fuck fuck fuck
Which one do I choose, Yea Forums?
fuck fuck fuck
Which one do I choose, Yea Forums?
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Fighter then go Mystic Knight for maximum fun
You can change it later.
I like strider, though.
well, what do you want to choose?
Fighter or mage, but reading I think I'll go fighter if it's kind of like a battlemage.
You'll never make it out of Eurasia alive!
When in doubt, roll ranger to level. They have the most balanced stat distribution and you can change to specialize later on.
honestly though, min/maxing is totally unnecessary in this game even for online Ur-dragon. Gear will more than make up for it and with the BBI gear, it is even dumber. So, don't fret. Just make a good looking character and have fun.
The first 10 levels are the biggest stat bonuses you get so its fairly important you pick the one based on what you want to play, a melee or caster, otherwise you'll spend another 30 levels making up for the stats you could have had.
Strider is for fencesitting fucks who can't make up their mind which sounds like you.
Everyone hates on Warrior, and admittedly it's pretty trash in BBI... but god damn I always have fun playing one.
bow and arrow doesnt feel at all satisfying
just plink plink but the warrior has a big sword that you can charge and actually stagger fuckers
caster is just asking to get bitch slapped while casting a nuke
be an assassinchad
Strider then Assassin.
If you want to be as overpowered as possible, you roll Strider to 10, then Ranger all the way to 100.
Why? They have the highest Stamina gain. And Stamina is one of the stats that Endgame gear does sweet fuck all to improve, while being the most used stat due to your stamina effecting your abilities and movement, for all classes
Frankly however, I tend to avoid min-maxing my main character, and instead min-max my Pawn. Your pawn is basically your representative in the albiet dwindling online community. So the better their gear, and the better their stats, the more likely they are to be picked up, and the more useful they are likely to be both to those who summon them AND more importantly, to yourself.
Give your pawn the best gear, as soon as you can. Research how to get them to behave themselves in company. And do everything in your power to min-max them in one way or another. Because you don't have to do their levelling yourself, and the game doesn't out and out require a perfect team balance.
I bought this game when it went on sale. It had a great start, but then I got my heart stolen and everything has been confusing since.
I was expecting this to be more close to Monster Hunter, with missions you just went to kill giant stuff with over and over, but all Ive been doing now is kill a bunch of dick ass thieves in a mountain pass and get a summons from some Duke.
I am honestly kind of lost, I went to an island and the Grim Reaper one shot me and told me to fuck off.
Just uninstall because the game is janky shit.
The island you went to is part of the DLC and is meant to be played after you beat the main game. The best loot is there though. Sometimes you have to deal with places with a lot of trash when doing the main quest.
>biggest stat bonuses
lol stats granted by level ups mean fuck all unless you A) want to play unarmed B) want to 12 shot the urdragon
Yellow classes are the most fun classes.
what did you just say you little bitch
Pick mage for best defense gain.
what are some good mods
just got the game, liking it so far, does mage get any different?
so far its just casting the same 2 spells and charging attacks are boring
No. Mage is awful and barely has any offense capability, if you want to play as a caster go sorcerer. Mage is only good as a pawn vocation.
Mage is best for your main pawn.
yellows can: double jump, dodge roll, shoot a million arrows, *teleports behind*, sanic spin, steal shit and convert stamina into damage with an aimed shot
blues can: cast gay magick, cast bigger magick, temporarily enchant weapons, cast biggest magick
Reds can: hit stuff
well, does sorcerer get any different? I actually meant to ask about that instead, because so far its the same
also i heard that dragons dogma has some of the best magic any game has, is that wrong? Did I mis-read?
They mean fuck all at the end of the game with high level equipment. They definitely mean something until you get to that point. Equipment doesn't really get overpowered until most of the game is over unless you cheese BBI early on to get some of the easy treasure chests.
Only go Mystic Knight if you like parrying/perfect blocking with your shield
>mage pawns
That's how you get BRINED
but bows are boring.
Sorceror's magic is very visually impressive and incredibly powerful if the full spells connect, but casting it pretty much consists of standing still doing nothing while you cross your fingers hoping your npc buddies keep the boss from knocking you on your ass and ruining your spell.
>well, does sorcerer get any different?
Somewhat, but you get the fun stuff with sorcerer, like being able to cast a fucking tornado and a meteor strike. I'm sure someone has saved the webm.
Take into account that it takes longer to cast the nice stuff.
