Is he the most Chad human character in a 40k game? Also thoughts on the chaos campaign
Is he the most Chad human character in a 40k game? Also thoughts on the chaos campaign
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post cute elf girls
bro, this is Yea Forums here dont like the chad wh40k only like shitty basedgames its very le
Are you okay?
>Gabriel you must LEAVE
>Gabriel you must take my hammer and kill your friend
a story for the ages
She's pretty!
>die for a corrupt hypocritical regime defending the thrones of inept and spineless kings and suffer for eternity in hell for it based on a state enforced pseudo-religion based on the writings of a traitor primarch that flies in the face of everything a corpse on a gilded throne worked towards
Is dying for the emperor the most cucked thing conceivable?
user, emperor of mankind is a man
Less cucked than Tau at least
I want to commit heresy with an eldar witch.
Well the imperium became everything the emperor hated after he died
Just remember to confess to your closest inquisitor after that
The entire Warhammer universe is a Universe of cucks
>stuck in the warp for hundreds of years
>get out
>Cadia has fallen
>warp rift splits Imperium in two
>loyal forces are destroyed or scattered
>daemons in realspace
>xenos all around
>space marines are approaching
>"Let's fucking do this"
>unites Imperium
>destroyes xenos
>destroyes chaos
>marches into the fucking EYE OF TERROR
>kills Abaddon
Literally the chaddest motherfucker in the entire 40k
He realized how shit life was, and that were was nothing for any of them but a war without end at best. Even the man who was supposed to be their beacon and teacher was corrupt and shit. Went out on his own terms when enough was enough.
Tarkus betrayal>Avitus betrayal/Jonah betrayal>Cyrus betrayal>Thaddeus betrayal>Martellus betrayal.
Your choices if you worship chaos:
1. Become an aspect of your god through a trillion to one chance where your old self is almost utterly destroyed and you become a debased slave.
2. Get eaten/tortured/raped/etc for all eternity.
Some posters in /tg/ are claiming that in one of the most recent novels it is claimed the eldar find "atractive" minds of strong psykers.
Can anyone confirm or deny that?
I can confirm that I find cute eldar girls attractive.
>Get eaten/tortured/raped/etc for all eternity
But that's my fetish
>tfw no Sly Marbo game
Martellus betrayal was really retarded.
>I will now decode this video so we can finally see who is the traitor
>oh shit, it's me, better bail out
>speehs mahreens
Yeah. A lot of 2 was pretty silly.
Spire is fully human.