This game is over ten years old

>this game is over ten years old

Attached: kruger.png (1920x1080, 2.27M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I hate the flow of time

what game?

i'm still surprised by how fun it was, amazing graphics also (even today imo)

shame it couldn't get a real sequel, and that a certain big nosed jew got involved with it

It definitely looks like it

mirror's edge

>i'm still surprised by how fun it was
How can people say this with a straight faced? It was probably the most linear game ever made

its been 11 years.

Attached: Condemned_2_Bloodshot.jpg (281x354, 101K)

A game doesn't need to be an open world collectathon to be fun

it was awesome wtf. maybe because i never watched a walkthrough to learn all the best routes and tried doing everything myself. zoomers can't understand it

what routes lmao, you just press W and that's it

linear =/= bad

They tried turning Mirror's Edge into an open world game and it sucked ass. Mirror's Edge is a speedrunner's wet dream.

Mirror's Edge was the first game to give me a real headache while playing it, never finished it because of that.

Attached: 99b83273c659e48e94eab591a6c1208c.jpg (1080x1080, 90K)

The second game was alright. The sections that just involved freerunning were just as good as the original and you even had some new moves to play with. The inclusion of a grappling hook made the level designers lazy though, it should have just been relegated to the open-world part.

>this game is over ten years old

to bad you're not.

no way fag

Attached: kick.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)

people born the year that it came out will be teenagers next year

Attached: 2007.png (765x960, 1.37M)

wat game is this? finally become eight teen so i can finally hang with the big dogs on Yea Forums.

>best routes
There's literally ONE (1) route throughout the whole game and the game will auto-pilot you to it while highlighting it.

I can see this bait going places

Attached: 1507588425382.gif (320x180, 3.28M)

You can turn off the highlighting

The mp was genius

Ehh, that one wasn't as good as the first.
Started off strong but then you got SCREAMING powers to explode heads.

The first handled the weird cult guys better because you were just an outsider getting caught up in it.

You have no character progression, you can't make choices, there is only 1 route, you don't have an inventory or any form of customization. It's literally a movie that you just have to hold down one button to play

What wrong with linear games? Zoomers just love pointless open world busy work instead of well crafted linear experiences

You have never played this game

go play fornite you limpdicked tranny

is this worth playing on 360
it seems more combo focused than the previous game

>you can't make choices
>you don't have an inventory or any form of customization
Be more subtle with your bait if you want your precious (You)'s.

>character progression
This isn't an RPG
This isn't an RPG
>one button
Factually incorrect

>replaying Mario Galaxy some days ago
>check release date
>12 years ago
Where did the time go?

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

And It Shows!

Indeed, the superpowers and terrible ending ruined it. The beginning was alright though.

Catalyst was made to cater to people like and it was fucking atrocious, pleasing neither Mirror's Edge fans nor Fortnite babies.

t. watched it on youtube and pretended to play it

I still blast the soundtrack sometimes. Really top quality electronic beats and bgm music.

Attached: mirror's edge ost.jpg (500x500, 38K)

Some scenes look borderline photorealistic.

Attached: orangedoor.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

I couldn't get into these games. The gameplay was pretty great, but beating up hobos just got tedious after a while. The spoops didn't really get me either.

That bit with the bear though.

Eh, I missed the detective work bit really. They shoehorned a couple of bits in but nothing like the original.

Only good part of this game was the part with the bear

The ultimate proof that art direction and style worth much more than graphics that will never be disproved.

Mirrors Edge is one of the few 360 games enhanced for the X1X. It runs as native 4k with HDR and looks fucking crazy,

>"to bad"

Congratulations on turning 8 years old, buddy.

Such as?

This. If Mirror's Edge was brown and grey and "realistic" it wouldn't hold up well at all graphically.

>It runs as native 4k with HDR and looks fucking crazy,
Does it have the fancy PhysX objects that PC has?
>469212780 (You)

Since when was linear a negative thing?

is there a bigger monkeypaw game than catalyst?

I sleep

Since ubisoft shills started spending their time off work here too

did this game use special lighting and effects?
how does it avoid that shitty generic unreal engine look?

by not using generic assets and not being another shooter or tps


but even modern non fps and tps games have that look
it looks even shittier will a lot of big japanese changing to it and using a western art style with that unreal engine look

>walking simulators are for non-trannys

And it still looks amazing because they chose soulful aesthetic over boring "photorealism"

Dice was a studio more interested with engine side of things than your typical dev. It not surprising that they can make unreal look distinct when they later nade frostbite

it's a platformer, you can use guns and it was a different time before a certain big nosed jew troll got involved

you went this far with your bait and people still fell for it, I'm surprised

It looks good but this isn't photo realistic.

The soundtrack was the best part of the second game as well because they got Solar Fields back. Still listen to the first games sound track all the time though, Shard is still incredible.

There was a Mirror's Edge 2, right? What happened with that?

Open world meme + FUTURE by apple

It was okay, fun for a play through. But it was also flawed in a few ways. The biggest being the open world, it really should have been kept linear so the level design could be as tight as in the first.

