Why are fighting games so unpopular nowadays?
Why are fighting games so unpopular nowadays?
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Why does Boogie's beard look fake?
Smash Bros killed them which is based
There's no hype for them.
>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it.
Huh? What do you mean OP? Smash ultimate is a record seller!
>even reddit turned on Lard Gargler
based prophet ltg
Have sex
Bad genetics. It all grows on his neck, and it's unhealthy looking.
too many fat and black people?
>Fat "person" vs black "person"
No thanks.
Having a learning curve in the instant gratification era is a death sentence to most games.
Zoomers can't hold that L cause they all are bitch made pussies.
Because most of em release in a garbo incomplete state. Top tiers are seen as degenerate regardless of how good they actually are ie Goku Black.
Any game that lacks RNG will naturally be less attractive
Also, fighting games have literally not changed one bit in the last decade, almost two decades even.
this is a fuckin video
>Keep being a virgin
>Start calling yourself a girl, wear a wig and a dress and get anus-fucked by either a closeted gay man or another fellow "woman" with a dick, so you can claim superiority on a weeb imageboard and start calling everyone incels
Pick one.
become the girlfriend you always wanted to have
Machiavelli was right about neutrality being a bad idea.
this. performance anxiety. fighting games are hard and 1v1 only. same reason BRs and team games are popular, so they can deflect their failure onto other people and blame RNG and hide behind teammates and avoid encounters altogether and hide in a corner and still make top 10 despite doing nothing for 30 minutes a match. video games are dead.
I always find it funny when I go to these comic con or anime conventions, however they are called, and I see all these tryhards with their controllers of 3kg that they use for their fighting games
Please have sex.
dilate your axewound
Nice """"""""argument""""""""", chief
How bout i dilate your mom's anus, you son of a cuck
Because most of them lack meaningful single player content and I dislike playing fighting games online and almost no one wants to play them in person short of going to locals (and this only applies if you live in certain parts of the world)
I dont think fighters were ever popular. There were always way more popular games and tournaments going on.
>Fighting games are unpopular
Are they?
Is that actually SweetNicole or are you shitposting?
>bragging about achievements in a multiplayer game
Luckily you're anonymous so your humiliation is only temporary.
It's him.
Things being more popular doesn't make something unpopular.
have sex you incel
i fucking wish we were back in the days when fighting games where dead
They're a primarily Japanese genre and the industry has been overtaken by corporate racism over the past 15 years.
Looks like I win the argument yet again. That jape egg was a good investment, seeing how hard it btfos arrogant FGCucks like you
because SFV, MK11 are fucking shit, and Marvel is dead and buried thanks to the gay ass Mouse.
>Fighting games
>These days
Literally every single estabushed fighting game that died in the mid to late 00s outside of Virtua Fighter have been revived. For the past 2-3 years we've gotten Guilty Gear, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive, SNK fighters back along with a slew of other fighting games. Evo and other majors have boosted numbers even without fucking Smash
I started learning Tekken for real with Tekken 5. At some point I got "good" enough that I could play on the hardest difficulty against the AI, and even beat Jinpachi. Eventually when Tekken 6 came out on PS3, I got fucking wrecked by some guy across the country. There's nothing like playing against another person. Felt like I had to learn the game all over again.
>Genre with actual skill required
>Inputs are needed vs. a simple click on a screen
>Yea Forums is full of casuals beyond casuals
arcade sticks are super comfy actually. work great for platformers, too
holy based
That really depends on your definition of world unpopular. Thing is i have ~40 friends on steam and half of them i am able to convince to play with me any moba game, any FPS game and some of them even play old age of empires or are down for some cart racer or party game.
But fighting game? They straight up ignore it or fear it. Few of them tried it, find out how hard it is to do hadouken and then uninstalled. And even in case you actually have a friend who playes fighters, he plays different game than you.
As i see it fighters are extreme niche. Only when its EVO few of them are willing to watch stream together. Thats it.
Congrats for discovering america like columbus did.
he will never EVER be happy :)
the damage is already done, he can get buff but the years of being fat will never go again
what did effectively go away was his wife HAHAHHHAHAHHA
I'll literally play you in any fighting game right now.
Nice tits