PC-98 art is pure soul.
PC-98 art is pure soul
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Woah is that the women masturbation machine i keep hearing about?
No that’s me
>pure soul
>nipples are black ovals
I've used a real women masturbation device machine thingy in real life and they honestly aren't that great and are kinda scary.
me on the left
Of course it wasn't great. That's because they're obviously made for "real" women.
delete this you double nigger
are you blind?
transition happened
that filename
Where can I download Yu-no, the old veesion, in English?
PC88 = soul
PC98 = soulless
I really need to get around to playing these games at some point. All these random anime pixelart games just to see if they're actually any good past a handful of screenshots.
stop being gay
Most of them are like the 80's: good in a vacuum, but if you examine all parts, you wonder how it even worked if it was that fucked up
Here you go
But weren't 95% of them just terrible VNs that have been forgotten by time? Still pretty though.
old anime is so fucking ugly
thank you mate, you the real MVP
sure, you probably enjoy K-ON right?
zoom zoom
Prince of Persia
Yes and actual videogame instead of your anime visual novel shit.
is peak soul on PC-98.
>that music
>that gritty detailed pixeld art
>excellent controls
>dark and moody atmosphere.
faggot ass nunime retard
only zoomers are impressed by rotoscoping this shit is ugly and lazy as fuck and a crutch used by people who can't draw/animate
only zoomers are impressed by old anime this shit is ugly and lazy as fuck and a crutch used by gooks who can't make actual games.
I would fucking murder every single stingray individually if given the chance
not all old animes are bad and not all new animes are good
Congratulations, the sea is now filled with barnacles, worms, and squid, the overabundance of which will cause rapid evolution and the end of our species as we know it.
This interface gave me a PTSD-nostalgia hybrid. How time fucking flies.
Is there anything more soulful than dithering?
>which will cause rapid evolution
Just as planned.
Reminds me of this
Is the son legal? Asking for a friend.
I agree
Best pixel art ever made
pick one degenerio
>liking the boy
>not wanting bindi's bindis
>slanty eye runes
Damn this is a soul multiplier effect going on here.
Just look at how much fatter people have gotten
Girls are gross and for homos
It's for extracting piss
I can't find anything under pc98 nightslave, what's the game called user? remind me of front mission gun hazard and all the other games of that sort.
Possessioner is getting translated
Night Slave. There's a couple threads on /vr/. Apparently the translation is inaccurate.
kys moe nu-anime fag
I probably just didn't get it, I have an old [o][u] pc98 dumpset, guess i'll go a searching. thanks.
Spoonfeed me on PC-98 good anons. Which games considered kino? Where can i find them?
>10 years old
Old anime usually wasn't designed to be a saccharine sex-rush like most moeshit is today. You're probably just not used to it, kinda like showing a modern CalArts fan a Don Bluth film.
That's the exact fucking opposite of what Steve would want, you dumb cunt.
yeah or it's just ugly
there's chinese, russian, english, possibly japanese, and also thai
what kind of fucked up city is this
Don't forget to replace every one of them with cute and friendly mantas
>not all old animes are bad
>not all new animes are good
Top was taken in Australia, bottom was America.
Actual pixelart is amazing, and not this garbage indietards have been pushing lately.
Manta rays are quite big, I'm surprised they aren't hostile to humans.
Why would they be? They're filter feeders.
They've been doing it the whole decade
Recommend me some bros
I'm intrigued by that screen frame. Is this a visual novel with horror tones?
the music is pure soul too
Toushin Toshi II
I find it much more aesthetic then the shit they put out now
Imagine having taste this poor
What old anime? Cybord 009? Heidi? Rose of Versailles? Akira? Tank Police? Yu Yu Hakusho? What the fuck are you talking about?
lurk more
It's kind of sad, the son probably doesn't even have any memories of his dad yet he grows up knowing his dad was a legend, and so he chooses to define his entire life attempting to follow his father's footsteps as closely as possible, so that he may be able to know him.
that's because you're hitting your quarter life crisis. i bet you think video games and music turned shit in 2007 too.
Same; I stuck a vibrator up my ass and it wasn't that good, just the same feeling when holding a rumbling controller but with the added anxiety of having a large solid object in one of your softest and weakest areas plus the uncomfortably of having to sit weird so it doesn't go too far up into you
glad to see Yea Forums posters have good taste in anime
internet armchair psychologists are so cringe
how DARE YOU have a different opinion than me! What, my way of life isn't good enough for you?
I was just asking what "old anime" is and giving a quick sample of variance across the production of pre-2k anime
Wonder how many ">old good >new bad" fags there were in the weimar republic.
is the YU-NO translation actually decent?
hand drawn anime is the fucking GOOD shit
most visual novels are boring garbage to play. better to just save the illustrations.
>and are kinda scary.