It also committed the biggest sin any free running game can, introducing a grappling hook. Why the fuck do so many parkour games have all this cool movement and then just introduce a mechanic to skip so much of it.

I'm buying a new PC soon and the first thing I'll do is play this at 1440p (and downsampled, probably 1.5x or so higher if I can push it) 144Hz. Gonna be good.

>The beginning of the level when you look up at the shard and this track comes on.

any game with handcrafted elements in the graphical or artistic design will always look good, no matter how much time goes on

I unironically like the shooting.

I got stuck on the QTE where Triple H hits you with a stick

I can only imagine you're some Ubisoft test subject grown in a lab that was drip fed their open world collectathons with """"""multiple endings""""".

I'm a retard and will arbitrarily disagree with this.

You think he's trolling, but nothing he said is incorrect.

Halo 3 is still the best multiplayer shooter. It's graphics, maps, and gameplay still hold up. Fuck I wish halo was multiplat

Zero Time Dilemma

I love ME's look but realistic is not the word I'd use.
It's a bit too saturated and the lighting is incredibly exaggerated.
It's an incredibly stylish game.

Attached: 2016-03-03_00003.jpg (1920x1080, 367K)

Strong art design can make a game look good well into the future.

Physx >>>>> rtx

Attached: 1532436175232.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

I have some images to dump

Attached: Mirror_s Edge - 12670874625_3a819b8c18_o.jpg (1920x1080, 1.68M)

The 'open world' failed because it wasn't really all that open, you had to take the same paths to get around every time you wanted to move to a different district and there were incredibly clear 'corridors' that were so efficient from getting from A to B that the rest of the world may as well have not been there.
The grapple would have been fine if it actually added something good but all it really did was just unlock a even more efficient 'corridor' that you couldn't enter and leave at will.

damn she just killed a dude I thought she was one of the good guys i guess not she became just like him

Two handed guns were shit, but one handed shooting was matrix-tier

Attached: 1532715411321.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

Attached: Mirror_s Edge - 12671356524_a22353562c_o.jpg (1920x1080, 2.63M)

Huh. I guess once you reach 20 years out from a game you remember playing in your adult life it all starts to blend together.

Feds aren't people so it's fine

Attached: 1532620687584.webm (800x450, 2.91M)

Attached: Mirror_s Edge - 16428761024_b475fb60bd_o.jpg (1920x821, 1.07M)

From what i've seen RTX is absolute garbage technology at the moment. It's fake ray tracing and looks horrific when plastered onto any game that wasn't made with it in mind.

Additionally, the effects you get can be replicated in a more efficient manner without the need for this marketed "RTX" jazz. But I guess they just needed some way to market the next gen of GPUs

Catalyst is a fine game

Attached: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Screenshot 2018.11.29 - (2560x1440, 2.82M)

Attached: 1445256738820.jpg (992x498, 270K)

heres ur open world sequel bro

Attached: 1542962080619.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

Attached: Mirror_s Edge - 12744977514_3143dd7cde_o.jpg (1920x1080, 2.45M)

Attached: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Screenshot 2018.11.29 - (2560x1440, 3.12M)

Literally every aspect is worse except the music

Attached: me vs mec ai.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

Attached: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Screenshot 2018.11.29 - (2560x1440, 2.45M)

What the fuck are you even talking about?

The first game was a fine experiment and didn't need a sequel. Then EA decided we needed one anyway and did everything possibly wrong with the marking making Dante's Inferno look like a slight mishap.

I miss the hope I had shortly after ME's release
and then the hope I had before I saw Catalyst gameplay

Attached: 1536803329963.jpg (603x317, 32K)

definitely a masterclass in pre-baked lighting though

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That reminds me of when I used to climb on a billboard in gta 4 and punch every cop who would come up bavk down. That one sign near highway to airport had some wonky ai pathing so cops even at 6 stars wouldnt shoot at me

Its literally the exact same gameplay but more responsive

Attached: 1507125213346.jpg (3840x2160, 508K)

this game was a three hour long tech demo

Clever use of an older technique can beat the new hottness on a artistic level.
I'm not gonna pretend that real time global illumination with raytracing, refracting lights through translucent materials and all that stuff isn't impressive, but sometimes you don't need the best tech to get the best look.

Attached: 2016-03-03_00001.jpg (1920x1080, 360K)

nah the wallrunning is off. also, the issue I had when seeing the gameplay wasn't the gameplay itself, it was the way the game was laid out

This is objectively false
The worst part of Catalyst was the complete removal of momentum and inertia mechanics from the first game.
In ME1, you had to build momentum and maintain it with your parkour moves, taking detours too much = more inertia spent = more momentum lost. This led to satisfying gameplay when figuring out the quickest route and keeping your speed up felt rewarding.
In MEC you can accelerate to full speed in a second, can turn on a dime without losing speed
There's literally a button (RMB) that instantly gets you to full speed without any cooldown, you can even spam this button to go faster than your max running speed.

