Play Xenoblade 2

Play Xenoblade 2

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post some lewd morag and i'll consider it

Post pantyhose Mythra, she is best girl.

make me ya wimp

Bring it to the PS4 with DLC outfits like those and I'll buy two whole copies.

Attached: Sony.webm (200x200, 89K)

Nah, I'll rather fap to the characters and move on.


I already own the special edition and torna. I do need to replay it though

I'm looking for a colorful action jrpg to play, would you guys recommend xenoblade chronicles (1) over the various tales and ys games I have on my backlog? I've been hesitant to play xeno-games since I didn't like xenogears but it's been a long time so I'm willing to give the franchise another try if it's not too similar.
In particular I'm looking for something with fun combat and a minimal amount of filler.

Based. Pyra and Mythra are just thots, Nia and Morag are where it's really at.


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I 100%ed it in about 150 hours. Much easier than Xenoblade 1 or X to 100%.

sorry user those outfits are too unethical for snoystation.

>didn't like xenogears
The first Xenoblade is very different. Also you have shit taste.

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already have, it was shit

Is this bleached or blacked cringe? I don't get the meme tattoos

No thanks, but I'll gladly fap to the red haired whore if you post more

That's Yea Forums for you. Even their memes are beta.

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Morag is a lady of Dignity and not for lewd.

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>playing multiple games at the same time

>there's bleached and blacked boorus each with like 8k pictures in them
I don't want to imagine what discord human waste spends time doing that shit.

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You're last shitpost thread literally just died, cabal.

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I'd rather just jerk off to the art than play a god awful game.

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Hey answer my question, how do I see the imaginary war?

>game full of thots

Stop the fuck up this thread is gonna die anyway.
OP was far too transparent.

Fuck you, here is the clean original version.

Attached: homura and reisalin stout (xenoblade (series) and etc) drawn by pija (pianiishimo) - 57f5bfae9a053bb (1754x1754, 2.32M)

Play Persona 5 first

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I am, after 2 years of postergating it I bought it last week and goddman, this game is as fun as Homura is cute, I'm just at chp 3 so cut me some slack

I would be way more interested in the game if Rex was a cute shota. He's too boyish now, what's the point of /ss/ if the boy doesn't have any girlishness to him. I mean I'll get the game eventually, but I'd prioritize it over other games if Rex was cuter.

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God /ss/ is so boring now.

I fucking won this time.

The thread's going down in 15 minutes

The game doesn't have /ss/. Biology they have massive age differences but Rex and Mythra aren't that different in height.

I did, it wasn't that great

Then play it again.

>b-but muh style!

I'm not playing it a third time

This doujin better be NTR

Then I'm not playing your cuckold simulator.

Nope, I know this artist and she (?) Never does NTR.

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>cuckold simulator
What are you talking about

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beta cuck


Wait, I was wrong, is a different artist than the one I thought. But still, is mimickin, he never does NTR, just vanilla and /ss/.

>implying I don't self insert as the girl

Dragalia is a cuck simulator, Euden will never get with his sister

Janny, I'll make you deal, delete OP's pic, and I'll fuck off from this thread until it dies, we good?

>he doesn't know


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Why are you so mad?

Why bump a thread at page 8 just to ask me this?

Wanna a true cuck? I will show you one.

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>being so obsessed he actually knows what page number a Xenoblade thread is at

He has the thread opened, monitoring it. Why do you think he replied so fast when someone asked him?

>Being so obsessed with a boogeyman you spam threads for a discord OP

kek, I laughed, but I find pretty hot so, it is VERY justifiable

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I wish I could be that obsessed but for something I love

Yuzu still cant emulate it?

So, about Zanza, is he the evil side of Klaus or just the half of him that saw a different result of the experiment?
What I mean is that Klaus saw a destroyed universe and he was overcome with guilt and decided to atone, meanwhile that other half of him saw a new universe and became full of himself as result.

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I think Klaus seeing different outcomes of his experiment and reacting to them is a much better explanation than him getting split into good and evil halves for no reason.