Why are they scary?
Anime is still mostly always "hand drawn".
so are you, but you've just begun life
>chink art
just became a patreon supporter. Need more people like these
people who make up a story and pass it off as a translation?
i'd hardly say gits is old
I'm pure liquid does not remember 9/11 favorite games are all from the 2010s zoom juice and I prefer the aesthetic of old anime. Current art for everything is severely lacking in contrast.
PC98 image collection (think it's all nudity stuff though)
Konota's mom is the ultimate JPC qt
why the pussy tubes?
What the hell is this game about?
>Yea Forums trying to talk about "old" anime again
>they just mean toonami anime
You people have awful taste.
you're talking about old anime but when I think old anime, I think dragon half
What's "toonami anime" exactly? A lot of the discussion on anime seems centered around good ole murrica so I don't get it.
why is the image broken?
trigun, cowboy beep boop, evanjellyon, outlaw star, rurouni kenshin, full metal alchemist, gits, just as an example
I think of chibi maruko-chan
holy fucking based
Any good PC-98 visual novels that are actually good (not just good art and porn but a good story too) and don't have horrible translations?
yes by starving underpaid koreans and chinese
Is there a single video game character who can beat getter emperor?
that's okay, they don't deserve to eat and also they just do inbetweens
the first GiTS movie is from '95, that's over 20 years ago
Ohh... Gits is good, come on.
Most production is by starving the japanese unless you're talking really big prod companies like Toei, but what's your point?
is there a guy doing pc-88 roms?
Not that Im aware of
Is that the prequel to half life?
i cant watch one punch man or shield hero anymore for obvious reasons
what are some good (video games) worth (playing) that arent centered around fucking high school
Don't let it fool you, though. The PC98 was not a particularly good system for gaming. It couldn't run anything about 30 fps and most of its library is junk.
watch something else
They deserved better.
>tfw you will never play true love for the first time ever again
this is true
Tfw you will never experience true love unless you leave your comfort zone.
Of course.
Nigga, if you want to clean all that piss and cum off the fucking sheets then be my guest.
I sure as hell am not going to do it.
anyone have more pics from this game?
have sex :)
Agreed fellow boomer
this is a rare example of soul vs soul
what the fuck happened to anime? does japan have its own calarts equivalent?
user, I know it's probably too late but you have a virus
God damn he's the spitting image of his dad
>does japan have its own calarts equivalent?
yeah it's called moe shit
>fall for the bullshit memes about going out to meet people and battle with your social anxiety
>get out of your comfort zone bro or nothing will ever happen
>start socializing with people make supposed friends and realize that being a neet made me miss on all the needed emotional maturity to become an adult at 27yo
>Still get rejected and played out by most girls because in the end I'm way too unnattractive physically and boring in any way as girls don't care about you anyway if they're not attracted.
>I wasn't born introverted and I am for a reason, memes are just memes.
Yeah, that's how I know it's all just all a big load of crap.
Anyone got some exhentai links for retro or retro styled hentai?
I love that look
>does japan have its own calarts equivalent?
No, because the Calarts meme is bullshit. But they do have companies who are really interested in selling product, regardless of how shit it is. And those companies will throw away talent and just hire the people who will make that garbage until the end of time to produce it. It's kind of what's happening with video games, actually.
What's it about? Do the two girls in the cover pilot the mech or is it just one of them?
fuck you
>Ass broke when biking
Is buttfun forever out of my reach?
More or less Time Travel with some spooky mystery shit at first. Since you're trying to figure out the setting/plot. That becomes SciFi and stuff.
Great Art and OST
Shut up retards
III Just leave this here
tons and they became the national socialist party
Beyond pornography, are there any pc-98 games that are actually good?
I have given up on all my hopes for the future because I know that I will just fuck it up like that anyway
what’s da name
I unapologetically like the memed 90s anime esthetic.
dis nigga doin gods 'work
i dont even give a fuck about vns but if i ever feel like giving one ill go to that website
Weren't the original Touhou games on PC-98?
>Beyond pornography, are there any pc-98 games that are actually good?
I should hang you for this
You are an utter faggot who for some reason, finds the nude body repulsive. You also can't seem to fucking google and form your own opinion.
I fucking hate people like you. This is the reason why Alicesoft is so niche and poor despite making games that expose how shallow AAA games are
>does japan have its own calarts equivalent?
Toushin Toshi 2 is a pretty cool RPG/Dungeon Crawler that got translated to english. The graphics are gorgeous dithered anime girls and it's pretty good for what it is. You can find a download easily.
It's not PC-98 but rather japanese WIN95.
In fact PC-98 games kinda tend to suck outside of the VN spectrum. WIN95 is like a refinement of it. I recommend old Alicesoft games like Kichikuou Rance -- they're free and already converted to run on modern systems.
