What game do you play when you're too tired to pay attention, but want to play a game anyway?

What game do you play when you're too tired to pay attention, but want to play a game anyway?

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Mario Party against CPUs
Only the occasional mashing minigame could make me pay attention but even then most games let you disable these.

league aram

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3.

Overwatch competitive. An added perk is hearing people seeth on the mic.

Minecraft and mindlessly gather resources

path of exile

I play a game

Wizorb, Faerie Solitaire, Hexcells Infinite (randomized levels)

I collect mad dosh sending out companions for mats

Yea Forums and porn


great underrated game

Grow Up/Home
Digimon World 1. Just beat that 2 days ago after owning it for 24 years. Feels kinda empty.

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slay the spire

Sonic Adventure 1
Played it so many times I bet I could speedrun it with a pretty decent time if I tried

depends on the week really
usually open world games where I can just zone out while traveling to a destination

Man, why was Teen Goku so wholesome?

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Porn games

He's 18 user, the only thing that changed from here on is his muscle mass
>b-but he got taller too
No. He's still canonically shorter than Yamcha and Tien, the anime staff just got very inconsistent with height. Then again, so did Toriyama after the first arc with adult Goku and Krillin.

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Any good “rhythm” games similar to audioserf?