OP you're going to play every vocation a bit to unlock augments and can change between them freely after a bit so don't tie yourself to one job
Just know that warrior and mage suck and suck hard, warrior has the lowest dps of all the vocations and everything that mage does a sorcerer does better and only fags with no balls thing the heal spell is useful, just carry some potions
Oh, also set your pawns vocation to something that compliments yours
>nailing goblins to the wall with your arrows is boring
>firing blast arrows at machine gun speed to kil death is boring
Strider is literally better than Assassin. They have a faster climbing speed, a hidden climbing damage modifier, the best meele skill in the game (skullsplinter), and two broken bow skills (hailstorm Valley and Fracture Dart)
Red is my favorite. There's something satisfying about blocking spells, and arrows with your shield and knocking your enemy off their feet with a perfect block. The combos like Dire onslaught are also really satisying to use when you mix them with some of your skills.
Wrong, upgrading gear from blacksmith for reds/yellows and exploiting elemental weakness for blues will always carry you through anything the base game has
so just abuse thousand kisses then, even if you throw out everything else about the class its still probably better than the rest
Go fighter until you max it out, then go warrior
Play strider and climb you shitter they get a massive undocumented damage boost when climbing that puts even buffed assassins to shame
Surely you can make up for middling stamina with potions and items?
Retarded zoomer
I picked Fighter and I'm having a ton of fun Springboarding my pawn so she can dropshot enemies or climb the big boys.
Of course. You can just chain eat mushrooms while clinging on a dragon's ass if you really want to. The only limit is what you can carry and how many times you feel like going into the menu.
Classes in Dragons Dogma really dont matter that much
You can change classes like you change your clothes. Literally.
Arrows are fun
Warrior is fucking nuts
Magic is lame but powerful and a fucking spectacle.
>exploiting elemental weakness for blues
Why the fuck would you do that when HFB exists
Solo assassin master race.
Maybe if you want to have fun instead of jerk off your archistaff?
I spent most of my time on this game as warrior and I regret absolutely nothing.
>he made a tiny little loli character
>he made a tiny little loli pawn
>he doesn't know he gimped his max stamina, attack range, and the amount of weight he can carry
>he wonders why his pawn keeps coming back with 3 stars and no items
Warrior Chad
>My giantess Ranger redhead named surfboard always gets 5 stars and wrecks house
Womanlets BTFO
Fighter lvl 0-10
Assassin lvl 11-30
Strider lvl 31-40
Assassin (again) lvl 41-50 Gouge is the best move forever.
Mage, currently. How bad have I fuck up if I wanna go ZAP MOTHERFUCKER?
>play mystic knight
>magic build
>just launch magic cannons and shit
>get bored
>make a melee build
>stone forest
>dark riposte
>cool ass mace attacks
Jesus christ it's so fun
>perfect parrying shut and slowmowing all of them just to unleash a flurry of attacks
Never gets old
>giving a shit about max stamina and carry weight when being tiny means it regenerates instantly and you have a pawn to carry all your shit for you.
Loli actually feels like the optimal build other than the times you're getting than getting thrown around like a little bitch when dragons flap their wings.
>not making small boy arisen and using amazon pawns
I've never made a short character in the 6 years I've beem playing this game, is it worth it?
Kill yourself.
Wtf is a strider?
The next king of middle-earth
Meta wise? Not at all. You'll only get access to a few optional areas. You'll also gimp some of your stats.
>hit stuff with massive weapons
>hit stuff with busted magic
>pinning puny enemies and thots
The ninja guy
Gotta kill fast but arrows too slow.
>loli mage pawn
Into the Brine she goes.
immolation is fucking beautiful
Do you want to use magic? Mage and then speed along to sorcerer. Want to hit things? Fighter and speed to warrior. Want to do both? Strider.
I see my number of RC is greater than last time, so does that mean someone used my pawn? How can I see the review and shit? Also how does the "Pawns your main Pawn knows" search option work? It always tells me it couldn't retrieve the relevant data.
Go to sleep.
>light yourself on fire
>does physical damage, scales off strength
I love this game but under the hood is a goddamned nightmare.