That's like giving up on your first Game Over and never trying again because you can't figure out why you suck at that certain level.
Rance IV is also translated and it's one of the most SOUL games in the franchise.
literally they don't make em like they used to
oh man the older ones are long as fuck you might want to pace yourself all the ones I’ve tried are +8hrs
no one remembers this game.
What made you so mad? I was just asking for recommendations.
Even if the porn has good gameplay I can't just play lewd shit in front of my coworkers
Those are pretty good. Not my kind of game though.
which vn would you recommend from that list?
>literally explained why
I miss my girlfriend. I should stop cheating on her
the one with the art style that appeals to you
More SOUL.
go to bed, projared.
Alicesoft is niche because a lot of their stuff was never translated and contains some fetish material. The dominant public eye that would play these (i.e. the thing that makes things not niche) doesn't utterly abhor nudity but it's composed of a lot of EOP vanillafags that can't even figure out how to run an emulator.
If you are thinking that's a list of great VNs with awesome writing you are completely wrong. They are all porn crap. Just pick the one with the art and girls you like.
how do I make these fullscreen
or at least make all the empty space black
Eva's story was full of misfortune and shitty things happening to her. Going from commander of a fleet to a bottom of the barrel cop in some godforsaken backwater shithole is a big fall.
Since I explained I do not want to play pornography in a public environment, I assume you are mad that I did not google? Sorry for discussing video games on a videogame board then I guess.
When the fuck are they gonna release sengoku?
>They are all porn crap.
have you looked at more than one of them
Evenicle was finished with the translation on 2016 and only launched in 2018. Probably june next year.
may club is a good first but im playing through eve (renewal) and i like it so far
Wait, Rance has been around THAT long?
It's about the same age as final fantasy.
>finish ramius scenes
>uninstall game
good girl stuck in a shit game
The series will turn 20 on the 15th.
I know most of them. A few, e.g. Divi-dead and Eve, aren't JUST porn but they aren't very good.
30. Rance I was 1989.
whatever happened to leotards
This. I love the sailormoon remake.
Whatever those random anime titties are selling, I'm buying. It could be car insurance, I don't care. I don't even have a car.
user, I go on /ic/ to discuss certain artists, how they design certain characters and how they process their piece.
And then a thread dies from some faggot posting "lol how do you guys draw here i made a stik fig XD"
I go on a videogame board to discuss videogames with people who play games and can form their own opinions instead of begging for someone to make decisions for them.
what what? which part don't you understand?
go oooon~
Yea Forums thinks that all western cartoons look the same and that one California Arts school is the reason for it. A lot of this is because someone made a chart of several popular cartoon characters having the same "CalArts" style face and most of Yea Forums not actually watching the shows they talk about, so they didn't realize that the chart was inaccurate and all these different cartoons did not look as similar as implied.
And since they don't actually watch cartoons over in Yea Forums, then don't know about all the others and have assumed that every cartoonist from this generation has attended that one school and follows the same blueprint.
Truth is that it's far too comfortable to live without sex, without work, friends, hopes, dreams. It's your little secret, and it means you don't have to do anything you don't want to.
Feeling a bit bad sometimes is a small price to pay and you gladly do it.
Hide my post then. I don't really see how asking Yea Forums for recommendations is so much worse than googling for them. I cannot be expected to play every game ever made on every system.
I can't even remember the plot of that clusterfuck
I can only recall the school being used for some ritual, and people being werewolves for whatever reason
>asking for a recommendation is "begging for someone to make decisions for them"
Fuck off, retard.
What are the must play PC-98 eroges that are translated?
care to indulge?
Edie a cute
too bad she has no art
It's a CG now
This ain't Yea Forums mate, people are allowed to ask for recs, especially of something that the typical user here wouldn't have touched. It's not like you're spoonfeeding sauce to the guy, it's someone who's interested in the images of the games and wants to try getting into some that he can play outside of his home. Not much difference from the "never played this series, where should I start" posts.
>muh soul
>20 cg per game with no variation
>words words words without any animation
>stories trite as fuck, compared to modern VNs
what game? please
>stories trite as fuck, compared to modern VNs
What modern VNs have a decent story?
It's not the 1980s anymore. You may as well be asking "Whatever happened to top hats?"
rance 4
kichikuou rance
toushin toshi 2
Pro-lesring and immortal study are SOULnukige.
Any other nukige from the era?
>Old anime usually wasn't designed to be a saccharine sex-rush
It had just as much fanservice, sometimes more.
Too bad Cyberpunk 2077 won't look or be this good.
please, show me "good" anime user
I'm waiting
Wait, what? That's Valis, right? Not Aishimai.
You’re fucking ugly
Suprised it takes so long. Hope they pick up the pace, have heard good things about it.
Thank you for posting this.
