ITT: games Yea Forums tricked you into buying
>expected a cuhrazy action game
>its a visual novel
ITT: games Yea Forums tricked you into buying
It's a VN with QTEs you fucking retarded
OP here, disregard my post, I suck dicks.
That's not OP. I'm OP. I only suck trap dicks.
>oh boy finally some combat
>it's fucking terrible
And this goes on for 100 hours? Absolute trash.
>I have a low attention span
Is that gay?
Not that I'd do it or anything, haha.
But you don't even have to think while "playing" this shit. There is no challenge. You can even pause mid combat and heal as much as you want in an enemy hits you, which they rarely do.
Taking loads from cuties is not gay.
True hardmode is locked behind an item for some reason. The worst part is, it takes up an item slot too.
Still a good game.
Then just don't do that?
I don't. Because I don't have to. Because the enemies are docile punchingbags who stand around waiting for me to use my ebin takedown animation finisher.
>And this goes on for 100 hours?
Only if you never upgrade for 100 hours straight.
It's okay when Japan does it
God of War starts with an hour long intro with no gameplay. Name ONE japanese game that does that.
>God of War starts with an hour long intro with no gameplay.
It doesn't.
>Name ONE japanese game that does that.
Yakuza 6
Yakuza was never supposed to be crazy, its supposed to be dumb fun like an old beat em up where the only challenge is occasional bosses who are impossible to stun and thus ignore the rules of combat every other enemy does.
do i start with zero or 1. also do i need to play the original or is that remake 1 good
2D beat em ups had regular enemies that could end your credit in seconds if you made a small mistake, Yakuzas a dumb mashfest
But... Yea Forums said...
I can think of three japanese games that do that but I can't think of a single western game that does
Compile Heart/Idea Factory games. Expecting a JRPG, it's a visual novel with grinding.
Metal Gear Solid 4
>expected a cuhrazy action game
Your fault retard.
Pretty sure Yakuza "game movies" have gameplay mixed in as well, maybe even certin side quest. It sure as fuck doesn't have 13 hours of just cutscenes.
80 hour game
20 hour game
Damn that was hard.
Yakuza is still more of a movie percentage wise lol not to mention gameplay is trash
This post is so stupid that it has to be a falseflag.
time to shove your chuuuhurazy garbage up your ass, DMCuck.
>not to mention gameplay is trash
Yeah don't mention that whatever you do, how could anyone possibly refute such a cool opinion?
You're so stupid you don't know what the term falseflag means. Even worse if you do know actually cause then you have no excuse.