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Huh it's real. Gay. Channel already gay but now it's really gay.
Video games make people violent and worship satan.
>extra credits is retarded
wow what a novel discovery
he is right, every game should be about AMERICAAAAAAA
I don't have a problem with war video games having the option to play as Nazis, and I say this as a kike.
>11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
i don't understand why e-celeb faggots think that having a devoted
>used to watch extra credits a lot
>eventually get tired and stop watching
>tfw this is the first thing i hear from them in years
did something happen or were they always like this
Here you go senpai, have a cup of this
i hate when libtards get offended on my behalf desu. as a literal jew, i can honestly say that nazi sympathizers are far more tolerable than sjws
Fuck off.
A mix of change of staff and ego, before when their fanbase wasnt as strong they would have been called out for it instantly but now they think they can say anything and people will eat it up
what went wrong?
What went wrong was that they were wrong. Things would be much better if they were correct.
they drank the cool-aid along with the other 90% of the internet around 2014
that's not advertising, what is advertising tho is the patch threads on /k/
Oh boy, this thread again!
They were always like this, hell they always had stupid comments about video game design since their time on the Escapist
basically GG broke a lot of their staffs minds and it got a lot worse after the 2016 election
This video just goes to show how the mind of an SJW dehumanizes any enemy. How they cannot possibly comprehend the fact that even a nazi soldier is in a way, a victim, brainwashed from birth. The only thing they see is another cog in the nazi system, because if they had control, they would try to make everyone cogs just as much as the nazis did.
what an incredibly oxymoronic statement
Did Naruto normalize murderers to kids? Ninjas were assassins.
america is fascist
Provide link faggot
Also, who the fuck is normalizing nazis
NInjas didn't exist.
Wasn't there an episode prior that literally praised a game for opening with a character saying nigger
>ethics in game journalism isn't important because some falseflaggers and/or retards went nuclear in spite of the movement's intentions
Why? Commies have been normalized for like the past 2 decades.
Only a few years ago they said Video Games were a brave new world for freedom of expression and freedom of creation.
Now suddenly some darkie on Twitter throws a fit about some Colonel Klink looking Nazi from BF5 and now we have to pretend its offensive.
A true Jew would tolerate both equally or abhorently, for a Jew hates most his fellow jew that comes a sjw or nazi
Read Ravi Akiva dipshit
>It's real
I really wish their vidya """content""" was on another channel because the rest of their videos, history, literature and mythology, are all very good
And then they go and post this shit
Holy fuck did you Disney is normalizing stealing, murder, and rape?
TO KIDS??????!!!?!!?
The grip of capitalist liberalism is, being a function of its argument and history, arthritic at best. The irony here is that drawing attention to and fearing fascism only weakens that grip further by peoples' exposure to unconsidered arguments.
More like
Wow so brave. What a revolutionary internet post. These are the people who should lead humanity
>"People playing as Nazis in video games will make them Nazis in real life!"
Shut the fuck up, Jack Thompson.
I think he should stop Nazising normies
Are these the same faggots that thought all the worlds religions were tied together and some peruvian literal who sacrificed herself on top of a pyramid disc made of gold?
>who the fuck is normalizing nazis
leftys who call everyone right of stalin are
hard to think that nazis are abnormal when everyone is one
Keep shilling that video, still I'm not gonna to watching it.
I think threads about this video need to stop
and Nazis have always been vidya's favorite villain, it's just that people have gotten stupider and more vocal about their shitty beliefs
having Nazis be in video games isn't normalizing Nazis, you don't erase and cover up things that are bad
you talk about them, prove they're stupid and then carry on. Maybe turn them into a joke along the way, Mel Brooks style
never stop having mecha hitler be the last boss
Such content should make you question their readings of history, literature and mythology.
>Ninja didn't exist
Based retard
Fuck you, offtopic sewerposter. You're inferior.
I'm not sure, but I do know they're the same people who said we were running out of Internet back in ~2013.
>Nazi uniforms
>Went with the least used uniform (army green) instead of the brown suits or black suits everyone remembers through media
>Iron cross, given for heroism and gallantry, on the default outfit
Damn, you'd think if they were gonna make a whole video about it, they'd at least have done SOME research
It's true. It's make believe for movies and cartoons. Ninjas never actually existed.
I dunno, it's pretty funny to watch everyone laugh at them.
Like fuck, it's literally a modern day version of the 1994 Christian Soccer Mom trying to get Mortal Kombat pulled from all arcades because it's going to make her little Jimmy a serial killer.
Well, I wouldn't go that far.
The way they spoke they seem to think the Iron Cross was a nazi-symbol, and made by the Nazis
Instead of a military symbol that has been used by Germans for hundreds of years.
I'm guessing Extra Credits loves to smell farts of Literally Whos.
i would naturally select her every day, then give her sister my sexual wrath
This guy do have big BALLS. It's hard to have this super unpopular opinion that Nazis are bad nowadays. Trump will throw him from Trump tower tomorrow, check his twitter.
Why do zoomers get so buttblasted when I say the nazis were far left?
Let's see
>hitler was gay
>hitler was vegetarian
>hitler liked muslims while hating USA's greatest ally (the jews)
>nazi soldiers were trained by USSR
>environmentalist tree huggers (hitler literally fed his soldiers with sóy)
>drug using liberals
>huge amount of gun control
>red flag like all other communist countries
>state has way too much power
>mass taxation
>extremely racist, just like the KKK (members of a socialist party)
Educate yourselves
>option to play as Nazis
You mean Polish conscripts in the Wehrmacht?
