hacker base and Yea Forumstards needed a fast way to tell them to fuck off

t. Ahmed

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>if i keep insisting it exists, those goys will finally fall in line!

You'd know where it came from if you weren't a dumb electionfag

You were never with us.
Hell, Russia would be a bigger ally to white people than the US has ever been.
Everything the US has done since it's birth is attacking white people.
Hell, nowadays even American right wingers are racemixers and attack other whites.

You are a country of traitors.

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kys faggot, stay obsessed.

Bisexual people are the cancer of society.

and the age of consent was around 12 not even a 100 years ago.

Just smile and nod, quietly vote against them if you want to slow them down but they're clearly not going away. Anything more and they'll ruin your life.

t. Jose Manuel Tyrone Parker

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Believe me or not, this place is almost free of that shit compared to most social networks nowadays

Why do these threads cause people to attack each other so hard? Lets just all agree that gays are parasites and move on.

oh yes, russia. what beautiful pure white genes

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>you made this thread pretending to be a poltard because you got so mad in the outer world thread.
