Pirate Warriors 4 just leaked. Expanded Story mode up to wano, all Strawhats will finally have appropriate outfits for each arc (pre timeskip Zoro's default outfit isn't Enies lobby anymore), East Blue villains and Hatchi playable, Slip Slip Alvida is playable but you fight fat? Mr. 2 and 3 playable, all of cp9 playable (fucking finally), worst generation minus Bonney playable, Doffy's Executives minus pica playable, Cavendish, Barto, Sai, Chinjao all playable. Tons of bosses based on Dressrosa. Dream log has been replaced with something that looks like the Adventure maps from HW. Omega Force wants bosses to feel special[/spoilers]
Adam Lewis
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Connor Fisher
Don't you dare to lie to me OP
Juan Jenkins
Dead men tell no tales
Jonathan Lopez
That sounds pretty good, but if its up to Wano Im assuming Katakuri / Big Mom / Cracker or any of the Mink Tribe playable? And any source?
Jose Lee
>bringing boss qtes back
Jordan Jackson
would be kino if true
Gavin Morales
Liam Evans
>Pirate Warriors 4
Brody Taylor
For me, It's Queen
Caleb Powell
dammit, don't make me play another musou again, you're tempting me!