More that they need a boogeyman to be afraid of and chase after with pitchforks.
> Rocket scientists that took americans to the moon were nazis
> Lefties would say their rocket science is wrong just because they're nazis
I'm pretty sure most modern devs hate nazis and are trying to get others to hate them too. Regardless, unless the audience is literally 5 it's impossible to le brainwash people
I mean the Wehrmacht. I don't care if a game gives you the option to play as the Wehrmacht, as long as the player is smart enough to know they're playing as the bad guys.
Having the option to play as the Schutzstaffel, on the other hand, is a different story.
I'm glad we had Jack Thompson back in the day so we can always compare guys like these to him
Exactly what happened to me yesterday. To me Extra Credits wasn't about "what we say is right", but they did implore you to think critically on game design and they sometimes thought outside the box when it came to discussion, and invited you the viewer to do the same especially if you had a counter point which was usually respected.
Now apparently they're woke and I'm a fascist sexist bigot.
i would. modern day nazis can't do shit other than shitpost on stormfront and occasionally /pol/. Modern day sjws control every fucking media outlet and it's infuriating how much power they have
>modern day nazis can't do shit other than shitpost on stormfront and occasionally /pol/
That might be because 95% of them are ironic.
Literally whos make numerous vids where keep saying "do not make your game like X" or "do not put Y in your game"
It has to be stopped.
the ever needing urge of a "us vs them" dialog
It honestly astounds me that they can go around claiming this utter drivel, and then turn around and not even bat an eye at people calling everything under the sun a Nazi. Because that doesn't desensitise anyone. Not at all.
Doublethink is fucking frightening to watch in action.
Ironically they consider Jack Thompson a bad guy. Long ago they made a video about reeeeing at Hatred.
Did the sex pest scandal not do anything to them
The left and right dynamic is largely prpoganda
exactly my point. sjws are legit tho, and that's what makes em so annoying
Have you read Gentile or Hegel? Gottfried Feder or Adam Smith?
Wow Extra Credits had a lot of bigots subscribed to them.
These people have very strange ideas about how media shapes people and thus they seek to control it, not knowing that it does nothing of the sort.
I can't help but feel this was intentionally designed to garner outrage/attention. This came too far out of left field for them considering their series in the past. The History special regarding the Siege of Vienna mentioned the Christchurch shooting so I figured something like this was inevitable.
Doublethink doesn't scare these idiots because they don't even singlethink.
>modern day nazis can't do shit
If you ignore their modern incarnation of Antifa
People seem to frequently forget NAZI was an acronym for The National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)
People also seem to forget Antifa is fucking the most socialism/communism welcoming terrorist cell on US soil
the what
The fuck is this shit? A game where I play with people that were allied with nazis? And also bombed pearl harbor unprovoked??
This can't be. Ban all anime now
The difference is that they're likely to be more successful while back in the 90s they just made games more violent and titty filled just to piss Jack off.
nazis were just leftists with a "natural selection" schtick. a true libertarian would much rather support, you know, liberty
I know right! I also hate it when people call the Democratic People's Republic of Korea communist! What the fuck! It's obviously a democratic republic!
We shouldn't be able to play as Americans either. Flying the flag of a rapidly anti-intellectual and aggressive society with a warmongering government in bed with the military industrial complex is wrong.
And we know what happened when the communist party tried to take control.
You know after all these years I still don't fully understand what GG was even about. Why did it turn so many people insane tot eh point they still reference it to this day?
Its stupid because it makes as much sense as every other argument about it.
Playing as X does not make you Y, and whether these idiots like it or not nazis where part of history, I think there's about 6 real honest to god nazis even left anymore.
This constant change of language is not a good thing, just because someone loves their country does not make them fucking nazis, its almost like they want to create their own worst enemy.
Hattori Hanzo would disagree
Actually recent studies suggest that they actually do.
I think it has to do with those that already have shitty lives and play video games a lot as escapism. They are already emotionally unstable but violent video games exacerbate that.
For most people, I imagine violent games are fine if the rest of your life is otherwise fine.
>Start play multiplayer
>Start play as a Nazi/Terrorist
>Popup shows up with holocaust survival/Mass Shooting survival gives a lecture about how's those people are bad.
To be fair there's a remarkable difference between the policies and ideologies of the early german worker's party and the nazi movement.
Antifa is openly communist. They're anarcho-communists. That is literally their driving ideology.
You mean libertarians support corporate interests and mindless consumerism.
If you look at the comments its mostly people accusing them of advocating censorship or being like Jack Thompson.
They can scream and cry and stomp their fucking feet about the "MEANIE MEANIE MEANIE BIGOTS!" all they want, it doesn't make it true. They're literally like children.
You got that guy on speed dial?
It's almost like this hyper left wing power is trying to veil is sinister intent by softballing their agenda with staggerstepped names and titles
Funny how every study on video games and media in general said the otherway until a load of people who just happen to have left wing views and saw games as bad made that study huh.
the Wehrmacht is worse that what most people think but playing nazis vs allies is just like playing cowboy and injuns or cops and robbers.
Well obviously, I mean you shouldn't blindly believe anything you hear on youtube
Still their historical and literary content is generally quite accurate, and if they misrepresent something or get something wrong they tell you so. After each history series they have a "lies" episode where they say what they got wrong/misrepresented. Also, the history scripts are written by a different guy than the vidya scripts are