Why doesn't she takes a gun and goes full call of duty?

ME guns must weigh at least 15kg before they get issued to any law enforcement.

anyone got any more ME (not C) wallpapers/screenshots?

Attached: 1532856151413.png (900x900, 992K)

>There's literally a button (RMB) that instantly gets you to full speed without any cooldown
Yeah and you could do the same thing in ME1 with a side jump/turn

>You think he's trolling, but he's actually legitimately retarded.

this was one of these games that weren't really played for plot but more for aesthetic and enjoying the world design and audiovisual elements.

Which was a big with the UE3 engine, and is banned in glitchless speedruns.
In Catalyst that button literally has a tutorial.

Meant bug

Attached: 7wSP8f6.jpg (3840x2160, 1.18M)

Attached: K3khGW1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.14M)

Because it’s not a focus of the game.
There isn’t even a reload mechanic.

Attached: Edge of a Mirror.jpg (1366x2047, 636K)

you're a beautiful man of great moral character

Attached: 1542705860512.gif (141x141, 481K)

Mirror's Edge: Sonic 1 and 2
Mirror's Edge Catalyst: Sonic 06

Attached: 488307.png (1920x1080, 2.34M)

Well anons, you got me to reinstall the game on Steam
I never got more than a few hours in but I do like the aesthetic so I'll give it one more shot

>never got more than a few hours

so you finished it and did half another playthrough?

i played the playground/speedrun levels for 10 hours before i even did the story lol

Good one user
I remember a sewer level and a level where you meet some cop bitch in a skyscraper but that's as far as I got

so before the dudes specially trained to kick your ass show up? Have fun with them btw

To follow up on this, the game also has a mechanic that attracts you towards walls when you jump near them. It's supposed to make aiming wallruns/ledge grabs easier but what you mostly notice is that when you want to wallclimb near the corner between two walls you end up being sucked into the wall you didn't want to climb. It also generally makes you feel less in control, the game wants to fill in the gaps in your input so everything seems smoother but you lose the rewarding feeling of mastering the physics.
Think web swinging in spiderman 2 vs the grappling hooks in uncharted.


>Duke Nukem Forever
>"A new Chris Roberts game" (Star Citizen)
>Mass Effect 3
>Max Payne 3
>"Please let Assassin's Creed get a sequel"
plenty of candidates, for sure

You know the reason, of course.
fucking casual consoleniggers

Attached: file.png (800x418, 624K)

Mirror's edge is underrated, I loved the aesthetic and atmosphere of the game.

>From what i've seen RTX is absolute garbage technology at the moment
RTX allows devs to do shit in realtime that would otherwise have to be baked into a texture and remain static in the world. The main issue is RTX isn't strong enough (yet) to do things on a grander scale with it, devs are stuck picking and choosing which options they want to take with it, be it better shadows, or dealing with real reflections (vs SSR bullshit), realtime GI, etc.

It's not quite that horrible
Catalyst works correctly at least

amazing how they could have polished it a bit and made an even better second game but instead they decided they want to focus on making retarded political statements

10 years

Attached: file.png (618x412, 612K)

Was it an FOV issue? I know I absolutely can't play FPS games at low FOV. Bioshock 2 PC port was an absolute trainwreck of headaches for me because of that.

ME1 was absolutely political in the first place.
The main storyline is about assassination of city official by shadow government and main background are revolts against the political system.

>no true sequel
>no sequel to reboot not even dlc

Attached: 1548800092230.jpg (410x424, 15K)


i swear when i first played this in the xbox360 that shit was there but in my 2nd play through it was gone and never came back and I am so confused about it to this day

>terrible AO
>ceiling lights look like they floating

>low res textures
>baked lighting so no shadows from the grates
totally uninspired and dull city floor

>that texture on the pipes OMEGALUL
>can actually count the number of vert on the fire extinguisher buttons

i played mirror's edge before portal and when i first heard people talking about Still Alive i thought it was referring to this.

god i hate rpg fags

Still Alive from ME was the first song I learned to play in piano

>Still alive, I'm still alive

Attached: 1561267788218.png (645x773, 32K)

>your concrete heart isn't beating and you tried to make it come alive

Attached: 1556314908648.png (1280x720, 775K)

>in the first game you ruin the game by doing glitches
>in the second game you ruin it by pressing a button

and the 2nd one is about feminism and false rape reports or some shit

no? the second one is about faith fucking around where she's not supposed to unraveling a conspiracy of something about controlling people thoughts and feelings with a drug which made the corporations target the runners and then she seeks refugee with some wack ass rebels who don't like her bc her sister was the ceo's adoptive daughter

Mirror's Edge is DICE's baby. They *wanted* to make it. And, far as I'm concerned, it turned out pretty bloody well.

And Catalyst was made by some battlefield new-hire devs, all of whom never worked on the first game

Almost had me. Tried a bit too hard right there.

even from this angle i can tell the game was made by a feminist


Attached: tumblr_ptteddaUKb1xdi1b3o6_1280.png (678x678, 262K)

its if you have a specific graphics card.