Game gets a sequel

>Game gets a sequel
>It completely changes the tone and has little in common with the original other than continuing the story

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Pitbulls are based because i hate children.

>Finishing up beating bayonetta 2 on hard, going for all plats
>"I should go back to Bayonetta 1 now, I've got a lot more practice with the games and I should best that on hard too"
>cant even survive the prologue

Jesus christ, I forgot how hard that game was

Rage 2 what a tryhard shitshow it became

sounds like ur just bad at video games. maybe take up a new hobby like facebooking.

Pits are inherently harmless.
Pits raised by niggers are the ones that needs to be killed

Drakengard 2
Lost planet 3
Basically any sequel that gets a new team working on it.

I love children, especially little girls, and I killed a couple pitbulls when I got the chance


We coming to get your pittie tyrone.

Midwestern white person who has never even seen a black person in real life here, my mom's pitbull behaved no more aggressively than our cat or ferret

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>Mass Effect

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Can anyone prove pitbulls are more violent?

Yes but that would be racist so no

It makes me happy knowing you cucks shake in your boots when you see me walking my pit

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Devil May Cry 100% is guilty of this. I liked the creepy atmosphere of the original, not to mention the combat had weight to it. It took skill to not get fucked by a room of puppets. Now, it's just "XD CUHRAAAZY REDDIT COMBOS MASH THOSE BUTTONS". Imagine if Kamiya continued directing the series. The DMC threads would be a lot better for sure, I refuse to partake in that faggotry.

It makes me happy knowing my genetics are superior to yours, considering the section of my brain responsible for threat perception is functioning. Hopefully your pet attacks me some day so I get the chance to kill it.

Pitbulls are naturally high energy animals like Boxers. So a lot of retarded white trash girls and spic guys are attracted to them because they want to be rebellious and save the "misunderstood" animals, but of course they never properly train the damn things and end up having to muzzle their asses for everything. I'm fine with Pitbulls, but they are by no means an easy breed to train and I wish there was a law requiring them to be properly trained if around children or strangers a lot.

t. Vet technician working at an animal hospital. AMA.

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Couldn't this same thing be used by racists to claim black people are more violent though? I don't really feel comfortable using racist tactics to demonise a dog breed.

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>white people

It's sad that I can't tell if you're being ironic or not.

Disproportionate number of deaths caused. Fact that the dog breed (and other fighting breeds similar to it) are banned in various countries.

How does one properly train a pit bull?

>tfw had a pitbull as a kid
>tfw she was afraid of cats and was great with children
She never even once acted aggressive with us.

too bad your retarded anecdote doesn't change statistical fact


>comparing people with dogs
now that's racist

They were literally bred and trained for fighting dogs. They're one of the least accepting towards other dogs and the breed will probably have that natural disposition for the foreseeable future. If you get one, train it.

>omg pibbles nuzzle!!!11~~

>my mom's pitbull behaved no more aggressively than our cat or ferret
Your anectode doesn't trump statistics

>muh owners
Fuck off

You have to properly socialize them and get them behavioral training while they're still young. And for fucks save, touch their paws a lot so that I don't have to throw them on their side and pin them down for a fucking nail trim.


>It completely changes the tone and has little in common with the original other than continuing the story
You are repeating yourself, you already said that game gets a sequel.

its pretty mean to say that dogs are like niggers

Chrono Cross.

Kind of Based.

It raises the same question. Is it because they're genetically aggressive, or are there other exigent circumstances. blacks are more often than not poor, poor people are the most frequent criminals. Pitbulls are often owned by trashy people, trashy people are most likely to abuse their animal or raise them in such a fashion to cause violent, aggressive behavior. Are pitbulls more aggressive? probably. Are there other factors at play? Probably. Is there an easy solution? Not really, because of the image pitbulls have, they're only desired for those negative features, potential pitbull owners, by a wide margin want a dog that'll be "totall kickass just like me bro!", the pitbull breeding scene is pretty fucking horrible, it would take generations to fix the damage done by irresponsible breeders.

What have I said wrong? I acknowledged that the breed is high energy and needs proper training to function in a society where dog fighting is illegal.

Yeah and none of my black friends have ever robbed, raped, or killed me. So go take a walk through downtown Chicago at night, you'll be fine.

Guys. Can we discuss Vidya?

That's not proof. Using your logic whites are more violent than blacks because there are more of them.

You cannot "train" the killing instinct out of a dog who was bred for the purpose of fighting to the death.

t. dog trainer. AMA

See this is how you stop the nigger fallacy. They're the ones making the comparison, not you. If you want to get rid of pitbulls, focus on this.

Pits are more likely to snap and bite and their temperament makes them more likely to go for the kill once they've bitten something.
Pitbulls are the black people of dogs. You should only have one for specific purposes the breed fits.
Just as a companion? Not worth the risk.

t: I was bitten by our family pitnigger when I was a toddler and now my face is scarred. (the ladies like it, luckily)

Violent I'm not so sure of, but they're more lethal.