>stories trite as fuck
Go fuck yourself.
now that's was a collector edition
Any Nocturnal Illusion bros here?
Dragon Knight, Nonomura, Kakyuusei, Doukyuusei, Yu-No, El (Win version)... but what is the CD on the right, user? I cannot read what it says.
>Lodoss in 720p
I hate to sound like an insufferable prick but it really deserves the full HD.
T. Hi-fi autist
It does, but for that to happen you need folks willing to buy the blueray.
Kino's Journey
I haven't watched the new series so don't know how it compares.
It'd be a lot easier if you wanted anime movies as well.
Is Rusty decent if I am desperate for more castlevania?
I presume if they're talking about a fuck machine, I can't imagine its easy getting used to a literal metal piston plowing into you.
Classicvania or Metroidvania?
Didn't think Japanese people would be into anything other than a completely flat ass in the 80s.
why is the majigga hooked to her hoo-ha?
>reboot redesigns mc.jpg
Demographics changed. Older people apparently don't even watch anime any more. And the biggest consumers of both anime and merchandise are lonely young men. Moe sells, A LOT, so studios have been all pressured into catering to it. It's not even so much about selling the anime, but using the anime to sell merch.
Both honestly
user, that was a fucking abortion of an opinion, stick it back in and let it cook for a bit longer
anything before 2005 kyonanigger normalized everything to be nothing but garbage moeshit.
passion for anything is gone.
What isn't pure soul is how you EOPs keep supporting made-up "translations". You know, like the one for OP's game.
Nottu dissu shittu again
what's the best emulator for these games?
imagine the massive autist behind this post
Details on /vr/ Sorry EOPs. It's especially unfortunate cause the "translator" has a Patreon.
the PC98 aesthetic is amazing but I can't read japanese
there are a few options but neko project ii is the one most people go with iirc
>he doesn't like Prince of Persia
Fucking faggot.
If that's the same guy that tried to make a patreon for pc98 translations years ago I remember telling everyone not to give him any money since his japanese wasn't good and he admitted he used machine translation to help even in the old patreon description
It's comfortable because it's correct.
I remember the one you're talking about, but I dunno if it's the same person.
Note to anyone thinking of starting (or resuming) your nip studies to play some of these games: the absolute worst thing about learning Japanese is the other obnoxious and bitter Westerners doing the same thing. Don't go to /jp/. Don't come back to any of these threads. If you really want to play these games, if you really want to learn Japanese, get off Yea Forums and start studying instead. You do not need to be like them.
why? isn't it better to study together?
I love the UK dub of Cyber City OEDO. That soundtrack is banging.
Yeah, EOPs and DJT EOPs are the worst.
>comparing OVAs and movies to budgeted television episodes
Modern OVAs look just like TV anime, Hellsing is one of the only standouts.
my nibba
I really like the old style. Can anyone post the best hentai/anime games and shows with that "retro" anime style?
I only played Steam Harts on pc 98. Please at leats just the basics and essentials. Those old style anime chicks are a million times hotter than modern style chicks.
you're fucking ugly
Based and truthpilled
I agree with the basic sentiment of that picture, but you're literally comparing OVAs and movies to serialized shows. That's a shit comparison. 80s and 90s serialized anime did literally the same shit as the modern stuff, with regard to shading and proportions.
Always a nice surprise when you stumble upon these brief animated moments.
To be fair, you're right.
To be unfair, doing that level of shading now is a matter of using boarders and a fill tool.
Christ, have we really exchanged tits or gtfo for this crap? Fucking zoomers.
I see English, Chinese or Japanese, Russian, Korean and one of the subcontinental languages (Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu etc). I think "Dood, foreign languages!" definitely belongs in the cyberpunk starter pack along with eternal night time, skyscrapers and neon billboards in general.
>japan gets a blu ray with english subs
>"obviously this is just an experiment and we will still get a western release"
Fuck. Here I am still sat on this prehistoric 2002 dvd set with the disc label misprints.
What anime even is it?
But serialized shit like Sailor Moon looked gorgeous with watercolored backgrounds and very expressive characters. It was just used smartly as they recycled animations, dragged on shots and reused backgrounds from time to time.
have sex
Not him, but Macross Plus (I think? Might be wrong)
Is Dancing Blade even good? I remember an old vídeo game magazine CD I had that came with the OP and I watched it a bunch of times.
Talking about older animes, anyone know the name of this one show?
It had a sci-fi setting, and from what I remember, there was a tourney that only chicks participated in. I THINK the prize was this one dude, but I might be misremembering
It had some heavy ecchi vibes, remember I was asking a friend if it was hentai, with him being progressively angrier at me not being convinced it wasn’t (I was very young)
Image search with saucenao will work on anime clips.
It's sad isn't it
What the fuck did they name the tree
It just ruins the fun to know there might be a chance that girl lurks here by just disregarding them as a fake woman.