I like playing strider/assassin and slowing down stuff with rusted daggers while my pawns blast away with massive spells and other damaging attacks.
parries/perfect blocks are fucking useless cause you can only use them on smaller creatures and in DD you'll be fighting big ass monsters 90% of the time cause everything else dies too fast
>perfect block is useless against large monsters
good joke
show me one instance of it being useful
i'll be waiting
what sucks about warrior is only have 3 skills and all your attacks being slow and also those skills not really being all that fun or interesting
>inb4 arc of deliverance gif
they need more crazy fun skills instead of shitty slow charge forward and shitty cleave
mystic knight shield enchants are good regardless of what you're fighting.
I'll take that as a no then.
>dealing free damage and mitigating damage taken isn't useful
spirit lancer
In BBI, he's wrong but not about BBI2
can you show me a single instance of parries working against big enemies?
Parries can block wind shockwaves from dragons, maintaining your position without being pushed back. This is with all shields.
im currently playing as a little kid with his little kid pawn. its fun
it literally dont mattah
you can change it up at the Gran Soren Inn
it really doesn't matter
gear is more important than stats
You can perfect block daimon, both forms. I think only death is immune to perfect block.
>tfw the classes in DDO are fucking kino
>tfw everything else about it is shit
i had lots of fun playing as alchemist but i can't stand MMOs
>Play Warrior almost exclusively my first playthrough on ps3.
>Get to the Ur-Dragon.
>Spend an hour trying to jump+attack the very tips of it's wings for the last two hearts because my two bow pawns refuse to fucking even attempt to attack those areas.
And that's when I went full mystic knight/assassin.
>online is going to be shutdown soon
>all those exclusive classes will be lost forever
It doesn't matter anymore really
in December online is being shut down forever and with that the hope of DD2 is gone for good
Hey, maybe that means they're gearing up for DD2 and it's going to have deeper online features and possibly even multiplayer?
I say this hesitantly. I don't know that I'd want DD2 to have multiplayer.
it's probably entering the production phase during Q2-Q3 of 2019 so maybe next year if you're lucky.
it never happened
>knight for the first 10 lvls
>assassin until lvl 200
>change to magic archer and rape everything with immolation
>online is getting shut down
for DD:DA?!
ooh shit oH FUCK
DDO, you dumb nigger.
i would
just make it so you can have a real person in a pawn slot
imagine Yea Forums games which four anons just bullshitting around
reminder that stat gains don't matter after the first half of the game, even less if you know where the best gransys equipment is located
minmaxing is fun
not in this game it isnt
>four player striders or sorcerers syncing
I don't think something that fun is allowed to exist in our universe
for some people, yeah, but it's retarded when people say "ok you gotta play as THIS class for 200 levels and THEN you can play the class you actually want to play :) what do you mean you wanted more stamina and health?" new players don't know any better and this ends up ruining the game for them
I mean, yeah, I know it CAN work, I just don't want the game balanced around the idea of multiplayer and subsequently being shitty to play solo.
IN fact, an official solo option would be nice. I always feel guilty throwing my pawn off a cliff to roll solo
yeah, Mystic Knight became fun when I started focusing on melee and using Abyssal Anguish (longer range, multiple hits per swing, dark buff) + another elemental buff to deal insane damage.
Its truly a shame, alchemist will be lost to time and no one will ever make a private server of an obscure Japanese game.
>Mage, then Sorcerer
MA nukes fucking everything, especially in BBI
>4 mages spamming meteors for the end boss
I think this is why I liked strider/assassin so much.
You get the fun of daggers/sword&board while being able to snap to arrows to chip out people or poke fliers at a moment's notice.
DD is overrated as fuck. I'm willing to give the sequel a chance though if they actually make it.
Use the dark riposte dude, shits amazing
Especially with those tight corridors and using richochet hunter and stacking magick rebalancer to double your magic attack.
How to enjoy ranger?
iirc the online in DD:DA Steam doesnt even work anymore anyway
Since when? I have Steam pawns in my party right this second?
the rantings of an upjumped zealot make for tedious listening.
Unequip bow and switch to strider.
there was an issue a while ago where it stopped working but it was fixed months ago
last time I tried you could recruit pawns but you couldn't refresh the pawn list or call in new pawns
>going on the Internet and telling lies
Why would anyone do such a thing?
You need the wyrm ring, forge a copy, give the Duke one: this reduces casting time. Then, acuity. This together with the ring basically halves casting time.
It's fine.
A better game
Loli strider
Tfw have a harem of lolis
Dual weapon, bow, mobility, and stealing. Climb enemies and hot their weak points.
Just have a friend with a level 100+ pawn so you can cheese your way all the way to the really good equipment. I fought the chained cyclops at level 16