They cause way way more deaths than they ought to considering how they're not among the most popular dogs.
Like not even top 20 iirc.

The thing is that they're bred for their bite.
Pitbulls were bred from stock of Bulldogs & Terriers.
Terriers were bred to hunt and kill vermin.
bulldogs were bred for bull-baiting, a blood sport where they set the dog on to fight a bull.
Pitbulls were also used for bull-baiting, fighting other dogs and for bear-baiting.

A chihuahua might be more violent than a pitbull, but when a chihuahua bites it isn't anywhere near as bad when a pitbull bites. They are bred to bite to kill and not let go.


Pitbulls aren't a breed. It's a catchall term used to describe several breeds and mixed dogs and so generalized as to be pretty much useless.

Yeah, but with proper discipline, you can get your dog accustomed to strangers so that their first thought isn't to bar their fangs at someone.

You are retarded. Nowhere did that chart mention ownership statistics by breed. There are roughly 3.4 million pitbulls to the total 89million or so dogs in the United States. And yet they are still over represented in fatal attack statistics.

But pit bulls are far from the majority, so that is a dumb comparison


Isn’t there a board for pet talk?
>game gets a continuation on mobile
>the game company wants the mobile game to be the first touch for new comers towards the series rather than playing the original game that was on 3ds
Fantasy Life deserved better than becoming a mobile game.

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All breeds described as nigbulls are trash and should be culled.

God, fuck Portal 2 so much.
Why the FUCK did they think Glados had to be retconned to be a vapid catty bitch
Why the FUCK did they think the game now needed to be constant in-your-face humor
Who the FUCK came up with Cave Johnson at all
And worst of all
FUCK THE "lol portal and half life take place in the same universe" ASSPULL SO MUCH

If you're actually OP you are retarded for posting an image more interesting than the topic.


>FUCK THE "lol portal and half life take place in the same universe" ASSPULL SO MUCH
It was confirmed in the first game.

Persona 3

Yeah, but fuck it anyways.


There is nowhere in America you can live where you would never see a black person in your life, unless you never left your neighborhood in the sticks it is simply impossible.

No it isn't one breed, it's 4 breeds of dogs that are all mixes of Bulldogs & Terriers.
It is a very useful term because it describes everything you need to know.

Not nearly enough SMASHED or SLAMMED going on in this thread. Very disappointed.

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Dragon Age.

le epic racism comic XD

There should be a rule preventing irrelevant images from being posted in relevant threads. You can literally have a sentence or two of text relating to the board and bait /pol/ discussion with an image. It's a fucking stupid loophole for /pol/fags who spread their cancer to other boards.

A pit bull requires constant attention and more extensive socialization than other dogs, you need to ease it into a wide variety of situations so it understands that it shouldn't respond with aggression in x circumstance.

This is rarely understood by most pitbull owners as most people are extremely ignorant of the history of the breed. It is a dog that has been bred to be able to attack animals much larger than itself potentially suicidally.

I bet you play on PS4 don't you?

my dogs haven't had their claws nailed/trimmed down since they were puppys,should I be worried about problems from this? their 2 years old now german shepards

Mass Effect 2 is better than Mass Effect 1, nigger

>Isn’t there a board for pet talk?
yes, but /an/ is slow
so Yea Forums and Yea Forums adopts /an/ threads at times
/k/ also have pitbull hate threads

>do all this
>hard wired genetics from hundreds of years of being bred as a killing machine kick in anyways

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We're surrounded by state forest, my closest neighbor is about 40 miles away, I graduated from high school in a class of 3 people, it's not a very populated area

Why did this pitbull meme blow up? Before 2016 I never saw any of this shit on Yea Forums.

I hate both children and pitbulls.

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>Before 2016 I never saw any of this shit on Yea Forums.
Maybe it was in 2016

if you try really hard, a tiger also can be domesticated and won't needless eat people it sees


It's rare that it would lead to any serious problem, but a degree of discomfort is going to be felt by the dog from neglecting to trim their nails. The preferred method is to grind the nails rather than clip them, because that cauterizes the ends.

Do you ever fuck the dogs

>Game has dogs in it
>They are pitbulls

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>Pits are inherently harmless.
>breed specifically created to be fighting dogs and maul giant animals
>inherently harmless
why are pitfags so retarded

>A panther requires constant attention and more extensive socialization than other cats, you need to ease it into a wide variety of situations so it understands that it shouldn't respond with aggression in x circumstance.
>This is rarely understood by most panther owners as most people are extremely ignorant of the history of the breed. It is a cat that has been bred to be able to attack animals much larger than itself potentially suicidally.

unless it's a stranger baby

>an actual interesting topic
>OP posts it alongside a fucking pitbull meme pic so the thread gets derailed immediately
also Halo 4 and anything after it

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