It all started when meme replaced the words joke and fad.
I can only imagine the time it took to draw some of this stuff.
Do you remember what image macros are?
I remember.
English only peasant
jesus christ, literally nothing about the "translation" is correct
>the way the cloud lightens up as the rocket rises
fucking amazing shit!
also i miss these angular mean looking girl characters in anime, what happened to them?
Well I don’t
Fuck off
wtf my computer bluescreened
But all of those anime are good.
Samurai Flamenco
Anime watcher levels portray your power level better. A higher level means that the person can also enjoy things on the lower levels, etc.
Level 6 : Leviathan, Milky holmes (2nd season), Joshiraku, KxS, puchimas, teekyu, Mayoi Neko Overrun, Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka, Inu to Hasami, Acchi Kocchi
Level 5 : LogH, Ai Mai Mi, Hidamari Sketch, Love Live, Ichigo mashimaro, Di Gi Charat, Aiura, Kiniro Mosaic, NNB, Mahoraba, Manabi Straight, Railgun, YuYuYu, Doremi, Hibikek
Level 4 : Shomin Sample, Jinrui, SZS, Aria, YKK, Binzume Yousei, Marimite, CCS, Tsukuyomi Moonphase, Sailor Moon, A-Channel
Level 3 : K-ON, Welcome to the NHK, Evangelion, Hyouka, Outlaw Star, UC Gundam, Kenshin, Utena
Level 2 : Code geass, Dragon Ball, Baccano, Madoka magica, Psycho-pass, CotS, FMA, OnePiece, Hataraku Maou-Sama, OPM, Slayers
Level 1 : KLK, Monogatari series, Naruto, Bleach, SAO, Attack on titan, Cowboy Bebop, Steins Gate, Chaika, Index, Gits
Level 0,5 - FLCL, Gintama, Gurren Lagann, JJBA, Kill la Kill, P&S, NGNL, Trigun
If this is what passes for bain on Yea Forums I feel sorry for that board
I'm a level 4 on this scale. Now what?
If that's what makes you feel sorry for Yea Forums, you clearly haven't been there recently. Not that you are missing out.
any pc98 rpgs, non porn ones
>Milky Holmes disbanded
>Slavrunes advertising a city in a country that doesn't actually use Slavrunes
It's probably a name of a cafe, but still weird.
Generic as fuck, what a bland artstyle. But yeah it's old so it's full of soul yadda yadda.
Damn that's a nice ass.
Seems accurate, but I think I'm level 7 by now
Moeshit happened.
Are the waifus good?
these levels are garbage shit, kys retard
Dunno about that but bluethebone replicates that early 90’s look to a T.
I like 88 too but mostly because it doesn't get as much attention from obnoxious horny Wapanese.
>FLCL and JJBA below SAO, AoT, Naruto and Bleach
That's literally backwards
no it's not
that's the most entry level shit there is
Ancient YS music on ancient hardware.
AoT is pretty much the definition of entry level user. Every fucking normalfag "anime fan" has seen it. Same with Naruto and Bleach.
FLCL and Jojos are still normalfag tier, but less so than most of the stuff in "Level 1".
The earlier the anime, the more soulful it is. It's almost as if the soul is literally being sucked out of anime.
FMA looks awesome, and it's a top 10 in me books m8
II's opening is still kino
ダルク・ファクト + epilogue in I
>old good
>new bad
most NPC opinion there is
Is there a must play LN from the PC-98. I'm intrigued and want to get into it.
Damn Bindi turned into a fine piece of ass.
Shame she dates black guys.
Look at this anime. This is close to peak soul.
not tezuka's best
I remember watching Galaxy Express 999 on late night tv around 30 years ago.
It's what got me into anime and was probably more amazing for those who watched it 40 years ago.
Does the remake have porn and nudity?
But we can go even further back to achieve even purer levels of soul.
What are the american games on PC-98? or are they all Japanese games?
I can only afford electronics around 2005.
are you even trying breh
God I love everything in this thread, there's just something about this artstyle that's charming.
>What are the american games on PC-98? or are they all Japanese games?
PC-98 was a system that was only ever sold in Japan. You can't find American anything on it.
Yes. Kizuato.
sorry but I want my anime girls to have noses
98% of the games are pornographic, and what remains is VNs. You are barking up the wrong tree.
Maybe out of the ones translated to English, dumb EOP.
I'll believe it when I see it
>what the fuck happened to anime?
Mostly it's the move away from OVAs to TV anime imo.
Most of the late 80s/90s stuff people go on about were OVAs made on a much higher budget and with a longer development cycle.
The old TV stuff is fairly similar to the modern stuff in terms of lack of quality. (exceptions obviously exist for both)
Knights of Xentar, Xanadu, Slayers, YS and Legend of Heroes series come to mind.
