i dont even like Battle royals, but why hasnt there been a twisted metal battle royal? its a perfect twist for the dying series to bring it back to life and to bring some creativity back into the BR genre infested with clone games
Twisted Metal BR
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Battle royale is pretty much deathmatch, battle royale sounds more like a wrestling special event.
a remake of this is well overdue
ya n htey make it kook ike the pss2 wiht a speccil filfer
ask david jaffe on twitter im sure he will respond
a daring synthesis
Auto Royale, you are late to the party.
I remember twisted metal being really popular and then falling off the map for some reason
The last couple of games were trash and came right after one that was mediocre.
I miss vehicle combat games. Is this genre totally dead? Is wreckfest any good?
The rebooted it for ps3 and nobody bought it.
There werent that many when you think about it. At least like Twisted Metal with an open arena instead of racing with guns. We had Vigilante 8 and?
Actually, they did. But word quickly got out that the online system was busted and since that was the MAIN focus of the PS3 game, caused it to drop off fast.
I was thinking of twisted metal, vigilante 8 and battle tanx, but yeah that's all I can think of. Though I would be happy with a new armored core or something too
My favorite things to do in the ps1 games was finding secrets and doing these retarded jumps to get on the top of buildings. So fun.
Rush 2049 had a battle mode, IIRC. But yeah, there were never very many of them.
Just give us a remastered version of black or the original trilogy.
>oh yeah that happened
>Focuses on ONLINE experience rather than a full game.
>no real drivers except Doll-face, Preachers, Sweet tooth.
>you dont even get to play at the cool characters just the goons
>Axel vehicle was fucking pre-order DLC.
>Brown and bloom everywhere
also David Jaffe being a literal cuck pretty much sinks this poor franchise into oblivion.
I rather have it stay dead than see a cuckified verson of one of my favorite games.
Theres 4 mainline entries for playstation, unless youre only counting the ones made by the first team, then theres only 2
4 was shit though.
He was indeed a faggot. The story and ending of the characters was one of the coolest things the series had and he wanted them gone for some reason. I would be the game with all drivers just to see how Calypso would fuck them over.
3 is where the new studio took over tho, so not sure why you would hate 4 more when its pretty much just a polished up 3 with more content and better maps
What the fuck was his problem?
no one ever mentions rogue trip...
You take that back.
Or Critical Depths. They are so obscure.
4 was pretty decent.
3 was shit though, which is a shame because it had most of the original cast, while 4 completely brought new people into the mix except for some classics.
3 was underrated, 4 was just shit.
Cel Damage
But Twisted Metal does play like a Battle Royale. Weapons, ammo and power ups are on the map. You just have more lives.
Not wanting to derail the thread, but speaking of perfect money opportunities that developers arent profiting for some reason(yet). Does Megaman Battle Network have a gacha game? It seems like the perfect franchise to make a gacha, and crossover events for it, and dozens of games to make content off of, and chips. In general MMBN should also come back in some form.
Twisted Metal 2 is the pinnacle of that series imo.
Not yet but that might change. It looks like they put a good amount of effort into that new card game that came out today. Before that they would put out shit like Megaman Xover.
Personally I want a Resident Evil gacha shit
I want gacha to die and I especially don't want Capcom going down that road with any good franchises after their recent return to quality after years of on disc DLC horseshittery and terribad games.
You got that the other way around.
thats the point, the work is already right there
This one was awesome I remember going to the store when I was young and I couldn't find the other ones so I just grabbed this one. Might emulate.
That's a funny way of saying head on.
Carmaggedon, destruction derby series, there was a couple on ps1 but they were more like wipeout. I guess you really only need one because the rest are just gonna be more of the same.
Because David Jaffe is a lunatic.
I remember getting my first internet gf in that game. Turned out she was getting raped by her dad.
Fuck are you talking about? Head on was for the psp.
there was a port for the ps2 as well that included the levels from the scrapped sequel to TM black
I never bought it but I thought the gameplay was amazing though. Its a shame it failed because now the series is probably forever dead. They definitely should have kept the characters and not botch the online.
But it didn't have online iirc.
3 was awesome, 4 was great, and black was kino
tm was the only sony exclusive I cared about. why did they stop making it, where's the remaster? what the fuck is their problem?
Still play black from time to time and goddamn it's fun.
Is that the best one in your opinion? That's garbage and you're a faggot.
What was his endgame?
It's all the same and people got bored of it.
Devs split up, jaffe is an sjw faggot now, ps3 title flopped. At this point it's just better to leave it dead instead of letting a whole new studio handle it and soil it even more that it already has.