Dragon Slayer/Xanadu/DS4 + Ys are native to PC-88, they have straight ports though
And I bet they are all fucking shit. Name a single game that even comes close to the greatness of western pc or console games of its time.
Pretty much every visual novel based anime made in the last 10 years has looked pretty good, other than Deen Fate. And both HF movies looked absolutely incredible. In addition, ArcSys has pretty much been the defacto user of trying to mix stylized designs in the modern era and keeping it crisp so it doesn't look like you ripped it off a VHS and touched it up.
Don't download, it's virus. Writing from fridge.
Literally anything I name you'd just screech like a retard about how you've never heard of it so clearly it must be shit, not my problem you choose to be a typical stupid Ameriturd, don't waste the adults' time though please and go back to your console wars threads or something.
This is an insult to all the people who work hard and do good work these days. Can you not appreciate the past without degrading the present? If not, perhaps it's you that is souless.
>Level 0,5 - FLCL, Gintama, Gurren Lagann, JJBA, Kill la Kill, P&S, NGNL, Trigun
Low quality bait.
So you cannot name a single fucking one, is that it?
I love watercolor
Some people are just meant to be NEET incels.
>fuck content, look at me being hipster for liking extra niche thing
posts like this make me go BERSERK
Several pioneers of Japanese games debuted on PC-88 though?
Not that you'd know, considering you don't know Japanese.
its the multi-cultural neo-tokyo cyberpunk metropolis of the dystopian future
these are all comfy af. 10/10,
ealities I would like to exist in.
>Went too far
Fuck, messed up big time. Was just trying to make you slip up and give me some recommendations, as asking straight out didn't garner any real response. Sorry for shitposting, if you are still here.
Is Xanadu similar to Xanadu Next? I quite liked that game.
Are lights highest up in the image stars or just more lights from larger buildings?
>clothes everywhere
>tatami mats
>a dozen guitars lined up for some reason
who the fuck lives in this room though?
All anime is fucking ugly
Music turned to shit in the 1960s and hasn't recovered yet.
Vidya turned to shit in 2008 but that was a bad phase and it's been good again since 2014.
Look at this damn slut
It is literally the laziest, most tasteless and least creative artstyle ever conceived.
>anime is a style
What the actual fuck
>Was just trying to make you slip up and give me some recommendations
I suspected so, honestly don't know much about notable 98 titles though, more 88. Just going to name RPGs I can think off the top of my head.
Most notable series include Dragon Slayer, Ys, Xak, Hydlide, PC-88 dungeon crawlers like Mugen no Shinzou, Lizard, etc. preceded anything on console.
98 has the first RPG maker title. 88 has an adventure game maker that preceded it, based on the engine used by Portopia and Okhotsk.
HG101 has a lot of articles on early RPGs and other 88/98 titles though they vary in depth and accuracy.
Who cares about that when you can have SOUL?
A puke bucket?
t.has watched only one or two anime series
Fucking hell he really is undateable.
Thanks user. Appreciate recommends for the others as well since it's quite hard to know where to start when you have zero knowledge of the systems.
And you are of course correct with me being an EOP. Working on it.
Hopefully I can get some enjoyment of the games anyway.
No, i mean anime and manga in its entirety. It's an artstyle for people who can't draw (and animate if we're talking anime, look at how lazy the animations are and how much recycled they are)
pretty much the only playable RPGs with no Japanese knowledge are very early ones that have very little and mostly English text, like the first Dragon Slayer and Hydlide, and even then without reading the manual it can be hard to figure out what to do (and in Hydlide's case without reading magazines, since some of the "puzzles" are bullshit).
It's not an artsyle for people that can't draw. It's an artsyle for getting decent results quickly.
This is a boon if you cannot draw, but the main purpose is to allow content to be shat out as quickly as possible.
So it's Call of Duty/Ass Creed of drawing/animation?
As long as it isn't too difficult I can maybe take it as an excuse to practice my nip. At any rate I can at least experience something new, and I can always go back once I improve a bit.
>all these butthurt levellets
Yuuko's ass might be great, but Akira is the real best girl in that game. I'm not the only one here who played it right?
Get some taste nigger
yep, only truth in this thread
Not our fault we are constantly raided by these fuckers. Its now more likely to stumble on a tranny than an oldfag or a woman now.
Get out zoomer.
I'm 35
Moe's dominated the industry since the 80s.
>Old anime usually wasn't designed to be a saccharine sex-rush like most moeshit is today.
Factually incorrect; ecchi anime was proportionately far more common in the past than it is now and fanservice used to be much, much more extreme.
Both of these things are mutually exclusive.
The anime from the post you're replying to is "moeshit".
Are there any PC98 romsets? I tried looking for some games yesterday/this morning, but all I got was a website where the guy has links for only about 1% of the game's he posted.
I like the plot on this pic. pls show us more.
If that 1% is stuff like briganty, rusty, night slave, ancient touhous etc then its likely everything you will ever need unless you know japanese. If you insist anyway you want to search for "Neo Kobe - NEC PC-9801". Enjoy your 76 gigabytes of padding around the few dozen regular, no language barrier games.
>anything before 2005
based i wish we could go back to when we had REAL anime like this
>Posting cringe stuff
Good taste.
Here's a custom wallpaper I made in the style of PC98, I think it turned out pretty good.
Ahhh yes glorious 80s anime. 4 grade shading on everything, all the time!
Because modern OVAs are usually just bonus episodes or shorts studios produce to put on the blu ray. Comparing them to old OVAs is dumb.
Saying NPC is in itself NPC.
You're a double NPC if you use it.
Meanwhile 4-tone shading from the last season.
what a fucking garbage style
looking forward for the superior remake
or soulmore?
cute face
ugly butt
>Love the PC-98 dithering
>End up making a theme for 3DS and Switch using them
I just can't get enough of this shit.
Jap cartoons in general are ugly
>anime literally last week
what went wrong bros
Is that Presea from Rayearth?
Yeah its great.
Damn 2 color aesthetic as fuck. What is this from?
Souless garbage on the right.
>he doesn't fucking like the way they shitting talk in those edgy dubs
cyberpunk is just comfy as fuck
except that shithole city in Cyberpunk 2077
>modern anime can't be made in this style anymore because ??????
That takes effort.
You can churn out 3 times as much content for half the price with modern methods.
Why do these threads always attract retards who complain about the state of modern anime while knowing nothing about old anime and modern anime?
I just want to talk about video games.
soulless | s o u l
Because most of the people who praise old anime are posers
post best music
Same reason Yea Forums complains about casuals yet 99% of the board hasn't played a single shmup.
only casuals call them shmups, real niggas know they're called STGs
You are 100% correct.
fuck off to your cancer hole faggot
Because Yea Forums is full of posers and hypocrites.
You can see it in this thread, people will complain about moeshit killing anime and then they'll turn around and start calling moeshit "soulful" or "based" just because it's old.
I'd be rich if I had a penny for every fucking time Yea Forums complains about cute girls/moe in modern anime but then slathers over a cute girl in a high school sailor uniform just because it's in an 90s artstyle.
it looks bad
You are full of shit.
Only retards call them STGs, everyone usually just calls them shmups.
>went in expecting a top tier fap
>"If humans don't want me, why did they create me"
Still got the 3 part vhs version around here somewhere.
That image was made by a /vr/ user though.
Old moeshit was better, fuck off to Yea Forums you seasonal nigger.
>phone filename
Ten bucks you haven't actually watched Urusei Yatsura and fell for the future funk/A E S T H E T I C meme.
99% of all TV anime is seasonal, by the way.
Watched this 2 weeks ago, man that was a good-ass movie
yeah yeah "SAO masterpiece" yeah
>not posting the vocaroo
I require more of this
I need to absorb the power of the old masters
I don't like these posts because of the implication the animators are just lazy or unimaginative
This is a decade old image that used to be shitposted to hell and back on Yea Forums since like 2007.
The guy who made it, and a bunch of others, admitted he was wrong and just a dumb teenager when he made these images and had a really small view on modern anime (just a handful of entry-level shonen) and old anime (limited to baby's first movie's and OVAs).
He's an animator now.
Guess what? That style of shading disappeared because it looks objectively garbage. The last thing you want in a beautiful face are a bunch of ugly desaturated shapes for shading.
It's almost as bad as the "studio directors don't make what they want to make" one.
This is so outdated, our vocabulary got so much richer now with fine additions like
>have sex
Sounds like you just want to be looked at like trash.
if this is the reaction my shitposting invokes then im motivated as hell now
This but unironically
I've known about it since before that shit, nice projection Yea Forumsnigger.
>99% of all TV anime is seasonal
No shit, and plebs watch all the garbage coming out every season to keep up with it on social media and don't care about the decades of much better anime out there.
pc-98 is soul
Wow how dare people new to anime try out what's currently airing instead of digging through 80's ovas
Haman, just because your husband is in one of those images. Does not mean you can be biased
based Haman poster BTFOing Yea Forums shitters
>decades of much better anime out there
Literally only the 70s was consistently good. 80s was fine until the OVA boom. 90s were an abortion largely due to Japan's economy crash and pandering. Good anime peaked in quantity at some point between 2006-2014.
Most 80s OVAs were genuinely garbage, there's even more variation among shitty modern isekai than there was among the average 80s OVA.
lmao this post is actually based
why did this need a youtube video? there was already a vocaroo
modern anime is for faggots
>Literally only the 70s was consistently good. 80s was fine until the OVA boom. 90s were an abortion largely due to Japan's economy crash and pandering. Good anime peaked in quantity at some point between 2006-2014.
>Most 80s OVAs were genuinely garbage, there's even more variation among shitty modern isekai than there was among the average 80s OVA.
I can't tell if you're a boomer or a zoomer
Shut up, harlock. No one remembers you anymore.
I have no clue about modern animation, but that guy has some great taste and talent
>Good anime peaked in quantity at some point between 2006-2014.
Shut the fuck up Digi
80s and 90s anime were the best times ever don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
Pedo cunts from the US of course never grew up with them so they only ever got introduced to anime because they represent the target modern animes are targeting: Otaku, compulsive manchildren and pedophiles
If you lived in western Europe, like most of us you did grow up with all sorts of classics like Cat's Eye, Cobra, Lupin, Gundam, Macross, Ranma...etc and not to list the famous Dragon Ball Z, this period was the peak for Dragon Ball I feel bad about zoomers and DBS, they will never know the best time to be a Dragon Ball fan.
And we did get our fair bunch of OVAs (quality ones all translated) so when this faggot tells you they were garbage, you know what kind of dumb faggot he is.
>games will never have such wanton disregard for censorship again
>enjoy old anime aesthetic
>but the plot is usually garbage
You can't win.
PC-98 literally has the best looking games of all time.
Too bad they're all shitty games though.
You should not have done this
>another one of these threads with dumb newfags
Most OVAs were legitimately garbage. There's a handful of good ones like Key the Metal Idol, Assemble Insert or Shamanic Princess, but the vast majority of old OVAs were derivative garbage with hardly any variation.
Most OVAs were actually low budget too, contrary to what 14 year olds just discovered older anime say. Nobody remembers classics like Dragon Half for the visuals or animation, just the humour.
It may not be 'fair' to compare OVAs and movies to anime, but shit, that's what people still talk about.
The big-dick major selling animeshit of nowadays is the lowest-denomination garbage, while the stuff that we still talk about from previous decades are the singular movies and animated nonsense where they just went fucking crazy with the animation.
What have we gotten recently that's actually tried to push anime into being the most beautiful shit ever, Violet Evergarden? And... What else?
That being said it's a matter of economics, not lazy animators, there's no reason to try and bust your balls and animate the shit out of an OVA anymore when weeb moe crap shits out money faster than ever.
There's still plenty of eroge coming out right now, what the fuck are you talking about
It's not like these games were coming out on the snes
>Stopped watching anime a few years ago and just read manga instead now
>Manga I like or recently started reading gets an anime adaption
>Oh, here we go again
>Images of it plastered all over the internet, mostly images of whatever FotM waifu they find from the show
>Very quickly get tired of seeing it everywhere
Every single fucking time.
Oh yeah, why would I want to watch garbage like The Tatami Galaxy, Rakugo, Ping Pong, 3-gatsu no Lion, etc. when I could go back to the glory days of DBZ and Ranma
Kill all nostalgiatards
Wait a fucking minute. Is that magical knight rayearth?
>What have we gotten recently that's actually tried to push anime into being the most beautiful shit ever, Violet Evergarden? And... What else?
It depends on what you mean by "most beautiful shit ever". Mob Psycho s2 aired earlier this year and it had a shit ton of cuts of fantastic experimental animation, but it's not exactly a "pretty" show, especially in still images.
In the end it's still silly to compare seasonal TV anime to OVAs and movies. There are still plenty of great looking anime movies, Shinkai's movies are all 90% visual spectacle but I guess they don't count since they're not edgy cyberpunk gorefests.
>weeb moe crap shits out money faster than ever.
Opinion discarded
>western Europe
The way I heard it, france played a big part in this and I think manga entertainment was a british company originally.
>The big-dick major selling animeshit of nowadays is the lowest-denomination garbage
This is the case for all eras though.
>while the stuff that we still talk about from previous decades are the singular movies and animated nonsense where they just went fucking crazy with the animation.
And ironically, they've gotten more popular with time than they were then (I'm not saying they were unpopular).
A lot of highly-selling lowest-denomination anime quickly becomes forgotten as the generations pass. Nobody remembers El Hazard anymore (a generic 90s isekai that's no different than modern isekai) even though it was one of the most popular series in the 90s.
Quality anime actually becomes more popular as the years pass because they filter out from the best-selling garbage. There's plenty of anime with extremely impressive animation and visuals from the current decade.
>there's no reason to try and bust your balls and animate the shit out of an OVA anymore when weeb moe crap shits out money faster than ever.
Ironically, there's modern moe anime with better animation than most classic OVAs.
Super robot wars comes through once again
>Stopped watching anime a few years ago and just read manga instead now
based, modern manga is still good. in fact, manga was always better than anime, even back in the day